Obrazy na stronie

great measure, your petitioners believe, by | Bourbons and Polignac; though one the injurious effects of the tithe system.

"That your petitioners presume not to ine might be surprised at their impudence struct your honourable House in the history in avowing it, were it not that we are of their country, but with due deference, beg all aware, that base men, with full skins, to remind your honourable House, that the are always impudent aud insolent, With tithe-system now, is very different from what these proceedings at the Draper's Comit was at its first institution in England, as the country was, probably, at that time, thinly pany those at New York, relating to the inhabited, uninclosed and imperfectly culti- same event, form a fine contrast! Here vated; and prior to the era of the Reforma- we have a fair specimen of the different tion, the poor, &c. were supported out of the light in which acts of tyranny are tithes as well as the clergy: but so extremely viewed by guzzling slayes and by sober

heavy are the expenses of agriculture since that period, owing unquestionably, to the overwhelming weight of taxation which the people of this country have to bear, that on poor arable land, from which the great tithes are taken in kiud, as is the case in this parish, by a lay impropriator, the only individual benefited by its cultivation since the value of agricultural produce has been so greatly depressed, is the tithe-owner; but your petitioners trust that the dawn of that day is about to arise, when a patriotic king, and an enlightened administration, will relieve the country from this grevious impost. "That your petitioners beg to assure your honourable House, that they are not actuated by the slightest feeling of hostility towards the clergy, but are fully persuaded that human ingenuity could scarcely have devised system for the support of the ministers of the Gospel, more destructive of the peace and harmony which ought to exist between the pastor and his flock, than the tithe-system. "Your petitioners, therefore, humbly pray your honourable House speedily to repeal the tithe-laws, and that your honourable House, may, in its wisdom, substi ute some other support for the established clergy, more conducive to the temporal and eternal welfare of the community,


And your petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray, &c."





The thunder-storm being passed, the insects are again crawling forth. In an obscure place, as announced in The Star of Tuesday,


Mr. Warden Wrench informed the Drapers' Company (Right Worshipful Gentlemen!) that they were honoured with the presence of one of the Cabinet Ministers of which a Mr. Wyborn made a long speech in the ex King of France (Baron Dudon), on honour and glory of King Charles the Tenth and the Ultras, concluding with a Jeremiad, deploring "That their honest, loyal, and patriotic endeavours were not crowned with the success that they nerited." Let these rash and reckless gentlemen beware. English people have exhibited wonderful forbearance towards the refuse of France, when, after the vile attempts to enslave their own country, they flew for an asylum to ours. But they must not obtrude either themselves or their doings upon the notice of Englishmen. They must make no perilous experiments upon our patience. Their friends had better just now pocket up obliviously all their lauda

tion of the B urbons.


that we lay it entire before our readers :The account it such a curiosity in its way,


DRAPERS' ANNUAL DINNER. City, Jan. 29. At the Annual Dinner of the Drapers this day, Mr. Warden Wrench informed the aspresence of one of the Cabinet Ministers of sembly that they were honoured, with the the Ex-King of France, and after eulogizing his talent and amiable manners, proposed the which was received with every testimony of health of "his Excellency Baron Dudon,” satisfaction.

The BARON returned his thanks in the French language, which not being generally understood,

CITY GUTTLERS. The following article, taken from the STAR (a good honest evening paper), will make my readers stare. They will be surprised that any-body, in England, should have the audacity to applaud the deeds of Charles X., and to lament, publicly, that his designs failed of their intended effect. But, when one considers who these fellows ure; when one consi-dressed the assembly as follows:-"In rising Mr. WYBORN (who accompanied him) adders what immense amount of public to interpret the sentiments of the eminent property they handle, and how soon a real reform to leave them to guttle and guzzle on their own earnings, one is not at all surprised at their partiality for the

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statesman whom you have just honoured with such cordial expressions of generous hospitacept my owu thanks for your kindness towards lity, I cannot refrain from begging you to acthat distinguished individual—with whose

