Obrazy na stronie

where a Norwegian company had a concession for the utilisation of papyrus. He carried out experiments with that papyrus, treating it by the sulphate process; and then made experiments with wattle wood and crushed wattle bark by the sulphate process. Recently he had made experiments with bamboo. The author proposed to carry out his digesting process in steps, first taking away the starchy matter and pectoses by boiling water and very diluted caustic soda. The author claimed that the action of the sodium hydroxide on the lignins did not take place before 130° C. That was right, and then most of the sodium hydroxide was already used up in dissciving the starch and the pectoses, but by the sulphate process there were two actual solvents on the lignine compounds, i.e., sodium hydroxide and sodium sulphide. Sodium sulphide was a very strong resolvent for lignin, especially at high temperatures, and he believed that sulphide acted more strongly on lignin than sodium hydroxide, over 130° and 140° C. In treating bamboo, the sodium hydroxide would first dissolve the starch and the pectoses. That process would be completed at about 130° C., and then the sulphide would begin to act and would completely dissolve all the lignins in the bamboo. Another point about the sulphide was that it did not act upon the cellulose fibres, and, therefore, higher yields were always obtained when the sulphate process was used, about 5 per cent more yield on the material being obtained by using the sulphate process than by using the other process. When treating coniferous woods with sodium hydroxide, a brownish-coloured pulp was always obtained, owing to the fact that during the boiling the iron in the wood and the iron in the apparatus were dissolved by the sodium hydroxide and precipitated into the fibres. When the sulphate process was used, sodium sulphide dissolved all those iron precipitates, and a light greyish pulp was obtained instead of the brown pulp. In all his experiments he had only used bamboo chips, as he considered the crushing of the complete culms was not economical from a practical point of view; it required more power and he believed it was not good for the fibre. With regard to the yields, with the soda process, by a proportion of 19 to 20 per cent he had obtained 42 per cent of unbleached pulp, requiring from 16 to 18 per cent of bleaching powder on the pulp, and an average bleached yield of 37 to 39. With the sulphate process he obtained yields of from 43 to 45 per cent, with a consumption of bleaching powder of 12 to 14 per cent, the proportion of actual alkali (NaOH Na2S) being 18 to 20 per cent. When bamboo was cooked and made into a well-boiled pulp it was very easy to treat. The washing process was very easily carried out, as the water penetrated through the pulp very readily, and the washing time was reduced to about one-quarter of the time required on coniferous woods. Chipping the bamboo without considering the nodes was not good; there were too many nodes in the material and there would be a loss during boiling of about 5 to 6 per cent. The culms could be pressed in pressing rollers and then the pressed culms allowed to pass crushing rollers, which opened up the nodes and did not crush the internodes. The flat pressed culms with the crushed nodes could be chipped into chips of in. to in. in

length. By that process a loss of only about to 1 per cent of the material would be obtained, and at the same time the actual capacity of the digester could be utilised to deal with about double the amount of material that could be treated if crushed bamboo were employed.

Mr. Heyerdahl exhibited to the meeting some samples of bamboo pulps.

Mr. HAMEL SMITH remarked that, having always been very keen on the utilisation of bamboo for paper making, he would like the author to say what sort of gospel it would be safe to preach to the tropics in the time to come. It was very easy tobe too sanguine on such points as had been outlined that afternoon, but after hearing a paper such as that which had been read, one realised the many technical difficulties which arose. Any one who had been used to sugar plantations could not help feeling that bamboos should be able to be cultivated on the same lines. One grew the cane within a certain area of the factory, taking good care to have the factory rather low down, if possible, because then the loads could be run down hill and the empty trucks up hill with greater facility. Also in regard to the question of transport, one should centralise the roadways or waterways so as to remove the finished product with greater facility. The experience on one estate, it seemed to him, might help on the other. Whether the production of paper from bamboo would ever become a private enterprise seemed a little doubtful. It was one of the queries he had often been asked, and he had never been able to give any satisfactory reply. Probably those who had been in the tropics would know that bamboo had been rather in bad odour on account of mosquitoes. The last estate he was on used to have the most beautiful bamboos surrounding it, but he believed that the medical authorities ordered them to be destroyed as they collected water after the rains, thus making a breeding place for mosquitoes. Would that sort of trouble rise in connection with large areas of cultivated bamboo for a factory? The sanitary authorities might raise the difficulty that the bamboos were inclined to encourage the presence of mosquitoes to a dangerous degree, and thus lessen the chances of final success.

