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liament authorising the Lord Lieutenant to put down a Society by Proclamation. He told them that no Society could be made (unless it was so at common law) illegal until it was proclaimed-and that even such a Society so proclaimed was not illegal until two Magistrates had read a certain form prescribed by the Act, or any person at their discretion, and that even when that form was read, the Society did not come under the Act of Parliament until fifteen minutes had elapsed from the time of the reading of the form prescribed in the Act of Parliament. Mr. O'Connell was, after this explanation, proceeding to comment upon the conduct of the Marquess of Anglesey, when

Alderman Darley, Mr. J. C. Graves (two of the Magistrates of the head police-office), accompanied by Mr. Farrell (chief constable), entered the room.

ALDERMAN DARLEY said, I hope I do not disturb you, Mr. O'Conueli.

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Mr. O'Connell pulled out his watch, and said, It is now ten minutes after 11.

Mr. GRAVES. By my watch it is eight minutes.

Mr. O'CONNELL here addressed himself to the Meeting, and said-Gentlemen, this proceeding is totally illegal; but the gentlemen who are here, and who have dispersed this Meeting, are acting as Stipendiary Magistrates-are acting under the order of their superiors. The proceeding is at variance with British liberty; but it has the appearance of the law, and I now call upon you to obey even that which has the appearance of law; and I trust that a reformed Parliament will yet punish those who have thus caused the Mr. O'CONNELL: I was not addressing my-dispersion of a Meeting, assembled to do that self to you Sir, but to Alderman Darley, who always conducts himself like a gentleman.

Mr. O'CONNELL: Not at all, Alderman Darley; I was only explaining the Act of Parliament.

Mr. GRAVES: We do not come here to discuss it.

ALDERMAN DARLEY: Mr. O'Connell, you must be aware that I came here in consequence of the Proclamation, and, as a Magistrate, to direct that the present meeting shall disperse.

Mr. O'CONNELL: You must know, Alderman Darley, that there is a certain form prescribed in the Act of Parliament. We require now that that form shall be adhered to. We refuse to disperse under that Act, till the Act itself has been followed by the Magistrates. If you do not choose to adhere to that form, and lay your hand upon any man here, he shall immediately leave the room; but you must prepare for the consequences.

ALDERMAN DARLEY: Very well, Mr. O'Connell, I shall read the form prescribed by the Act of Parliament. (The Alderman here pulled out a piece of paper, which he was about reading.)

Mr. O'Connell: Alderman Darley, before you read that paper, requiring the present Meeting to disperse, I beg to tell you, and I think it my duty to apprise you, that this meeting is not connected, nor does any one in it belong to any association, assembly, or society, nor is it connected with any-body whatever, mentioned in the Proclamation. These things I feel it necessary to inform you, and you will now proceed at your peril. I say this with every personal respect for you, who, I know, are performing that which you consider your duty, as being ordered to perform it by the present Administration. I feel it to be my duty to tell you this. I do this as a free-born British subject, availing myself of all the privileges of a free man, having every respect for the law, but at the same time

which is most constitutional, and best becomes British subjects to perform-forwarding Petitions to Parliament. (Cheers.) Now, Gentlemen, we will all disperse.

The Meeting then dispersed, giving three cheers for a repeal of the Union,

(From the Dublin Morning Register.) ARREST OF MR. STEELE.-Yesterday morn ing Mr. Steele was taken into custody, under a warrant from the Castle, for his speech which had been printed by himself. He was accompanied, when he entered the Magis trate's room, by Mr. Maurice O'Connell. Mr. John Reynolds and Mr. Dollard were his securities in 100%. each, and he himself was bound to appear in the King's Bench in the penalty of 2001. When he was about to retire from the office he addressed the Magis trates, and said he did not consider that an appropriate occasion to express his opinions on the conduct of the Marquess of Anglesey's government, but he could leave the office without expressing his sense of the very courteous and gentlemanly manner in which the Sitting Magistrates had acted towards him during the time he was in custody. He and Tudor, and Mr. Graves, then bowed to each these gentleman, Alderman Darley, Mr. other, and Mr. Steele retired with his friends.

"To the Editor of the Morning Register.

"Friday Evening, Jan. 14, 1831. "MY DEAR SIR-The statement in The Evening Mail, of O'Connell's having shown me any want of regard, when under arrest this day, is totally false, and originated probably in the mistake, whether wilful or other

wise, of the policeman who went to his house guards are to be permanently stationed at with my letter. each mill.-Dublin Morning Register.

"I wrote to O'Connell, that his personally coming to me might create excitement through the city, and draw a crowd to the office, and he, acting upon my suggestion, directed his servant to say that my letter should be immediately attended to; and he accordingly sent down his eldest son, my friend Mr. Maurice O'Connell, as speedily as it was possible, and he immediately went to get the sureites.

