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any Vows, immediately fet upon it; and very great did I find the Benefit, of being Sequeftred from the World, and enjoying my felf alone: Itinur'd my Mind to Devotion, and kept it fenfible and tender, and accuftom'd me to Acts of Mortification and Self-Denyal. Thefe Days, if the Weather 'were Fair and Calm, I wou'd ufually spend in the Fields; if otherwife, in fome Empty 'Chamber in the College; in the absence of my Chamber Fellow, in my own Chamber; or in my Study, if he were there: But not fo as to give him, or any elfe, the least fufpicion of this Practice, all the time I was 'there.

His Advancement in Learning, kept equal Pace with his Improvements in Piety and Years; for he profecuted his Studies with In defatigable Diligence, and perform'd all his Academical Exercises with General Approbation: And when fometimes his eager pursuit of Learning wou'd occafion a Thought to arife in his Mind, that a whole Day every Week, was what he cou'd not fpare from his Studies, with Indignation he wou'd Reject that Suggestion, as coming from his Spiritual Enemy; He confider'd (as he expresses it) that it were just in God to punish fuch Thoughts, by blafting all his Studies; but if he chearfilly gave that time to God, his Goodness won'd supply that and more to him, having promised to add all things to those, who first feek the Kingdom of Heaven, and his Righteousness.


Removes into
Mr. Free-

From Catherine Hall (after he had taken his Degrees in Learning he remov'd into the sman's Family. Family of Ralph Freeman of Afpeden Hall in Hertfordshire, Efq; and undertook the Education of his Eldeft Son; a Trust, which he ever Esteem'd one of the most Weighty in the World,and which none fhou'd undertake without earnest Refolutions of Confcientiously Discharging it. And 'twas very happy for Mr. Freeman, that he found one who had all thofe Qualifications, which he cou'd wish in an Inftructor and Friend for his Son: Great Sweetnefs of Temper, join'd with a found and penetrating Judgment; a Sedate Gravity to command Respect, mix'd with an easy Chearfulness to gain Love; a happy way of Explaining the Difficulties of Learning, having clear Notions himself, of what he undertook to make Intelligible to his Pupil; a noble Genius and lively Fancy, temper'd with Discretion and Prudence; and what was more valuable than all thefe, great Strictness of Life, and an excellent Talent at Recommending Piety to Young Perfons, which is a peculiar Art; few knowing how to cloath Religion in its True Dress, most making it rather a Burthen than a Pleasure to Beginners, fo as rather to frighten them from it, than engage them to love it.

This Gentleman, Mr. Bonnell, very happily Inftructed, making the most Difficult parts of Learning, Plain and Eafy to him; but his Principal Aim was, to give Young Mr. Freeman right Notions of Religion and Virtue;

which he not only endeavour'd in his conftant Conversation with him, but for His ufe Compos'd many Pious Meditations, with short Reflexions and Advices upon the daily Occurrences of Life.


He continu'd in Mr. Freeman's Family till Goes into the Year 1678, and then went with his Pupil Holland with into Holland, and stay'd near a Year in Sir Le- Mr, Freeoline Jenkins's Family at Nimeguen very much to his Satisfaction. From Nimeguen he went in the Embassadors Company through Flanders and Holland, and fo return'd for England. From that time he continu'd with his Pupil till the Year 1683, when Mr. Freeman was fent into France and Italy. In 1684, Mr. Bonnell went into France, and met Mr. Freeman at Lions; and in His Company Visited several Parts of France: And fo great was his Tendernefs and Concern for Mr. Freeman,that he being taken Dangerously Ill of the Small-Pox at Tours, Mr. Bonnell conftantly Expof'd himself to that Distemper, tho' 'twas what he never had and upon his being able to use them, fupply'd him with many Excellent Meditations, and often join'd with him in Prayers and Thankf givings for his Recovery.

By his Prudent Behaviour, and Ingenious Conversation at Nimeguen, he procur'd Sir Leoline Jenkin's Efteem and Friendship, who in his Letters to Mr. Freeman's Father, highly Applauded Mr. Bonnell's Conduct, and was ever ready to ferve him with his Interest at Court, when his Affairs required it. And, with Respect to his Pupil Mr. Freeman,


never Man took truer Pains to Inftruct and Accomplish him,to Improve him with Knowledge, and Adorn him with Piety; fo he continually reap'd new Satisfactions from the Succefs of his Labours; but chiefly the most Delightful Part of them, his Endeavours to give Mr. Freeman a Right Senfe of his Duty to God, and fix the Impreffions of Religion in his Mind. They frequently join'd together in Prayer, and every Day their Devotions led the way to their Studies; the Te Deum and fome other Pfalms being the first Business of it. And tho he kept Mr. Freeman Close to these Exercifes, yet he manag'd them fo, as that they might not prove Uneafy to a Youthful Mind. And to this Day Mr. Freeman retains a moft Grateful Senfe of Mr. Bonnell's Care of him, and has own'd in the kindeft manner fince his Death, That it was his Prudent Management and Good Inftructions, which kept him from follow ng many Ill Examples of great Loofeness and Immoral ty and bindred him from running into many Mifchiefs he shou'd hardly otherwife have avoided: That when he was abfent from him, he conftantly re-minded him by Letter, of his former good Inftructions; which had the greater Impreffions on him, as knowing they were meant in great Kindness.

And no doubt, Mr. Freeman will always Reflect with Pleafure, on the Advantages he Enjoy'd by Mr. Bonnell's Converfation and Example fo many Years; will confider how Invaluable a Bleffing that was, and what reafon he has to Praise God for it; fince fuch an

Inftructor, and fo Faithful a Friend, might have preferv'd many Men (had they been fo happy as he was) from those Fatal Miscarriages which have ended in their Ruine: And that therefore he lies under particular Obligations to God, for fo Diftinguishing a Mark of his Favour and Goodness; which I am perswaded, he will always anfwer, by following the Inftructions, and imitating the Life of his Excellent Friend.

Were the Generality of our Gentry, Bless'd with Inftructor's of Mr. Bonnell's Temper and Piety; his Gravity, Prudence, and Holy Life with those who are acquainted (as he was) with the Methods of Gentile Conversation; can Dive into a Young Gentleman's Genius, and rightly form his Mind; we fhou'd soon see a happy Change in their Principles and Lives: Religion would have their first and Principal Regard; and it would be no part of their Character, to be Vicious or Prophane. Such ought to be Enquir'd after, for this Noble Truft, who are not narrow in their Fortunes, nor fervile in their Natures, and have had a Generous Education Themselves; fuch whose Presence carries Awe along with it, and whose Lives are fit to be made Patterns to their Pupils. And when fuch excellent Perfons are found, they are to be Treated in fuch a manner, as may bring both their Perfons and Employments into Elteem and Credit; as may plainly fhew, that They and their Labours are highly Priz'd and Valu'd. By this means the greatest Trust in the Common-Wealth, and


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