'Ac non verba sequi fidibus modulanda Latinis, Sed veræ numerosque modosque ediscere vitæ. Quocirca mecum loquor hæc, tacitusque recordor : 'Si tibi nulla sitim finiret copia lymphæ, Narrares medicis : quòd quantò plura parâsti, Tantò plura cupis, nulline faterier audes ? "Si vulnus tibi monstratâ radice vel herbâ Non fieret levius, fugeres, radice vel herbâ Proficiente nihil, curarier? Audieras, cui Rem Dî donârint, illi decedere pravam Stultitiam; et, cùm sis nihilo sapientior ex quo Plenior es, tamen uteris monitoribus îsdem ? At si divitiæ prudentem reddere possent, NOTES. Ver. 210. compliments apart,] This is languid and redundant; by the two preceding lines, hinting at what passed in his mind, on leaving London until he got to Twickenham, very pleasing. Feel the smart, ver. 217, is ill expressed. Warton. Ver. 218. When golden angels] These lines are undoubtedly good; but the introduction of the absurd practice of touching for the king's evil, and the satire on servile chaplains, seem forced. Warton. Ver. 218. When golden angels cease, &c.] The whole of this passage alludes to a dedication of Mr. afterwards Bishop Kennet, to the Duke of Devonshire, to whom he was chaplain. Ver. 229, therefore, must be filled up thus: If Devonshire loved sixpence more than he. Bennet. And perhaps, therefore, ver. 222, thus : Look in that breast, most dirty Duke! be fair-. The angel was a golden coin, given as a fee by those who came to be touched by the royal hand for the evil: and the second couplet of the quotation resembles the conclusion of Persius's fourth satire: Tecum habita, et nôris quàm sit tibi curta supellex. Survey Teach every thought within its bounds to roll, 205 *Soon as I enter at my country door, My mind resumes the thread it dropp'd before; Thoughts, which at Hyde-park-corner I forgot, Meet and rejoin me, in the pensive grot. There all alone, and compliments apart, I ask these sober questions of my heart. 'If, when the more you drink, the more you crave, 210 215 You tell the doctor; when the more you have, NOTES. Survey thy soul; not what thou dost appear, Dryden. Wakefield. Ver. 220. When servile chaplains cry,] Dr. Kennet. Warburton. Si cupidum timidumque minùs te; nempe ruberes, Viveret in terris te si quis avarior uno. "Si proprium est, quod quis librâ mercatus et Quædam (si credis consultis) mancipat usus: *das nummos; accipis uvam, 'Emptor Aricini quondam, Veientis et arvi, Emptum cœnat olus, quamvis aliter putat; emptis Sub noctem gelidam lignis calefactat ahenum. Sed vocat usque suum, quâ populus adsita certis Limitibus vicina refugit jurgia: tanquam *Sit proprium quidquam, puncto quod mobilis horæ, NOTES. Ver. 229. If D*** loved] I have searched in vain for the name to whom this blank belongs. Of all sorts of writing, personal satire is not only the most unintelligible, but the most short-lived. How many of the characters to whom La Bruyère alludes, are unknown; Theodas, is Santeuil; Menalcas, Count de Brancas. It was a long time before it was understood that M. de la Rochefoucault, in his 71st maxim, meant to point out the Chevalier de Rohan: in his 342d maxim, the D. d'Espernon; and in his 393d, M. le Tellier; and in maxim 200, the narrow conversation of Boileau and Racine, who never talked on any subject but poetry and criticism. Three parts of Hudibras are become unintelligible. Warton. The wisest man might blush, I must agree, "If there be truth in law, and use can give 230 A property, that's yours on which you live. Heathcote himself, and such large-acred men, Yet these are wights, who fondly call their own Estates have wings, and hang in fortune's power NOTES... 250 Ver. 232. Delightful Abs-court,] A farm over against Hampton Court. Warburton. Ver. 248. hang in fortune's power-Loose on the point of every wavering hour.] A modern idea (the magnetic needle) here supplied the imitator with expression much superior to his original. Warburton. Nunc prece, nunc pretio, nunc vi, nunc sorte su prema, Permutet dominos, et cedat in altera jura. Sic, quia perpetuus nulli datur usus, et hæres Hæredem alterius, velut unda supervenit undam : Quid vici prosunt, aut horrea? quidve Calabris Saltibus adjecti Lucani; si metit Orcus Grandia cum parvis, non exorabilis auro? * Gemmas, marmor, ebur, Tyrrhena sigilla, tabellas, Argentum, vestes Gætulo murice tinctas, Cur alter fratrum cessare, et ludere, et ungui Præferat Herodis palmetis pinguibus; alter Dives et importunus, ad umbram lucis ab ortu Silvestrem flammis et ferro mitiget agrum : NOTES. Ver. 254. All vast possessions,] The next ten lines are far superior to the original, both for their poetry and philosophy; and for the artful introduction of the name of his excellent and amiable Warton. friend, Lord Bathurst. Ver. 257. Join Cotswood hills to Saperton's fair dale,] Saperton. His seat is near the Cotswold hills: and his favourite passion is well alluded to in ver. 260. Link towns to towns with avenues of oak: for the avenues of oaks at Saperton are very magnificent. Bennet. Wakefield. Ver. 264. Gold, silver,] These four lines are fine examples of the close, energetic, comprehensive style, of which he was so perfect a master. Warton. Ver. 273. All Townshend's turnips,] Lord Townshend, Secretary of State to George the First and Second. When this great statesman retired from business, he amused himself in husbandry; and was particularly fond of that kind of rural improvement which arises |