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1. ENGLISH GRAMMAR.-Of this work sixty thousand copies have now been published. This is a duodecimo volume, and the price is 3s. bound in boards.

This day is published, price One Shilling each,
Parts I. to VI. of the

2. FRENCH GRAMMAR; or, Plain Ehowing the necessity of Reform in

Instructions for the Learning of French. Price, bound in boards, 5s.

3. An ITALIAN GRAMMAR, by Mr. JAMES PAUL COBBETT.-Being a Plain and Compendious Introduction to the Study of Italian. Price 6s.

4. COTTAGE ECONOMY.—I wrote this Work professedly for the use of the labouring and middling classes of the English nation. I made myself acquainted with the best and simplest modes of making beer and bread, and these I made it as plain as, I believe, words could make it. Also of the keeping of Cows, Pigs, Bees, and Poultry, matters which I understood as well as any body could, and in all their details. It includes my writings also on the Straw Plait, A Duodecimo Volume. Price 2s. 6d.

Church, State, Law, and Representation.

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in boards.

Published by John Fairburn, Broadway,


8. PAPER AGAINST GOLD; or, the History and Mystery of the National Debt, the Bank of England, the Funds, and all the No. 93, Fleet-street; beg to inform the CHEAP CLOTHING!! WAIN AND CO., Tailors and Drapers, Trickery of Paper Money. The Price of this book, very nicely printed, is 5s. public that, as they manufacture the whole of their Woollen goods, they make A Saxony Cloth Coat for 212 6 Ditto, Kerseymere Trowsers 1 5 6 Ditto, ditto, Waistcoat 0 12 0

9. TULL'S HORSE-HOEING HUSBANDRY; or, a Treatise on the Principles of Tillage and Vegetation. With an Introduction, by WM. COBBETT. 8vo. Price 15s. 10. SERMONS.-There are twelve of these, in one volume, on the following subjects: 1. Hypocrisy and Cruelty; 2. Drunkenness; 3. Bribery; 4. Oppression; 5. Unjust Judges; 6. The Sluggard; 7. The Murderer; 8. The Gamester; 9. Public Robbery; 10. The Unnatural Mother; 11. The Sin of Forbidding Marriage; 12. On the Duties of Parsons, and on the Institution and Object of Tithes. Price 3s. 6d. bound in boards.

A Thirteenth Sermon, entitled "GOOD FRIDAY; or, The Murder of Jesus Christ by the Jews." Price 6d.

To be had at No. 11, Bolt-court, Fleet-street.




[blocks in formation]

VOL. 71.-No. 8.]

LONDON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19TH, 1831. [Price 1s. 2d.

the loan-jobbers, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, towards the middle class of society, an increasing insolence and haughtiness, and towards the lower class deeds innumerable, of which the mildest denomination that belongs to them is that of extreme hardness and severity. I have seen a tax on income collected, which took as much from the yearly earnings of the professional man, the tradesman and the farmer, as from the perpetual estate of the land

The old French government did not possess the power to lighten the burdens of the people. It was compelled to call for the assistance of the people themselves. I beg your lordship to remember this; for, in some shape or other, the same thing must take place here. The old French government called upon the peo-owner; which took from me, for instance, ple for their assistance when it was too late; and therefore the monarchy and the church In 1803 I told the vapouring ADDINGTON, that, if the debt were not arrested in its progress, the nobility and the church must finally



who earned a thousand a-year, and who had then six children to bring up, one hundred pounds a-year, though that income depended upon my life, and not only that, but my health; and not only upon that, but upon the continuation of my Once more, therefore, at the end of pre-ability, and particularly upon the soundcisely twenty-five years of unavailing calling on the nobility; once more I call on them to conciliate the people, and to appeal to them for protection against the all-devouring monster, the funds.


May they be admonished by what they have already felt, and seek in the revived friendship of the people that security for themselves which I am satisfied they will find in no other If a contrary line of conduct were to be pursued; if a refusal of reform were still to be persisted in; if to their deadly and natural foes, the loau-jobbing race, the landowners were to persist in adding the mass of the people, a true picture of all the consequences I forbear to draw.-COBBETT'S

REGISTER, 8th January, 1922.


On their Defeat by the Loan-mongering
Crew relative to the proposed Tax
upon the Funds.


Kensington, 15th February, 1831.