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confidence, intimacy, and friendship, I have of reinforcing the executive are those Minisbeen honoured for nearly twenty years, and inters who experienced the irresistible pressure whose present and future welfare and happi- of the rising force in the people, which, if not ness I feel, as it is my duty, the warmest and counteracted and quelled, would have overmost affectionate interest; and nothing, I am awed and impelled the Monarch into measures sure, he begs me to state, has given him more injurious and fatal to the honour of the King, heartfelt delight (while it was quite unexpect- and the peace of Europe, and the prosperity ed), than your friendly reception of him this of France herself. In such a predicament, evening-a reception which does honour to this the history of all civilized nations, ancient society and to the British nation. Gentlemen, and modern (and of none more than the sus I know and applaud those wise rules of this pension of the Habeas Corpus act by Mr. corporation, which exclude all politics from Pitt), has shown, and established as an axiom, these convivial meetings; but this is a pe- that it is the first duty and the chief virtue of culiar example of fortune. I trust that upon a Minister to preserve the State at the risk of a question of purely foreign politics, and the his own responsibility for a violation of esconsequences of which must, however, sooner tablished laws. Gentlemen,-it is in vain to or later, and I fear speedily, come home to disguise the fact the French people were the business and bosom of every gentleman impatient of their long repose; and I am far present, you will indulge me with your pa- from treating as criminal (except in a polititience for a few observations upon the recent cal sense) that noble aspiration of military revolution in France, and the present state of glory which warms the heart of every French the French capital. Upon that convulsion, man, but which has proved so pernicious to which has occasioned the temporary retire their own permanent interests, and so fatal to ment from his native country of the nobleman the existence of so many neighbouring States. who sits beside me-of a man who, having It may be said, the present tranquillity of already in tender years endured the affliction France refutes the assertion of the necessity of seeing his father and grandfather perish for the Ordinances. This is an error. The upon the same scaffold, martyrs in the cause present Sovereign and Ministry were not the of loyalty to their King and the laws, is now, chiefs of that party which hurled the exiled fa in his turn, himself an exile with the legiti-mily from the throne,on the contrary, they seem mate inheritors of that ancient monarchy-a to have been placed in readiness by a special man who, I will now venture to assert, and providence to arrest for a moment the danger. giving full credit to the general principles of ous career of the republican movers, and the loyalty, patriotism, and talent in that gallant criterion of the real necessity for extraordinary nation, has not, on quitting France, left behind powers to the government of Charles X. will him a truer Frenchman, a wiser or more ex-be the permanence of that King and that mipert statesman, a more sincere patriot, a better nistry. They have recently escaped from the friend of rational liberty, or a more enlight-attacks of an opposition so formidable, that, ened and amiable member of society than but for the interference of one distinguished himself, be he whom he may; and I speak character, the Orleans dynasty would have ere from an intimate knowledge of the French now ceased to reign. I do not contemplate capital for more than twenty years, up to the possibility of their protracted resistance within a very few weeks since, when I last to the national passion for military glory. In visited France. Baron Dudon has a right the mean time,, what evils have already reto the title of a true Frenchman, and a patriot; sulted from the ill-comprehended cry of li his property was confiscated by the Republic,berty over distracted Europe? Consider the and he served in the ranks of the republican state of Belgium, of Poland, of Switzerland, of armies, and rose by his courage, merit, and Hanover, of Ireland. Gentlemen, civil libergenius, to the post of Intendant-General, or ty, like ardent spirits, becomes a blessing or Viceroy, of the northern kingdoms of Spain, a curse, according to the capacity of the posduring the campaigns of the British armies in sessor, and the measure of the dose. Taken the Peninsula. Until Napoleon abdicated, he in moderation, it enlivens and invigorates ;— was faithful to him, as he has since proved beyond that exact proportion, it intoxicates, himself to the restored dynasty, to whose maddens, and destroys. Time alone can reCabinet he was called in the moment of dan-solve the question, whether the French, under ger; and that after the promulgation of the fatal Ordinances, He was therefore no party to their promulgation, but he saw and felt the approaching necessity of a more vigorous system of internal policy. The temporary restriction on the press would, if executed, have spared many evils; that wise (only because necessary) precaution was rendered abortive by the errors in its execution. Prince Polignac, by deciding for himself upon the time and mode of its enforcement, incurred and has submitted to the consequences of its failure. Gentlemen, the fittest pledges of the necessity

