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Autem Rhenus oritur ex Lepontiis, qui incolunt But the Rhine arises out of the Lepontii, who inkabit Alpes: et fertur citatus longo spatio per fines the Alps: and is borne rapid in a long distance through the territories Nantuatium, Helvetiorum, Sequanorum, Medioof the Nantuates, Helvetii, Sequani, Medio matricorum, Tribocorum, que Trevirorum; et ubi Tribocci, and of the Treviri; and when matrici, appropinquat Oceano, diffluit in plures partes; it approaches to the Ocean, it flows dividedly into more (several) parts: multis que ingentibus insulis effectis; magna pars many and great islands being formed; great quarum incolitur à feris que barbaris nationibus; of which is inhabited by wild and barbarous part nations; (ex quibus sunt qui existimantur vivere (out of which (there) are (some) who are thought to live influit in it flows in into ab When Cæsar might be distant (was distant) from hoste non amplius duodecim millibus passuum, the enemy not wore (than) twelve thousands of paces, legati revertuntur ad eum, ut constitutum erat: the ambassadors return to him, as it had been appointed: congressi in itinere, orabant magnoperè, having met (him) on the march, did pray qui who impetrassent greatly ne progrederetur longius. 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