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When the dull-beating clock told that night was far gone,
In his chamber Eugene oft would pore

On some favorite page, whilst his lamp dimly shone,
Then, low muttering, fold his arms close, and anon
Pace with footsteps unequal the floor.

His features abroad seldom any one saw,
His hat so o'ershaded his eye:

And suddenly oft would he silent withdraw,
To read of some blood-guilty wretch, whom the law
Of his country had sentenc'd to die.

In the converse of friends he no pleasure could feel,
Most irksome his days seem'd to roll;

The place whence he came he e'er strove to conceal,
But his gestures, alas! would too plainly reveal,
That some secret press'd hard on his soul!

It was strange, that his thoughts should unvarying pursue
A theme he dared never divulge,

Yet that one rich in talents, possess'd but by few,
Should e'er have committed aught hateful to view,
Seem'd suspicion too base to indulge.

It chanc'd, that a rumour was spread far around
The spot he had formerly known,

That hard by the edge of yon forest were found
A man's fleshless relics, which deep in the ground
Some wretch had inhumanly thrown.

E're long to the memory of some it recurr'd,
That twice seven years then had past,
Since a friend disappear'd, nor had any e'er heard
Even whither he went, but it oft was averr'd,
He by violent hands breath'd his last.

Then many a circumstance rose, that implied,
It were easy th' assassin to trace;

But he, the accused, the charge strait denied,

Though the strange words he dropt, as a bone he descried,
Caus'd a tremor to start in his face.

When conscience his mind now began to upbraid,
The crime he resolv'd to confess;

Eugene his accomplice he forthwith betray'd,
And added, the corps in a cavern was laid,

And the skull fac'd the right-hand recess.

The bones, it was true, in the cave still remain'd,
Where a hermitage anciently stood;

Then Eugene was soon trac'd, for the murder arraign'd,
In the high-grated walls of a lone prison chain'd,

And adjudg'd to be hung near the wood.

"Must this quick-throbbing frame be reduc'd then to nought,
"Whilst expos'd to the rabble's rude stare ?"-

Thus he mus'd, woe-begone, then (O horrible thought!)
With a weapon, conceal'd in his dungeon, he sought
By self-murder to end his despair!

His rash effort was baffled-to prove true his fears,
He was borne to the scene of his fate,

And his skeleton now a memorial appears,

That just heaven the cries of the murder'd soul hears,
And demands retribution, though late.

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A MUSICAL entertainment called the Gipsey Prince, attributed to the pen of Mr. Moore, a gentleman of distinguished poetical talents, was performed for the first time, on the 24th.

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Antonia, (Niece to Don Roderick)....Mrs. Mountain.

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S Miss Tyrer,

Miss B. Menage.

Miss Gaudry.

The scene is laid in the province of Murcia, in Spain, where the heroe of the piece, just arrived with his motley subjects, rescues from the officers of the inquisition a wretched Jew, who implores his compassion as he is about to be dragged to the prison of that tribunal. In the exercise of this philanthropy one of the Alguazils is wounded, and information of the impious outrage being given to the Grand Inquisitor, all the engines of the secret tribunal are set to work to detect the sacrilegious heretic. The gipsey, after many strange adventures, takes refuge in the garden. of the Inquisitor, and there finds playing upon her guitar his niece Antonia. The susceptible Antonia falls in love with him at first sight, conceals him in a pavillion, and supplies him with food. Her disinterested passion meets with a suitable return, and the enamoured gipsey who, tired of wandering a vagabond over the face of the earth, had a few hours ago professed himself tired of existence, would now wish to pass an eternity in the endearments of his mistress. It is appointed between the lovers that the signal for the Prince to come out of the pavillion, should be the sound of Antonia's guitar. Rincon, a whimsical fellow, upon the hunt to discover the person who rescued the Jew, gets into the garden, and twangs the guitar, which had been unluckily left there. The gipsey Prince, supposing that Antonia had given the signal, appears. In order to prevent Rincon from betraying him, he forces the latter into the pavillion, and remains in the garden upon the watch for Antonia. The officers of VOL. 2.-NO, 7,



justice enter the garden, search the pavillion, and seize Rincon, thinking he is the offender against the Inquisition; but returning, they surprise the gipsey Prince in tender parley with Antonia. He determines on resistance, but is pursuaded to submit, by Antonia. Brought a prisoner before the Inquisitor and the Corregidor, and required to give an account of himself, in the course of his confession he declares that he knew not his parents, but that while a child he had been brought into Hindustan by his uncle, a Spanish missionary of the name of Alvarez.

The Corregidor discovers him to be an only child, whose death he had long lamented, and obtains his pardon from the Inquisitor, who also consents to the union of the gipsey Prince with his niece Antonia.

It must be obvious from this account of the plot, that the author had many difficulties to encounter, in forming a piece that could command the attention and excite the interest of his audience. The meagre outlines of the fable appear still more meagre in the representation, and receive no relief from subordinate business, or circumstances of a ludicrous kind, which are frequently introduced with success in this kind of dramatic writing. The dialogue is either dull or a miserable affectation of wit and humour.

