Obrazy na stronie
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Cap. IX. 1. bona foerde gisah monno blindne from acennisse 2. gifrægn hine Begnas his cwex-
ende larow hwelc syngade des ældro his pte blind acenned were 3. giondsworade him de hælend
ne des syngade ne ældro his ah te æt-eowed were werc godes in dæm
were his sexe sende mec a hwyle dæg is cymex næht donne ænigmon ne
on ðissum middengeorde am leht am middengeordes 6. das miðoy gicwæ
cwæð him gaa
com gisah 8.

of dæm spadle ahof Sæt lam ofer egu his 7.
eft-gitrach[t]ad asended eode fordon Jawog ego his
ærist fordon arfa næfga was ah ne dis is sede sætt giornde
wutudlice cwedun nis æniht ah gi-lic is him he cwæ fordon ic am
werun egu de

4. me gidæfnað to wyrcanne mæg onwyrcan 5. ða hwile aspeoft on eordo lam giworhte a-wah ...... in dæm wælla ðæt is fordon nehgiburas ↑ ðaðe gisegun hine

9. ore cwedon pte dis is oðre 10. cwedon fordon him huu untynde


11 he swarode 1 cwæ; Se man þe is genemned hælend worhte fenn 1 smyrede mine eagan. J cwad to me; Gá to syloes mere pweah pe. 1 ic eode. 1 pwoh me 1 geseah;

12 Ɖa cwædon hig to him. hwar is he. þa cwæ he. ic nat;

13 Hig læddon to pam phariseon pone pe þar blind was.

14 hit wæs reste-dæg pa se hælend worhte fenn. 1 his eagan untynde ;

15 Eft pa pharisei hyne axsedon hu he gesawe. he cwad to him he dyde fenn ofer mine æagan J ic pwoh 1 ic geseo ;

16 Sume pa pharisei cwædon nis des man of gode pe reste-dæg ne healt; Sume cwædon hu mæg synful mann pas tacn wyrcean. J hig fliton him betweonan;

17 Hig cwædon eft to pam blindan. hwæt segst þu be pam pe pine eagan untynde. he cwe he is witega;

18 Ne gelyfdon pa iudeas be him. he blind wære 1 gesawe ærpam pe hig clypodon his magas pe gesawon

19 axodon hig. 1 cwædon; Is dis eower sunu þe ge secgad blind wære acenned. hu-meta gesyhp he nu;

20 Hys magas him Iswaredon 7 cwadon we witon pes [is] ure sunup he was bli[n]d acenned.

11 He andswerede 1 cwæd. Se mann þe ys genemned hælend worhte fen. J smerede mine eagen. 1 cwed to me. gá to syloes mere ænd þweah pe. J ic eode 1 þwoh me. J ge-seah.

12 Ɖa cwæðon hy to hym. hwær ys he. pa cwæ he; ic nat.

13 Hyo læddon to þam farisean ponne þe þær blind was.

14 Hyt was reste-daig; pa se hælend worhte þæt fenn, 1 hys eagen un-tynde.

15 Eft pa farisei hyne axoden. hu he gesawe. he cwad to heom. He dyde fenn ofer mine eagen. I ic pwoh. J ic ge-syo.

16 Sume pa farisei cwæden. nis þes mann of gode; pe reste-daig ne healt. Sume cwædon. hwu maig syn-ful mann þæs taken wercann. J hyo fliten heom be-tweon.

17 Hyo cwæden eft; to pam blindan. Hwæt segst þu be pam pe pine eagen untynde. he cwæð. he ys wytega.

18 Ne ge-lyfde pa iudeas be hym. þæt he blind wære ge-sawe; ær þam pe hy I þe clypedon hys mæges. pe ge-sæwen

19 ænd axodon hyo. 1 cwæðon. Is pis eower sune pe ge segged pæt blind wære akenned. hu-mæte ge-seh he nu.

20 Hys magas heom andsweredon 1 cwæden. we witen þat þes ys ure sunu. 1 þæt he was blind akenned.

11. A. ys. 12. A. ys.

Various Readings.

A. fen. A. myne. B. C. siloés. A. þweh. 13. A. fariseon. A. blynd. 14. A. hyt. C. om. wæs. A. fen. 15. A. farisei. A. acsedon; B. C. axedon. A. fen. A. B. C. eagan. 16. A. nys. C. mann. A. hylt. A. man. A. tacen wyrcan. A. hyg flyton hym betwynan. 17. A. blyndan. A. xyne. A. ys wytega. 18. A. blynd. A. clypedon hys. 19. A. þys. A. blynd. 20. A. wyton. A. Cp. omits. A. blynd; B. C. blind; Cp.

A. acsedon.

ys; B. C. is; blid.

