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sti, disputant hominem propriis benefits of Christ, argue that a man

viribus rationis coram Deo justificari posse.1

ART. III.-De Filio Dei.

may, by the strength of his own reason, be justified before God.

ART. III. Of the Son of God.

Item docent, quod Verbum, hoc Also they teach that the Word, est, Filius Dei, assumpserit hu- that is, the Son of God, took unto manam naturam in utero beatæ him man's nature in the womb of Maria virginis, ut sint duæ na- the blessed Virgin Mary, so that turæ, divina et humana, in uni- there are two natures, the divine tate persona inseparabiliter con- and the human, inseparably joined junctæ, unus Christus, vere Deus together in unity of person; one et vere homo, natus ex virgine Christ, true God and true man: who Maria, vere passus, crucifixus, was born of the Virgin Mary, truly mortuus et sepultus, ut reconcili- suffered, was crucified, dead, and aret nobis Patrem, et hostia esset non tantum pro culpa originis, sed etiam pro omnibus actualibus hominum peccatis.

buried, that he might reconcile the Father unto us, and might be a sacrifice, not only for original guilt, but also for all actual sins of men. The same also descended into

Idem descendit ad inferos, et vere resurrexit tertia die, deinde hell, and truly rose again the third ascendit ad cælos, ut sedeat ad day. Afterward he ascended into dexteram Patris, et perpetuo re- the heavens, that he might sit at gnet et dominetur omnibus crea- the right hand of the Father; and turis, sanctificet credentes in ip- reign forever, and have dominion sum, misso in corda eorum Spi- over all creatures; might sanctify ritu Sancto, qui regat [heilige, those that believe in him, by sendreinige, stärke], consoletur ac vi- ing the Holy Spirit into their hearts, vificet eos, ac defendat adversus who shall rule [sanctify, purify, diabolum et vim peccati.

Idem Christus palam est redi

strengthen], comfort, and quicken them, and shall defend them against the devil, and the power of sin. The same Christ shall openly

'The edition of 1540 changes this sentence as follows: Damnant Pelagianos, qui negant peccatum originis, et sentiunt defectus illos seu concupiscentiam esse res indifferentes seu pœnas tantum, nec esse res sua natura damnatas, et somniant hominem legi Dei satisfacere posse, et propter hanc propriam obedientiam coram Deo justum pronunciari.

turus, ut judicet vivos et mor- come again, to judge the quick and tuos, etc., juxta Symbolum Apo- the dead, according as the Aposstolorum.

ART. IV.-De Justificatione.

tles' Creed declareth these and other things.

ART. IV.-Of Justification.

Also they teach that men can not

Item docent, quod homines non possint justificari [Vergebung be justified [obtain forgiveness of der Sünde und Gerechtigkeit er- sins and righteousness] before God langen] coram Deo propriis viri- by their own powers, merits, or bus, meritis aut operibus, sed works; but are justified freely [of gratis [aus Gnaden] justificentur grace] for Christ's sake through propter Christum per fidem, cum faith, when they believe that they credunt se in gratiam recipi, et are received into favor, and their peccata remitti propter Christum, sins forgiven for Christ's sake, who qui sua morte pro nostris pec- by his death hath satisfied for our catis satisfecit. Hanc fidem im- sins. This faith doth God impute putat Deus pro justicia coram for righteousness before him. Rom. ipso. Rom. III. et IV.1 iii. and iv.

ART. V.-De Ministerio Ecclesiastico.

ART. V. Of the Ministry of the Church.
For the obtaining of this faith,

Ut hanc fidem consequamur, institutum est ministerium do- the ministry of teaching the Goscendi Evangelii et porrigendi pel and administering the SacraSacramenta. ments was instituted.

Nam per verbum et Sacra- For by the Word and Sacramenta, tanquam per instrumenta, ments, as by instruments, the Holy donatur Spiritus Sanctus, qui Spirit is given who worketh faith, fidem efficit, ubi et quando vi- where and when it pleaseth God, sum est Deo, in iis, qui audiunt in those that hear the Gospel, to Evangelium, scilicet, quod Deus wit, that God, not for our merit's non propter nostra merita, sed sake, but for Christ's sake, doth propter Christum justificet hos, justify those who believe that they qui credunt, se propter Christum for Christ's sake are received into in gratiam recipi. favor.

Damnant Anabaptistas et alios,

They condemn the Anabaptists

Much enlarged in the edition of 1540.

qui sentiunt, Spiritum Sanctum and others,' who imagine that the contingere sine verbo externo ho- Holy Spirit is given to men withminibus per ipsorum prepara-out the outward word, through their tiones et opera.2 own preparations and works.

ART. VI.-De Nova Obedientia.

ART. VI.-Of New Obedience.

Item docent, quod fides illa Also they teach that this faith debeat bonos fructus parere, et should bring forth good fruits, and quod oporteat bona opera, man- that men ought to do the good works data a Deo, facere, propter vo- commanded of God, because it is luntatem Dei, non ut confida- God's will, and not on any confimus, per ea opera justificatio- dence of meriting justification benem coram Deo mereri. fore God by their works.

For remission of sins and justi

Nam remissio peccatorum et justificatio fide apprehenditur, fication is apprehended by faith, as

sicut testatur et vox Christi (Luc. xvii. 10): Cum feceritis hæc omnia, dicite, servi inutiles su


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also the voice of Christ witnesseth:

When ye have done all these things, say, We are unprofitable servants.'

