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Commons vote by ballot, as the Chamber of laugh. Laugh out; not stifle it, but Deputies voted? Would the hon. Member be contented that his vote should be unknown? laugh out; move their bodies backWould he like to have to say, "Oh! I assure ward and forward in the attitudes of you I voted for that question;" instead of laughter; shake their sides, and hold seeing his name in those printed lists that their foreheads: would this be a posiwere now circulated? It was not a system tive infringement of six acts, or, would which could be applied to that House, and it be a was therefore plainly imperfect. It was a conspiracy to evade" six acts? new-fangled passion of a certain class of doc- I have thought of this a good deal.. trinaires, who imagined that they had found out, in the nineteenth century, a remedy for all abuses. If it were introduced into that House, it would overthrow the monarchy, and

Wednesday, Dec. 22, 1830.
LORD FARNHAM made a string of ob-

to such a proceeding he would be no party.servations upon the state of Ireland.
He was born under a monarchy, and so he
wished the country to remain, and he should
always oppose the introduction of the ballot.

Mr. D. W. HARVEY declared, that when he was convinced that the feelings of the great body of the people were as much in favour of ballot, as they were in favour of reform, he, for one, should never oppose it by his vote. When it could be shown to him that the respectable body he represented were friendly to the Ballot, he would yield his individual opinion to the general opinion.


Nothing done.

December 23, 1830.
Nothing important.


HOUSE OF COMMONS. TREVOR.-TREVOR comes in here; but I have dispatched Trevor in the Registers of the 25th of December and 1st The feelings of the great body of the of January, That is, in No. 26, Vol. people seem to be more in favour of the LXX. and No. 1, Vol. LXXI. ballot than of reform. In short (and reader will turn to these numbers, thereit is one of the most awful things that fore, if he should want to refer to we have lately witnessed), the cry for TREVOR's pranks. But I do not rememthe ballot proceeds more from the middle ber that I thanked Trevor for this eulothan the labouring classes. It is clear, gium on me; at least, for this formal then, that these want to vote for other acknowledgment of my power, my immen than they have been accustomed mense power (for who can deny it now, to vote for; and this desire is produced without calling Trevor liar?) namely, by their finding themselves ruined by "The publication" (dear little Registheir present representative. Nothing ter!) to which he referred was one can be clearer than this. So, yield, "that was circulated very extensively, Mr. D. W. HARVEY. "and that laboured unceasingly in efMR. CURTEIS denied that the tithes were "forts of excitation-efforts that, if not felt by the agriculturists as a burden; and" arrested in their progress, would, maintained that if a vote by ballot, were conceded, it would involve the country in all the horrors of a civil war. He allowed that the great majority of people were favourable to Parliamentary Reform; but he denied that they were favourable to the ballot.

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sooner or later, destroy that and the "other House of parliament!" There, you vile wretches that pretend to despise me! There's a sixpenny pamphlet for you! A sixpenny pamphlet that can I am sorry to do any-thing" tending destroy the collective wisdom of the "to bring either House of Parliament nation," that can destroy the "noblest "into contempt," because it is contrary assembly of free-men in the world!" to law to do so; but, for the life o' me, What, and the other place too, Trevor! I can't help laughing now-and-then. Why, I never thought of that! I reBy-the-by, suppose a parcel of men, a member hearing of some lady who said hundred, for instance, were to go down that the handsomest compliment ever and plank themselves opposite the paid her she received from the lips of a House of Commons; in that square, drunken coal-heaver, who came reeling now, (I forget the name of it) near out of a pot-house, and seeing her Abingdon Street; and suppose they sitting in her carriage drawn up close were to stand and do nothing, but to the curb-stone, in the carelessness of

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drunkenness, exelaimed, "God bless you, let me light my pipe by your eyes!" And, accordingly, as this lady always felt grateful to the drunken coalheaver, so, TREVOR, I shall always feel grateful to you; for, say what you may; Trevor, as that pair of eyes which could seem to the drunken coal-heaver bright enough to light his pipe must be very bright indeed, so that pen which could seem to Trevor powerful enough to destroy two Houses of parliament (and such Houses!) must be indeed powerful!

upon which such pension had been granted, It would be his duty, when the funds for payto divide the House (if he stood alone) on ment of those pensions would be applied for,, every pension which might not appear to have been granted for actual service. hon. Friend, would say, that although it was