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efterson fordon


gefrugnon + huu gesege + 15 iterum ergo interrogabant eum pharisaei quomodo uidisset ille

ða ælaruas


* lam gesette me ofer da ego
J ic abuogic gesæh
lutum posuit mihi super oculos et laui et uideo

cuoedon 12 dixe

dæm aelaruum + se de blind uæs

pharisaeos qui caecus fuerat

untynde ego his MS. et áperuit oculos eius suuunnadæg, alt, to suunnadæg; but read uutudlice cuoer dæm + him sunnadæg. autem dixit eis

[ocr errors][merged small]

haldas obro cuoedon


summo ne is tnis des dis monn from gode fordon sunnedæg ne
quidam non est hic homo á deo quia sabbatum non custodit alii dicebant quomodo

mæge monn synnfull bas beceno gewyrca geflitt uæ[s] todroefnise uæs him bituien ymb
potest homo peccator haec signa facere et schisma erat
in eis


17 dicunt
of him + dæm sebe onntynde ego dino he uutudlice
eo qui aperuit oculos tuos ille autem

fordon t iudeas from him + pte blind
ergo iudaei de illo quia cæcus

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dicis de

ne ge-lefdon 18 non crediderunt

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cuæð *te uitga dixit quia propheta

uere J gesege fuisset et uidisset

his tuæs

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accenned uæs huu
natus est quomodo ergo

geondueardon him t aldro his , cuoedon we uuton te des is sunu 20 responderunt eis parentes eius et dixerunt scimus quia hic est filius

usa + J *te blind accenned is

noster et quia caecus natus est

11. ond-sworade he de mon sexe cweden crist lam giworhte 7 smiride ego mine cwas me gaa to... dæm wælla wah eode wog gisah hine to æs æs larwum sebe blind was

12. cwedun him hwer is he cwas nat ic

13. to-gibrohtun 14. was wutudlice iudea sunna-dæg ne gi-heold* ða dæt lam worhte ne gi-heold de hælend ontynde ego his 15. eftersona fordon gifrægnun hine da -larwas cwedende huu gisege he is a gloss to non custodit, wutudlice cwæ him lam gisette ofer ego wog ♬ heono ic gisah 16. cwedun fordon of æs larwum sume wrongly in

ne is des mon from gode forson sunna-dæg ne gi-heold oore cwedun huu mæg mon syn-ful as beceno giwyrcan serted here. gi-flitt was in him 17. cwedun fordon dæm blinda eftersona tu hwæt cwebes of him sede ontynde egu čine

he wutudlice cwæd fordon witga is
hwile cegdun ældro his babe gisegun
blind acenned is huu fordon nu gisah
suno user fordon blind acenned wæs

18. ne gi-lefdun fordon iudeas of dæm fordon blind were gisege da
19.gifrugnun hiæ cwedende des suno iower done ge cweodas dætte
20. giondsworadun him ældro his 7 cwæðun we wutun te des is

21 we nyton hu-mete he nu gesyhþ ne hwa his eagan untynde; Ahxsia hine sylfne. yllde he hæfð. sprece for hine sylfne;

22 His magas spæcon pas þing forpam pe hig ondredon þa iudeas; Đa gedihton pa iudeas gif hwa crist andette he wære butan hyra geferrædene.

23 forpam cwædon his magas. he hæfp ylde axia hine sylfne;

24 Da clypodon hig eft pone mann þe ær blind was. I cwadon to him; Sege gode wuldor. we witon p he is synful.

25 1 he cwæð gif he synful is. pic nat. an þing ic wat ic was blind. 1 pic nu


26 Ɖa cwadon hig to him hwat dyde he þe. hu ontynde he pine eagan.

27 he swarode him 7 cwæd. ic eow sæde ær ge gehyrdon. hwi wylle ge hyt eft gehyran. cwede ge wylle ge beon his leorning-cnihtas;

28 pa wyrigdon hig hine 7 cwædon. si þu his leorning-cniht we synt moyses leorning-cnihtas.

29 we witon god spæc wip moyses. nyte we hwanon þes is;

30 Se man Jswarode 1 cwad to him. p is wundorlic ge nyton hwanon he is 1 he untynde mine eagan.

21 we nyten hu-mæte he nu ge-syhð. ne hwa hys eagen un-tynde. Axia hyne sylfne. sylfne. ylde he hæf spreke for hyne sylfne.

22 Hys mages spræken pas ping for-pam þe hyo on-dreddan pa iudeas. Da ge-dihton pa iudeas gyf hwa crist andette þæt he wære buton heore ferredene.

