The Wild OrchidA. A. Knopf, 1931 - 409 |
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Strona 20
... Garnaas mixed himself one - very pale and weak- and drank to his future brother - in - law . Paul had a feeling that Garnaas drank not for the sake of drinking , but simply to show that he was not at all narrow - minded . He did all he ...
... Garnaas mixed himself one - very pale and weak- and drank to his future brother - in - law . Paul had a feeling that Garnaas drank not for the sake of drinking , but simply to show that he was not at all narrow - minded . He did all he ...
Strona 22
... Garnaas looked as if he would come out with a protest . But he checked himself and nodded seriously instead ... Garnaas , if I beg you to be kind enough not to use that word - ideals ? It's so embarrass- ing- " " I beg your pardon ...
... Garnaas looked as if he would come out with a protest . But he checked himself and nodded seriously instead ... Garnaas , if I beg you to be kind enough not to use that word - ideals ? It's so embarrass- ing- " " I beg your pardon ...
Strona 26
... Garnaas - Paul had met him once or twice last winter at their father's . But this summer she had asked her mother if she might invite her friend out to Linlökka . Julie Selmer's reply was an uninterested and friendly yes , by all means ...
... Garnaas - Paul had met him once or twice last winter at their father's . But this summer she had asked her mother if she might invite her friend out to Linlökka . Julie Selmer's reply was an uninterested and friendly yes , by all means ...
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Aaser arms asked believe Berit Björg blue brother called Catholic charming child Christiania church course dark dear door Dovre Dverberg eyes face father feeling flowers fond friends Frogner Fröken Arnesen Fru Gotaas garden Garnaas gave girl Gotaas's grey Gudbrandsdal hair Halstein hand Harald Tangen head heard Henrik Alster Hurdal idea Julie kind kissed knew Kraby lady laughed light Lillian Linlökka lived looked Lucy Lucy's marriage married morning mother never night Nikko Norway Norwegian once pale Paul felt Paul rose Paul's pretty priest Randi remember round sæter Saint Olav's church Selbu Selmer Sigmund SIGRID UNDSET sitting Skaal smiled sort stay stood Storting strange summer sure sweet talk tell thing thought took town Trondhjem turned veranda voice walked wanted whole wife window young