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Paris, 18th Jan., 1831.

that he confined himself to the truth ; however, this is not believed, of course; and the people are extremely glad to find that they can debate upon the reasons of state in the selection of their kings: they like the "indiscretion" of M. Rogier, and it is by no means likely that he will be replaced by one who would prevent them froin peeping behind the curtain.

Nothing is now talked of but the necessity of going to war for the national honour, and the hopes of the people have never been so buoyant as at this moment, since the formation of the "Republic.' Until now, every thing has been retrograding and conforming into These exposures have been brought the worst possible state, in the name of forth by the Government itself, who have "order"; this watch-word of the funding- shown their courtesy to the English interest, who call themselves the indus- Government, and their unwillingness to trious and respectable part of society, offend that which is the most hateful is forced to give way to that of the na-thing existing in the eyes of the people tional honour, though it might make of these countries, namely, the English head against that of glory. And, now, aristocracy. For it does not appear after the exposures which have taken that there was any disposition to pry place of the tame sentiments of the go- into the negociations by the Congress vernment, the fear for this most essential of Brussels, until the coldness was dispoint of all has fairly roused the whole covered on the part of this Government, nation. The Press being first suppressed which it manifested towards the wishes to such an extent as it is, the Chambers of the Congress after their rejection of the are working away in weeding out liberty plan for settling SAXE-COBOURG upon from all the institutions, with pretty them. The refusal of the second son of much of security, and would inevitably the King, which appeared to them so persevere if they were not thwarted by palpably leaguing with the English Gothe consequences of the favourite dispo- vernment, and so unreasonable, and at sition of the nation being rallied by the alarm I have mentioned.


to be married. The suggestion of the Duke de Leuchtenberg seems to have been made as a hint, and the uncharitable sentence pronounced upon it by the King has served to thicken the mess.

the same time so cowardly, appears tohave provoked the provisional governAll last week the diplomatic confer- ment and the Congress to appeal to ences which had come to light with the people of both nations, and to rouse regard to Belgium were exciting all all their passions, by exposing, with the parties in various ways. The people felt refusal, the willingness to see indignant in common with the people have a German Prince, to whom would of Belgium, at the answers given to M. be sent in three or four years' time, if he Rogier, the Belgian Envoy, who has behaved well, a French Princess, both been here begging for a king, no mat- Prince and Princess not old enough even ter whether young or old. And the Government have been splitting with rage that the communications held with him should be made public, and that all the bartering, haggling, hesitating, and gossipping about the various So that some parties now urge the little Princes and Princesses to be Kings Belgians to declare the Duke de Leuchand Queens of Belgium, should be laid tenberg, if not the Duke de Reichstadt; before the people, however "sovereign" others, to declare a republic. they may be. Not being able to pun- Buonapartists and Republicans both ish the Congress at Brussels for look-cheer them on, in order to stimulate ing into these matters, some parties this government to become independent blame the diplomatic committee for and discontented with the English, laying the documents before them; but which they know it must if Belgium the parties most interested blame the would prove independent of the French. poor Envoy for his indiscretion in writing all he knew. It has been denied'


On Saturday last a debate arose upon this subject, and upon the foreign policy


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of the government generally, upon the convey the necessary assurances, and to presentation of a petition from an advo-be perfectly well understood. In Paris, cate at Mons, which was for the union these precautions were said to be taken of Belgium to France. Upon this oc- against the "Carlists," the "Austrians," casion two speeches were made, by Jesuits," and God knows what General Lamarque and M. Maugin, beşides; now, I leave you to guess which have produced a great stir, and against whom they were taken, when are admired by every-body. In these you know that the National Guard speeches the foreign minister was in- were not supplied with cartouches! I vited to deny some of the sentiments was surprised, in walking along, to see attributed to him by M. Rogier, espe- these pitch their muskets close to the cially those which show deference to fires which they had on the places the principles of the English Govern- where they bivouacked; but I found ment; but the minister did not give the there was no danger, and that they negative in satisfactory terms. These were armed with bayonets only. opinions, you should understand, of the distrust which should be entertained towards the English, were expressly confined to the government, and not extended at all to the people.


