shall always proceed under the heart-reviving consideration, that the precipitate judgments of men will, in due time, be corrected by the just decision of Almighty God. We ought assiduously to cultivate the virtue which I am here recommending, because its direct tendency is to promote tranquillity and love among all orders of men. A proud and arrogant spirit is a great disturber of peace; but wherever humility dwells, there is quietness and harmony. It banishes from domestic life all contention and animosity; for how can these mischievous foes intrude themselves, where, on all occasions, there is a mutual condescension and desire to please? In societies of a more extensive nature, should each one, through a vain opinion of his merits and abilities, fly from his proper sphere, and thus counteract the designs of others; the necessary consequence would be perpetual enmity and confusion. But where men walk humbly before God, they are inclined to discharge the duties of their respective stations with quietness and fidelity; no one thrusts himself forward to provoke his neighbour's envy or resentment; but all restraining their pursuits within the bounds of moderation, the wheels of order and good government glide along without interruption, and a general contentment is diffused over the whole community. If we consider ourselves in the sacred character of Christians; if we reflect upon the precepts of our religion, or the example of our Lord and Master; how flagrant will be the absurdity of our conduct, to act, on the common occasions of life, with a supercilious and overbearing spirit; and, at the same time, acknowledge, VOL. II. 8 that we are obligated to imitate the behaviour of Jesus Christ, and to obey the injunctions of Christianity! What are the most prevailing injunctions of our peaceful religion? Which is the virtue that shines most conspicuously in our Lord's example? He who is best acquainted with the nature and condition of men; who knows what is most useful, as well as most ornamental to us, has recommended humility and lowliness of mind, in almost every page of the sacred Scriptures; and has exemplified, in the whole course of his life, the doctrines which he taught. Knowing that the first step in the Christian progress, is a sense of our weakness and necessity; and that we must feel that we are poor, and blind, and wretched, before we shall be will ing to fly to him for relief; he begins the sermon on the mount with, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for " theirs is the kingdom of God." He calls those persons blessed, who, from a thorough conviction of their great necessities, hunger and thirst after righteousness; declaring that they shall be filled that God satisfieth the hungry with good things; but sendeth the rich, (those who vainly imagine they want nothing,) empty away. If we trace the steps of our Redeemer through this world, when he took upon him our nature, and came and dwelt among us; we find from his birth to his crucifixion, that humility was his constant companion. Under the pressure of sorrows too great for mere mortal strength to sustain, in patience he possessed his soul: when poor and destitute, he suppressed every complaint; when reviled, he reviled not again; when expiring in the bitter agonies of the cross, he prayed for his implacable foes. And shall we preA sume to call ourselves his disciples, while we are deficient in that disposition of mind which was one of 2 the principal excellencies of his perfect character? M But further; shall we not humble ourselves under 2. the mighty hand of God, when we take an impartial view of our real state and condition in the first stage of our progress? We are beings entirely dependant * upon almighty power and goodness. And shall that * person who is continually supported by the hand of charity, vainly boast of his riches? Upon our entrance into this world, we are utterly incapable of providing for ourselves; and while we are passing through it, we every moment depend upon the bounty of our God for, and health, and every enjoyment. From our earliest years we are prone to iniquity, and our vicious 4 propensities are too often strengthened by unrestrained indulgence-inclined, as we are, to rush headlong into every seducing snare of our great adversary-falling seven times in a day-violating the dictates of conid science, and the precepts of our holy religion-disre.garding God-despising the fountain of living waters, and hewing out to ourselves broken cisterns that can hold no water. And, in this condition, was God to be extreme in marking and punishing what we have done pre : amiss, how fearful must be our forebodings of wrath and fiery indignation from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his Majesty! It is to his undeserved mercy that we are indebted, not only for all our comforts here, but also for the blessed expectation of n. eternal happiness and glory. When we were unable to help ourselves, he laid sufficient help upon One that is mighty to save. He loved the world with such a free and disinterested love, that he sent his only-begotten destroyed, while we can say in the sincerity of our hearts, "We are not worthy, O Lord, of the least of "thy heavenly bounties; but with mingled joy and " reverence, we know, that thy property is always to have mercy." pres SERMON VI. The Excellence of Faith. 1 JOHN v. 4, 5. This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? IN every part of the sacred Scriptures, the excellency of faith is celebrated, and the necessity of it pointed out, in order to defend and support us in our progress towards the happiness of heaven. The Christian life is represented under the image of a warfare. We have to contend with the powers of darkness, the allurements of a vicious world, and the seducements of our own corrupted nature. Surrounded as we thus are, by foes so numerous and powerful, without the defence of this celestial armour, we should never be able to repel the assault; without the expectation of succour from on high, we should not have resolution to sustain for a moment, the severity of the conflict. The inspired writers, therefore, recommend it to us, "Above all " things to take the shield of faith, whereby we shall "be able to quench the fiery darts of our wicked " adversary:" they exhort us, "To fight with cheer |