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To the Right Rev. Dr. Henry Gabriels Bishop of Ogdensburgh.


While this book was in preparation it pleased His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII, to appoint you Bishop of Ogdensburg. The news of your elevation to the episcopate, while pleasing to clergy and laity alike, was especially gratifying to the editor of this volume, who was trained for the duties of the priestly state by your instruction and example. Desirous of offering some token of deep esteem and good will, he takes the liberty of dedicating to you this little volume, which was first edited during your Rectorship by the Rev. J. S. M. Lynch, Professor at St. Joseph's Seminary,

ex ædibus Seminarii Troiani, Clero et populo primum apparuit, cura R. Dñi Lynch. Idque libenti animo absolvo, ratus nomen Excellentiæ Tuæ, Sacræ Liturgiæ cultoribus optime notum, pretium labori meo daturum et perpulchrum ordinationis ritum ornaturum.

Placeat igitur votum cordis mei, quod multorum vota complectitur, benigne accipere et humillimo inter discipulos Excellentiæ Tuæ, Pastoralem indulgere Benedictionem.

Addmus servus


Bibliothece Cathedralis Neo-Eboracensis Moderator.

Datum Neo-Eboraci 1892, in Festo Annunciationis B.M.V.

Troy, N. Y. Your name, so well known to all interested in liturgical studies, will render illustrious this attempt to give a fitting dress to the beautiful ceremony of ordination. Be pleased to accept this mark of respect, in which many others heartily join, and grant to the least worthy of your pupils your pastoral blessing. Your obedient servant,


Director of the Cathedral Library of New York.

NEW YORK, Feast of the Annunciation, 1892


Ante Ordinationem Ordinandi induunt habitum sacrum respondentem Ordini, ad quem sunt promovendi; videlicet tonsurandi superpelliceum replicatum brachio sinistro sustinent; Ordinandi ad Minores induunt superpelliceum; Ordinandi ad Subdiaconatum induunt amictum, albam, cingulum, brachio sinistro impositum ferunt manipulum ac tunicellam. Advertere debent ut amictus non stet circa collum, sed paulatim extra albam, ut Episcopus illum possit capiti eorum imponere. Ordinandi ad Diaconatum induunt amictum, albam, cingulum, et manipulum brachio sinistro, in quo ferunt dalmaticam et stolam replicatam; Ordinandi ad Presbyteratum induunt amictum, albam, et cingulum, manipulum in brachio sinistro, stolam, Diaconali more, in humero sinistro, firmatam super latus dexterum, planetam replicatam super brachi



Before the ordination, those who are to receive orders put on the sacred vestments corresponding to the order to which they are to be promoted, to wit: those who are to receive Tonsure carry on their left arm a surplice folded; those to be ordained to Minor Orders put on a surplice; those to be ordained to Subdeaconship put on an amice, alb and cincture, and carry on the left arm a maniple and tunic; they should be careful not to have the amice drawn tight around the neck, but to let it hang a little above the alb so that the Bishop may be able to draw it over the head; those to be ordained to Deaconship put on an amice, alb, cincture, and wear a maniple on the left arm on which they carry a dalmatic and stole folded; those to be ordained to the Priesthood put on an amice, alb, cinture, and wear a maniple on the left arm, a stole on the left shoulder, fastened at the right side, after the manner of a Deacon, carry a chasuble folded on the left arm, and have a white linen handkerchief fastened to the cincture for the anointing. And all carry lighted candles in the right hand.


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