General Lafayette concluded the debate, by comparing Russia and Poland to England and Hanover, and supposed that English troops would never be sent to maintain that kingdom. The governments, however, are as much to be compared as the nations, for Lord Grenville formerly declared Hanover as precious as Hampshire.

The manifesto of the Emperor of Russia, so taunting, not only to the Poles, but to the principles entertained by this country, that it can hardly be associated with the recognition, and would rather The recognition received from Russia show that the Autocrat had not sense was also dwelt upon, as a thing which to make it on the ground of danger; on the government ought to be ashamed the contrary, every thing confirms the of, because it was not received, nor supposition that there was an undersent, till after the news had reached the standing upon the affair of Polignac, autocrat of the revolution in Poland. that the termination of that was to reIt was maintained, therefore, that a gulate the conduct of the base desertion of Poland was to be the government. price of this recognition, and the cause of the Poles was held up to the sympathy of this nation. Upon this subject, however, the orators did not go the length of the opinions which are generally entertained by the people, and which are, that the government have some ground for congratulating themselves on the recognition, and that it was not entirely owing to the affairs in Poland. The people ask whether, if Polignac had been executed, that recognition would have been made, revolution in Poland or no revolution; and THE PRESS AND THE FIRES. whether it would not have been, at all events, after the news of the sentences I TAKE the following excellent article had reached St. Petersburg? But, for from that most widely spread of all the government to reap satisfaction newspapers, BELL'S LIFE IN LONDON. from the recognition, they must ascribe It is clever, acute, true, and publicit to their management in the affair of spirited. GOODMAN, the poor rick-firing Polignac; and for them to receive it so orphan, in Sussex, has, it is stated, now soon after the "happy" termination of been respited during the King's pleathat affair, it must have been known at sure, So that here is a real incendiary, St. Petersburg that the affair would so terminate. And the precautions which were taken here, and which were probably known better at a distance than on the spot, could not have failed to

I am, Sir,

Your obedient servant,

who, I believe, acknowledged having set five fires, who is not to die, while CooKE, who knocked down Bingham Baring, has been hanged! I am glad. however, that this poor, friendless or

minds, which is on a level with the knowledge of the day, and which moves with the progress of society, is in a state of open and avowed hostility to all stationary, unimproved, and unimprovable institutions; and we know that the Press is made continually to feel in its turn the anger and the vengeance of all the patrons and organs of those institutions, such as Judges and hereditary legislators. We believe, therefore, that these remarks of the Judge were intended to vituperate the liberal Press-to hold it up to obloquy in the minds of the public-and to bring reading

phan is to be spared, and exceedingly employed by the Press when he spoke of exglad that I have been the cause of it. citements used by wicked and designing men. We know, and we never wish to con From the moment that his ACCU-ceal it either from ourselves or others, that SATION OF ME, certified by the the Press, particularly the liberal and enREVEREND Henry John Rush, CU-lightened part of the Press, which is the RATE of Crowhurst, came forth,. Iservaut of the tone and temper of men's saw that the poor lad was safe; for, to believe the accusation, and still to hang the accuser, would have been horrible indeed; so that, to hang the fire-setter, would have been to give the lie to his accusation against me; and yet, how to save him! How to spare the setter of five fires, while a man is hanged for knocking down BINGHAM BARING! The REVEREND Crowhurst curate was, I dare say, very little aware of the newspapers into discredit, as a source of turdilemma that his certificate would cre-bulence and disorder. We mean, therefore, ate. But in this story every man of sense saw the ground-work for an attack upon the freedom of the press generally; and this is what is ably shown in the following article:

to say a few words in vindication of the Press from the charge of having been instrumental in producing the late outrageous proceedings of the ignorant unreading peasantry.

