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Part three contains eleven chapters devoted to the "Problems of Prevention, Adjustment and Organization." In the chapters, "The School Problems" and "The Kindergarten Period" the author justly criticizes the non-elasticity of our educational system. Probably his best chapter is on the "Training of Teachers." The teacher, besides having a thorough knowledge of the subject matter and methods of teaching, must have a knowledge of educational psychology, physiology, hygiene, and be allowed "ample opportunity of practical experience with children" while still a student. The book also contains twenty-five articles by various physicians which the author calls a "medical symposium." Each contributor treats the problem of the exceptional child from his own standpoint and experience.

The book is illustrated and contains perhaps too many and too detailed though interesting accounts of type cases. It is written in a very attractive style and with a minimum of scientific terminology. The author makes use of many quotations both from authoritative and unauthoritative sources. A disadvantage of the numerous quotations is that it becomes difficult for the reader to determine the author's own contributions, though there are many. The book will be of interest and value to the lay reader.


Department of Education, College of the City of New York. Speech Defects in Children and How to Treat Them. By Walter B. Swift, M.D., Member of Faculty of Harvard Medical School, Member of Staff of Speech Clinic, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Medical Supervisor of Speech Classes, Fall River Public Schools. Houghton, Mifflin Company, Boston, New York, Chicago. 75 cents. Postpaid. Too little has been said or written on the important subject of speech disorders. This special responsibility has been largely overlooked by school authorities, teachers, and even parents of children suffering from defective speech.

The time has come, however, when we are forced to recognize and remedy, through scientific diagnosis, the unsuspectedly large number of pupils with impediments in their speech.

Not only the doctor or specialist in speech defects, but school teachers, mothers of stuttering children, nurses, etc., are now looking for a treatise which discusses in a practical and non-technical way the physiological and psychological aspects of speech disorders.

Speech Defects in School Children and How to Treat Them has been written for two great purposes:

(1) To be the means of curing the stuttering child or adult, thus lifting the handicap which prevents him from filling his rightful place in the social and commercial or professional world.

(2) To build up the speech of the mentally backward or exceptional child so as to enable him to gain education more rapidly; and to put the ne'er-do

well into the class of do-something-more through the development of correct speech.

Contents: I, Importance of Good Habits of Speech; II, Methods of Correcting Defects of Speech; III, The Elimination of Minor Speech Disorders; IV, How the Teacher May Acquire a Proper Standard of Speech; V, Speech Improvement in Kindergarten and Elementary Grades; VI, Speech Disorders Among Abnormal Children and How to Cure Them.


Mr. Robert Bayard Cutting died in France on April 1st, while in the service of the Y. M. C. A.

As treasurer of the American Committee on Provision for the FeebleMinded and chairman of a similar State Committee in New York, he was a leader in the nation wide propaganda for their care. But he was so unassuming that but few, outside of his personal friends, knew of the large part he played in arousing interest in and securing care for the mentally deficient throughout this country. He was most generous in his time and efforts to promote the scientific study and understanding of this group of people and responded to every call for help. But it was the humane side that appealed most strongly to him. His death is a real loss to the workers in the field of mental deficiency.



Mason Street

May 17, 1918

500 Park Av., New York City

Dear Miss Seyfarth: Through a clerical error in my office for which Miss Mead, the writer of "An Experiment in After-care Work” which appeared in the May UNGRADED, is in no way responsible, credit was not given to Dr. J. E. Wallin, Director Psycho-Educational Clinic, St. Louis, for suggestions concerning the development of After-care work.

I regret this error and ask that you publish this letter in the next number of the UNGRADED.

Sincerely yours,



The Journal of Delinquency, Vol. III, No. 2, March, 1918: Mental Ability and Future Success of Delinquent Girls. Rudolph Pintner and Jeanette Reamer.

The Psychological Clinic, Vol. XII, No. 2, April, 1918: Errors in Scoring Binet Tests. Lewis M. Terman, Ph.D., Stanford University, Cal.

The Elementary School Journal, Vol. XVIII, No. 8, April, 1918: The Pedagogical Status of Feeble-minded School Children. J. E. Wallace Wallin.

The American Teacher, April, 1918: Confessions of a "Good" Student.

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