Obrazy na stronie

joint, if not sole commander at the battle of Mantineia. | the Roman fable of Mucius Scævola was borrowed. To the ensuing winter must probably be referred his (Vid. Agatharchides, II.) embassy to the coast of Asia, and negotiations for money with the revolted satraps, alluded to in an obscure passage of Xenophon (Agesilaus, 2, 26, 27); and, in performance, perhaps, of some stipulation then made, he crossed, in the spring of 361, with a body of Lacedæmonian mercenaries, into Egypt. Here, after displaying much of his ancient skill, he died, while preparing for his voyage home, in the winter of 361-60, after a life of above eighty years, and a reign of thirty-eight. His body was embalmed in wax, and splendidly buried at Sparta.

AGESIPOLIS, I. king of Sparta, the twenty-first of the Agids beginning with Eurysthenes, succeeded his father Pausanias, while yet a minor, in B.C. 394, and reigned fourteen years. He was placed under the guardianship of Aristodemus, his nearest of kin. He came to the crown just about the time that the confederacy (partly brought about by the intrigues of the Persian satrap Tithraustes), which was formed by Thebes, Athens, Corinth, and Argos, against Sparta, rendered it necessary to recall his colleague, Agesilaus II., from Asia; and the first military operation of his reign was the expedition to Corinth, where the forces of the confederates were then assembled. The Spartan army was led by Aristodemus, and gained a signal victory over the allies. (Xen., Hell., 4, 2, 9.) In the year B.C. 390, Agesipolis, who had now reached his majority, was intrusted with the command of an army for the invasion of Argolis. Having procured the sanction of the Olympic and Delphic gods for disregarding any attempt which the Argives might make to stop his march, on the pretext of a religious truce, he carried his ravages still farther than Agesilaus had done in B.C. 393; but, as he suffered the aspect of the victims to deter him from occupying a permanent post, the expedi tion yielded no fruit but the plunder. (Xen., Hell.,

tans, seizing upon some frivolous pretexts, sent an expedition against Mantineia, in which Agesipolis undertook the command, after it had been declined by Agesilaus. In this expedition the Spartans were assisted by Thebes, and in a battle with the Mantineans, Epaminondas and Pelopidas, who were fighting side by side, narrowly escaped death. He took the town by diverting the river Ophis, so as to lay the low grounds at the foot of the walls under water. The basements, being made of unbaked bricks, were unable to resist the action of the water. The walls soon began to totter, and the Mantineans were forced to surrender. They were admitted to terms on condition that the population should be dispersed among the four hamlets, out of which it had been collected to form the capital. The democratical leaders were permitted to go into exile. (Xen., Hell., 5, 2, § 1-7.-Paus., 8, 8, ◊ 5.- Diod., 15, 5, &c.-Plut., Pelop., 4.-Isocr., Paneg., p. 67, a, De Pace, p. 179, c.)