ness of my mind; while the same law
took no more than one hundred pounds
out of a thousand pounds a-year of rent,
which the landowner derived from a
freehold estate, and which estate always
yielded the same rent to him or to his
children whether he were dead or alive,
sick or well, riding about his fields or
in a mad-house. I have seen military
and naval academies established, the
necessary effect of which must be to shut
against the middling class of society all
the openings to military and naval
power and emolument.
I have seen,

in the imposition of the assessed taxes, of the taxes. on stamps, of the taxes on wine, on spirits, and in short of the have seen the same partially prevail. taxes imposed on every-thing else, I Towards the working classes what have I seen? I have seen endless projects which have not been carried into effect; but I have seen quite enough that have I ADDRESS you by an appellation ex-been carried into full and terrible effect. pressive of no feeling of respect, because I have seen the passing and enforcing I have no respect for you as a body. of the new felony law; of the new For six-and-twenty years, indeed seven- trespass law; of STURGES BOURNE'S and-twenty, I have been an attentive two bills; of the transportation for observer of your conduct; and in that poaching law, and I have seen this conduct I have constantly perceived a power lodged in the hands of the landbase truckling to men in power and to owners themselves. I have seen the

tread-mill invented; I have seen SID- standing advocate for blood. If the MOUTH'S and CASTLEREAGH's green old thing were worth twenty thousand bags; I have seen the dungeons opened pounds last week, it is not worth ten at the discretion of the Secretaries of thousand pounds this week. If the GoState; I have heard the roar of laugh-vernment find, as I am satisfied it will, ter at the sufferings of OGDEN in his that it gains in amount of revenue by dungeon, a man seventy years of age, reducing the amount of the stamp to and of spotless character, who had two-pence; and if it see, as I am sure brought up twenty children without it will, that it would gain still more by ever having resorted to the parish for reducing it to a penny, and by reducing relief. I have seen and heard these the advertisement duty another half; if things, and many, many others, within it see that, as I am sure it will see it, the last twenty-seven years, and I have and if it act agreeably to its manifest inseen the LANDOWNERS the very foremost terests, the bloody old thing may shut in calling for or defending them all. up its shop. I always said, take away Therefore the defeat which you have the tax, and this horrible thing falls at now experienced gives me delight once, and the Government is freed from which it would be impossible for me the dread which it justly entertains of adequately to describe. Look, now, at provoking the hostility of bands of the several sentences which I have mercenary wretches who employ this chosen for my motto. You will see, powerful instrument, the press, for the from the second of those sentences, that worst of all possible purposes. The I foresaw what you would bring it to Government will soon find how much so long as twenty-seven years ago; it will gain in the tax upon paper, even which was before the doing of those from this measure. As to advertisethings which have displeased me so ments, they will increase prodigiously much, and some of which I have men- in number. I have no question, for tioned above. It was, too, at a time my part, of the great gain in point of when the debt was not more than the revenue; and in point of advantage three-fourths of what it is now, and to the country, from the speed that it when a revenue of about thirty-five will give to the communications bemillions a year was deemed amply suffi- tween persons in trade, and of the cient. What is your case now, then? encouragement which it will give to Why, it is just what I said it would be honest and able writers, the effect will when, in 1822, I published the Register be prodigious; and, therefore, though from which the extracts are made. I the measure will not affect me in the shall now, when I have bestowed a few smallest degree in the world, I think short remarks on the taxes to be taken the Ministers are entitled to great off, proceed to remark on the grand praise for this measure. It was also question, the intended tax on the funds. wise and just to change the tax from The tax to be taken off from the news-cotton goods to raw cotton; because, papers, though I myself, and for my in the former shape, it was savagely own interest, care not a straw about unjust towards the working people, the matter; though I know that it will and gave rise to frauds. enormous. be neither gain nor loss to me, I see The conscientious manufacturer paid this reduction of the tax with pleasure; the duty honestly; those of a contrary because, in the first place, there ought character did not pay a tenth part of to be no such tax, and, in the next what they ought to have paid. But, it place, because it will give a famous is the total abolition of the tax upon blow to that newspaper monopoly candles which gives me the greatest which has been such a disgrace to the pleasure. If they had added an abolicountry, and has done it so much mis-tion of that on the malt and the hops chief. The Bloody Old Times winces and the soap, I would, to be sure, have under it; and well it may; for it lops gone to Downing-street, and have stood off a good half of the value of that bare-headed in the rain to thank them.

