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the .vii. sacramentes. As the sacrament of baptym: of confirmation: of penaunce of the body of our Lorde of wedlocke: of preesthode: and of enelynge. Wherof, beynge repentaunt, I cry God mercy.

C. The .viii. beatitudes.

C. Also I haue not disposed me to the.viii. beatitudes: as pouerte of spiryte, perfyte mekenes in aduersite, perfyte mekenes in prosperyte, lust of ryghtwysnesse, perfyte mercy, clennesse of hert, peas in desyre, ioyful suffraunce of persecucyon in the cause of vertue. Wherof I cry God mercy.

¶. Of these and all other: knowen and not knowen, that euer I dyde, syth I was borne unto this daye, I aske God mercy and moost mercyfull Lorde God, I yelde me gylty unto the, and utterly put me unto thy grace, pyte and mercy: and I praye you, my goostly fader, to be bettwene my synne and me: that God of his mercy forgyue me for this lowely confessyon, that may be frede from my goostly ennemy, and optayn the endles blysse that God hath bought me to. Ideo deprecor, etc.


A compendius forme of dayly confessions.2


ONFITEOR Deo etc. cogitatione, locutione, opere et omissione. Specyally I haske God mercy that I haue not kepytt his

commandments, and the councellis of the gospell, nott lowyd hym, dred hym, and wirshippd hym, as I awght to do with my hole hart, mynde and wyll, and strengges, with body and sawle, aboue all creaturs: not thangkyd hym of his benefetts, and the grace that he hays gyffyn vnto me, as I shulde haue doyn.

¶ Also that I haue nott luffyd my bretherne and myn ewyn crystyn, dewly after the order of charite.

Also that I haue not kepyd the statuts of oure order specyally the hede vowes of religion. In forsakyn myn awne wyll be true obedience, cleyn chastyte, and wylfull pouerte, with all other observance of the order as syght, Sylence and cell, the stall and bell, Inclinacyons, veneis and prostracyons: nor byn so obediant to my sowerayns and my bretherne as schuld be, nor to thayr concellys, and techyngs, nor sufferd thayme pacyently for Godds sake.

Also in the vij dedly synnys and in the branches of thayme: first of pride, I haue exaltyd my selffe in the gudds of grace, forton and nature, and reputyd my selffe aboue myn astate and vertu, and styrrynges of wayne glorie and of all other spices of pride. I aske

2 MS. Bibl. Cott. Nero A. 3. p. 136. b.

god mercy. In ire and enuy, not so charitabbyl and sufferants as I schuld be. &c. Also in couats, I haue hayd dysordynate luff to warldly gudds, and honors.


¶ In glotony, I haue nott kapyd so dew tyme and messure in etyng and drynkyng, bot foloyng my carnall sensualite with more delectacyon and excesse than I aught to do, I aske god mercy. In sclawths, the service of god and oure lady I haue hard, sayd, songyn, necligently and vndewowtly, and mayd mony defawts. And my mynd and hart ofte tymes withdrawyn thar fro, by ymaginacyons of vice and wanyte. &c. Also vyle styrrynges of lechery, vncleyn thoghts and delectacyons, that I haue nott laburet agayne so sone and perfytly as I aught to do. I aske god mercy. &c. The vij warks of mercy, bodely and gostly, after my power and astate. I haue nott fulfyllyd specyally nor occupyed my tyme in prayer, meditacyon, lecture and gud operacyon, as I myght haue doyn. I aske god


The vij sacraments of holy churche, I haue not reuerently mynisteryt, and receywyd. I aske god mercy. &c. And specyally at masse, not treytinge that holy sacrament with so gret dewoycyon, dred and reuerence, nor prayed so dewoytly for oure founders, frendys and benefactors, and all other qwyke and dede as I aught to do. I aske god mercy. &c. And of all forgettyn synnys, and forgettyn penance, I aske god mercy.

And where I haue offendyd in any artikyll of the faythe of holy churche, I aske God mercy. Also my v. wytts that I haue myspendyd. And of all ydyll words that I haue spokyn, or sylence brokyn lesse or

more, at vnconvenyent tyme and place with bretherne or seculers. &c. I aske god mercy. Of these and of all other, as farre as god knawys me gyltye, I knawe my selffe gylty, and I aske god mercy, oure lady sanct mary, and all the courts of hewyn. Et te pater orare pro me.


Alia nota de confessione.3

FTER the sayng of sanct Bernarde and other holy doctors, when any man vsyth to confesse dayly or ofte tymes, he shulde nott make a longe confession, but short, of syche as hys conscience is most grewyde with. And first of dydly synnys, and thoo that he is in dowt, whether they be dedly or weniall and secundly of suche wenyall syns in generall that can nótt well be expressyd specyally, as thes be: ydyll words, vane thoghts, necligence, dulnes in redyng or prayng, losse of tyme, distraccyon of hart or wandyng mynd in sayng his service or other prayers vnthankfullnes of the gudnes of god, more besy for the body then nede ware, lyght judging of other men, lyght suspicyon, to be nott content with all that god dothe. And nott to vse the grace and gyfts that god hathe gyffyn hym, with other suche that can not be flede and well forborne, of a febyll and a wake sawle. When it suffers suche agayns it wyll, they are bott lyght and veniall. Neverlesse thay wolde be confessyd in generall. etc.

3 From the same MS.

Confiteor Deo cæli. &c.*

KNOWLECHE to God of heuene, and vnto the blessid Marye, and vnto alle his halewis: and unto thee, fadre, for that I wreche synner, haue synned to moche, in thenking, spekyng, delityng, consentynge, in sizte, worde, and work: blame, thoruz my greatest blame. Therefore I preye the, blessid virgyne Marye, and alle the halowes of God, and thee, fadre, preye for me vnto God, that he haue mercy of me.

Misereatur tui. &c. The alle my3ty God haue mercy of thee, and forgeue to thee alle thy synnes : delyuere thee of alle yuele: saue and conferme thee in euery good werk and lede thee to aylastyng lif: so mote it be. Amen.

4 From the Douce MS. 246. in the Bodleian Library.

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