Referring to our sketch of Spartan history, we find Agesilaus shining most in its first and last period, as commencing and surrendering a glorious career in Asia, and as, in extreme age, maintaining his prostrate country. From Coroneia to Leuctra we see him partly unemployed, at times yielding to weak motives, at times joining in wanton acts of public injustice. No one of Sparta's great defeats, but some of her bad policy belongs to him. In what others do, we miss him; in what he does, we miss the greatness and consistency belonging to unity of purpose and sole command. No doubt he was hampered at home; perhaps, too, from a man withdrawn, when now near fifty, from his chosen career, great action in a new one of any kind could not be looked for. Plutarch gives, among nu-4, 7, § 2-6.-Paus., 3, 5, § 8.) In B.C. 385 the Sparmerous apophthegmata, his letter to the ephors on his recall: "We have reduced most of Asia, driven back the barbarians, made arms abundant in Ionia. But since you bid me, according to the decree, come home, I shall follow my letter, may perhaps be even before it. For my command is not mine, but my country's and her allies'. And a commander then commands truly according to right when he sees his own commander in the laws and ephors, or others holding office in the state." Also, an exclamation on hearing of the battle of Corinth: "Alas for Greece! she has killed enough of her sons to have conquered all the barbarians." Of his courage, temperance, and hardiness, many instances are given to these he added, even in excess, the less Spartan qualities of kindliness and tenderness as a father and a friend. Thus we have the story of his riding across a stick with his children; and, to gratify his son's affection for Cleonymus, son of the culprit, he saved Sphodrias from the punishment due, in right and policy, for his incursion into Attica in 378. So, Early in B.C. 382, an embassy came to Sparta from too, the appointment of Pisander. (Vid. Pisander.) A the cities of Acanthus and Apollonia, requesting asletter of his 66 runs, If Nicias is innocent, acquit him sistance against the Olynthians, who were endeavourfor that; if guilty, for my sake; any how, acquit him." ing to compel them to join their confederacy. The From Spartan cupidity and dishonesty, and mostly, Spartans granted it, but were not at first very success even in public life, from ill faith, his character is clear. ful. After the defeat and death of Teleutias in the In person he was small, mean-looking, and lame, on second campaign (B. C. 381), Agesipolis took the comwhich last ground objection had been made to his ac-mand: He set out in 381, but did not begin operacession, an oracle, curiously fulfilled, having warned tions till the spring of 380. He then acted with great Sparta of evils awaiting her under a "lame sovereign- vigour, and took Torone by storm; but in the midst ty." In his reign, indeed, her fall took place, but not of his successes he was seized with a fever, which carthrough him. Agesilaus himself was Sparta's most ried him off in seven days. He died at Aphytis, in perfect citizen and most consummate general; in many the peninsula of Pallene. His body was immersed ways, perhaps, her greatest man. (Xen., Hell., 3, 3, to in honey, and conveyed home to Sparta for burial. the end; Agesilaus.-Diod., 14, 15.-Paus, 3, 9, 10. Though Agesipolis did not share the ambitious views -Plut. and C. Nepos, in Vita.-Plut., Apophthegm.) of foreign conquest cherished by Agesilaus, his loss -III. A Greek historian, who wrote a work on the was deeply regretted by that prince, who seems to have early history of Italy ('Iraλiká), fragments of which had a sincere regard for him. (Xen, Hell., 5, 3, § 8-9, are preserved in Plutarch (Parallela, p. 312) and Sto- 18-19.-Diod., 15, 22.-Thirlwall, Hist. of Greece, 4, bæus. (Florileg., 9, 27, 54, 49, 65, 10, ed. Gaisf)- p. 405, 428, &c.; 5, p. 5, &c., 20.)-II. Son of CleIV. A brother of Themistocles, who went into the Per- ombrotus, was the 23d king of the Agid line. He assian camp, and stabbed one of the body-guards instead cended the throne B.C. 371, and reigned one year. of Xerxes, whom he intended to assassinate, but knew (Paus., 3, 6, ◊ 1.-Diod., 15, 60.)-III. The 31st of not. Upon being arraigned before Xerxes, he thrust the Agid line, was the son of Agesipolis, and grandson his hand into the fire, and informed the monarch that of Cleombrotus II. After the death of Cleomenes he all his countrymen were prepared to do the same. Plu- was elected king while still a minor, and placed under tarch cites this incident on the authority of Agathar- the guardianship of his uncle Cleomenes. (Polyb., 4, chides, in his Parallels. (Op., ed. Reiske, vol. 7, p. 35.) He was, however, soon deposed by his colleague 217.) If the story be true, it shows the source whence Lycurgus, after the death of Cleomenes.

We hear of


him next in B.C. 195, when he was at the head of the Lacedæmonian exiles, who joined Flamininus in his attack upon Nabis, the tyrant of Lacedæmon. (Liv., 34, 26.) He formed one of an embassy sent about B.C. 183 to Rome by the Lacedæmonian exiles, and, with his companions, was intercepted by pirates and killed. (Polyb., 24, 11.)


AGETOR ('AуÝTWp), a surname given to several gods: for instance, to Jupiter at Lacedæmon (Stob., Serm., 42): the name seems to describe Zeus as the leader and ruler of men; but others think that it is synonymous with Agamemnon (Vid. Agamemnon): to Apollo (Eurip., Med., 426), where, however, Elmsley and others prefer dynτwp: to Mercury, who conducts the souls of men to the lower world. Under this name Mercury had a statue at Megalopolis. (Paus., 8, 31, 4.)

