CONTENTS OF THE SECOND VOLUME. Page 5 SERMON XLIII. Covenant of Redemption. Is. liii.10-12. 63 SERMON XLIV. Christ a Prophet. His Personal Preaching.-Luke xxiv. 19. 74 SERMON XLV. Christ a Prophet. The Things which He taught.-John SERMON L. Priesthood of Christ. Origin, Office, and Character of the SERMON LI. Priesthood of Christ. SERMON LII. Priesthood of Christ. SERMON LV. Priesthood of Christ. His Atonement. Its Nature, Neces- sity, and Reality. Rom. iii. 24-26. - 194 SERMON LVI. Priesthood of Christ. His Atonement. The Manner in 205 swered. Rom. iii. 24-26. 219 SERMON LIX. Christ a King. -Eph. i. 20-22. 241 SERMON LXI. The Resurrection of Christ.-Acts iii. 15. 264 SERMON LXII. The Resurrection of Christ.-Acts iii. 15. 274 SERMON LXIV. Justification. The Nature: or in what it consists. The 300 |