Mr. HUME, in seconding the motion of his

duty to his constituents, to be compelled to extremely unpleasant, in the discharge of his bring forward the case of an individual, yet there was no other mode of putting a stop to viduals out of the taxes, but by taking up and the practice of improperly pensioning indibringing before the House individual cases, (Hear.) He concurred in the opinion expressed by his hon. Friend, that when the wife of a Member of that House received a peusion, it was in direct violation of the spirit of the Act of Parliament for such a Member to retain his seat in the House. (Hear.) The whole of the Pension List ought to be inves

JOBS.—Mr. HUME gave notice, that, on the second Thursday in February, he should move for a Select Committee to inquire into the office of King's Printer in England and Scotland. Lord ALTHORP asked whether the hon.tigated by a Committee of the House. The Member might not add the King's Printer for

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Mr. HUME said that he thought that office had been abolished-that, in fact, the Government had been beforehand with him, but he should be happy to adopt the noble Lord's suggestion. He would take that opportunity of asking the noble Lord whether it were true, that unless the patent was challenged before the 1st of January in the ensuing year, it would become free from further objection?

He understood that the patent was at an office

somewhere in the Adelphi, and had lain there for nearly a year, and at the end of that time would be valid.

Lord ALTHORP knew nothing of such a law, but would inquire about it.

PENSIONSMr. GUEST, in moving that

there be laid before the House the Warrant or

other Document, of date 5th January, 1823, whereby a certain Pension was granted to Mrs. Harriett Arbuthnot, read to the House the particulars of numerous other Pensions, the details of which we could not correctly ascertain, in consequence of the extremely low tone of voice and rapid utterance with which the hon. Gentleman spoke. He contended that Members of that House obtaining pensions for any members of their family, especially for their wives, virtually vacated their seats in that House, as much as if they had themselves accepted them by name. He could not but think, that as the reigning King had himself but a life-interest in the revenues of the Crown, he could ouly dispose of them for his own life, as in law a subject can transfer to others only the interest which he himself

by law possesses. He (Mr. Guest) thought, therefore, that the pensions granted during any reign ought to terminate upon the demise of the Crown, unless Parliament should approve of their continuance. He was desirous that each particular pension in the present List should be laid before the House, for the purpose of an examination of the grounds

manner in which that list was accustomed to be filled up for some reigns past, was one of the main causes of the present distressed state of the country.

How many years have I been at these pensions, sinecures and grants! All my readers know how fond I am of country affairs. Country occupations, country amusements, all things appertaining to country life, are enticing to me. But, when even a boy, I had my scruples at some of its amusements. Who has followed in a hare-hunt; seen her started from her seat of tranquillity and innocence, and flee before six-and-thirty blood-thirsty and roaring dogs, and perhaps as many hollowing boys and What has she done to deserve this? men, without thinking to himself, Who has seen her, in the course of the hunt, soaked in mud and wet, stopping and pricking up her ears to find if her double have defeated her pursuers, her eyes starting from her head with terror, every muscle quivering, and her heart beating so as even to be heard three or four yards off; who has seen this, without, at least, wishing her safe from her foes? But who, on seeing her after all her amazing exertions to save her life by flight, and by many dexterous arts to deceive; who has seen her give up all hope and run half the length of the last field uttering the most appalling shrieks of death; who has seen and heard this and not felt that hare hunting has its alloy? I cannot; and were it not for

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have laughed to see the dogs snap them up, the boys bewilder one another with cries of "There they go!, there they go! there they go!" and the men, after roaring to the boys not to strike before the dogs; not to hit the dog's

siasm, and knock and bang and tram-
ple and hollow as loud as any-THE


JAN. 27.-HILL, R., Lewes, Sussex, upe holsterer.


LYON, A., and N. J., Calisher, Birmingham, and George-street, Jewry-street, wholesale jewellers.

