ADVERTISEMENT ΤΟ THE SECOND EDITION. THE flattering reception with which the former Edition of these select Essays has been honoured, demands the sincere acknowledgments of the Editor and Publisher. In forming the collection, and adapting it, both by price and size, to general circulation, they were convinced that its unique appearance would insure it a certain degree of approbation: but the success which it has met with has been beyond their expectations; and they can only attribute it to the intrinsic merit of the articles which have been compressed into these volumes. In the present Edition, some few frivolous essays, originally written by anonymous authors, for the SPECTATOR, have been omitted, and their places filled with the more elegant and pious pieces of Addison. The greatest attention has been paid to correctness in the typography. Encouraged by the reception of the first Edition of this work, the Editor has since prepared a similar edition of THE WORLD, which is now published, and in which are preserved all the pleasant and interesting essays of Mr. Moore, the original conductor, Lord Chesterfield, and the other eminent contributors. THE GUARDIAN, in the same form, is also in a state of forwardness. October, 1808. TABLE OF CONTENTS .... 39 Female Politicians.................... The Same. 52 Church Music............................................... .Anon. 54 Immoderate Love of Praise...Steele or Tickell*. 60 Dulness the Parent of Indecency..........Steele. 68 The Picts and the British Ladies...... The Same. 73 Dignity of Man, Proof of his Immortality. Anon. 17 True and false Wit. A Dream.. .....Addison. 82 Christianity Parent of Subl. Eloquence. Eusden. 90 London described by Four Indian Kings. Addis. 95 On the reading of the Common Prayer. Tickell. 110 Disgrace of Spies and of their Patrons. Addison. 113 Display of various Characters in a Vision. Same. 117 Gloomy Presages ridiculed........... The Same. 120 For the cause of this uncertainty, see Tickell's |