The Congressional Globe, Tom 45,Część 6;Tom 66Blair & Rives, 1871 |
Spis treści
Chandler Zachariah a Senator from Michi | l |
Chicago relief bill discussed in House | 87 |
Chipman Norton P a Delegate from | 128 |
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agent amendment American amnesty amount appointed Arms to French authority bill cent charge citizens civil colored committee Congress CONKLING Constitution courts Cuba declared Democratic Democratic party Department district dollars duty election England ernment fact foreign fourteenth amendment France French Government gentleman give Governor honorable Senator House hundred interest iron labor land legislation manufacturers Massachusetts ment million nation negro North Carolina ordnance paid persons pig iron political present President protection Prussia Pulaski county question received Remington REPS Republican party revenue Rusk county Sales of Arms schools SCHURZ Secretary Secretary of War sell Senator from Indiana Senator from Massachusetts Senator from Missouri SESS social equality sold Speaker speech statement tariff taxation thousand tion Treasury United United States Senate vote voters wages War Department York