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end of verse R. adds cum autem expirasset uela- | mentum templi scisum est medium a summo usque deorsum. 31. manerent [for remanerent]; pylatum; corum cruta transposed in R., but marked for correction. 34. exiuit [for exiit]. 35. ut et uos [for et ut uos]. 36. scriptura; inpleretur [for impleatur]; comminuetis. om. ct; scriptura. 38. pylatum; absconsus [for occultus]; pylaius; et tulit [for ut tulit]. 39. nicodimus; alocis [for alocs]. 40. nos [for mox]. 41. possitus. 42. possuerunt.


CAP. XX. 1. magdalena [for magdalene]; adhuc [for athuc]. 2. symonem; om. 2nd ad; possuerunt. 3. cxiit [for exit]. 4. prius [for primus]. 5. uidit [for uidet]; possita. 6. symon; possita. 7. sodarium [for sudarium]; super caput [for supra capud]. 9. scripturam; quod [for quia]. 10. om. iterum. 11. Cum [for dum]. 12. caput [for capud]; possitum. 13. possuerunt. 14. uidit [for uidet]. 15. om. mulier; queris; ortulanus; est [for essct]; possuisti. 17. dicit [for dic]. 18. magdalena et nuntians [for magdalene annuntians].

19. erant.


Dicit [for dixit]; eis ergo [for ergo eis]. 22. insufflauit. 23. remiscritis; remittentur; om. misa sunt et; detinta [for retenta]. 24. de [for ex]; didimus. 25. om. ergo; R. omits digitum meum in locum clauorum et mittam; after latus


R. inserts cius. 30. seripta [for scribta]. 31. scripta; after uitam R. inserts aeternam.

CAP. XXI. 1. om. iesus. 2. didimus; channan galileae [for cana galilacae]. 3. coeperunt [for praenderunt]. 4. cognuerunt [for cognouerunt]. 6. Dicit [for dixit]; after dexteram R. inserts partem; nauis [for nauigii]; after inucnietis R. inserts dixerunt autem per totam noctem laborantes nibil coepimus in uerbo autem tuo mittimus; after ergo R. inserts rete; illut [for illud]. 7. After petrus R. inserts itaque; tunica praecinexit [for tunicam succincxit]. 9. discenderunt [for descenderunt]; possitas; super-possitum. 11. plenum [for plenam]; R. inserts quasi before centum; quinquagenta; scisum [for scissum]. 12. prandite [for prandete]; audiebat [for audebat]; ex discipulis [for discumbentium]; esset [for est]. 13. accipit [for accepit]; dedit [for dat]; pisce (sic), [for piscem]. 14. After discipulis R. inserts suis; resurrexisset [for surrexissct]. 15. hiis [for his]. 17. R. inserts et between me and dicit; om. 2nd tu scis. 19. haec [for Hoc]. 20. petrus (sic), glossed breostum, [for pectus]; dicit [for dixit]; tradet [for tradit]. 23. om. et; om. ei. 24. scripsit. 25. om. per; R. inserts finit before amen; om. Explicit Liber Secundum Iohanen, and all that follows in L.

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N.B. The letter L means the Lindisfarne MS.; the letter R., the Rushworth MS.

Page 1. ARGUMENTUM SECUNDUM IOHANNEM. From L. I do not know that this has been printed before. The text is corrupt; a few corrections have been noted.

Page 3. CAPITULA SECUNDUM IOHANNEM. From L. Printed in Bouterwek's Scrcadunga, p. 12. Bouterwek leaves off at the word 'coronandus' on p. 8, where the Northumbrian gloss ends. The short table of lessons on pp. 8, 9 has not, I think, been printed before. See the last 7 lines of p. 9 for an account of the MSS. at this point.

Page 13. The words IN PRINCIPIO ERAT are written ornamentally in R., the second p being a Greek π.


CHAP. I. 11. In L., the gloss to filios is 'sunu,' corrected to 'suno.' These corrections have been noted in the margin throughout this Gospel, as being more convenient than the method adopted, in editing St Mark and St Luke, of giving them as "Critical Notes" at the end of the volume.

CHAP. II. 25. Here, in L., the word monn is denoted by the rune for m or 'man'; there are a few other instances, all of them marked by the use of italic letters for the word.

CHAP. IV. 11. (Page 34, coll. 1 and 2). In Lyo's A. S. Diet. is the entry "Leofne, domine: pro teof; Joli, 4. 11." I read the MSS. as leof ne,

in two words. Leof is the right form of the vocative case; and ne seems to be due to the neque of the Latin text; see the opposite page. 14. The translation, in L. and R., of aquae salientis by 'salt water,' is remarkable.

CHAP. XI. 17. The use of the A. S. gemétan in the sense to find' seems to have been going out of use in the twelfth century. The substitution of gefand for gemette in the (latest) Hatton MS. should be noted.

CHAP. XVII. 11. In the Latin text, the Rushworth MS. inserts XXXIII after uenio. This probably refers to the parallel passage in sect. XXXIII of MS. L., i.e. to Chap. XIX. 1.

CHAP. XVIII. 16 (Page 159). At the bottom of fol. 250 of MS. L., hereabouts, is written the gloss 'gi nú cummen is.' This gloss really belongs to xvi. 32, as pointed out in the margin of p. 149.

Page 187. The additions at the end of L. are by the glossator Aldred. Of the two Latin verses, the second lacks a syllable.

These additions are printed in the Surtees Society's edition, with the following variations. As usual throughout, v is printed for u in the Latin text, the capital letters of the MS. are not regarded, and proper names are printed with capitals, though the MS. seldom uses them. The contractions are not expanded, except that 'deus' is printed for 'ds,'

The gloss to unus is printed 'aufalde'; the

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