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sum of 200,000l., and then he said" the linen trade being at an end, they "there were many persons who objected" could only depend upon the soil, for to giving money to the people, and he" which they knew no means of com"was himself opposed to the principle of "pulsory production. Give us (said mere gifts; but in this case the Irish" the petitioners, in conclusion) but "did not ask for gifts, they only wanted" the means of maintaining our wives "the Government to grant the money "and our families-we will be thankas the means of paying for public" ful-we will be industrious-we "works, for these poor people wanted" will be happy.' Severe as were nothing more than the means of em- "the sufferings of the petitioners, their ployment. In what he had stated he" representations of them to the House "had been guilty of no exaggeration ; "did not contain a` syllable of insubor"he had stated what he believed to be" dination, or even of discontent; and strictly true, and he had done so at " for this reason it was doubly deserving "this moment, because he thought it" the attention of Parliament." (Hear, "to be his duty to forget every-thing, in 66 a case like the present, but the abso- A long debate on the army estimates "lute necessity of bringing the case of Nothing of great conse"these poor people before the House. quence. The estimate was raised by "Objected to giving money TO 8000 more troops, on the ground that "THE PEOPLE!" Aye, do they. the internal state of the country requires But just turn to the Irish pension list t; it. for, although this country is in a state of distress such as no country ever was known to be in before, though its inhabitants wander about naked, and subsist in great part upon shell-fish, picked up along the shore; though this actually now goes on, this country has a pension list, and I here give one little extract from it. Handfield, Catherine (a year) Handfield, Anne Margaret Handfield, Eliza Handfield, Jane Isabella Handfield, Mary Handfield, Julia Lucy Handfield, Sarah

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£88 1 0

88 10

88 10
88 1 0
88 10

88 1 0

88 1 0 There! thou " many who object to give money to the people!" who these people (the Handfields) are, God knows; but what WORK do they do? what are they willing to do?-STANLEY (Secretary for Ireland) said, "He had "himself received a Petition from the "barony of Tyrawley, which he in"tended to present to the House; and "the subscribers to it set out their suf"ferings in language at once most 66 simple and most forcible. They "stated that they had been obliged to "sell their moveables; that the scanty "crop of grain had been sold to pay "rent; that the potatoe crop had, to a "considerable extent, failed; and that,

Feb. 20.


TITHES.-Lord KING observed that he be lieved he had the precedence. He would bring under their notice the report made by the and Privy Council, in order to obtain their Archbishop of Dublin to the Lord Lieutenant sanction to the great union of Wicklow. He would not enter more fully into the abuses of the Irish unions than was necessary to make

No one could

the practices of Ireland in this respect intelli-
gible to an English audience.
dispute that the union of many parishes into
one benefice was a great abuse; and ought
never to be unnecessarily allowed. In Ireland
the practice was peculiarly objectionable; be-
cause it increased the contrast between the
extreme poverty of the people and the over-
grown wealth of the church establishment.
If any one were to ask why so large a portion
of the property of Ireland was applied to the
small minority of the people, the only defence
maintenance of a religion which was that of a
that could be set up would be, that in the de-
serted state of a country where so few lay
persons of property resided, it was desirable to
secure the residence of so many men of edu-
cation. But when six, seven, eight, or ten
benefices were joined in one Union, the num
ber of resident gentlemen was curtailed, and
the only defence of the large revenue of the
Established Church was destroyed. Looking
to the account of the number of parishes and
incumbents in Ireland, he found that 2450
parishes were united in such a manner that
they possessed only 700 resident, clergymen;
solidated in 517 unions. These may be called
being not a third. 1701 parishes were con-
the Irish Consols. There were only 741 pa
rishes with single residents. The unions con

and thinly populated. The fact, however, was, that the union contained 22,000 Irish, or 36,000 statute acres; that it was thirteen miles long from North to South, and nine miles wide; and that the population was great, especially near the county town, which contained from three to four thousand inhabitants. Upon the whole the union contained. not less than 13,000 souls, of whom a considerable proportion were Protestants. The Archbishop stated, that there were churches and chapels of ease sufficient, and that the remotest part of Kilpool was not more than a mile from one of them. The fact was, that it was three miles and a half, Irish, or four miles and a half, English. Then the most reverend Prelate stated that the parishes of Drumkeel and Kilpool would not together afford a sufficient income to a resident clergy