"The friendship O'Connell has for me is too sincere, and I know too affectionate, to admit the possibility of his treating me with any unkindness; he has never done so, but directly the reverse.

"I have the honour to be, my dear Sir, yours most truly and sincerely,


REPEAL OF THE UNION, (From the Limerick Evening Post.) The following letter has been received by Mr. Terence Kennedy, of John-street, from our city representative, acknowledging the receipt of a petition from the cordwainers of Limerick, in favour of a repeal of the Union:"London, Jan. 10, 1831.

"Sir, I have this moment received your Petition, and the letter which accompanied it. The former I shall take an early opportunity, of presenting, explaining your opinions to the House.

"It is with regret that I differ at any time from my constituents, or a portion of them, I value those constituents highly-and it is because I respect their independence, and their exercise of the right of free judgment, that I claim an equal freedoom for myself. If I could believe that the repeal of the Union would advance the interests of Ireland, no one should exceed me in zeal as an advocate for such a measure. But I conscientiously believe that such a repeal would ruin all the best prospects of our country. I do not believe it would bring back absentees. I do not believe it would add to our capital. I do not believe that it would improve the condition of our people.

(From the Dublin Evening Post.) THEATRE ROYAL.-Last night the house was crowded to the top-and notwithstanding all the preliminary efforts which were made to produce a contrary effect, the Marquess of Anglesey was welcomed on his entrance with an enthusiasm and vehemence which we never saw equalled since the visit of the late King to the Theatre. In the drinking scene of the opera (Der Freischutz), where a health is proposed for the lovely Agnes," the applause was deafening, followed by clapping of hands, waving of handkerchiefs, &c. His Excellency stood up and bowed nost gracious- "If I am asked to compare the proceedings ly and cordially to the audience. This was of Parliament before and after the Union, I only a signal for renewed cheers, and other can do so easily and conclusively. Before the demonstrations of applause. His reception Union your trade was fettered-our agriculaltogether must be highly gratifying to the ture was depressed-and we were excluded lovers of peace and good order, and even the from the British market. Since the Union, party who were most vociferous in shouting a freedom of intercourse has opened to our out for the repeal of the Union seemed to act industry the whole of England. The Irish from a generous impulse of gratitude to the Parliament, by the vote of egistment, threw Nobleman, who so anxiously wished to be- the burden of tithe almost exclusively on the, nefit in every possible manner this distracted poor man. The Imperial Parliament, by the and agitated country There were groans Composition Act, has removed many of the for "Doherty," "Stanley," "The Lord abuses and inequalities of the system. The Mayor," &c. We were delighted to recognise Irish Parliament passed the detestable Penal Mr. Sheil and other gentlemen conspicuous Code. The Imperial Parliament has estàin applauding the patriotic and loyal feelingsblished perfect liberty of conscience.

evinced by the great majority to the Lord Lieutenant. In one scene, where Johnson says, "Why shut the door against your friends?" a voice from the gallery cried out, "Because the Proclamation is abroad!" This created a groan for the "Proclamation," which was accomanied with some clapping of hands from ihe Unionists. The Marquess did not retire until the entertainments had concluded, and on his rising to depart there was a general shout of applause, both warm and enthusiastic, from every part of the house.

"I am, Sir,

"Your very obedient, humble servant, "T. SPRING RICE."

For a few weeks past several shop-windows in Waterford have been placarded by a Mr. George Russell, a manufacturer and repairer of time-pieces, &c. The gentleman got a great deal of business in his costly line; all varieties of watches, time-pieces, musical boxes, &c., were poured in. But on last Saturday evening enquiries were made at Mr. Russell's lodgings, which induced a pursuit to be commenced towards Dunmore East, where Mr. R. was found preparing in a great hurry for his passage by the Milford packet to the sister island. He was most inconveniently interrupted in his route, and brought up to Waterford on Sunday morning. He remains

MILITARY GUARDS ON THE PAPER MILLS. -The Government have issued orders for a military guard to be supplied from the Royal Hospital, for the protection of eac of the paper mills in the vicinity of Dublin, in which the new machinery has been introduced. The in custody.

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(From the Dublin Morning Post.) FRIDAY, TEN O'CLOCK.-We give, in a second edition, a Proclamation which was posted throughout the city at an early hour this morDing. It will be seen that it contains restrictions on a much more extended scale than any that has heretofore been published. Whether or not it will have the effect of altogether suppressing political meetings in this country remains yet to be proved. It has, however, caused great excitation in the city, and various are the speculations to which it has given rise as to its probable result.

next day, the O'Connell Tribute Sunday.-~ Tralee Mercury.




