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" The single dress of a woman of quality is often the product of an hundred climates. The muff and the fan come together from the different ends of the earth. The scarf is sent from the torrid zone, and the tippet from beneath the pole. The brocade petticoat,... "
The Spectator in miniature: being a collection of the principle essays ... - Strona 186
autor: Spectator The - 1808
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The Craftsman, Tom 10

1737 - Liczba stron: 582
...Pith of an Indian Cane. The Pbilippick Mmds give a Flavour to our European Bowls. The lingle Drefs of a Woman of Quality is often the Product of an hundred...from the different Ends of the Earth. The Scarf is lent from the Torrid Zone, and the Tippet from beneath the Pole. The Brocade Petticoat riies out of...
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The Craftsman, Tom 10

Caleb D'Anvers - 1737 - Liczba stron: 334
...give a Flavour to our European ' Bowls. The fmgle Drefs of a Woman of Duality is " often the Produft of an hundred Climates. The " Muff and the Fan come together from the'different " Ends of the. Earth. The Scarf is fent from the " Torrid Zone, and the Tippet from beneath...
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The Spectator. Volume the First. [-eighth.].

1744 - Liczba stron: 348
...Iflands give a Flavour to our European Bowls. The fingle Dreft of a Woman of Quality is often the Produft of an Hundred Climates. The Muff and the Fan come...from the different Ends of the Earth. The Scarf is fent from the Torrid Zone, and the Tippet from beneath the Pole. The Brocade Petticoat rifes out of...
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The Lady's Magazine, Tom 6

1775 - Liczba stron: 680
...contemptible by being confsicuous ? IV. The Cngle drefs of a woman of quality is often the produit of an hundred climates. The muff and the fan come together from the different ends of the carih. The fcarf is fent from the tor rid zone, and the tippet from beneath the pole. The brocade petticoat...
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The Spectator: ...

1778 - Liczba stron: 378
...pith of an Indian cane. The Philippian ifknds give a flavour to our European bowls. The fingle drefs of a woman of quality is often the product of an hundred...together from the different ends of the earth. The fcarf is fent from the torrid zone ; and the tippet from beneath the pole. The brocade petticoat rifes...
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The Spectator. ...

1789 - Liczba stron: 508
...N° l.paragr. 4. European European bowls. The fingle drefs of a woman of quality is often the produdl of an hundred climates. The muff and the fan come together from the different ends of the earth. The fcarf is fent from the torrid zone, and the tippet from beneath the pole. The brocade petticoat rifes...
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The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq: In Nine Volumes, Complete. With ..., Tom 1

Alexander Pope - 1797 - Liczba stron: 442
...and amazed. VER. 131. From each Jhe] Evidently from Addifon's Spectator, No. 69 ; " The fingle drefs of a woman of quality is often the product of an hundred...together from the different ends of the earth. The fcarf is fent from the Torrid Zone, and the tippet from beneath the Pole. The brocade petticoat arifes...
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The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq, Tom 1

Alexander Pope - 1797 - Liczba stron: 444
...and amazed. VER. 131. Frpm cachjbe] Evidently from Addifon's Spectator, No. 69 ; " The fingle drefs of a woman of quality is often the product of an hundred...together from the different ends of the earth. The fcarf is fent from the Torrid Zone, and the tippet from beneath the Pole. The brocade petticoat arifes...
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The British Essayists: The Spectator

Alexander Chalmers - 1802 - Liczba stron: 366
...sweetened by the pith of an Indian cane. The Philippic islands give a flavour to our European bowls. The single dress of a woman of quality is often sent from the torrid zone, and the tippet from beneath the pole. The brocade petticoat rises out of the mines of Peru, and the diamond necklace out...
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The British essayists; with prefaces by A. Chalmers, Tom 7

British essayists - 1802 - Liczba stron: 342
...Philippic islands give a flavour to our European bowls. The single dress of a woman of quality is ofien the product of an hundred climates. The muff and sent from the torrid zone, and the tippet from beneath the pole. The brocade petticoat rises out of the mines of Peru, and the diamond necklace out...
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