Mr. ARTHUR BAKER (Chairman of the Technical Section of the Paper Makers' Association) said the paper was the outcome of long and painstaking research in bamboo by Mr. Raitt, and showed what a great industry the paper trade was. In Canada and the United States the consumption of paper for newspapers alone was two million tons a year. Taking the question of bamboo and grasses, and considering it from the point of view of an industry which might be started in India, one had to look at the position of that country as a market. India was not a very big market for paper. He supposed that in pre-war days it used probably about 80,000 tons of paper a year, of which the Indian paper mills, some nine in number, produced about 32,000 tons. India had imported about 10 or 12 thousand tons of pulp, more than one-quarter of which had come from Germany and Austria. So that industry could not be started on any considerable scale. He agreed with the author as to treatment; he thought the sulphate process was undoubtedly the best, and that crushing was the correct method of dealing

with the raw material. If bamboo was to be a raw material for the paper-maker, it would require to be made on the spot, as the sulphate process created rather objectionable odours which would not be tolerated in all communities. He thought bamboo would obtain a foothold in India for printings, and it might be exported to Australia, China, and even South Africa. The question of the use of all new fibre materials resolved itself into a £ s. d. proposition. Unless bamboo could compete strictly with other raw materials, on as. d. basis, it would never become an industry either in India or anywhere else.

Mr. ROLAND GREEN said that during the war they had used bamboo by crushing under a power hammer and boiling it in esparto boilers, where they had not more than 50lb. pressure. The conditions were not at all good; it wanted higher pressure and longer boiling. But they had found it quite satisfactory, and had had no trouble at all after the crushing had been arranged.

Mr. L. P. ANDREWS said it seemed to him that bamboo was a most extraordinarily easy material to handle, and he could not help thinking that it was going to be a great factor in the future.

of about 500 square miles extensively covered with bamboo forests, which had now disappeared, owing to the large demand for bamboo for dwellings of the people. He thought these forests be resuscitated and that no effort should be spared by the Government to do this. Another important thing was fuel supply. Wood was in large demand in India, and the problem was how to get it for burning in the paper factories. Recently there had been discovered a means by which waste vegetation could be converted into solid fuel by the Wells process which had been established in Egypt. Half-a-million acres of ground had been taken up there for cultivation, and the scheme was first of all to grow waste vegetation to feed the machines which would convert it into solid fuel. For the purposes of transport, and other means, those machines would be of great use in manufacturing fuel from waste products around the paper-pulp factories; and he wished to point out what a great advantage the new process would be for India as regards obtaining fuel in this way.

Sir JOHN G. CUMMING, K. C.I.E., C.S.I., in proposing a vote of thanks to Mr. Raitt for his paper, and to Mr. Sindall for his kindness in reading it, said it had been known to him for many years that Mr. Raitt had been making researches in India regarding the possibilities of paper-making. Mr. Raitt, the Forest Research Institute, and the De-£ partment of the Government of India which controlled that Institute (of which the Chairman that afternoon had been one of the most distinguished members), deserved great credit for what had been done in that direction. His own interest in the matter was two-fold. He had been over a great part of the area both in Bengal and Burma, to which allusion had been made, wherein bamboo forests of the nature required were to be found. Secondly, he was intensely interested in any form which industrial expansion in India might take.

Mr. G. M. RYAN, F.L.S., late Indian Forest Service, in seconding the motion, enquired whether other plants and grasses had been examined for the purpose of finding out whether they were suitable for paper-making? For instance, there was one plant, a common weed really, which he thought might be utilised for pulp and which could be obtained in very large quantities in India, namely, Calotropis. The fibre was already of use, but with the bark combined, he thought it might be made applicable for paper. He, therefore, would like to ask Mr. Sindall whether it would not be possible to use it for the purpose of paper, as it contained a large amount of cellulose? With regard to bamboo unfortunately nearly all the areas where bamboos grew were really on poor soil and unfit for agriculture, so that he did not think private enterprise could develop the industry. Government would have to organise the areas referred to especially for paper. There was a very large demand in India for bamboo for huts, &c. Therefore, in considering the amount of bamboo which would be available for paper, a large quantity would have to be deducted for local needs. It would not do to infringe on the existing economic uses of bamboo. May years ago in a district in the Bombay Presidency there used to be an area

