CATALOGUE OF A GENERAL COLLECTION OF BOOKS, In every Branch of useful and ornamental Literature, INCLUDING SEVERAL LIBRARIES RECENTLY PURCHASED, PARTICULARLY THOSE OF The late Rev. JOHN PARKHURST, A. M. And W. BROMFIELD, Efq; Surgeon to Her MAJESTY's Houfhold. SUCH AS D. of Marlborough's Gems, 2 vol. morocco Grand Gallerie de Verfailles Inigo Jones, Piranefi, Stuart and Chambers State Trials, vol. in 6, large paper, ruffia Picart, Ceremonies Religieufes, gr. papier. Antichita d'Ercolano, vol. ruffia Authores Claffici, typis Baskerville, 7 vol. R. Stephani Thefaurus Lingua Latina, Biblia Polyglotta & Caftelli Lexicon, 8 vol. Shakspeare's Works, first edition &c. &c. Which are this Day felling (for Ready Money) By THOMAS EGERT O N, AT THE MILITARY LIBRARY, WHITEHALL. 1798. INDE X, FOLI O. BOOKS of Prints, Antiquities and Architecture Antiquities and Hiftory of Great Britain and Ireland Foreign Hiftory, Voyages and Travels Natural History, Husbandry and Gardening Anatomy, Phyfic, Surgery, &c. Poetry, Plays, Romances, Translations and Miscellanies Libri Mifcellanei, Mathematici, Critici, Philofoph. Juris Dictionaries, Lexicons, Grammars, &c. Antiquitates, Hiftorici & Numismatici Theologia & Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica Civilis, &c. Livres François QUARTO. History and Antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland 70 Arts and Sciences, Heraldry, Coin, Painting, Music, Archi- Poetry, Plays and Tranflations of the Claffics Libri Hiftorici, Mathematici, Mifcellanei, Critici, Philolog. Dictionaries, Lexicons and Grammars Juris Civilis, Philofoph. &c. Livres François, Hiftoire, Voyages, Antiquités, &c. Arts and Sciences, Mathematiques, &c. OCTAVO & DUODECIMO. A CATALOGUE, &c. Books of Prints, Antiquities, Architecture, &c. I FOLI O. HE Duke of Marlborough's Collection of Gems, finely en Traved by Bartolozzi, with Defcriptions in Latin and French, 2 vol. elegantly bound in morocco, gilt leaves, by Kaithoeber, an exceeding fine copy 2 Vandermeulen's Works, confifting of 41 large Prints and 90 fmall, fine impreffions, 2 vol. neatly bound, 10l 108 3 Watteau's Works, 3 vol. containing 679 prints, proofs and etchings, 151 155 4 Hogarth's Works, good impreffions, with Mr. S. Ireland's Etchings from Hogarth's fcarceft Works, first impreffions, bound in Ruffia leather, 211 5 Eight large Prints relative to the Hiftory of Lorenzo, Cofmo, and others of the Medici Family, finely engraved by Gregorj, c. 21 12s 6d 6 Recueil d'Estampes d'apres les plus beaux Tableaux en France, par Crozat, 2 tom. belles epreuves, rel. en peau russienne, 141 145 Par. 1729 7 Le Grand Gallerie de Verfailles, par Le Brun & Maffé, et gravés fous fes Yeux par les meilleurs Maitres du tems, belles epreuves, 151 155 ib. 1752 8 Recueil d'Eftampes d'apres les Tableaux dans le Cabinet de M. Boyer d'Aguilles, belles epreuves, demi rel. 41 4s ib. 1744 Huret, Theatrum Dolorum, or Paffion of Jefus Chrift, fine old impreffions, 31 38 ib. 1664 10 Recueil de Tetes Choifies de Perfonnages Illuftres, exactement gravées de la Grandeur des Originaux par Fidanza, d'apres les Peintures de Raphael, 180 planches, 2 tom. coufus, 51 58 Rom. 1785 1782 11 Bartolozzi's 12 Etchings from Italian Mafters, boards, il is 12 Monument du Costume Phyfique et Moral de la Fin du XVIII. Siecle, par Moreau, &c. boards, 2l 128 6d 13 Museum Florentinum, Engravings and Defcriptions of the Ántiquities and Curiofities in the Grand Duke's Gallery at Florence, 12 vol. fine copy, bound in Ruffia leather, 421 Florent. 1734 A EGERTON'S CATALOGUE for 1798. 14 Mufcum |