Bolt-court, 19th January, 1831. BROTHER SUFFERERS,



You have now read the whole of the foregoing documents; you must clearly The excitement created by yesterday's Pro- see that it is the people of Ireland, and clamation has been greater than we have witnessed on any of the preceding occasions. We not any demagogue, or association of must confess that the effects were really demagogues, as the impudent vagaastounding. It appears, now, that a complete bonds of loan-jobbers and tax-eaters trial of skill is at issue between the Govern- call all those who have an objection to ment and Mr. O'Connell. Whatever skill the be robbed of the last penny of their Government may use, they have in addition, the balance of power in their favour; whilst, earnings. It is the constant practice of on the other side, Mr. O'Connell announces these impudent vagabonds to represent his determination to use no weapon but the all those who have the spirit to oppose law-no support but public opinion. But Mr. the measures by which they fatten O'Connell has another task to encounter: he has at once to combat the Government by is their constant practice to represent legal means, and to control the feelings of his all such men, as men destitute of forfriends by means of his extensive influence; tune and of character. What, then, is to check the progress of public opinion from it that can give these men such enoradvancing to public exasperation, and yet to keep up the public opinion at the point which mous power over the minds of the is deemed requisite to give it due weight. We people? Their arguments must be have already given our opinion on the " Pro- powerful indeed, if the organs be so clamation" system; and the last Proclamation, though different in degree of force, is precisely the same in principle as the others on the subject. The question of Repeal or no Repeal will be lost or carried by the public opinion; if that he firmly for it, the Repeal will take place-if not, there is an end to the possibility of its accomplishment.-Dublin Morning Post of Saturday.


AND THE O'CONNELL TRIBUTE. The paragraph which appeared in The Western Herald regarding the Catholic Bishop of Kerry, we have authority to say is false in all its parts. It is false that he refused the use of the chapel. It is false that he controlled any of his clergymen. It is false that he disapproved of the collection. Indeed, his own

lies in her heart; the organs are destivery contemptible. But, Corruption tute of neither property nor character; but still the weight of these, in addition to all the talent that they possess, and all the just confidence that the people place in their judgment, would be nothing at all, were there not good grounds for the propositions that they advocate; in short, if the people of Ireland were not cordially for the repeal of the Union, could the Paget-StanleyProclamations have been necessary? Could it have been necessary to prevent, by force, people from dining or breakfasting together?

munificent donation to the O'Connell Fund, It is clear, then, brother tax-payers, which exceeds that of any other Ecclesiastical Dignitary in Ireland, ought to be sufficient to that it is the Irish people who call for stamp the paragraph with falsehood, and a repeal of the Union; and supposing should have made our enlightened contempo- them to understand their interests, let rary hesitate ere he opened his columus for a bundle of falsehoods regarding our truly esti- us now see whether our interests would mable Prelate.-Tralee Mercury. not be advanced by the same measure. THE O'CONNELLTRIBUTE-THE ARMY.-WeI have always been for a dissolution of understend that the Officer commanding the depot of the 10th Regiment, how stationed in our Barracks, received an order on Saturday last, by express, to prevent the Catholics from attending Mass at the parish chapel on the

this Union, because I thought that such dissolution would be for the benefit of England as well as Ireland. In the Register before the last, I gave what I

deemed some very cogent reasons in ment inflicted on farmers and gentlefavour of this dissolution. I showed men for employing Irish labourers ; clearly how the union robbed Ireland and, observe, our labourers have counof the main part of its resources, and tenanced in the commission of these how it made the people the most violences on this account by the memwretched upon the face of the earth; Ibers of parliament themselves, who, showed how it reduced to hog-food, and in their speeches in Parliament have, hog-food alone, the people whose labour a hundred times over, represented this sent forth bacon, pork, beef, mutton, and inundation of Irish labourers as a great butter, in hundreds of ship-loads, to evil, and especially as one cause of the feed other nations. In the space of one sufferings of the people of England. month (last spring), more than nine They, the English landowners, and thousand Irish hogs, fit for the knife, Burdett particularly, have represented passed through one single turnpike- these Irish labourers as interlopers who gate, at Speen Hill, near Newbury, in come and take away all the advantage Berkshire. When I was at Bristol, of the harvest from the English lalast spring, I every day saw droves of bourers. This has been repeatedly the fat hogs and fat sheep landed at that talk in the House of Commons for town from Cork. Nearly the whole of years past. Is it any wonder, then, Lancashire, and a great part of Yorkshire, are fed by Ireland, down to the very eggs themselves. I have heard of a man at Manchester who imports Irish eggs to the amount of forty thousand pounds a-year. In short, with the exception of the soldiers, the taxeaters of various descriptions, and comparatively a few persons in trade, with the exception of these the laborious people of this productive country never them. Now, a repeal of the union taste flour in any shape; never taste meat of any sort; never taste even a miserable egg. Their only food is that damned root which it has been sought to render the food of the working people of England; but to which food they have, I thank God, shown that they will not submit.

that the English labourers should have risen upon the Irish labourers and their employers? Here, then, is clearly one cause of the union of the two countries. The taxes, tithes, and rents are brought hither; the bacon, the pork, the flour, the butter, the poultry, the eggs, come hither, and the sturdiest of the Irish labourers come hither in order to get their teeth stuck into some portion of

would, to a certainty, produce a repeal of the Church establishment there; and thus all the tithes would be left in the country. The Irish tax-eaters would live in Ireland, for the greater part, at any rate; and the Parliament being restored to Ireland would keep a large part of the land-owners constantly there.