Mr. SINDALL, in replying to the vote of thanks, said that one or two interesting points had been raised on the general issue. He thought all were agreed that it was not a question of technical difficulty at all. The matters arising out of the actual treatment of the bamboo and the technical problems involved had been very largely settled. Nor were there any rival methods in use. As Mr. Baker had said, the whole question was one of s. d.-whether it was commercially possible. No private enterprise could possibly succeed unless there was a prospect of profit, and that was all the paper-maker or the pulp-agent was concerned with. With reference to the amount of bamboo available, the point raised by Mr. Ryan was an important one, because bamboo certainly had a distinct market value in the towns, and one would necessarily therefore be compelled to seek such regions in which bamboo was growing freely and where the cost involved was merely that of cutting down and collecting. It followed, therefore, that there would not be cultivation of bamboo as ordinarily understood, but a proper control of growth in areas allocated to or belonging to the mill. With respect to grasses, they were being used in large quantities by several mills. The difficulty with some of the grasses in India was that the yield was very low, and therefore it was not a commercial proposition. The question of the suitability of bamboo in paper-making had been settled long ago. He supposed the reason why private enterprise had been rather backward in the matter was because it cost £100,000 to £150,000 to put down even a small mill in an enterprise regarded as somewhat speculative.

[blocks in formation]

IN the boy of promise, too, France sees the future man and treats him as a potential asset. He does not need to stop short in his education because his parents are poor. There are bourses awaiting him from the Commune, the Department, and the *Reprinted from the Transactions of the Royal Canadian Institute, February, 1921.

Government. Where his gifts justify it, he will be provided with the best education which the country can offer. In the advanced classes of certain Lycées as many as 75 per cent of the pupils hold bourses. The Government maintains schools of university grade for genius. Entrance to these schools is by competitive examination, and the number to be admitted each year is limited. Such schools are the Ecole Normale Supérieure and the Ecole Polytechnique. In the Ecole Normale literary and scientific studies are both provided for. On the literary side the nmber admitted annually is limited to 30; on the scientific side to 22. The number of candidates for admission in science is normally about 150, all young men of exceptional ability. Of these then about 85 per cent are rejected. It is to be noted also that of those accepted, many will have made the attempt more than once. Conditions are pretty much the same in regard to the literary candidates. The students at the Ecole Normale follow the lectures at the Sorbonne. They also have special courses of their own, which are sometimes supplementary to those of the Sorbonne. They live in residence, study under direction, have a library at their disposition, and work in their own laboratories. After three years in residence, the students are again sifted by examination. The most gifted are directed toward the career of the university professoriate. The others supply a brilliant nucleus for the teaching staffs of the Lycées. Those students whose way has been paid by the Government are under obligation to take service with it for ten years, and it in turn is under obligation to furnish them with employment. Half the students at the Ecole Normale are under these conditions.

The number admitted annually to the Ecole Polytechnique is in the neighbourhood of 200. These would normally constitute about 20 per cent of those who write on the examination for entrance. The course at this great engineering school lasts for two years, after which the student is sent on to the Ecole des Mines, the Ecole Centrale, the Ecole d'Artillerie, or some other school for a practical course. Of this school Joffre, Foch, Pétain, Nivelle, and others of the more notable French generals in the war just past are graduates. It was with a certain satisfaction that one learned that a Frenchman had been appointed General-in-Chief of the Allied Armies; for it was practically certain that he would be a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique. This would be a sure guarantee of his intellectual calibre, for he would be select among the select. One could rest assured, too, that on top of his course at the Ecole Polytechnique he would have received an advanced technical training proportioned to his natural ability.

There is a strong mathematical trend to the training given in the Ecole Polytechnique and it is quite remarkable what a number of famous mathematicians have been turned out by this school. It is hardly necessary to add that graduates of the school whose way has been paid by the Government are under obligation to take service with the Government. The Government, too, finds good use for their services, not alone as officers, but also in important civil capacities.