Charles X., enjoyed or abused the liberty best adapted to their permanent interests. They have thrown off the bonds of allegiance to their lawful Sovereign-a revolution has been accomplished,-and, as every tree is best known by its fruits, the late Ministers are condemned to await with patience the result of the subversion of their well-intended efforts to preserve the peace of France and the world by the only means which to them appeared feasible. Those efforts were abortive, they being physically unable to carry them into execution against the national will. Should

those who now possess the reins of power lington boots, and 'spurs. Each had a triprove strong enough to preserve inviolate coloured cockade in his hat, a' badge on the the faith of treaties, and to preserve the rights collar of his coat, and a caue decorated with of neighbouring states froin infraction, then ribbons in his haud. Next came a platform will they admit that they have misjudged the drawn by four bullocks dressed with ribbons ; rising spirit of their gallant countrymen, that an ox-skin stuffed to imitate a living ox was they have prematurely curbed what they placed on the platform, supported by two dreaded for the sake of France, their effer- young men in white dresses on each side the vescing ardour for military conquest, and sub-ox. After these came another platform decomit in silence to the censure of the present rated with flowers and ribbons. On this plate age and posterity. But should even the pre-form was placed a white lamb skin stuffed, seut highly-gifted Sovereign of the people's surrounded by six children about five years of choice, and his patriotic and experienced age, in white dresses. Then followed another Ministers, prove in their turn equally power-carriage with two live lambs eating grass, &ci less, as the late King and his Ministers, to Then four butchers, followed by a machine calm the popular storm; should Erance a making sausage. Ou the standard was painted second time, and for twenty years to come, a beef-steak, placed on a dish, with a knife carry war and devastation into the bosom of and fork; and this motto underneath: To so lately peaceful, prosperous, and happy Eu- all we divide a portion.' After these came the rope, to be again driven back by the despe- tanners, leather-cutters, &c. &c. I cannot rate combination of all Europe against her; tell you half; but figure to yourself the tri- / then, indeed, the Baron Dudon and his columphs of Rome and the celebrations of Greece, leagues will not regret, but glory iu, the efforts and you may form some idea of this magni they effectually made to avert those evils ficent scene. Liberty and content were deand horrors from France and humanity, but picted on every countenance. All trade was they will more deeply regret, and we, gentle-stopped for the day, and all classes of people men, shall all of us have good cause to deplore, that their honest, loyal, and patriotic endeavours were not crowned with the success they merited.

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joined in the procession. The ministers of
different denominations, dressed in their cos-
sacks and gowns, followed by the military,
with their cannon and ammunition waggons.
In short, nothing was wanting to heighten
the grandeur of the scene,canmon' firing,
bands of music playing, flags flying in all
directions, with all the appropriate mottoes of
liberty, &c. To describe the whole is not in
my power!!! Tell M. he would get plenty of
tobacco and snuff here for very little. I
bought 120 segars for one shilling-More in
my next. Write soon.
"Yours, &c.,

"WILLIAM OSBAND, New York, late of Laugham, Rutland."


Monday, Dec. 20th, 1839.

· (Continued from col. 317 ).

YORK, dated Dec. 13, 1830. "It is with pleasure I have to inform my much-esteemed friends at Langham of our safe arrival at New York. We set sail from Liverpool on the 29th of September, 1830, in the ship Eugene, of Boston, New England, and after a somewhat dangerous passage, we fanded at this port on the 4th of November, at 12 o'clock at noon. But, passing by many things, I shall now inform you a little concerning this country; and my time in it having been short, my observations on it of course must be very limited. I find that a day-labourer in New York can get more money thau a first-rate tradesman in England. We never enjoyed life so much before. I would advise the almost broken-down farmers in your country to come to America, where there are neither parsons, tithes, nor burdensome THE objection Mr. Bryan made to a second taxes. Here they might live like gentlemen, venture of provision was sufficiently descripand enjoy liberty. We return sincere thanks tive of the state of the colony. He could not af to Mr. Mantle for the active part he took to ford to supply a starving population from charity have us conveyed to this country. His kind- and it already was out of their power to pay for ness I never shall forget. But I must now their food. Their furniture, âgricultural imdescribe to you a most gratifying scene which plements, all their preparations for comfort, took place on the 25th of November; it was a are exposed to the weatlier, themselves are grand procession in honour of the late revolu-sheltered in huts formed of blankets, The tion in France. The procession reached more than three miles. A light carriage drawn by four horses took the lead, carrying twenty black musicians, playing most exquisitely on almost all kinds of wind instruments. Next followed the butchers, 500 in number, all mounted on gray horses, dressed in blue coats with checked sleeves up to the elbows, white aprons turned to one side, blue trowsers, Wel

