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Omnibus, maxime vero avaris, sortem suam gra

vem esse.

Qui fit, Mæcenas, ut nemo quam sibi sortem,
Seu Ratio dederit, seu Fors objecerit, illâ
Contentus vivat; laudet diversa sequentes?
O fortunati mercatores! gravis annis*
Miles ait, multo jam fractus membra labore.
Contrà, mercator, navim jactantibus Austris,
Militia est potior: quid enim? concurritur: horæ
Momento cita mors venit, aut victoria læta.

* Armis. Anon.






That all, but especially the covetous, think their own condition the hardest.

How comes it to pass, Mæcenas, that no one lives content with his condition, whether Reason gave it him, or Chance threw it in his way; but praises those who have different pursuits? O happy merchants! says the soldier, oppressed with years, and now broke down in his limbs through excess of labour. On the other side, the merchant, when the south winds toss his ship, cries, warfare is preferable; for why? the engagement is begun, and in an instant comes there a speedy death, or a


Agricolam laudat juris legumque peritus,
Sub galli cantum consultor ubi ostia pulsat.
Ille, datis vadibus, qui rure extractus in urbem est,
Solos felices viventes clamat in urbe.

Cætera de genere hoc, (adeo sunt multa,) lo


Delassare valente Fabium. Ne te morer, audi
Quò rem deducam. Si quis Deus, En ego, dicat, 15
Jam faciam quod vultis; eris tu, qui modò miles,
Mercator; tu consultus modò, rusticus: hinc vos,
Vos hinc, mutatis discedite partibus:-eia,
Quid statis? nolint: atqui licet esse beatis.
Quid causæ est, meritò quin illis Jupiter ambas 20
Iratus buccas infiet, neque se fore posthac
Tam facilem dicat, votis ut præbeat aurem?


Præterea, ne sic, ut qui jocularia, ridens Percurram: (quanquam ridentem dicere verum Quid vetat? ut pueris olim dant crustula blandi Doctores, elementa velint ut discere prima: Sed tamen amoto quæramus seria ludo.) Ille gravem duro terram qui vertit aratro, Perfidus hic caupo, † miles, nautæque per omne Audaces mare qui currunt, hac mente laborem 30 Sese ferre, senes ut in otia tuta recedant,

* Præterea ne sic. Anon. Causidicus vafer hic. Markl.

+ Et. Sanad.

happy victory. The lawyer praises the farmer's state, when the client knocks at his door by cockcrow. But he who, having entered into a recognisance, is dragged from the country into the city, cries, those only are happy who live in the city. The other instances of this kind (they are so numerous) would weary out the loquacious Fabius to repeat them. Not to keep you in suspense, attend to what an issue I will bring this matter. If any God should say, Lo! I will effect what you desire: you that were just now a soldier, shall be a merchant; you that were lately a lawyer, shall be a farmer. Do ye depart one way, and you another, having exchanged the parts you are to act in life. How now! why do you stand? They are unwilling; and yet it is in their power to be happy. What reason, then, can be assigned, but that Jupiter should deservedly distend both his cheeks in indignation, and declare that for the future he will not be so indulgent as to lend an ear to their prayers. But, furthermore, that I may not run over this in a laughing manner, like those who treat on ludicrous subjects: (though what hinders one to be merry and tell the truth? as good-natured teachers at first give cakes to their boys, that they may be willing to learn their first rudiments. However, raillery apart, let us investigate serious matters.) He that turns the lumpish glebe with the hard ploughshare, this fraudulent adulterer of the law, the soldier, and the sailors, who dauntless run through every sea, profess that they endure toil with this intention, that, when old men, they may retire into a secure resting-place, when once they have got together a sufficient provision.

Aiunt, cùm sibi sint congesta cibaria; sicut
Parvula (nam exemplo est) magni formica laboris,
Ore trabit quodcunque potest, atque addit acervo,
Quem struit, haud ignara ac non incauta futuri. 35
Quæ, simul inversum contristat Aquarius annum,
Non usquam prorepit, et illis utitur ante
Quæsitis* patiens; cùm te neque fervidus æstus
Demoveat lucro, neque hiems, ignis, mare, ferrum;
Nil obstet tibi, dum ne sit te ditior alter.
Quid juvat immensum te argenti pondus et auri
Furtim defossa timidum deponere terrâ?
Quod, si comminuas, vilem redigatur ad assem.
At, ni id fit, quid habet pulchri constructus acer-





Millia frumenti tua triverit area centum:
Non tuus hoc capiet venter plus quàm meus: ut si
Reticulum panis venales inter onusto
Forte vehas humero, nihilo plus accipias quàm
Qui nil portârit. Vel dic, quid referat intra
Naturæ fines viventi, jugera centum, an
Mille aret? At suave est ex magno tollere acervo.
Dum ex parvo nobis tantundem haurire relinquas,
Cur tua plus laudes cumeris granaria nostris?
Ut, tibiis sit opus liquidi non ampliùs urna,
Vel cyatho; ac dicas, Magno de flumine mallem

* Quæsitis sapiens.

+ Viventis. Cunn.

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