tinued only during the lives of the incumbents. On the death of the incumbent the parishes could not be again united without the authority of the Bishop, superintended by the Lord Lieutenant and Privy Council, to whom the Bishop must submit his reasons. The union of Wicklow consisted of six parishes. He was far from saying that it was the greatest abuse of the kind. There were many unions of ten parishes; one of no fewer than thirteen. That might be called the magnum bonum or the summum bonum of the Irish Churches. In the diocese of Clonfert, according to the returns made in 1824, there was not a single instance of a parish held by a separate incumbent. Every benefice in that diocese was a union; and the reason was, that in that diocese the ancient custom of the quatuor pars remained that was, the Bishop had a fourth of all the tithes in the diocese. In that dio-man, independent of the union with the vicese the old usuage remained of appropriating carage of Wicklow; but the tithes of the one a fourth of the tithes to the Bishop, a fourth to amounted to 2894. a year, and the revenues of the poor, a fourth to the incumbent, and a the two together would amount to a sum of fourth to the Church. The consequence was, 3951. 11s. 3d.-a sum twice as large as that that the unions in the diocese of Clonfert were stated by a right reverend Prelate the other not so frequently disunited as they might be; day as the average income of English livings. because it was evident that it must be much Was not that sufficient for an Irish rector? more agreeable for the Bishop to receive his These contradictions, their Lordships would quatuor pars from a small number of wealthy observe, related to the state of the revenues of incumbents than from a larger number of the livings in one and the same year. There poorer ones. In the diocese of Killaloo, in was no alteration in the rates. The report 136 parishes, there were only 44 shepherds. was presented to the Duke of Northumberland In the diocese of Dublin there were 60 single and the Privy Council, and related to one parishes, and 97 parishes in 25 unions. He year. And it would be observed, that this now came to the particular union of Wick- union took place in a populous parish, and low. By the clause of the Act of the 7th and one in which there was a great number of 8th of George IV., the diocesan, when he Protestants, and the rectorial tithes amounted wished to unite several parishes, was coms to 1,600. The fortunate person holding these pelled, within fourteen days of his making an united parishes was a near relation of the order for that purpose, to report to the Lord most reverend Prelate, and the same was Lieutenant and Privy Council, and to give rector of the parish of St. John, Dublin, and his reasons for what he had done; and if those a prebend of St. Patrick's. He did not mean reasons were disapproved by the Lord Lieu- to enter upon the church-yard disputes which tenant and Privy Council, the order became the reverend Gentleman had with his pavoid at once. The noble Lord proceeded to rishioners, in which he sent them any-where read the report which the Archbishop of rather than to heaven. This was for the purDublin made respecting the union of Wick-pose of making them pay their tithes, and he low, and to point out the statements in that report which he (Lord King) had the means of contradicting. In the first place, the Archbishop spoke of the Vicar of "Pessima est gens: decimas non solvunt." Wicklow, the Rector of Drumkeel, and the They did pay their tithes. This union of Vicar of Kilpool. Now there was no Vicar Wicklow, it appeared, was to be annexed in of Wicklow. There was no parish of Wick- commendam to the Stall of St. Patrick's. This low. The town of Wicklow was built in two might have been the best account of the case parishes. The Archbishop stated, that the in- which the most reverend Prelate would give, come which the union would produce would be, and it would have been better if he had refrom the parish of Wicklow, 7871.; from the sorted to oue good reason for the measure, parish of Drumkeel, 694.; from the parish of than to have had recourse to nineteen bad Kilpool, 50%, making together, 9091. Now, ones. But were the parishioners to be reckoned Archdeacon Magee, in stating the revenue of as nothing in the scale, and were their intethe whole union as the ground of a composi-rests not to be considered when the annexation, estimated it at 22557.; besides the additional value of the glebe land, making altogether 25007. The Archbishop stated, the whole extent of the union to be 17,200 acres, great part of which, he said, was far from Wicklow-mountain, moss, and barren heath,

believed he did make them pay them. So that they were certainly not liable to the reproach which a Monk applied to some people of old

tion was made? It was highly proper that this union of parishes should be dissolved, and he was content that it should be done by the Irish churchmen themselves, and in the way most agreeable to them. But it ought to be done in some way; and if not otherwise done,


it, would be proper to address the Crown to do it. He moved for a copy of the Report made by the Archbishop of Dublin to the Duke of Northumberland and the Privy Council, on the subject of the uniting of the living of Wicklow and the two adjoining livings of Drumkeel and Kilpool, with a view to its being laid on the table of the House.

Motion agreed to.

Cotton Trade, West Indies, and Supply were all talked about; but I do not find anything much worth recording.