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Idem docent et veteres Scri- The same also do the ancient ptores Ecclesiastici. Ambrosius writers of the Church teach; for enim inquit: Hoc constitutum Ambrose saith: This is ordained est a Deo, ut qui credit in Chri- of God, that he that believeth in stum, salvus sit, sine opere, sola Christ shall be saved, without fide, gratis accipiens remissio- works, by faith alone, freely receivnem peccatorum. ing remission of sins.'

ART. VII.-De Ecclesia.

ART. VII. Of the Church. Item docent, quod una Sancta Also they teach that one holy Ecclesia pepetuo mansura sit. Church is to continue forever. Est autem Ecclesia congregatio But the Church is the congregaSanctorum [Versammlung aller tion of saints [the assembly of all Gläubigen], in qua Evangelium believers], in which the Gospel is

'The Roman theologians, who teach that men receive the Holy Ghost through the Sacraments ex opere operato. Apol., German text, p. 71, Rechenb. edition.

'This Article is also much enlarged in the edition of 1540.

* Edition of 1540: Congregatio membrorum Christi, hoc est, Sanctorum, qui vere credunt et

recte [rein] docetur, et recte rightly taught [purely preached] [laut des Evangelii] admini- and the Sacraments rightly adininstrantur Sacramenta. istered [according to the Gospel].

Et ad veram unitatem Eccle- And unto the true unity of the sia satis est consentire de do- Church, it is sufficient to agree conctrina Evangelii et administra- cerning the doctrine of the Gospel tione Sacramentorum. Nec ne- and the administration of the Saccesse est ubique esse similes tra- raments. Nor is it necessary that ditiones humanas, seu ritus aut human traditions, rites, or ceremoceremonias, ab hominibus insti- nies instituted by men should be tutas. Sicut inquit Paulus alike every where, as St. Paul (Eph. iv. 5, 6): Una fides, unum saith: There is one faith, one Baptisma, unus Deus et Pater baptism, one God and Father of omnium, etc.

ART. VIII. Quid sit Ecclesia.


ART. VIII.-What the Church is.

Though the Church be properly

Quanquam Ecclesia proprie sit congregatio Sanctorum et vere the congregation of saints and true credentium: tamen, cum in hac believers, yet seeing that in this life vita multi hypocrite et mali many hypocrites and evil persons admixti sint, licet uti Sacramen- are mingled with it, it is lawful to tis, quæ per malos administran- use the Sacraments administered by tur, juxta vocem Christi (Matt. evil men, according to the voice of xxiii. 2): Sedent Scribæ et Pha- Christ (Matt. xxiii. 2): 'The Scribes risai in Cathedra Mosi, etc. Et and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat,' Sacramenta et verbum propter and the words following. And the ordinationem et mandatum Chri- Sacraments and the Word are effectsti sunt efficacia, etiamsi per ma-ual, by reason of the institution and los exhibeantur.

Damnant Donatistas et similes,' qui negabant licere uti ministerio malorum in Ecclesia, et

commandment of Christ, though they be delivered by evil men.

They condemn the Donatists and such like, who denied that it was lawful to use the ministry of evil

obediunt Christo; etsi in hac vita huic congregationi multi mali et hypocritæ admixti sunt usque ad novissimum judicium.

The Wiclefites (Donatistas et Viglevistas). Apol. p. 150, Rechenb. edition.





sentiebant ministerium malorum | men in the Church, and held that

inutile et inefficax esse.

ART. IX.-De Baptismo.

the ministry of evil men is useless and without effect.

ART. IX.-Of Baptism.

De Baptismo docent, quod sit Of Baptism they teach that it is necessarius ad salutem, quodque necessary to salvation, and that by per Baptismum offeratur gra- Baptism the grace of God is oftia Dei; et quod pueri1 sint fered, and that children are to be baptizandi, qui per Baptismum baptized, who by Baptism, being oblati Deo recipiantur in gra- offered to God, are received into tiam Dei. God's favor.

Damnant Anabaptistas, qui They condemn the Anabaptists improbant Baptismum puerorum who allow not the Baptism of chil

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dren, and affirm that children are saved without Baptism.

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De Cana Domini docent, quod Of the Supper of the Lord they corpus et sanguis [wahrer Leib teach that the [true] body and und Blut] Christi vere adsint blood of Christ are truly present [unter Gestalt des Brotes und [under the form of bread and Weines], et distribuantur vescen- wine], and are [there] communitibus [da ausgetheilt und genom-cated to those that eat in the Lord's men wird] in Coena Domini; et Supper [and received]. And they improbant secus docentes [Der- disapprove of those that teach othhalben wird auch die Gegenlehr erwise [wherefore also the opposite verworfen].3 doctrine is rejected].

ART. XI.-De Confessione.

De confessione docent, quod absolutio privata in Ecclesiis re

1 Edition of 1540: 'Infantes.'

ART. XI.-Of Confession. Concerning confession, they teach that private absolution be retained

* The edition of 1540 adds after Baptismo: 'et extra Ecclesiam Christi.'

"In the edition of 1540 the tenth article reads thus: 'De cœna Domini docent quod cum pane et vino vere exhibeantur corpus et sanguis Christi vescentibus in Cana Domini.' The disapproval of other views is omitted. This is by far the most important departure from the original edition, and has caused much controversy. See Vol. I. p. 241.

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