The candidate who fails to obtain entrance to the Ecole Normale or the Ecole Polytechnique

may have better success with the Ecole des Mines, or the Ecole Centrale, schools also with limited admission. In any case there will be nothing to prevent him hearing lectures at the Sorbonne, for attendance on the courses given there is not limited as at the other schools I have mentioned.

In England it will shortly be as in France that the boy of exceptional ability will be able to pursue his studies as far as he will, however indigent the circumstances of his parents may be. At present there is nothing to prevent him completing his course in the secondary school, for plenty of scholarships to that end are offered by the county councils. There are also more than enough scholarships in classics for entrance to the universities. In science and moderns, however, such scholarships are lacking. The funds to redress the balance here have been promised, so I am told, and it will not be long until arrangements have been made which will provide for carrying the boy of outstanding ability right through the secondary school and the university, or higher technical institution of university grade, and training him for research if his tastes incline that


The experience of the Naval Dockyard Schools in England furnishes an interesting commentary on the amount of brain waste there must be in classes of the community where better educational opportunities are not available. The schools here referred to are conducted for the benefit of shipwright apprentices who work in the Dockyards. The apprentices who distinguish themselves in their studies are transferred to the Engineering College at Keyham for a year, and if their showing justifies it, they are then sent on to the Royal Naval College at Greenwich for the three years' course at that Institution.


The majority of the present Constructive Staff the Admiralty Dockyards were formerly students at the Dockyard Schools. These same schools have furnished a succession of distinguished Directors of Naval Construction at the Admiralty. Among these one might mention Sir William White, the designer of the pre-Dreadnoughts, and Sir Philip Watts, designer of the first Dreadnought; others are Sir E. Reed, and Sir N. Barnaby. Sir J. Marshall, who started as an apprentice in a Dockyard school, became, later on, Director of the Dockyard. Sir J. Biles, Professor of Naval Architecture at Glasgow, had the same start, and this was the case also with Mr. S. J.

P. Thearle, formerly Chief Surveyor of Lloyd's. Others could be named who have occupied or who are at present occupying commanding positions with some of the largest private shipbuilding concerns in Great Britain.

What a pity it would have been had such precious material been lost to great Britain. What a pity it is that so much material of like character has been lost and is being lost to Great Britain and the Empire. What a pity it is, too, that in Canada no adequate effort has been made to salvage equally good material.

The indications are that Great Britain will, in the near future, realise more largely on her latent intellectual resources than she has done in the past. To compete with Germany in technically trained men, however, she will have to increase the flow of students from the secondary schools to the universities and higher technical institu

tions by every means at her command. Mr. Fisher's Education Bill will help greatly to that end when it comes completely into force seven years hence. Under its provisions a pupil who has reached the age of 14 years of age will have the alternative of continuing his studies on full time for two years longer or of studying part time until he reaches 18. This will bring him to within sight of entrance to the university. The indications as to who should take a university course ought to stand out fairly definitely by this time, and the scholarships referred to above, will, no doubt, make their appeal to the ambitionus student.

to 14.

The scientific

regard to scientific achievement. status of a country is determined principally by the quality of the output of its foremost research workers. The status of England in science compared with that of Germany is in the aggregate, no doubt, higher than that given by the ratio 3 This would seem to indicate that among the scientists trained in England is to found a larger proportion of high grade ones than is the case with those who are trained in Germany. This may or may not imply a smaller proportionate waste of scientific material among the men of highest intellectual capacity in England than among those who are of a somewhat lower grade. It might imply that the average intellectual level of the classes in England from which the ranks of science are recruited is higher than that of the classes in Germany from which science draws her recruits. My own impression is that the average Englishman has been endowed by nature with more intelligence than the average German. There can be no doubt that the amount of brain power which is undeveloped and which goes to waste in England is something enormous. The one thing that the figures just given do tell us is that in Germany there are more young men in proportion to population who prolong the period of their studies and receive an advanced training than there are in other countries. Of these young men science secures its full share. As a consequence, a larger number of highly trained men are available for the purposes of science and inIndustry in Germany than elsewhere. It would appear that men of such training have been spared by Germany during the war as they have not been spared by the Allies.