For Sale at my Shop, Bolt-court, street, London.

whole field of it, and had 320 bushels
of seed upon 13 acres of land. I
pledge my word, that there was not
one single turnip in the whole field
(which bore seed) not of the true
kind. There was but one of a sus-
picious look; and that one I pulled
up and threw away. So that I war-
rant this seed as being perfectly true,
and as having proceeded from plants
with small necks and greens, and
with that reddish tinge round the
collar which is the sure sign of the
best sort.

quantity under 10lb., 74d. a pound;
any quantity above 10lb. and under
50lb., 7d. a pound; any quantity
above 50lb., 6d. a pound; any quan-
tity above 100lb., 6d. a pound.
The selling at the same place as
above; the payment in the same
manner: This seed was also grown
at Barn-Elm farm, the summer before
the last. It is a seed which is just as
good at ten years old as at one.-The
plants were raised in seed-beds in
1828; they were selected, and those
of the deepest red planted out in
a field of 13 acres, which was ad-
mired by all who saw it, as a most
even, true and beautiful field of the
kind. The crop was very large; and
out of it were again selected the
plants from which my present stock
of seed was growed; though, indeed,
there was little room for selection,
where all were so good and true. I
got my seed from Mr. Pyм, of Rei-
gate, who raised it from plants pro-
ceeding from seed that I had given
him, which seed I had raised at
Worth, in Sussex; and, all the way
through, the greatest care had been
taken to raise seed from no plant of a
dubious character. This seed, there-.
fore, I warrant as the very best of
the kind.

LOCUST SEED.-Very fine and fresh, at 6s. a pound, received from America about two months ago. For instructions relative to sowing of these seeds, for rearing the plants, for making plantations of them, for preparing the land to receive them, for the after cultivation, for the pruning, and for the application of the timber; for all these see my "WOODLANDS;" or TREATISE ON TIMBER TREES AND UNDERWOOD. 8vo. 14s. SWEDISH TURNIP SEED.-Any. quantity under 10lbs. 10d. a pound; any quantity above 10lbs. and under 50lbs.9 d. a pound; any quantity above 50lbs. 9d, a pound; above 100lbs. 8d. A parcel of seed may be sent to any part of the kingdom; I will find proper bags, will send it to any coach or van or wagon, and have it booked at my expense; but the money must be paid at my shop before the seed be sent away; in consideration of which I have made due allowance in the price. If the quantity be small, any friend can call and get it for a friend in the country; if the quantity be large, it may be sent by me. This seed was growed last year at BarnElm, on ridges six feet apart two rows, a foot apart, on each ridge. The plants were, raised from seed given me by Mr. PEPPERCORN (of Southwell, Bedfordshire), in 1923. He gave it me as the finest sort that he had ever seen. I raised some plants (for use), in my garden every year; but, at Barn-Elm I raised a

COBBETT'S CORN.-Having to quit my farm at Michaelmas, I could have no Corn there; but, at Kensington, I have had the finest crop I ever saw, The Toм TIT has said, that it is “a complete failure," and a great bleating beast, that is now laughed at by..

each ear of corn. I SELL THE CORN AT MY SHOP IN BOLT-COURT, at 1s. A BUNCH OF FINE EARS, SIX IN NUMBER; and the Book, on the cultivation and uses of it, at 2s. 6d.; which is called a TREATISE ON COBBETT'S CORN.

all the world, has been bawling about Lancashire, that this corn is "not fit "for a hog to eat, though I want the poor people to live on it." The answer to poor envious Tommy Tit is given by the beautiful crop that I have now on sale as seed. The answer to the malignant bleating beast might be given in one very short word. The great use of this corn is to the labour- Globe, Feb. 24.-It is with the deepest re ers. On ten rods of ground I have, this gret we state that, on Tuesday night, when very adverse year, growed eight bushels Drury Lane Theatre, a stone was thrown at the the King and Queen were returning from of shelled corn; and that is sufficient window of their Carriage, which shattered it, to fat a pig of seven or eight score. and fell inside; most providentially without Suppose the like comes, on an ave-injury to the Royal Personages.




FEB. 17. BYRNE, W., Trinity-pl., Charing-Cross, army-agent.

ganshire, brick-makers. JENKINS, R., Newport, Monmouthshire,


SHAW, G., Birmingham, plater.

rage, from 20 rods, is not this a great blessing for a labouring man? It is in this light that I have always viewed this corn as of the greatest importauce. I have a room at Bolt Court, hung all over the walls with bunches of it. Those bunches would fat a good large hog; and I never look at it without most anxiously hoping to FEB. 17.-GEDDES, J., George-town, De see the day, when the greater part of marara, and Gracechurch-street, merchant. English labourers' dwellings will be FEB. 18. PALMER, G., Epping, schooldecorated in the same manner. The master. BANKRUPTS. thing to do is to distribute a little BRIDGE, J., King's Lynn, Norfolk, builder. seed amongst the labourers. In the COOMBS, S. jun., St. Wollos, Monm. coal-mt. Two-Penny Trash for April, I will DE LACOUR, T. C., London, diamond-mt. give them instructions for the plant-INSOLE, G. and R. Biddle, Cardiff, GlamorHOUGH, C., Monmouth, printer. ing and management and application of this corn. I should be glad to cause to be distributed, 200 ears of the corn amongst the labourers of each of the counties of Berks, Bucks, Wilts, Hants, Sussex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Essex, Cambridge, Lincoln, Huntingdon, and Gloucester, as a mark of my wish to see them once more have bacon to eat instead of accursed potatoes, and 500 ears amongst those of the county of Kent, as a mark of my particular regard for the labourers of that famous county, the first that was trodden by the feet of the saints, and that never was trodden under the hoof of a conqueror. I do not know very well how to accomplish this distribution. If any gentleman, whom I know, in each of the aforesaid counties, will undertake the distribution, I will give him the ears for the purpose, and a Twopenny Trash (containing the instructions) along with