We are far from wishing to shield the Press from the imputation of having carried into every corner of the country the exposures that About a fornight or three weeks ago, a have recently been made of the extravagance lad of the name of Goodman was found guilty of our Government; we acknowledge the at the Sussex Assizes of setting fire to some charge, that it has nourished a growing dis stacks near Battle. After he was sentenced like to that dear law with which the public to death, he made a confession, though how is mocked, under the name of the Administra it was procured is not known, that he had tion of Justice, reminding us of the disapbeen instigated to the atrocious act by a lec-pointment described by Milton, when what ture of Mr. Cobbett's. He subsequently made a second confession, varying from the first, but still connecting the lecture with the conception of the crime of arson. Mr. Cobbett triumphantly refuted this confession, and showed that it was false and absurd; that he had never recommended the people to commit any such monstrous crime, nor any crime of the sort, and that the whole was a fiction got up for the purpose of throwing dirt upon him, and through him upon the Press. That confession was, in fact, eagerly laid hold of to abuse the Press, and all the commotions in the country were unhesitatingly attributed to the writings of Mr. Cobbett, and of all those who honestly endeavour to expose abuses. In a similar manner, and in a similar spirit, the Recorder said to Mr. Carlile, "If men such as you are not checked in time, it is utterly impossible to say where the tumults, disorders, and burnings will have an end." He added: "Lives have been sacrificed to the laws of the country, owing to those excitements used by wicked and designing persons to stir up the people to revolt and rebellion." There can be no doubt, from the language generally held by Judges and by men in power, that all the evils, all the riot and disturbance, which have lately rendered our country less conspicuous for internal tranquillity than for many years past, are ascribed by the upper classes to the influence of the Press; and there can be no doubt that the Recorder meant the language

seemed grapes turned to cinders in the
mouth-to sinecures, pensions to Court Ladies
aud retired Ambassadors-to that sham sys-
tem of representation which enables a few
Peers and the Government to nominate a
majority of the so called representatives of the
people: to this, and many more, similar ac-
cusations, we readily plead guilty, knowing
that such conduct will be reckoned to us as a
merit by our countrymen; but we deny that
the Press has in any manner encouraged or
stimulated the ignorant peasantry to burn the
barns and stacks of their masters. We have
never seen, in any one periodical, except in a
few lines for which Mr. Carlile is to be pu
nished, the least mark of approbation of
arson. Never did we see a hint that the
condition of the labourer could be improved
by destroying the food and capital of the
country. The Press, we admit, has, ou many
occasions, shown the inconsistency of the
language held, and the cruelty of the sen-
tences passed hy the Recorder; but, far from
having any influence on the people in ex-
citing them to outrage against the Judge, he
walks the streets by night and by day un-
harmed and unmolested. The Press has
frequently exposed the monstrous evils which
the legislature has brought on all the in-
dustrious classes by tampering with the cur-
rency, altering every contract and every bar-
gain in the kingdom, but its remarks never
'induce the suffering people to lay violent handa

