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soul by a sword of sorrow; grant this, O Jesus Christ, Saviour of the world, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, world without end. Amen.


I. 200 days for each Our Father and Hail Mary, when recited in the churches of the Order of the Servants of Mary.

II. 200 days for each Our Father and Hail Mary, when recited on Friday, on all the days of Lent, and on the Feast and Octave of the Seven Dolours, in any place whatever.

III. 100 days for each recital, in any place or at any time, together with seven years and seven quarantines.

IV. Plenary, with confession and communion, for those who have said it daily for a month.

V. 100 years for each recital.

VI. 150 years for Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

VII. Plenary once a year for those who recite it at least four times a week.

VIII. 200 years for those who recite it after confession.

IX. For those who frequently recite this Rosary, and have one about their persons, an indulgence of ten years each time they assist at Mass, hear sermons, accompany the Blessed Sacrament to the sick, bring sinners to repentance, &c., &c.; and the same indulgence for those who perform some spiritual or corporal work in honour of our Blessed Lord, the Blessed Virgin, or their patron Saints, reciting at the same time seven Our Fathers and seven Hail Marys.

All these indulgences are applicable to the dead.



Lord have mercy

on us.

Christ have mercy

on us.

Lord have mercy

on us.

Lord have mercy

on us.

Christ have mercy

on us.

Lord have mercy

on us.

Christ hear us. Christ graciously hear us.

God the Father of Heaven,

God the Son, Redeemer of the

God the Holy Ghost,

Holy Trinity, one God,

Have mercy

on us.

Mother of Dolours, Pray for us. Thou who didst find no room in the inn,

Who wast forced to take refuge in a stable,

Who didst lay thy first-born in a manger,

Who didst witness the circumcision of thy Son,

Who didst hear that thy Son was set as a sign that should be contradicted,

Pray for


Pray for us.

Who didst hear that thy own soul
should be pierced with a sword,
Who didst fly into Egypt with thy

Who didst grieve for the murder
of the Innocents,

Who for three days didst seek sorrowing thy Son, lost in the Temple when He was twelve years old,

Who didst note the constant hatred of the Jews against Him,

Who on the day of the last Supper didst bid farewell to thy Son going to Jerusalem to die.

Who didst learn that He was betrayed by Judas, and led away captive,

Who didst see Him delivered up as a malefactor by the chief priests, Who didst hear that He was falsely accused,

Who didst learn that his blessed face was struck,

Who didst learn that He was most cruelly treated by the Jews and the soldiers,

Who didst hear thy Son rejected for

Who didst behold Him beaten with
scourges and crowned with thorns,
Who didst hear sentence pro-
nounced against Him,

Who didst go to meet thy Son loaded with the Cross,

Who didst see his blessed hands and
feet pierced with nails,

Who didst receive the last words of
Jesus upon the Cross,

Who didst stand by Him in his

Who didst receive into thy bosom the lifeless Body of thy Son taken down from the Cross,

Who after the Body of Jesus was buried didst return home all sad and desolate.

O Queen of Martyrs,

O Mirror of the afflicted,

O Comfort of the weak,
O Strength of the fearful,
O Refuge of Sinners.

Pray for


Through the most bitter Passion and Death of thy Son,

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