The tragic eraRiverside Press, 1929 - 566 |
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Strona ix
... committee - Phillips's obscene comment . II . ANDREW JOHNSON : A PORTRAIT Henry Adams's impressions - Charles Dickens's - Charles Francis Adams's - Johnson's dress - His form and features - His father - An old bit of gossip A bitter ...
... committee - Phillips's obscene comment . II . ANDREW JOHNSON : A PORTRAIT Henry Adams's impressions - Charles Dickens's - Charles Francis Adams's - Johnson's dress - His form and features - His father - An old bit of gossip A bitter ...
Strona x
... Committee of Fifteen - The opening fight - Revolutionary scene in House - Senate figures : Sumner , Ben Wade , Fessenden , Trumbull , Hendricks - House figures : Stevens Brooks , Voorhees , Henry Raymond Tennessee representatives ...
... Committee of Fifteen - The opening fight - Revolutionary scene in House - Senate figures : Sumner , Ben Wade , Fessenden , Trumbull , Hendricks - House figures : Stevens Brooks , Voorhees , Henry Raymond Tennessee representatives ...
Strona xiii
... committee preparing articles - Pro- fanity of Stevens and Bingham Their quarrels Reactions - Johnson attends Chase reception He chooses lawyers - The infamy of Jere Black - Base use of Black's action Demand for tickets - Thad Stevens at ...
... committee preparing articles - Pro- fanity of Stevens and Bingham Their quarrels Reactions - Johnson attends Chase reception He chooses lawyers - The infamy of Jere Black - Base use of Black's action Demand for tickets - Thad Stevens at ...
Strona xvi
... committee delays action Grant turns on Sumner - An ad- verse report - Grant lobbies at the Capitol - Sumner's speech Grant lobbies again - Fight grows bitter - Morton leads for Grant - Cracks party whip- Mass meeting at Cooper Union ...
... committee delays action Grant turns on Sumner - An ad- verse report - Grant lobbies at the Capitol - Sumner's speech Grant lobbies again - Fight grows bitter - Morton leads for Grant - Cracks party whip- Mass meeting at Cooper Union ...
Strona xvii
... Committee on Personal Relations ' - Faces of Senators during roll - call - Sumner ousted - Simon Cameron made chairman - Sumner's resolutions on San Domingo - Scenes in and about the Capitol - Sumner's philippic - Loud talking - Morton ...
... Committee on Personal Relations ' - Faces of Senators during roll - call - Sumner ousted - Simon Cameron made chairman - Sumner's resolutions on San Domingo - Scenes in and about the Capitol - Sumner's philippic - Loud talking - Morton ...
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Andrew Johnson April arms asked Belknap Ben Butler bill bitter blacks Blaine Butler Cabinet campaign carpetbaggers Chandler Chase Colfax colored committee Congress Congressional Globe Conkling Constitution Convention corruption court crowd December declared demanded Democrats denounced Diary dollars election February February 26 fight friends galleries Garfield Government Governor Grant Greeley Hampton Hayes Hendricks Henry Holden Ibid impeachment January John Julian Kate Chase Sprague Lancaster leaders Legislature letter Lincoln Louisiana March Meanwhile meeting ment military Mississippi Morton Nation negro suffrage never night nomination North orator organization outrages party political politicians President protest Radicals railroads reconstruction replied Republican Schurz Senate Sherman Simon Cameron soldiers soon South Carolina Southern Speaker speech Stanton streets Sumner Thad Stevens Thaddeus Stevens Theodore Tilton thought thousand Tilden tion Trumbull Union vote Warmoth Washington White House women wrote York Herald York Tribune York World