In a recent number of Nature (August 15, 1918), Prof. R. A. Gregory has given some figures with regard to the relative attendance at universities in England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland, the United States, and Germany, from which a little analysis will draw rather interesting conclusions. The number of university students per 10,000 population is approximately 14 in Germany, 10 in the United States, 5 in England, 17 in Scotland, 7 in Ireland, 6 in Wales. In giving the figure for the United States, Prof. Gregory has based it on the 72 universities on the accepted list of the Carnegie Foundation. In Canada, as a whole, the figure would be about 15, and in Ontario it would bulk somewhere in the neighbourhood of 25. Here no account has been taken of the difference in standards for entrance to the universities in different countries, or of the difference of age at which the student is prepared to enter. Germany the average age at which the student leaves the gymnasium is between 20 and 21. Great Britain the usual age of entrance to a university is between 17 and 18, except in the case of Oxford and Cambridge, where it is between 19 and 20. With us, the normal age of matriculation is 18, and it is about the same in the United States. Taking these facts into account, it will be seen that most of that which passes as university work in Great Britain, Canada, and the United States would be of gymnasial standard in Germany. If we would compare the number of students in the several countries, on the basis of the university standard in Germany, we would probably not be doing injustice to any of the other countries concerned by giving for every 10,000 of population the figures 14 in Germany, 3 in the United States, 3 in England, 6 in Scotland, 3 in Ireland, 2 in Wales, 5 in Canada, 8 in Ontario.


While in Paris last summer, I found that the total attendance for the year 1913-14 at universities and other educational institutions of university grade in France was in the neighbourhood of 26,000. This is at the rate of a little more than 6 per 10,000 population. It would hardly be necessary to cut this figure down as much as we did with the corresponding figures for other allied countries. In comparing the university status of France with that of Germany, too, it would only be fair to take account of the selective policy adopted by the former country with regard to the intellectually gifted.

One must not be too hasty in finding implications in the figures we have mentioned or in drawing conclusions from them. They do not imply that the intellectual status of Germany compared with that of England is as 14 to 3, nor do they give the relative positions of the two countries in

Two months ago, while in London, I had a conversation with Dr. E. C. Worden, chemical expert of the Bureau of Aircraft Production, Washington, D.C., who had been commissioned to report on the chemical factories in the occupied portion of Germany. He had furnished detailed reports on 62 chemical factories. The largest of these was the factory of the Bayer Company, at Leverkusen, 12 miles from Cologne. At this factory over 3,000 tons of pharmaceuticals, dyestuffs, and other chemicals were awaiting export. The plant is equipped with 3,500 telephones. At the time of Dr. Worden's visit, over 500 research chemists were at work, and to these several hundred more would be added as soon as the raw materials were available. According to Dr. Worden, Germany kept her technical forces unimpaired by the war. She placed her technical men in positions where they did not run too much risk.


An economic blockade has been divested of some of its terrors for the Germans, for the Haber process has been so improved that they can obtain an ample supply of nitrates from the air. Their agricultural needs in this connection, Dr. Worden states, will be satisfied for all time. the Badische Anilin und Soda Fabrik, located near Ludwigshafen, above Coblenz, on the Rhine, they are in a position to extract the nitrogen from 2 cubic miles of air daily. This company has a new research laboratory which, with its equipment, cost $750,000. In many cases where the Germans used a chemical plant for making explosives, they erected in the neighbourhood a substantial factory on a scale at least equal to

that of the plant which was being utilised for war purposes, and the factories so erected were all held in readiness to begin operations as soon as the war was over. The expectation was, of course, that these new plants would be paid for by the Allies, and no expense, therefore, was spared in their preparation. It is hardly necessary then to remark that Germany, so far as the chemical industry is concerned, is in splendid condition to resume competition with the other nations of the world.

It evidently behoves the Allies to increase not only their university attendance, but more particularly also their output of research workers. This would be advisable under any circumstances. It becomes doubly urgent in the face of a German competition backed by an ample supply of scientifically trained workers. Nowhere is it more necessary to take stock of one's scientific position than it is in Canada.

