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But, while we contend for the exercife of an enlarged benevolence towards all Chriftians, we maintain that the Gofpel does not reduce the different ranks and orders of fociety to a level, nay, rather it requires thofe diftinctions to be obferved. Onefimus might poffibly refume his poft in Philemon's houshold, and yet be treated on a fpiritual account,

(6 not now

as a fervant, but above a fervant, a brother beloved." This fpiritual regard we may pay to our pious labourers and meaneft dependents, as the children of God and the heirs of glory, while we continue to infift on their fubjection and obedience. We lament the forwardness of fome, who feem to think they are exempted from fubordination, in confequence of their religious knowledge and attainments. They obtrude themselves with a degree of infolence on the notice of their fuperiors, as if in a civil fenfe there must be a perfect equality among thofe, who are one in Chrift. Surely this betrays grofs mifconceptions of our religion, or much haughtiness of temper. "Let as many fervants, as are under the yoke, count their own mafters worthy of all honour; that the name of God and his doctrine be not blafphemed. And they that have believing mafters, let them not despise them," (as if they were all on a level) " because they are brethren; but rather do them fervice *'

Perfons of higher rank fhould alfo learn to correct their proud and difdainful behaviour towards their inferiors. They have a right to ufe their labours; yet they should treat them with all gentlenefs of manners. Thefe worldly diftinctions will foon ceafe, and only that grand difcrimination of characters, which the grace of God produces, will last for ever. If, therefore, we difcover the image of the Saviour in them, who are fubject to our authority, they fhould be particularly dear to us for his fake, and we fhould

1 Tim. vi. I, 2.



rejoice over them from the delightful expectation, that we shall meet them in heaven There Onefimus and Philemon, with their beloved Paul, are worshipping in the fame company. There may we alfo, and our refpective families, make up the houshold of faith, and join in the fame acclamations of praise before the throne of God and of the Lamb!

The example before us may encourage the moft atrocious finners to return to God with the hope of obtaining mercy; but the fubject is fhamefully perverted, if it imbolden any to perfift in their evil courses. Shall you dare to fay, For the prefent I will give a loose to my heart's defires, but on fome future day I will repent, and doubt not of obtaining forgivenefs, even as Onefimus? Does the work of converfion lie within your own power? Or can you claim the grace, which alone is able to effect it? Are the inftances of fuch a change, in perfons rejecting the Gospel, fo numerous, as to warrant your conclufion, that you fhall certainly be recovered? On the contrary, do you not fee many fuddenly taken away in their iniquities, and others, who are fpared a longer time, become more and more obdurate, till, as we fear, they fill up their measure, and perifh with aggravated ruin for their contempt of falvation? Prefume not, then, on diftant opportunities, which may never be granted: refift not your prefent convictions, left they should return no more. You have trifled

too much already: O give the remainder of your short life to Him, for whofe fervice you were made: thankfully accept his offered mercy, and endeavour to improve every fucceeding day for his glory!

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Angels, their nature, character, and fituation-are God's minifters, and perform his purposes-study and admire the plan of redemption-announced the birth of Jesus-worshipped him-attended him-declared bis refurrection rejoice in the converfion of finners -watch over believers-will accompany Jefus to the last judgment-fummon the world-approve and execute the different fentences-will be for ever employed in praifing God-confirmed in their holy and happy flate-and united with redeemed faints.


N contemplating the various characters of men, we perceive much cause to mourn for the fad effects, which fin has produced upon the earth. Some of these characters exhibit nothing but evil. Others difcover a real excellency of difpofition and conduct: but fuch are their defects, fo interrupted their obedience, that even in them the purposes of Heaven feem, as yet, to be imperfectly anfwered. Our fpecies evidently appears in a fallen ftate; extreme depravity univerfally prevails, which is offenfive to God, obfcures his glory, and fpreads confufion and mifery through the whole fyftem of human affairs.

Poffibly, there may be other worlds, where no fuch apoftafy has taken place, and where Jehovah, the great Lord of all, is continually receiving the full tribute of honour, love, and fervice from thousands of intelligent and holy creatures. We have certain information, that there is one bleffed fociety of this kind, the Angels of God in heaven, who will furnish


us with matter of useful and delightful meditation, when we are diftreffed by a view of our own unhappy circumstances.

Thefe exalted beings are, as much as ourselves, the workmanship of God, and as entirely dependent upon him. It fhould feem, that they were brought into existence before the human fpecies; but both they and we were made for the fole purpose of doing the will and fhewing forth the praises of God. "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, and honour, and power for thou haft created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created *.

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They are fpirits, poffeffed of large intellectual powers; and though they have not flesh and bones t nor any corporeal form, like our's, they can become vifible to us, when commiffioned for fpecial purposes. They are also endued with vigour of a fuperior fort; and accordingly they have produced effects, to which no human exertions would be equal. They are therefore called "mighty Angels," and are faid to "excel in ftrength t.' Their chief refidence is in heaven, where the ever-bleffed God difplays the fplendour of his Majefty; and there they are admitted" to behold the beauty of the Lord:" but while they appear in his immediate prefence, they bow at his footstool. The fociety is extremely numerous. When Daniel fa

"the Antient of days" fitting on his throne, he thus describes his attendants; "Thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him." Our Lord declared, that he could have procured for his affiftance "more than twelve legions of Angels §;" and it is further afferted, that their company is " innumerable 4.” They are diftinguished into different orders, and poffefs different degrees of glory and perfection: this

Rev. iv. 11. † Luke xxiv. 39. Dan. vii. 9, 10. § Matt. xxvi. 53. 3

2 Theff. i. 7. Pfal. ciii. 20. + Heb. xii. 22.


* "

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feems to be implied, where they are reprefented as "thrones, dominions, principalities, and powers Two of the celeftial Hierarchy are mentioned by name, Michael and Gabriel, as obtaining a preference, and exalted to peculiar eminence +.

But, however they may be difcriminated by various measures of excellence, they are all adorned with a fplendour, which human eyes, in our present ftate, could not bear. Some of the most advanced faints on earth have been confounded by their appearance. There is no defect in any of them. They are completely holy, and completely happy: being in all refpects conformed to the will of God, they enjoy the conftant affurances of his love. They can therefore tell, from their own experience, that "in his prefence is fulness of joy, at his right hand there are pleasures for evermore ." In them let us admire the great Creator, from whom they have derived whatever they poffefs, and who alone is "the perfection of beauty." To Him let us look in fervent prayer for the communications of his grace, if we wish to resemble these bleffed fpirits.

Let us enquire

I. What is their employment in the present adminiftration of the divine government. The Lord himfelf, by his continual and fovereign ageney, upholds and regulates every part of the universe, which he hath made. He wants no affiftance; yet he is pleafed to accomplish his purposes by various inftruments, which he uses, not through weakness as earthly monarchs do, but for the difplay of his power and the glory of his majefty. The holy Angels are called his chariots ;" and "the Lord is among them," riding, as it were, in great ftate and triumph ||. They furround his throne with unceafing fongs of

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*Col. i. 16. laviii. 17. xviii. 10.

Jude 9. Lu. i. 19.

Pfal. xvi. II.



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