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The purchaser will herein find that cheapness and convenience have been consulted for his service.

Though every line is construed almost verbatim, yet absolute baldness has been, as much as possible, avoided.

The learned reader need not be informed that this version was not intended for him; though some of the most eminent of that character have condescended to examine the manuscript, and given it the sanction of their approbation.







All men have different attachments: Horace's taste is for Lyric Poetry, for the success of which he depends upon the patronage of Mæcenas.

MECENAS, descended from royal ancestors, O both my protection and my darling honour! There are some whose delight it is to have col lected Olympic dust in the chariot race; and whom the goal nicely avoided by glowing wheels, and the noble palm, exalts to the Gods-the governors of the world.

This man, if an assembly of the capricious Roman commonalty be bent to raise him to the highest dignities; another, if he hath stored up in his own granary whatsoever is swept from the Libyan threshing-floors; a third, as his delight is to plough his patrimonial fields, you could never tempt him, with all the wealth of Attalus, to become a timorous sailor, and cross the Myrtoan sea in a Cyprian bark. The merchant, dreading the south-west wind contending with the Icarian waves, commends tranquillity and the ruralness of his village: but danger over, and incapable of being taught to bear poverty, he refits his shattered vessel. There is another whose highest gust is in cups of old Massic wine, and in breaking the day, one while stretched at ease under the green arbutus, another at the placid head of some sacred stream.

* Hath imported vast quantities of corn from Africa.

The camp, and the sound of the trumpet, confused with that of the clarion, and wars, detested by mothers, rejoice many.

The huntsman, unmindful of his tender spouse, remains in the cold air, whether a hart is held in view by his faithful hounds, or a Marsian boar has broke the circling toils.

Ivy, the reward of learned brows, equals Me (in happiness) to the Gods above: the cool grove, and the light dances of Nymphs and Satyrs, distinguish Me from the crowd; if neither Euterpe withholds her pipe, nor Polyhymnia disdains to tune the Lesbian lyre. But if you will rank me among the Lyric poets, I shall tower to the stars with my exalted head.

You to the noblest heights of fame
Shall raise your poet's deathless name.



Horace dissuades Augustus from resigning the empire, on account of the prodigies which happened at the beginning of the year.

ENOUGH of snow and dreadful hail hath Jupiter now sent upon the earth; and having hurled his thunderbolts with his red flaming right hand against the sacred towers, he hath terrified the city: he hath terrified the nations, lest the grievous age of * Pyrrha, complaining of prodigies till then unheard of, should return, when Proteus drove all his marine herd to visit the lofty mountains; and the fishy race was entangled in the elm top, which before was the frequented seat of doves; and the timorous deer swam in the overwhelming flood. We have seen thet yellow Tiber, with his waves forced back with violence from the Tuscan shore, proceed to demolish the monuments of king Numa, and the temples of Vesta; while he vaunts himself the avenger of the too disconsolate Ilia, and the uxorious river, leaving his channel, overflows his left bank, notwithstanding the disapprobation of Jupiter.

Our youth, less numerous by the vices of their fathers, shall hear of the citizens having whetted that sword against themselves, with which it had been better that the formidable Persians had fallen; they shall hear of actual engagements. Which of the Gods shall the people invoke to the affairs of the sinking empire? With what prayer shall the sacred virgins importune Vesta, who is now inattentive to their hymns? To whom shall Jupiter assign the task of expiating our wickedness? Do thou at length, prophetic Apollo, (we pray thee !) come, veiling thy radiant shoulders with a cloud: Or thou, if it be more agreeable to thee, smiling Venus, about whom hover the Gods of Mirth and Love: Or thou, if thou regard thy neglected race and descendants, our founder Mars, to whom clamour and polished helmets, and the terrible aspect of the Moorish infantry against their bloody enemy, are delightful, satiated at length with thy sport, alas! of too long continuance: Or if thou, the winged son of gentle Maia, by changing thy figure, personate a youth* upon earth, submitting to be entitled the avenger of Cæsar. Late mayest thou return to the skies and long mayest thou with pleasure be present to the Roman people; neither may an untimely blast transport thee from us, offended at our crimes. Here mayest thou rather delight in magnificent triumphs, and to be called father and prince; nor suffer the Parthians with impunity to make incursions, you, O Cæsar, being our general.

* An allusion to the deluge of Deucalion and Pyrrha. ↑ Troubled.

‡ That is, from the Tuscan sea, into which the Tiber discharges itself.

Ilia, the mother of Romulus, was thrown into the Tiber, from which circumstance the poets call her the wife of the River God.

The shore of Rome.

Our young emperor Augustus.

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