on Sir Robert Peel. That ignorant author of Can those who vituperate the Press say so untold mischief to the people is as secure in mich? Has not the Legislature rung Session the midst of them as the Editor of Bell's Life, after Session with the complaints against the who is only known by contributing to farmers for paying wages out of the poor-rates? their weekly amusement. For months did Did not an Ex Judge, three weeks ago, conthe Duke of Wellington stand in the way demn the farmers for this practice, in the of Reform-for months was his conduct House of Lords? Did not the Duke of Welcondemned by the Press; but never waslington, in the teeth of all the Press conan insult offered to him till he had repeatedly demn the use of machinery last session outraged the people by denying their great of Parliament ? All these things happensuffering, and at length crushing, by a too ed the sentiments of our Ministers and lawnotorious declaration, their hopes that he makers were wafted to every corner of the would at length relent and listen to their country, and now we have the peasantry breakprayers. Repeatedly of late has the Press ing the machinery of the farmers and setting exposed the profligacy of Court Ladies-the fire to the property of those who pay wages mothers and daughters of Nobility living on out of Poor Rates. One man, who was partipensions wrung from the marrow of the cularly obnoxious on account of his petty oppeople. Even this day our paper contains an pression, was shot at. Is not this connection example of Crown jewels abstracted, and of more intimate than that between the obsera father giving his daughter's brilliants to his vations of the Press concerning Parliamentary mistress; enough, in all conscience, to rouse Reform and the acts of the peasantry? Again, the indignation of a long-suffering people; last session of Parliament, Mr. Littleton, and but we have never heard that an attempt has several other Members of Parliament, drew been made to give any of these profligate a frightful picture of the exactions of certain courtezans a good ducking under the pump. master manufacturers. He conjured up all Of late too, the liberal Press has been un-the horrors practised in all Staffordshire; and sparing in holding up to public opprobrium his speech, faithfully reported, is said to have the pluralities of the Bishops, their enormous been widely circulated in the manufacturing wealth, extorted from the people under false districts. This session he has renewed the pretences, and their gross neglect of duties, same species of warfare, and his tirades have for performing which they claim our been spread far and wide in the manufacturreverence and our tribute. We remembering districts. There, too, we have the men that one of these Bishops, a man in the full quarrelling with their masters, and there we enjoyment of all the good things of life, find the hand of an assassin taking the life of about six months ago, denounced all the a master. Let our legislators and judges say amusements, and even the healthful recrea- that their abundant vituperation of oppressive tions of the people. For this he was most masters is perfectly innocent of the murder of meritedly, but unmercifully censured by the Mr. Ashton; we can confidently exonerate Press. If the Press wished to excite the the Press from having, in any manner, expeople to violence, it might probably have cited the people to commit that atrocious induced them to make a Dutch roast of the crime. We will say further, that the lawBishop, or dress him in his own fat; but he maker and the judge know no other means of yet lives, as sleek and comfortable as if he obtaining their ends than violence and terror, had never censured taking the air on Sunday, and we would fain learn from Mr. Recorder and never written a pamphlet abusing all Knowlys, or that wise man Mr. Trevor, other Sunday amusements but listening to whether the peasantry have acted on their the preacher. In fact, the Press is a gene-principles, and imitated their examples, or rous opponent. It seems its enemies of their danger. It makes all its attacks in front. It never stabs its opponent in secret. It is opposed to violence of all kinds, under whatever pretext it may be used. Its arms are exclusively those of reason, and it leaves force to the judge, to the executioner, and to the war office. The only example we know, in which the popular opinions espoused by the Press have been connected with outrage, was the late attack on the Duke of Newcastle, at Newark. But, if there ever was a case in which a long-suffering and ill-treated race of men, described as the property of this weakminded Duke, could find an apology for indignation, it was this. They, however, revenged private injuries, not public wrongs. We affirm, then, and we appeal to our readers for the correctness of our assertion, that the Press has never recommended violence or defended outrage, and that the opinions it has of late most warmly advocated have not in any manner been connected with violence.

have been led by the Press, which uses only
soft words, and appeals only to reason? We
deplore, as much as the Recorder or Lord
Wynford, the present state of the country;
but we affirm, let who will be the author of
it, that the Press has been in no wise instru-
mental in bringing it about. We trust man-
kind, therefore, will not be scared by the
censure of judges or the vituperation of
parsons from the confidence which they now
repose in their daily and weekly instructions,
and which we honestly believe they well de-



JAN. 13. VOULES, J., New Windsor, cornmerchant.

BANKRUPTCIES SUPERSEDED. HARROLD, E., Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, cotton-spinner.

LEESON, W., jun., Nottingham, hosier.
TAYLOR, J., Carlisle, wine-merchant.

CHANDLER, T., Bow-lane, Cheapside, car-

CHAPMAN, J., Wisbeach, Cambridgeshire,

EARLE, G. and C., Great St. Thomas Apostle,
ELLIOTT, J., Holloway, carpenter.
EVENNETT, R., South-bank, St John's-
wood, Regent's-park, dealer in hats.
FIELD, W., Brighton, carpenter.
HARRIS, W., Bristol, silk-mercer.
HARNETT, E., Wapping-wall,coal-merchant.
LEE, T., Liverpool, cotton-dealer.
MILLS, W., Nelson-street, Greenwich linen-

Peas barely maintain last week's prices. For other articles we beg to refer to the annexed currency.