The music selected and composed by KELLY, possesses strong claims to the approbation of the best masters and the most distinguished amateurs. It is both in the gay and plaintive movements, admirably suited to the respective circumstances and characters of the piece. The following air was given by Kelly in a chaste and affecting style:

I've roam'd through many a weary round,

I've wander'd East and West,

Pleasure in ev'ry clime I found,

But sought in vain for rest.

While Glory sighs for other spheres,

I feel that one's too wide,

And think the home which Love endears,

Were worth the world beside.

Mrs. MOUNTAIN's airs were executed with superior feeling, taste, and precision; and Miss TYRER, in the little gipsey, dis played talents which, if carefully cultivated, will render her a valuable addition to the vocal and acting departments of our first theatrical establishments.

For the favourable reception of the Gipsey Prince, the author is peculiarly indebted to the spirit and humour exhibited by FAWCETT in the character of Rincon.

The entertainment cannot attain any thing like an honourable or permanent rank; but the charms of the music may render it attractive for the season.



MADEMOISELLE Volney recently made her debut at this theatre in the character of Žaire. She could not have selected a part better adapted for the display of her powers. It contains no furious exclamations nor abrupt transitions. It requires an agreeable voice, a graceful ease, a mild sensibility, a noble simplicity of action, and a correct and natural delicacy. Every part of the audience recognized these various requisites in the performance of Mademoiselle Volney. The general applause she received did not proceed from the indulgence due to her youth and timidity, but was the flattering recompense of the pleasures which she excited.

We have now successively seen M. Volney timid and modest in Junia, interesting and pathetic in Andromache, ingenuous and sensible in Palmira, dignified and stately in Azema, simple and affecting in Zara. In all these characters, amidst the faults of youth and inexperience, she has displayed original talents which it is the province of the critic to encourage and foster into maturity. His weapons should not be directed against an age which escapes unassailed amidst all the horrors of war.

Non arma haberes adversus eam etatem cui etiam in captis urbibus parcitur.

Insolent pretensions, intrigue, usurped reputation, and cannonized error, are the enemies which he is destined to combat. But a young lady of talent, adorned with all the grace of modesty, who trembling enters on a perilous career, should be regarded with an enlightened indulgence. If it be base to offer up incense to the idols of the day, it is cruel and cowardly to stifle merit in the birth.


THIS association which, by its taste and patronage, so much contributes to that vocal harmony which graces the social board, and gives to the soul so large and refining a share in the pleasures of the table, held its annual meeting, this month, at Harrington's, Grafton-Street-Couns. Whitestone in the chair.Song, catch, and glee, assumed at an early hour their delightful influence, and in the course of the evening many charming compositions of these several kinds were sung; of these a large portion was the product of Doctor Stevenson's muse, and the club testified in the most handsome and flattering manner its just sense of this gentleman's pre-eminent talents;-a silver cup of the most elegant form and execution, of the value of 40 guineas. and bearing the following inscription, was presented to him :


In testimony of the high esteem in which they hold
His Talents;

And in consideration of the many delightful compositions
which he has contributed to the

Entertainment of the CLUB,

and the

Honour of the Country."



We understand it is the intention of the club to establish annual prizes for the best musical and lyric compositions, on the same principle as that of the Harmonic Society in London. The emulation thus excited will very much tend to call forth and improve this department of genius, if in deciding on the merits of the candidates strict justice be adhered to, and the partialities arising from intimacy, friendship, or self love be firmly resisted: we know that such things have been, and the rewards of genius prostituted to the influence of favouritism and wealthy dulness.

The annual Exhibition of Painting, at Dublin, we understand, to have been very productive, a sum not short of 5001. having been received, which we hope will be so applied as to encourage the future support of the public for this school of the Irish arts: and, indeed, the public ought to be informed of the application of this money; whether it is to go to the eleemosynary instruction of pupils, or, which we think would be still better, to the support of indigent and decayed artists. We repeat, that it is fit the public should be satisfied that their bounty is not jobbed or squandered away.


AMONG the master-pieces of this admirable but difficult art, the LAST SUPPER of LEONARDO DA VINCI, engraved by RAPHAEL MORGHEN, and imported by COLNAGHI, of Cockspar-Street, may advance just claims to a distinguished rank.

The merits of Morghen, however, generally admired have never been displayed to more advantage than in the present instance. He seems to have been animated by the genius of the painter, and to have transferred into his performance the grand conceptions of the original. It has of late been objected by many excellent judges, that the engravers of this country have frequently fallen into a bad taste, by making an ostentatious display of the means by which they produce their performances; but in the print before us, there is no idle or redundant exhibition of lines; and the execution, beautiful in itself, is made subservient to the genius of the artist who finished the inimitable original.

In considering the beauties of this exquisite engraving, we cannot recollect without the mixed emotions of indignation, contempt, and pity, the ridiculous assertion lately made in a court of law by a painter of some eminence, "That a man who was but one remove from dullness might become an accomplished engraver." A sentiment so illiberal and ill founded has been controverted by the test of reiterated experience, and is directly contradicted by this chef-d'œuvre of the graphic art. The distance must indeed be very great between dulness and that man who can contemplate with admiration and enthusiasm the work of a great master, can produce an admirable imitation of it, and transmit, by a faithful and glowing sketch, its excellence to posterity.

The prints of The LAST SUPPER, are sold at 101. 10s. and the proofs at 211.


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