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Printed for G. HAMILTON & J. BALFOUR, W. SANDS, J. TRAIL, W. MILLER, and J. BROWN, Edinburgh; A. STALKER, Glasgow; and T. GLAS, Dundee.
€ЄXLI, CCXLII. The evidences of the truth of the
Chriftian religion. 2 Cor. iv. 3, 4. But if our gofpel
be hid, it is hid to them that are loft: In whom the God of this
world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, left the
light of the glorious gospel of Chrift, who is the image of God,
fhould fine unto them. Page 1, 12, 24, 37, 49, 62.
SERM. CCXLIII, CCXLIV, CCXLV. The excellency and
univerfality of the Chriftian revelation, with the fin and
danger of rejecting it.- John iii. 19. And this is the
condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved
darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 80, 95,
SERM. CCXLVI. The ground of bad mens enmity to the
truth. John iii. 20. For every one that doeth evil, hateth.
the light, neither cometh to the light, left his deeds should be repro-
SERM. CCXLVII. True liberty, the refult of Christianity. -John viii. 36. If the Son therefore shall make you free,
ye fhall be free indeed.
GERM. CCXLVIII. The duty of improving the present op-
portunity, and advantages of the gospel..
John xii.
35. Then faid Jefus unto them, Yet a little while is the light
with you; walk while you have the light, left darkness come up-
on you.
SERM. CCXLIX. The folly of hazarding eternal life for
temporal enjoyments.- Matth. xvi. 26. For what
is a man profited, if he fhall gain the whole world, and lofe his
own foul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
SERM. CCL, CCLI. The reafonableness of fearing God more
than man. -Luke xii. 4, 5. And I fay unto you my friends,
Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no
more that they can do. But I will forewarn you whom ye shall
fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed, hath power to caft in-
to hell; yea, I fay unto you, Fear him.
SZRM. CCLII, CCLII. The efficacy of prayer, for ob-
taining the Holy Spirit.- -Luke xi. 13. How much more
hall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask
185, 197.
bim 207, 222.
SERM. CCLIV. The bad and good ufe of God's fignal judg-
ments upon others.- -Luke xiii. 5. I tell you, Nay: buts
except ye repent, ye shall all likewife perish.
SERM. CCLV. Wherein lies that exact righteousness, which
is required between man and man. Preached at the morn-
a 2
ing exercise at Cripple-gate..
Matth. vii. 12. There
fore all things whatsoever you would that men should do unto you,
do ye even fo to them; for this is the Law and the Prophets.
PRAYERS compofed by Archbishop TILLOTSON:
To which is added, A fhort discourse to his fer-
vants before the facrament.
A prayer before the sermon,
A prayer, which (as the publisher conjectures) he used before
his compofing his fermons,
Prayers ufed by him the day before his confecration. 292.
A difcourfe to his fervants, concerning receiving the facra-
A form of PRAYERS, ufed by his late Majesty
K. WILLIAM III. when he received the holy fa-
crament, and on other occafions.
A prayer to God, that he would be pleased to affift and accept
my preparation to receive the blessed facrament.
A penitent confeffion of fins, with an humble fupplication for mercy and forgiveness.
A prayer for the grace and affiftance of God's Holy Spirit,
to enable me to refolve and to do better for the future. 304.
An humble interceffion with God for all mankind; for the
whole Christian Church, and more particularly for that part
of it which is planted in these kingdoms; for the Queen,
and for all under our government: for my relations and
friends; for my native country, and for my allies, &c. 305.
A thankful acknowledgment of the mercies of God, both
temporal and fpiritual; and above all for the redemption
of mankind by the humiliation and sufferings of his Son in our nature.
prayer to God, to prepare my heart for the worthy recei-
ving of the holy facrament, and to make me partaker of
the bleffings and benefits of it.
Short meditations and ejaculations at the communion.
A prayer to be used in private afterwards.