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BUT two ways of knowing God.-Our notions of spirit all nega-
tive.-Revelation the only rule.-Speculations of the schools
unnecessary. The general intention of the work.


SECT. I. p. 45.-Texts that prove there is but one God.-One
almighty and omnipotent,-infinite,-eternal and unchangeable.
-One Being to be worshipped.

SECT. II. p. 50. That there is a divine plurality.—JEHOVAH
and ELOHIM not properly translated.-ELOHIм a plural.-
False ideas of it as a plural removed.—The word GOD not a
proper translation of it.-True import of ELOHIM.-Other
nouns that express a plurality-Texts which seem to limit the
divine plurality to three.-Difficulties concerning a divine plu-
rality removed.

SECT. III. p. 65.-The proper Deity of the LORD JESUS CHRIST
and the HOLY GHOST proved from express scripture-Name
JEHOVAH ascribed to-LORD in the most absolute sense-The
name GOD.-Rom. ix. 5. considered.-The texts considered
where CHRIST is distinguished from GOD by the copulative and
-Creation work ascribed to-Inditing revelation-Author of
the divine law-Breakers thereof tempt Christ and the Spirit-
Omnipresence ascribed to-Dwelling in the saints-Holiness-
Fountain of life-Absolute power-Raising the dead-All spiri-
tual and divine operations.-Evidence in scripture language un-


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