FEB. 21.-CHATFIELD, W., Charlotte-st.,
Rathbone-pl., & Bell-ct., Cannon-st., printer.
BEET, C. G., Stamford-street, bill-broker.

COMLEY, G., Uley, Gloucestershire, clothier.
DAVIES, R., Lisle-street, coal-merchant.

BACKLER, S., St. James's-street, tobacconist.
BRETHERTON, P., jun. Liverpool, dealer.
CAMERON, J., T. Johnston, and W. Bevern,
Henrietta-street, Westminster, tailors.
DEWEY, J., Barton St. Mary, Gloucester-
HOLLAND., M., R., and J., Manchester,
shire, builder.

Halifax, and Sowerby, common-carriers.
SPOONER, C., Union-street, Boro,' oilman.
STORKE, W., Leftwich, Cheshire, bone-

WALTER, F. A., Piccadilly, coal-merchant. WINTERFLOOD, R., Little Waltham, Essex, innkeeper.

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English arrivals.


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23,650 240 3,485

MARK-LANE.-Friday, Feb. 25. LONDON MARKETS. The supplies are much larger than for some MARK-LANE, CORN-EXCHANGE, FEB. 11.-time past. The prices of Wheat, Barley, and We have rather a large supply of English Oats are Is. to 2s. lower than on Monday, with Wheat in the market this morning, principally a dull market. from the West Coast, and we consider that the factors, to effect sales, must submit to a decline of from 1s. to 2s. per quarter. In Foreign Wheat the prices are nominally as we last quoted. In Barley we have a middling supply, and ls. per quarter reduction from the prices of this day week may be quoted, except in the former samples, which are as we last quoted. The Oat trade is heavy, and the Grain may be quoted at full 1s. per quarter under the price of this day week, and the supply of this Grain is rather abundant, although we have none from Ireland. Beans and Peas, Flour, and all other articles of Grain, remain as on Monday last.

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42s. to 46s.

Hams, Irish................ 45s. to 56s.


In Beef the finest young Scots fetch 4s. 6d. to 5s. per stone; and coarser meat is 4s. to 4s. 4d. per stone. In the Mutton trade, the quotation for the primest Downs is 4s. 6d. to 5s. per stone. In Veal prime young Calves reach 6s, to 6s. 4d. per stone. Dairy-fed Porkers sell at 5s. to 5s. 4d. per stone; and large Hogs at 3s. to 4s. Beasts, 2,269; Sheep, 14,590; Calves, 100; Pigs, 120.

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1. POOR MAN'S FRIEND. A new edition. Price ls.

2. THE LAW OF TURNPIKES. By William Cobbett, Jun., Student of Lincoln's Inn. Price 3s. 6d. boards.

3. PROTESTANT "REFORMATION" in England and Ireland, showing how that event has impoverished and degraded the main body of the people in those countries. Two volumes, bound in boards. The Price of the first volume is 4s. 6d. The Price of the second volume 3s. 6d.

N.B. A royal octavo edition, on fine paper, and in extra boards, price 17. 11s. 6d.

4. THE EMIGRANT'S GUIDE. Just now Published, under this Title, a little Volume, containing Ten Letters, addressed to English Tax-payers. A new edition, with a Postscript, containing an account of the Prices of Houses and Land, recently obtained from America by Mr. Cobbett. Price 2s. 6d. in bds.

5. ROMAN HISTORY, French and English, intended, not only as a History for Young People to read, but as a Book of Exercises to accompany my French Grammar. Two Volumes. Price 13s. in boards.

6. LETTERS FROM FRANCE; containing Observations made in that Country during a Residence of Two Months in the South, and Three Months at Paris. By JOHN M. COBBETT. Price 4s. in boards.


8. A TREATISE ON COBBETT'S CORN; containing Instructions for Propagating and Cultivating the Plant, and for Harvesting and Preserving the Crop; and also an account of the several uses to which the Produce is applied. Price 5s. 6d.

To be had at No. 11, Bolt-court, Fleet-street.

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