country, for 100 miles round, is an arid sand or bare rock, no grass, no timber. Dr. Westbrook, who came from that place to this six months ago, told me he saw the grave for the first person who died there dug. It was niue feet deep, and the sand from the bottom was, when thrown up, fit for an hour-glass. The live-stock dies in general a few hours after landing, supposed to be poisoned by some


IRELAND. The reader

herb or shrub, to avoid which certain loss, He hoped, however, that some plan of domestic most sheep taken there to be sold, or to breed colonization would be at last adopted; but, in from, are killed in the ships, and retailed as the meantime, he wished to know from the fresh provisions. The bush does not help noble Lord at the head of the Colonial Dethem, as here; for there are no kangaroos, partment, whether it was the intention of his nor even opossums. The place must be aban Majesty's Government to abandon the settledoned; and I suppose the number of people ment on the Swan River, and whether the re-, will oblige the Government to remove them to ports and representations as to the wretched a more promising part of the coast. It is, in condition of the Colony were correct? fact, a second Poyais. What notice will be taken of Captain Stirling's misrepresentations HOUSE OF COMMONS. remains to be seen. He might be supposed to have but a slight knowledge of the quality of the land; but the very roadstead is altogether may safely take the allegations contained unsafe for shipping, though described by him in this petition as applying to a large as a fine harbour. Six vessels were ashore part of Ireland. And what honest man when the Britannia was there; three of them were complete wrecks. I have seen several can say that such a thing ought to be? stout anchors broken on the coral rocks be- Not one does say it ought! fore Freemantle. Mr. Bryan reports that there are not less than 200 females there, many of them used to more than the common comforts of life, and yet they must starve, if not relieved by the Government, as their own resources are exhausted.'”


O'GORMAN MAHON presented a petition, complaining of tithes and church-rates, from Clondegad, in the county of Clare. petitioners complained that they were called on to pay tithes and rates to the Protestant. Church though there was. no Protestant Church in the parish, nor a Protestant Clergy. man, nor even one Protestant inhabitant. Of all this, the inhabitants being Catholics, complained, and complained justly, when the Protestants of England were also .com-.. plaining of the same exactions. They were the causes here of outrage, and in Ireland they were the causes of much of the discontent which prevailed.

Sir R. INGLIS reminded the hon. Member. that tithes were paid exclusively by the land, and if the Church did not receive them, a sum equal to them would go to the landlord, and' the people would not be benefited.

O'GORMAN MAHON, though he wished not to treat with levity what fell from the hon,, Member for Oxford, could not avoid noticing that that hon. Member seemed to think that the land produced wealth without labour, ' and accordingly, in his estimation, the people and their just complaints passed for nothing. It was not the laud but the people who com plained that they had to pay tithes to a Protestant Church, though there was not a Pro-' testant in the parish.

This was certainly a matter of deep and awful importance. Many people had embarked the whole of their property in this speculation, and great responsibility had been incurred, and great blame appeared to rest somewhere. Of course he did not mean to say that any blame attached to the present Ministers; but if this representation was at all correct, blame must attach to some of their predecessors; and, at all events, it was highly desirable that some satisfactory explanation should be given on the subject. Much had been said on the subject of emigration, which many had encouraged from a notion that this country was over-peopled. But from what he knew of some parishes in the county of Kent, they did not contain more than the usual numbers, nor a greater number than might have been employed to advantage, if the farmers had the means of employing them. But the farmers had not the means of employing them at present, and that was one great cause of the distress. If he were to judge from these instances of the state of the whole country, he would be led to conclude that there was no extraordinary superabundance of population. The expenses of these After this, Mr. Dawson began a deemigrations were enormous, and perhaps it bate upon the appointments made by would be much better to colonize at home. the new Ministry, and Sir ROBERT PEEL A noble Lord, who had presented a petition on made a longish speech in the tone of an the subject, had stated that he had observed in aristocrat in trouble: cautioning the a day's ride to town, 12,000 acres of waste land; and all this might probably be taken in Ministers against too much economy, with advantage, and afford employment to a too much reform, and so on. Then great body of the peasantry. There were came Mr. M. A. TAYLOR about the fifteen millions of acres of waste land in the whole country, and the taking them in might Court of Chancery, and upon this no be formed into a source of employment which one can help observing, that, if anywould make every peasant in the country thing be intended, it is as much talked happy. But no administration had taken this about and as much delayed, as little matter in hand, and the people of this country settled, as any of the Chancery suits that were left to purchase articles from foreigners which might be very well produced at home. have been held up to us as the reason