The figures already given for university attendance do not appear to place Canada in an unfavourable light as compared with countries other than Germany. Gauged by the second set of figures, however, Canada as a whole, and even Ontario, show to disadvantage in comparison with Germany. The actual diadvantage, too, is greater than that implied in the ratio of 8 to 14. For the 8 Ontario students would, on the average, be less mature than the 14 German students, and would include among them a smaller proportion who are engaged on more advanced work, and preparing to do research. If we limit ourselves to the upper ranges of University work, that is to say, to the preparation of research workers, Canada hardly compares with the United States, and Ontario itself is quite outclassed by certain States of the Union. It may be remarked, however, that we in Ontario are getting under way.

I have referred to the assistance in the form of scholarships and bourses extended to the poor boys in England and France. We have nothing. that corresponds to this in America. Our idea of a scholarship is a comparatively small prize not at all proportionate to the keep of a boy for a year, let alone several years in succession. Our nearest approach to the English conception of a scholarship is what we call a fellowship. This, however, is only available to a graduate student. The attached stipend is usually a meagre one, and the fellowship may or may not be renewable for ' a second or third year. It is often utilised, too. as a pretext for securing a certain amount of cheap teaching.

(To be continued).





IN line with the recent determinations of the atomic weights of neodymium (Baxter and Chapin, Journ. Am. Chem. Soc., 1911, xxxiii., 16; Baxter, Whitcomb, Stewart and Chapin, ibid., 1916, xxxviii., 302), and praseodymium (Baxter and Stewart, ibid., 1915, xxxvii., 516), the atomic

weight of the closely related element, lanthanum, has been subjected to investigation by a method essentially identical with that used for the other two elements. This investigation was begun independently by Chapin, who purified by fractional crystallisation a considerable quantity of lanthanum material and began the analysis of the chloride. A second sample of impure lanthanum salt was fractionated in a similar way by Tani. Although it has not been possible to complete the analysis of a sufficient number of fractions of material to fix the atomic weight of lanthanum beyond question, yet since the work has been interrupted for an indefinite period, the preliminary results are presented in a brief fashion.

The Purification of Lanthanum Salt. The purification of the lanthanum material was effected by fractional crystallisation of the double ammonium nitrate. The original material used by Chapin was very kindly furnished by Dr. H. C. Miner, of the Welsbach Light Company. The material fractionated by Tani consisted of the less soluble portions resulting from the fractionation of crude praseodymium ammonium nitrate (Baxter and Stewart, loc. cit.), which also had been furnished by Dr. Miner for the previous investigation on praseodymium.

According to Auer von Welsbach, in the crystallisation of the double ammonium nitrates, the bases separate in the order, lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, samarium, terbium, and ytterbium earths (A. von Welsbach, Sitzungsb. Acad. Wiss. Wien, 1903, cxii., 1043). Because the lanthanum separates at the head of a series of fractions the purification of lanthanum is simpler than that of any other rare earth. It is also economical of material, because rejection of fractions containing impurities is necessary at only one end of the series. The fractionation was carried out by dissolving the double nitrate in a very dilute solution of nitric acid and allowing the salt to crystallise. The crystals were then dissolved and recrystallised; the mother liquor was evaporated to crystallisation. The mother liquor of the less soluble fraction was now combined with the crystals of the more soluble and the process continued until the number of fractions was 12 or more. The mother liquor of the most soluble fraction was frequently rejected. The crystals from the least soluble fraction, as soon as it became small, were, in the case of Chapin's fractionation, separated and preserved to be united later with similar fractions, but the mixture was never returned to the fractionation series. In Tani's fractionation, as soon as the least soluble fraction became very small, it was set aside, and later added to the extreme fraction of a later series of crystals, so that no material was removed from the less soluble end of the fractionation series.

In Chapin's fractionation, 96 series of crystallisation were made, involving over 2300 fractions. In Tani's fractionation, although the number of series of crystallisations was the same, the total number of fractions was only somewhat over 1100, owing to the more frequent rejection of the most soluble fraction. The final series contained 39 fractions in Chapin's, 12 in Tani's fractionation.

The crystallisation was continued in both cases until the most soluble fraction, when its absorption spectrum was examined, seemed to be free

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