There is to-day a pretty full market, with a tolerable briskness in the trade. Prime Scots obtain our top currency and good Beef generally finds purchasers at 3s. 10d. to 4s. 2d.; but for ordinary meat there is not so ready a demand. Mr. Mellish attended on Friday, to the no small gratification of the sellers of Lincolns. The price of Mutton is about the same as this day se'nnight; but handsome big sheep, in consequence of their scarcity, make nearly as much as the light weights. The best Downs are quoted at 4s. 6d. There is a further advance in choice Veal. The supply will be sold out. Beasts 2,607, Calves 100,

SIMKIN, G. R., Red Cross-street, and High-Sheep 23,040, Pigs 160. bury, grocer.

THURSDAY, Jan. 20.-The spirit of the late

SMITH, G., jun., North Shields, master Thursday's cattle market, which was declared mariner.



JAN. 18.-BLAKE, T., Brighthelmstone, builder.


by its clerk to have become defunct on this day se'nnight, made its appearance in Smithfield this morning, in the shape of about 60 Beasts, 200 Sheep, 20 calves, and a few Pigs, most of which had disappeared by about 11 o'clock. That which the City Senate are said will be held to-morrow.

BEDWELL, J., London-road, Surrey, bed to have re-decreed as the legitimate market, and bedstead-maker.

BEYNON, J., Scarborough, draper.
BUCKLAND, J. and J., High-street, Dept-

ford, and Deptford-green, linen-drapers. CHERRY, J., Coventry, painter.

CLEAVER, H., Market Lavington, Wiltshire,

DOUBLEDAY, W., Manchester, tea-dealer.
HILL, G. J., Camberwell, oil and colourman.
MARSHALL, E., Liverpool, grocer.

MAY, J. and P. Brodie, Fenchurch-street,

NATHAN, N. and W., Mansell-street, Goodman's-fields, quill-merchants.

PEARSON, J., Long Eaton, Derbyshire,


SHEARS, A., Friday-street, Cheapside, silkwarehouseman.

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On the 1st of Feb. will be published, No. I, of

SKIPT, M., Commercial-road, iron-merchant. T REFORMER-Tithe, Twenty-six Objec

SKINNER, G., Avely, Essex, grocer.
SMITH, W., Brick-lane, Spitalfields, baker.
WILD, J., and G. Shaw, Oldham, Lancashire,

WILLIAMS, J. E., Norwich, grocer.


MARK-LANE, CORN-EXCHANGE, JAN. 17.We had not a very large supply of English Wheat at market this morning, consequently a few early sales were made in fine quality at an advance of full 1s. per quarter in the prices since this day se'unight; the middling and inferior sorts were also taken off upon rather better terms; but the sales were by no means brisk, and Flour remains at last week's price. Fine Malting Barley was taken off very freely to-day at an advance of 3s. per quarter, and scarcely any was left unsold. Beans of both sorts, and Grey Peas, are likewise about 1s. per quarter dearer, and Oats nearly as much, although not much briskness in sale. White

tions against the New Church Property; New Plan to be brought forward by Parliament; Amiable Conduct of the Bishop Wilson, Bishop of Derry 24 years, Non-resident, with 15,000%. a year; Bishop of Peterborough; Bishop Newton; Baron Brougham.

Sold by Mr, Steil, 20 Paternoster Row, and all respectable Booksellers in the Empire.

This day is published, in 12mo. price 5s. bds.,
E being the Narrative of the Author (an
English Farmer) from the year 1824 to 1830;
during which time he traversed the United
States of America, and the British province of
Canada, with a View to settle as an Emigrant.
By JOSEPH PICKERING, Late of Fenny-Strat-
ford, Buckinghamshire.


Published by Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green.

Printed by William Cobbett, Johnson's-court; and published by him, at 11, Bolt-court, Fleet-stree

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