Poor Swing (the labourers of the East at a time, in the summer, humming the South and the West) will have some before the doors of the cottages of one little to thank them for on the score single village. The sacks were all of coals, owing to the stupidity of the spun, and even wove, in the villages. landowners of latter days, in destroy-The infernal system of taxing and funding those endless sources of fuel that ing have driven men to resort to the were found in the wastes (as they were water and the fire to supply the place foolishly called) and in the careful of manual labour; have huddled milcultivation of timber and underwood. lions of miserable wretches together to But, the tax being removed wholly work in unnatural heat, and to eke out from the candles is a great and unequi- their lives in smoke and stink and prosvocal good. How often did I, in my titution, and the landowners, set on by Registers sent from Long Island, de-a bell-wether minister, have echoed scribe the great advantages of farmers and re-echoed again the cries of the being able to turn their own fat into "manufacturing greatness of England,” candles! How often did I cite it as a as the noisy and empty-headed Pitt striking proof of the advantages of that used to call it. The PEELS, the Government over this! The Ministers ARKWRIGHTS, and all the tribe of themselves do not, I am sure, see one grinders and screwers, have swelled up half of the good that they will do here. into nobles; the small gentry have all It is said, that it is only a penny a pound disappeared; the parsons, holding an taken off the price of candles. Is it unalienable property, have supplied not? It is three-pence a pound at the their places as magistrates; the agriculleast. The farmer gets next to nothing tural labourers, having lost the employfor his tallow; and this is one of the ment for the females, have been reduced reasons why he never kills his sheep. to paupers; the natural magistracy, The price of tallow in the great market deriving power from respect and affecis nothing to me. I have sometimes tion, much more than from fear, being killed sheep at Kensington, for my own thus taken away, new and severe laws use, a circumstance which led the innumerable have been enacted, till at bloody Old Times and all its wolf- last, as Lord Stanhope observed last whelps about the country to assert winter, there is an open "breach bepositively, that I had “turned the lower tween the poor and the rich." Thus, room of my house into a butcher's shop.' "all that we behold now is nothing more I know not what tallow was in the than the natural result of taxing and market; but I know that I got two- funding, pence half-penny a pound for mine, Now, amongst the employments for when my candles cost me from seven- the females of the labourers in agriculpence to eight-pence. I know the ex-ture, one was the making of candles of pense of making candles well: I know various descriptions; and this employwhat beautiful candles my servant made ment will now return. For it will in Long Island; and it shall be my soon be asked of a young woman who business, in a very short time, to teach offers herself for service in the country, the farmers and labourers in England how whether she knows how to make to do the like. One of the great evils candles. Do not tell me about the that press upon the country, and that price of tallow in the market. I know has reduced it to its present state, has been that the want of a right to make my the withdrawing from agriculture those own candles is a loss to me of from ten employments which formerly occupied to fifteen pounds a year at the very the wives and daughters of the la- lowest. If I were a farmer it would be bourers at other times than those of a loss to me of a great deal more. weeding, hay-making, and harvest. ditional female hands will be wanted These employments were carding, in the country in consequence of the spinning, and weaving in many instances. repeal of this abominable tax. And I have seen a hundred spinning-wheels not only will the labourers have their FOUR



candles cheaper, but in many cases they proposed, by the Ministers, was a first will have them for next to nothing. attack; a first open attack on the funds The farmers will give the fat to mar-in behalf of the land. The funds have ried women, allowing them a certain furiously driven the assailants back; portion for the manufacture. Neigh- and I dare say that you, the landowners, bours will deal with one another as begin to think that it would have been they do in America, without running to better for you if you had taken me by a shop for a candle, and there paying the hand, or, rather, considering our the profits of three or four parties, be- relative power and influence, and sense sides the expense of the carriage and of and resources of mind, have suffered me the fetching. It is impossible so to to take you by the hand and lead you manage the thing without the labourers along in 1809, and before that time, inhaving light at a trifling expense, for stead of chuckling at what you stupidly the want of which the winter evenings deemed my certain destruction. are now passed in the dark instead of Let us see how this matter stands being cheerfully employed in various between you and me; for this is a matters useful to both men and women. proper time to remind my readers all It will be curious to see a Twopenny over the world of the manner in which Trash employed in circulating, amongst I have operated upon your interests; the working classes, praises on the or, rather, to show how your present King's Ministers. This will assuredly be embarrassment, and deep humiliation, done in the next number, or the number and the great and imminent danger after, where I am to give them detailed to which you are now exposed, arises instructions for the making of candles. from your hostility to me, more than I shall now quit this pleasing subject from all other causes put together. for the present, and come to the battle between the land and the funds, in which the former has just experienced so signal a defeat.

In 1803, in 1806, in 1814, and all along until 1822; I, in fact, notwithstanding all your baseness towards me, and your hard deeds towards the peoIn my leave-taking address, when I ple, entertained no desire to see you sailed for Long Island, in order to avoid sacrificed to the monster of Change the dungeons of SIDMOUTH and CAS- Alley, provided the people had a free TLEREAGH, which dungeons the land- parliamentary reform. Even when you holders, more than any-body else, had chuckled at the sentence which you enabled them to open, I told the re- thought to be a sentence of death in formers to wait with patience: I did 1810, when I began, from my prison, to not tell them to assemble in great mul- send forth "Paper against Gold; " even titudes unarmed, to be chopped down then I said nothing about the church or trampled under foot by Yeomanry and crown lands; and as to the abbey Cavalry, while I screamed out "Mur-lands, I never even whispered a word der;" but I told them to "wait with about them. All my efforts were lepatience till an open war should take velled against the funds, paid, as they place between the land and the funds." were, in unjust amount. Even from For then, said I, the people must be let Long Island I wrote nothing hostile to in. If they be let in by an honest re- your interests. The Puff-out, which form of the Parliament, they will side came from that Island, and the circumwith the landowners, whose business stances connected with which will, when will simply be to take off the taxes; I come to relate them in the history but the probabilities are that the whole of my life, be found to furnish subject thing will go drivelling along from ex- for one of the merriest comedies that pedient to expedient, till all goes to ever was, acted; even the Puff-out, pieces like a ship upon the rocks. Thus which certainly produced Peel's cash far this is not prophecy; but it is now payments, had nothing in it intended to become history. The measure just be hostile to you; for who the devil proposed, and abandoned as soon as could believe that you would continue


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