for some great change which is, to all who have a passion for new-fangled appearance, as far off as ever.

Tuesday, Dec. 21.


things, but by the middle classes of men, by trades-people of all descriptions, who feel now that they have been ruined, because they could not give honest votes without danger of ruin for

Lord WYNFORD brought in a bill for making life interests in real property subject to the payment of debts. No-honest voting, and who wish for the body can doubt the justice of this. It would defeat the roguery of the roguish part of the aristocracy.




THE MIDDLESEX PETITION. Mr. HUME presented this petition, which was agreed to at a county meeting held at Hackney, and in which retrenchment, reform, economy, and the vote by ballot, were prayed for. It also recommended to the House a reformation of the poor laws, and an alteration in the tithe collection; "but," said Mr Hume," at "the same time that it prayed the House "to look into these things, it expressed "its opinion that it was hopeless to ex66 pect any amendment till there was a "reform in Parliament, such as should give a voice to every one who paid "rates and taxes in the country; nor "did the Meeting believe that even this "mode would prove effectual unless the "vote by ballot was added to it. With 86 respect to the retrenchment that was prayed, he had long thought that "without that taking place on a most "extensive scale, it would be impos"sible for the country to retrieve itself "from the difficulties of its present situ"ation. He had seen and heard of nothing that had tended to change "his opinion on this point. He was "likewise bound to state before he sat "down, that the Meeting had been "unanimously of opinion, that it was impolitic in the highest degree to add "to the present military force of the 66 country; and that the alteration of "the Corn Laws and the reduction of "the expenditure would have been "much more effective in checking the "discontent of the people."

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Shortly after Mr. HUME came Sir ROBERT WILSON, upon the ballot. He has been answered all over the country in all manner of ways; but, not by doctrinaires, WILSON; not by a class

ballot in order that they may not be compelled to vote for fellows who eat taxes. Do you know how many officers of the army we have now in pay, WILSON? Why 16,000 (sixteen thousand). Sixteen thousand officers, mind; OFFICERS. Not men, but OFFICERS! What, would there be sixteen thousand officers, if there were voting by ballot? No! not sixteen hours after the assembling of a house so elected. This is your monarchy," WILSON; and a goodly monarchy it is-for you. You have felt it, and, God knows, the people have too! To be sure you wish to live under such a monarchy; who can doubt you!

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Sir R. WILSON agreed with the petition as far as reform and economy was concerned, but he disagreed with the petition on the subject of ballot. He had before referred to America, and some other states where the ballot was in existence, and had shown that it had not answered expectations there. He had since received a letter from a person of the highest respectability, who had been informed by a merchant of America, "That America had experienced the greatest evils from the election by ballot; there was a general impression in that country that it would be found necessary to abolish it altogether, and he expected that a measure would soon In Virginia, lately, where a convention had met to consider what be proposed to effect it." changes it was necessary to make in the existing institutions, including the legislature, it was proposed to adopt the ballot, but that proposition was completely rejected. It was requisite that the representative should know the opinions of those who delegated their power to him, he should know all their opinions, and he could not do this if they voted by ballot. He should know the feelings of the different parties among the electors. He further objected to the ballot that it did not necessarily preserve secresy. He knew that the question was gaining in favour with the people, owing to the example of France; but it ought to be recollected, that in France there were only 80,000 voters, and in France it was of great use in protecting the voters against the power of the government. But, as the ballot existed in France, would members wish to have it here? Would the hon. Member for Middlesex have the House of

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