Now, is there any man who will look me in the face and say that the people But, now, will not some narrowof Ireland ought to be made to live minded short-sighted Englishman say: thus? Is there any Englishman who" This would be bad for England; for will say that he would assist to kill the" she would not then have expended Irish unless they will consent to live" in her so large a part of the rents, thus? A tax-eater base enough to say "tithes, and taxes of Ireland." This, this may be found; but to be found no even if there were nothing more; even such man is, who lives upon the fruit if we were to acquiesce in this opinion, of his own labour. For ny part, my is an opinion to be urged, in opposition astonishment is that any Englishman to the repeal, by no man who does not can be found, who does not live upon deserve to be hanged upon a limb of the taxes, who is not for a repeal of the tree nearest to the spot where he the union with Ireland. It is very well utters the sentiment; for, what argument known that, in many instances,violences is this but that of the robber and the in Kent, and other counties, and that murderer? He robs because he wants, even fires have taken place, as a punish-to take away the property of the person

that he robs; and he murders his vic-dred thousand, who is at all aware of tim for fear of detection; and, brother the manner in which the Irish people tax-payers, the Englishman who can have been treated since the union. wish the power of England to be em- Those who were the advocates of the ployed to compel the Irish to live upon union told us that it would produce the accursed potatoes, and to be clad tranquillity; that it would place the worse than the savages in the woods of people of Ireland under the protection America; the Englishman who can of an enlightened, impartial, and pawish the Irish people to be compelled ternal legislature. From the date of to submit to this, in order that England the union to this very hour that legismay thereby profit, is, disguise the lature has been passing acts as occasion matter howsoever he may to his own demanded for abridging the liberties of heart, a robber and a murderer. So the people of Ireland. This conciliatthat, if it were true that England ing, consolidating; this tranquillising gained by this treatment of Ireland; measure, had been adopted only six if this were true, the proposition in years, when the sun-set and sun-rise favour of it would be rejected with bill was passed by the united Parliascorn by every Englishman who de- ment, but to operate in Ireland only. served not to be hanged. Now, let me put it to any English But the proposition is not true: it is farmer, for instance, how he would like not true that England has gained, or to be treated in the manner that Irish can gain, by the sufferings of Ireland farmers have been treated. Men should proceeding from this source. That do by others as they would be done measure which is called the union; unto; and if they fail to do this, very that unnatural alliance; that dog and frequently, they are sure to get punished cat marriage; that unholy junction, first or last. Let us see, then, how the which was effected by means never to English farmer would relish the sun-set be thought of without feelings of horror; and sun-rise bill; suppose a law were this measure took place just about passed to authorise the King, or rather, thirty-one years ago; and from that his Ministers, to issue at their discretion day to this day, England has been be- a Proclamation, forbidding all the coming weaker and weaker with regard people of any county, or of all the to foreign powers; and more con- counties, of England, to quit their temptible in the eyes of the world; her houses for more than fifteen minutes at burdens more and more oppressive, any one time, between sun-set and sunand her people more and more misera- rise, and to keep this prohibition in force ble and discontented. I do not pretend for any length of time that they pleased; to say that all, or any-thing like all, the suppose that, during this prohibition, sufferings of the people of England, and men or women might be brought before the loss of character to the country, two justices of the peace, conjointly have arisen from the union; there are with a barrister appointed by the Gonumerous causes of these lamentable vernment, and be by them imprisoned and disgraceful consequences; but at discretion, or TRANSPORTED FOR there can be no doubt in the mind of SEVEN YEARS; and this, too, obany man that the union with Ireland serve, WITHOUT TRIAL BY JURY. has been one of those causes. Without Yes, English farmer, suppose yourself that union there must long ago have and every member of your family, liable been a repeal of the Protestant Church to be transported for seven years, for Establishment, which is the great curse being out of your house for fifteen of Ireland. Without that union there minutes together between sun-set and never could have been the necessity for sun-rise! Suppose this; say that you the terribly coercive measures which would like it; and then join the Bloody have been adopted and enforced in that Old Times newspaper in vilifying Mr. country. There is not one Englishman O'Connell, and in calling upon the out of fifty thousand, or out of a hun-Government to send an additional army

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