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ATKINS, A., Gloucester, merchant.
BROADLEY, J., and J. Watson, North Moor,
Lancashire, cotton-spinners.*
FALLOWS, W., Stafford, inu-keeper.
GRIFFIN, T., Belvedere road, and Essex-
place, Prince's-road, Lambeth, timber

the many things that can be said in laughed to see, one moment ‘after, a, favour of field sports, I should think shoal of vermin pour forth; how I them sanguinary and unjustifiable. But I never had this feeling about me at a rat-hunt. A rat-hunt is laudable in every view that one can take of it. The wretch itself is odious to the sight; it is an animal always on the look-out for thefts; it lives in no settled man-noses; give way to the general enthu ner, and in no particular place; nor earth nor water can be called its proper element. for it lives in both; nor town nor country, but both; it feeds on no particular species of food; flesh, fish, grain, all are alike its food, and in every way disguised; nothing comes amiss to it, and its gluttony is beyond comparison. It is, too, a most unnatural thing, neglecting (according to the naturalists) its aged pa rents and devouring its feeble young! It has no one good quality, and yet devours more, or spoils more, than any created animal; it has appetite for every-thing, and never seems satisfied. It is, in short, the pensioner of nature; and all useful and industrious creatures are interested in its destruction. A rat-hunt, therefore, has charms, for me unbounded at all hours, in all weather, any day, I am ready for the chasse aux rats. I go to it in perfect lightness of heart; for, if any-thing can make, it justifiable to amuse oneself in observing the arts of the timid, unoffending and harmless hare when pursued by enemies, how much more justifiable to amuse oneself at seeing those of the rat, whose destruction is positive good! For this reason I like rat-hunting; I recommend rat-hunting. It is really amusing. How often have I stood in the floor of a barn, watching the progress of this sort of fun. How I have laughed when all the straw has been moved to within a few trusses of the bottom: then begins the sport. The dog's sagacity, the boy's rashness, and the man's experience how all these are severally displayed when it comes within a few trusses of the nests of e nasty, stinking, plundering herd. A general rustle under the little remaining straw makes every creature intent. And, Oh my God! how I have

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HARRISON, J., Hammersmith, coal-mer

HALL, T.. Wigan, Lancashirę, shon-keener


LASKEY, R., Exeter, haberdasher.
LLOYD, H., Palsgrave, place, Temple, scri-


MUNRO, J. Liverpool, iron-founder.

SUMMERS, H., Mauchester, lace-mau ufac


WILBY, S., Aldermanbury, vintner.
WINN, T., Leeds, victualler.
WOOD, A., Great Tower-street,, and South-
ampton-street, Camberwell, carpenter...

JAN. 31.-INSOLE, G., Cardiff, brick-

JAN. 31.-STEVENSON, T., Chesterfield,


BANKRUPTCY ENLARGED. MACDONALD, A., and A. Campbell, Regentstreet, St. James's, army-agents.


WEBB, S., Reading, builder.

BANKRUPTS. AUGHTERLONY, J. R., Great Ormondstreet, dyer.

BOND, R., Plymouth, printer.
COULSTOCK, J., Reigate, Surrey, miller.
HAMER, W., Wigan, Lancashire, coach-
HAWKSWORTH, E., Almondbury, York-
shire, grocer.


HOSKIN, R., Manchester, silk-mercer. JACKSON, J., Shad-Thames, Horslydown, coal-merchant.

JONES, D., Cynwyd, Merionethshire, vic-!


KIDD, J., Brook green-terrace, Hammersmith, baker.

PADDON, F. W., Plymouth, printer. PEARSE, J., Sidbury, Devonshire, victualler. SPURR, S., Warnford-court, Throgmorton

street, merchant.

[blocks in formation]

The only difference to-day is in Lincoln Mutton, which is not called higher than 4s. 2d. with an exception that regards a very few complete things; but the sale not so free as last week. The best Downs continue at 4s. 6d. The Beef Trade is full as good as this day

THOMSON, R., Liverpool and Earston, mer-se'nnight, at the same terms: a few choice

chant and farmer.

TIPTON, R., Glocester, scrivener. WHITE, W., Leamington Priors, Warwickshire, upholsterer.

LONDON MARKETS. MARK-LANE, CORN-EXCHANGE, JAN. 31.We had for this morning's market rather a short supply of English Wheat, and at an early hour our millers were tolerably free purchasers, and for fine quality we obtained an advance in the prices since this day se'nnight of full 1s. per quarter, but not being able to establish au advance in Flour, the market closed heavily, although the stands were pretty well cleared. Fine Malting Barley fully maintains last Monday's value; but the inferior qualities are dull sale. Beans of both sorts are rather dearer than otherwise. Oats sell slowly at somewhat higher prices. In White and Grey Peas, or other articles no variation.

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60s to 64s. 28s. to 42s. 30s. to 40s. ..................................... 41s. to 44s.


Peas, White ................................... 35s. to 44s.