23 For-pam cwæden hys mages. he hafð ylde axioo hyne sylfe.

24 Da cleopedon hyo eft panne mann þe ær blind was. I cwædon to hym. Seige godes wuldor we wyten þæt he ys synful.

25 J he cwæð gyf he synfull ys þæt ich nat. an þing ic wat. þæt ich blind was. 1 þæt ic nu ge-syo.

26 Da cwæden hyo to hym; hwæt dyde he þe. hu untende he pine eagen.


27 He andswerede heom 7 cwæd. Ich saigde eow ær. J gyt segge. 1 ge ge-hyrdon. hwy wille ge hit eft ge-heran. cwede ge. wille ge beon hys leorning-cnihtas;

28 Da wæregeden hye hyne J cwæden. Syo pu hys leorning-cniht. we sende moyses leorning-cnihtas.

29 We witon pæt god s[p]ræc wið moysese. nyton we hwanon þes ys.

30 Se mann andswerede 7 cwad to heom. pet is wunder-lich þæt ge nyton hwanon he ys. J he untynde mine eagen.

Various Readings.

21. A. hu-meta. A. Acsia; B. C. Ahxiað. A. ylde ; B. C. yldde. 22. A. spræcon. A. þyng. A. ge-dyhton. A. heora ge-fer-ræddene. 23. A. acsiað. 24. A. clypedon. A. B. C. man. A. blynd. A. wyton. A. ys. 25. B. synfull. A. ys. A. þyng. 26. A. þyne. 27. C. Iswarude. A. hwig. A. -cyhtas (sic). 28. B. C. wyrgdon. A. Sig. A. synd. A. -cnyhtas. 29. A. wyton. A. spræc wyð moysen. A. hwanen. A. ys. 30. B. C. mann. A. ys (twice). A. hwanen. A. myne.

Various Readings.

22. magas

21. nyton; eagan; hine; sprece; hine. spræcen; on-dræddon. 23. cwæðon his magas; axiað hine sylfne. 24. clypedon; þonne man; him. Sege gode; wyton; is. 25. gif; synful is; ic [for ich]; geseo. 26. cwæðon; un-tende (alt. to un-tynde); eagan. 27. eom [for heom]; Ic sægde; R. om. ge before hit; his. 28. wyrgedon hyo; Sy; his; sint. 29. spræc; moyses; nyten; is.

30. wundor-lic; nyten; is; eagan.



ne uutton

donne nuu geseatgesiis ne uutu ue J hua his untynde ego 21 quomodo autem nunc uideat nescimus aut quis eius áperuit oculos nos nescimus

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æftersona one monno sexe

cristone cynig buta bær somnung uere uosa scealde buta
extra synagogam fieret

forton ældo uintra dael hæfis hine gefraignas
habet ipsum interrogate

quia aetatem

uæs blind J

quis margin i. con


glossed esne

foreða team.

23 propterea

24 uocauerunt ergo

for Son

cuoedon him sel uuldor gode ue uutton pte rursum hominem qui fuerat caecus et dixerunt ei dá gloriam deo nos scimus quia

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un-tynde be ego áperuit tibi oculos

he gif synnfull is nat ic
an ic uat te blind
ille si peccator est nescio unum scio quia caecus
huæd dyde de
quid fecit tibi quomodo


onducarde him i (sic) cuoet iuh gee uutudlice ecæ gie geherdon huæd eftersona
27 respondit eis dixi uobis
et audistis quid iterum

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owoerigdon miscuedon him


ue sindon

ue uutudlice moises Jegnas dixerunt tú discipulus illius és nos autem mosi discipuli sumus

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J cuæx him in xis fordon to uundranne uundorlice is forton + pte gie nuutton huona sie J
et dixit eis in hoc enim
uos nescitis unde sit et

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21. huu fordon nu gisi ne wuton we hwele his on-tynde ego ne wutun we hine one gifregnað ældo hæfer he of him gispræc 22. *æs cweðun ældro his fordon ondreordun iudeas fæstlice fordon gitugun gifliotun iudeas te gif hwele hine giondette crist buta ær somnungum were 23. fore ære ældro his cwedun fordon ældo hæfeð hine gifrægnas 24, cegdun fordon æftersona done monno sexe was blind cwedun him sel wuldor gode we wutun pte des mon synn-full is 25. cwæð forðon he gif synfull is natt ic ænig enne ic wat te blind misty ic was huu* gisah 26. cwedun fordon him hwæt dyde de huu sic; gloss to on-tynde de ego 27.giondsworade him cwæ iow ge ge gi-herdun hwæt eftersona walla gihera ahne modo. hwæt ge ne wallas degnas his wosa 28. awerigdun miscwedun hine cwedun du degn æs arɣ we wutudlice moyses degnas we sindun 29. we wutun pte moyses sprecende was god iosne wutudlice ne wuton we hwona sie 30. ondsworade de mon cwæ him in is fordon to wundranne is fordon ge ne wuton hwona sie on-tynde min ego

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