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Bi the vertue of thi holy prayer that thou prayedest ther thre tymes: haue mercy on vs.

For thy ferfull drede of thi deth, haue mercy on vs. For that agony in the whych thou offerdest thee wilfully to deth, obeying thi almyghty fadir and thi blode swette: haue mercy on vs.

Bi thy grett mekenes that thou woldest be comfortid of an angell, so comforte me in every tyme: and haue mercy on vs.

Bi thy myghty and victorious wytt, that wentyst ageynst them that soughte thee to deth: haue mercy

on vs.

Bi thi ferfull takyng, when the Jewes layde violently ther handis on thee: haue mercy on vs.

For thi grete goodnes, that thou refusidest not the cisse of Judas, thi betrayour, and the eere of malcus, that peter smote of thou didest restore and hele: haue mercy on vs.

For that holy bondis, that thou were bounde with and ladde as a prisoner, and opprobrious wordis, that thou suffredist all that nyght: haue mercy on vs.

For the buffet that thou suffredist in the presens of anne the bishope, and other shame donn to thee: haue mercy on vs.

For that loue and charite that thou hadist when thou were brought bounde afore cayphas, the bishope: haue mercy on vs.

Bi the false witnesse and thi vnryghtwos dampnacion: haue mercy on vs.

Bi the spyttynge on thee, and the scornynge of thee, haue mercy on vs.

By the buffetis, and sore strokys, gyuen to thee: haue mercy on vs.

By the byndyng and blyndfelyng of thi holy eyen,

shames, and reprouys that thou suffredest all that nyght: haue mercy on vs.

For that mercyfull beholdyng that thou beheldest petir, and for all that labour and tormentis that were secrete and vnknowne, whiche thou sufferedist all that nyght: haue mercy on vs.

Bi thi presentyng afore pilate and the accusynges, that the Jewes, made agenst thee: haue mercy on vs. ffor the contempte and the illusion that thou suffredist of herode, and the white garment that he sentt thee in agen to pilate: haue mercy on vs.

For all the shames, laboures, obreydynges and reproues which thou suffredist goyng from on Juge to an other haue mercy on vs.

For thi gret paciens, and stylnes: haue mercy on vs. For the shamfull pluckyng of thi clothes, and the byndynge of thi most holy body to a pilour: haue mercy on vs.

For thi scorgiengis and cruell bettynges: haue mercy on vs.

For thi innumerable woundes, and the plentuous shedyng of thi blode: haue mercy on vs.

For all thi payne, sorowe, colde, and quakyng: haue mercy on vs.

For the purpill garment and thi crowne of thornes violently pressed on thi hede: haue mercy on vs.

For the grete ache that thou didist suffre in thi hedde, when it was smyte on the crowne of thorne whith a kynges scepture: haue mercy on vs.

Bi the scornefull worshipping of the Jewes and salutacion when they seyde, Heyle kyng of Jewes: haue mercy on us.

Bi the spittyng on thi godly face and cruell betynges: haue mercy on vs.

For that heuenes of hert that thou haddist, when pilate broughth thee foreth before the multitude of the peple, wering the crowne of thorne and the purpell vesture, and seyd to them, loo beholde the man: haue mercy on vs.

For that ferfull sentence of deth and shamefull ledyng to the mounte of caluarie: haue mercy on vs.

For thi grete loue shewede to vs wen thou berist thi heuy crosse vpon thi shuldres, to the place where thou suffredist thi most paynfull passyon, and the labour, angwysh, sclaundres, and betynges that thou didist suffer by the way: haue mercy on vs.

For all thi blody steppes that thou madist goyng to thi deth: haue mercy on vs..

Bi the grete werenes that thou haddest on thi shuldir beryng the crosse vntill thou fell downe: haue mercy on vs.

Bi the grete compassion of thi hert, that thou haddist, wen bering the crosse thou mettist thi blyssid modir makyng most sorowe and lamentacion: haue mercy on vs.

Bi thi heuy chere, and the goyng vp of hey mounte of caluarie where thou were crucifyed: haue mercy

on vs.

Bi the pluckyng of thi clothes to thi most schame, in the syght of thi blyssid modir, and all the peple: haue mercy on vs.

Bi that cold sittyng that thou sattyst pitiously full of wondis in the colde wendes, so abydynge vntill thi crosse was redy: haue mercy on vs.

For tho sore and peynfull steppes thou madest goyng to thi crosse : haue mercy on vs.

For the grete angueshe, morenynges, and wepeynges: haue mercy on vs.

For the grete strecchyng of thi synewes, and veynes, and all thi membres: haue mercy on vs.

By the naylyng of thy ryght hande, and shedyng of thi precious blode, clense vs lorde from all synne, and haue mercy on vs.

Bi the naylyng of thi lefte hande, and thi most holy wounde and preciouse blode: saue vs, and haue mercy

on vs.

For the naylyng of thi most holy feete and by the woundes of them, and the preciouse blod flowyng oute of them: porge vs, lyght vs, and reconsile vs to god the fadir, and haue mercy on vs.

For the lyftyng vp of thi most holy body on the crosse, and the sore braysyng thereof, that gaue to all partyes of thi body an vncredible peyn: haue mercy

on vs.

For the heuenes of thi hert and all the powers of thi soule saue vs, deliuer vs, and haue mercy on vs.


For the partyng of thi clothis, and the lotte that thei cast vpon thi cote that was made withoute seem, thou beholdyng it: have mercy on vs.

For thi grete loue that thou hyngest on the crosse thre houres alyue: have mercy on vs.

For tho opprobrious and scornefull wordes, whych hangyng on the crosse thou herdist spokyn vnto thee: haue mercy on vs.

For the blasphemyng, sorowe, and confusion, which thou suffredist on the crosse: haue mercy on vs.

For all sorowe and peyne that thou suffredist in thi ribbis, reynes, and shuldres in tyme of thi crucyfyeyng: haue mercy on vs.

For all the peyn theer beyng streyned on the crosse thou suffredist in thi handes, feete, and all thi membris: haue mercy on vs.

For that wonderfull charite when thou praydist thi allmyghty fadir for thyn enemyes: haue mercy on vs. For thi grete mercy that thou promysist paradyse to the thefe, hangyng on that ryght side: haue mercy

on vs.

For the tendir prouysioun that thou haddist to thi mothir in thi tormentis, commendyng hir to thi wellbeloued disciple, John: haue mercy on vs.

For that grete and myserable crye that thou madist to thi father: haue mercy on vs.

For the swerde of sorowe that whent throught the soule of thi blyssid modir, and her grete compassion and teers that stondyng by the crosse lamentably she shede: haue mercy on vs.

For tho holy teers that thou shedist on the crosse, and in all thi lyue tyme: haue mercy on vs.

For thi thirste and tastyng of gall and eysyl, graunte vs to tast the swetnes of thi spirite: and haue mercy

on vs.

For all tho holy wordis that thou spakyst on the crosse, and in all thi lyue: haue mercy on vs.

For that piteous crye in the which thou commendist thi soule to thi fadir, oure soules be commendid to thee: and haue mercy on vs.

Bi the departyng of thi holy soule fro thi blyssed godly body: haue mercy on vs.

Bi the restyng of thi most blissid hedde brest inclyne, most swete Jesu, to vs.



Bi the bitternes of thi deth, and the intolerable peynes wherewith thi hert breke: haue mercy on vs.

Bi the openyng of thi side whith a spere, and the flowyng oute of thi most preciouse blode, smyght through goode lorde my hert, with the spere of thi godly loue: ande haue mercy on vs.

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