Boilers Grey


Beans, Small
Oats, Potatoe


45s. to 48s.

30s. to 39s. .................................... 35s. to 46s. 35s. to 44s.


.............. ............

20s. to 27s.

30s. to 31s.

20s. to 24s.

Flour, per sack .................................. 63s. to 65s.

HOP INTELLIGENCE. BOROUGH, Monday, Jan. 31.-The demand for new Hops still continues pretty steady: in prices there is no alteration.

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Church, State, Law, and Representation. Re-written, newly-arranged, and corrected throughout from the latest Official Returns, by the Original Editor, and complete in One Volume, 8vo. 14s. in black cloth, with a characteristic Frontispiece.


TBOOK; comprising the United Church

of England and Ireland, the Civil List, and Hereditary Revenues of the Crown; Incomes, Influence, and Privileges of the Aristocracy; Diplomatic and Consular Establishments; Law and Courts of Law; Revenue and Colonial Abuses; the Debt and Funding System; Bank and East India Company, with Thoughts on Renewal of their respective Charters; the Representation, with the Prospects of Reform under the New Ministry; also, correct Lists of Pluralists, Pensioners, Place men, Sinecurists: presenting a complete View of the Cost, Influence, Patronage, and Abuses of Government in Church, State, Law, and Representation.+

The BLACK BOOK, usually called the "RE FORMER'S BIBLE," has been often reprinted, but never corrected since its first publication in 1820; it is now offered to the public, as an entirely New Work, and at two-thirds of the price of former editions.

t Published by Effingham Wilson, Re Exchange.

Printed by William Cobbett, Johnson's-court, published by him, at 11, Bolt-court, Fleet-str

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VOL. 71.-No. 7.]


[Price 1s. 2d.

ANN, COUNTESS DOWAGER OF MORNINGTON, mother of Marquis Wellesley, of the Prince of Waterloo, of Lord Maryborough, of Lord Cowley, (now Ambassador at Vienna), and of another Wellesley, who has two or three great livings in the church; this Countess Dowager, the mother of all these, has a pension of 600l. a year, paid out of the taxes raised on the people.From the BLACK BOOK, just published by Mr. E. WILSON, Royal Exchange, p. 467.

The Poor Laws provide, that the children of every poor, old, blind, lame, or impotent person, not able to work, shall (if they have the means) relieve and maintain such poor parent, according to the rate at which they shall be assessed by the Justices of the county where the parties live, in order to prevent parishes being burdened with unnecessary charges.

"A petition," says the Morning Chronicle of the 31st Jan.," is in preparation, "in the neighbourhood of BALLYDUFF, county of Waterford, Ireland, which will "be intrusted to Mr. Hume, praying that the invidious distinctions which at present exist between Parish and State Paupers may be abolished; and that "it may in future be a general rule, that all persons who depend on the public bounty for subsistence shall be distinguished by a peculiar dress."

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"But, what shall we do with the Duke! My God!" exclaimed Peel to LORD KEY, "What shall we do with the Duke!"

Kensington, Feb. 8, 1831.

which have finally led to the present state of things.

66 the

BELGIUM, of which BRUSSELS is the capital city, was, before the French Revolution of 1789, under the dominion of AUSTRIA; and it was the policy of England (chiefly for the sake of Hanover and Holland) to keep it in possession of Austria. The French Republicans took the whole country, after having beaten the armies of Prussia, Holland, and Austria, together with the unfortunate English army, under the command of the renowned Duke of York and Ir is now evident that this country, FLOWER of the English_nobility." the richest in products of all the con- The French sans-culottes" (fellows tinent of Europe; this country of Lin-without breeches) as they were called, colnshires; this country of industry and in derision, drove them, "flower" and probity; this country of fortresses with-all, before them; and Dukey York, havout end it is now evident that this ing had the good luck to reach THE fine country, with its three or four mil- HELDER, got safe across to old Englions of people, are about, speedily, to land himself, leaving the second in be reunited to France! My readers will command to make a capitulation, by hardly need to be reminded, that, from which it was agreed that the remnant the moment I heard of the fall of Charles of the English army should be per X., I stated that this reunion would be mitted to come away, upon condition one of the first and most important that eight thousand French sailors, then consequences of that fall. But, now, it prisoners of war in England, should be may be useful to give my readers a instantly surrendered to France! And, short history of the circumstances as if here were not enough H


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