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Spring flowers are opening

Their hearts to the sun,

Spring birds carol gaily,

Brooks ripple and run,

For Easter is here, glad Easter is here.

Brewster and Thomas-Song Stories and Songs for Children: "The Weathervane," page 26; "Pussywillows," page 56.

Silver Song Series, 3rd yr.-"Song of March," page 38.

Walker and Jenks "Songs and Games for the Little Ones," “At Easter Time," page 20; "Two Robin Redbreasts," page 31.

New American, No. II-"The March Wind," page 53.

Bentley "Song Primer," "The Wind," page 35.

Riley and Gaynor-"In the Child's World," No. I, "The Wind," page 56; "The Windmill," page 35.


Kite scene (crayon), illustrating the memory gem "My Kite."

"Spring" (water color).

Windmill scene-paint sky, sea, and foreground. Trace, cut, and paste on it, windmill and ships.

Illustrate any part of any story told.

Stencil-robin, chick, rabbit, Easter booklet.

Construction (use of ruler)—Windmill from oak tag. Easter basket and eggs.

To give children the greatest possible advantage from the schools and at the same time to cut down unnecessary costs, Denver schools are reclassifying all pupils according to mental age, studying the cost of instruction per pupil, helping children choose vocations when they leave school, and doing everything else they can to prevent waste in instruction, according to the December School Life. That the same tendency to give the new generation the best educational results possible is found all over the United States and in other countries is indicated. by other articles in the same issue. The American Legion is taking a stand for spreading Americanization through the medium of the schools, and in accordance with this movement, Dr. Jno. J. Tigert the U. S. Commissioner of Education has arranged for the distribution of free copies of the Constitution of the United States.


By ELIZABETH I. LEARY, Special Class Teacher, Buffalo, N. Y. It was a happy and excited group of children who greeted the photographer in our classroom the day the picture was taken. For many of the pupils it was the first experience with the flashlight and some interesting reactions occurred.

We tried to take the picture just as the children were at work, but there was a natural desire to appear at their best and to get everything which they especially valued about the room into the picture. So you see some of the youngsters hugging their favorite games, even to little Frederick with the largest box of blocks from the game cupboard. Then the looms had to be in evidence, and most important of all, the sand table where the boys and girls had been constructing the rooms and furnishings of a modern flat.

The flat was a happy thought and formed a project which carried a unity of interest in class work for many weeks. We had a dolly who really needed a house to live in, and as she was a rather large dolly, large enough for the little girls to dress and undress and sew for, she needed larger rooms and furniture than the boys had been making for the toy houses which had been constructed heretofore. So the sand table was a fine suggestion. With its foundation all ready, all we needed to construct were outer walls and partitions.

Our language and reading lessons were play those days, for the colors of the decorations, the kind and size of furniture, the designs of the rugs, the choice of pictures for the walls all had to be planned and designed to harmonize. There were discussions to be held and decisions to be made.

Large sheets of paper were tinted with water colors for the walls and the littlest children spent happy times drawing, cutting, coloring and pasting the daffodil border in the blue bedroom with its white furniture and its pale blue and yellow rugs.

Some real thinking went into the original designs for reed furniture in the living room. Magazine pictures furnished the suggestions. Choice pictures were framed and hung on the walls. Cotton was tied and dyed in designs for the lamp shade, cushions, and draperies. The hand looms were busy weaving blankets for the bed and rugs for the floors.


We had some real arithmetic work to do when we tried to increase the scale of measurements in the directions for making the dining room furniture. (These plans, by the way, were taken from the Bonnie Snow and Froehlic Industrial Art Text Books.)

Playing house in the sand table is real fun. The bed has to . be aired and made every day. The rooms swept, the rugs shaken, the furniture dusted. Everything must be neat and clean because Dolly belongs to the Health Club and when she entertains we explain all these rules to her. We teachers like to "play house" too. It is such a fine opportunity to send home truths which no amount of preaching could teach.


On Tuesday, October 4th, 1921, at 12 o'clock noon the Special Class gave their annual dinner. This dinner is given to teach the boys and girls table etiquette, and how to conduct themselves in society; therefore a certain number of refined people are invited to partake of this dinner. The Special Class have a school garden and the children are taught how to use vegetables from their garden.

The boys in the class gathered and prepared the following vegetables beets, carrots, green tomatoes, sweet peppers, green beans, cabbage and parsley.

They also pared a peck of potatoes, picked two six pound cockerels, washed dishes, cleaned and decorated the classroom and did the shopping. Joseph Zevola was host, Gilbert Rieke, hostess, Hubert Schmitz asked the blessing and Edward Gilligan was toastmaster.

The following guests were present-Supt. H. H. Murphy, Miss Nute, Miss Van Ostrand, Mrs. M. H. Field, Mr. Sheppard, Mrs. H. Balcom, Mrs. H. Sherman and Mrs. Hart. Supts. Sheppard and Murphy were asked to make after dinner speeches; which they did, each including funny stories in his speech, much to the delight of the children.

The children pay for this dinner every year by selling their garden vegetables.-Alice G. Hogan, Nepera Park, N. Y.

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