title, were written by other poets also, such as Eume-
lus of Corinth (Schol., ad Pind., Ol., 13, 31), Anticlei-
des of Athens (Athen., 4, p. 157; 9, p. 466), Cleide-
mus (Athen., 13, p. 609), and Lysimachus. (Athen.,
4, p. 158.-Schol., ad Apollon. Rhod., i., 558.) Where
the Noorot is mentioned without a name, we have gen-
erally to understand the work of Agias.-II. A comic
writer. (Pollux, 3, 36.-Meincke, Hist. Comic. Græc.,
p. 404, 416.) He is by some considered as the same
person with the writer of the 'Apуoλiká, mentioned be-
low. Casaubon, however, in his remarks on Athenæ-
us, thinks that this is an error. (Ad Athen., 3, 10, p.
169.)-III. The author of a work on Argolis ('Apyon-
kú, Athen., 3, p. 86, f.), mentioned in connexion with
Dercylus. Clemens of Alexandrea quotes him under
the name of Aigias (Strom., 1, p. 236), which is writ
ten Agis in Eusebius, who has also given Kerkylus in-
correctly for Dercylus. (Casaub., ad Athen., lib. 3,
c. 10, p. 169.) He is called ó μovoikós in another
passage of Athenæus (14, p. 626, f.), but the musician
may be another person.-IV. Brother of Tisamenus,
the renowned seer of the Spartans, who took part in
the battle of Platea. Both of these were of the race
of the Iamide, and received the right of citizenship at
Sparta. Another Agias, son of Agelochus, grandson
of Tisamenus, was the seer of Lysander, and predict-
at Egospotami. (Paus., 3, 11, ◊ 5, 6.)—V. The Ar-
cadian, one of the Grecian commanders in the army
of Cyrus the Younger, when he marched against his
brother Artaxerxes. He was entrapped, along with the
other Grecian leaders, by Tissaphernes, and put to death
by that treacherous satrap, together with his fellow-of-
ficers. Xenophon praises his courage and fidelity.
(Anab., 2, 5, 31; 2, 6, 30.)

AGGENUS URBICUs, a writer on the science of the Agrimensores. (Dict. of Ant., p. 38) It is uncertain when he lived; but he appears to have been a Christian, and it is not improbable, from some expressions which he uses, that he lived at the latter part of the fourth century of our era. The extant works ascribed to him are: "Aggeni Urbici in Julium Frontinum Commentarius," a commentary upon the work "De Agrorum Qualitate," which is ascribed to Frontinus; "Ined the victory of that commander over the Athenians Julium Frontinum Commentariorum Liber secundus qui Diazographus dicitur;" and "Commentariorum de Controversiis Agrorum Pars prior et altera." The last-named work Niebuhr supposes to have been written by Frontinus, and in the time of Domitian, since the author speaks of "præstantissimus Domitianus :" an expression which would never have been applied to this tyrant after his death. (Hist. of Rome, vol. 2, p. 621.)

AGGRAMMES, called XANDRAMES (Eavdpáμns) by Diodorus, the ruler of the Gangarida and Prasii in India, was said to be the son of a barber, whom the queen had married. Alexander was preparing to march against him, when he was compelled by his soldiers, who had become tired of the war, to give up farther conquests in India. (Curt., 5, 2.-Diod., 17, 93, 94. —Arrian, Anab., 5, 25, &c - Plut., Alex, 60)


AGIATIS. Vid. Agis, IV.

AGIDE, or Eurysthenida, descendants of Agis, king of Sparta and son of Eurysthenes. This family shared the throne of Lacedæmon along with the Proclidæ, or, as they were more commonly called, the Eurypontide. According to Pausanias, the line of the Agida became extinct in the person of Leonidas, son of Cleomenes. (Pausan., 3, 2.-Id., 3, 6.—Id., 3, 7.)

AGINNUM OF AGINUM, also written Agennum (Hieron., De Script. Eccles. in Sæbadio, al. Phœbadio), a city of the Nitiobriges, who were the same as the Aginnenses, in Gallia Aquitania. It lay on the river Garonne, between Fines and Excisum. (Ptol., Itin, p. 461.-Tab., Peut. Segm., 1.-Auson., Ep., 24, 79.) There was a road leading from this city to Lactura, which was situated at the distance of 15 miles, mentioned in the Itiner. Antonini, for an account of which consult the remarks of Chaudruc de Crazanes, l. 1., p. 392. Numerous remains of ancient works of art, inscriptions, &c., have been found at this place, which are described in a dissertation published in the Mémoires de la Societé Royale des Antiq. de France, tom. 2, p. 368. It was the birthplace of Jos. Scaliger, who has written about it in his Lect. Auson, l. 2, c. 10.

AGĬAs ('Ayíaç), I. a Greek poet, whose name was formerly written Augias, through a mistake of the first editor of the Excerpta of Proclus. It has been corrected by Thiersch in the Acta Philol. Monac., 2, p. 584, from the Codex Monacensis, which in one passage has Agias, and in another Hagias. The name itself does not occur in early Greek writers, unless it be supposed that Egias or Hegias ('Hyíaç) in Clemens Alexandrinus (Strom., 6, p. 622) and Pausanias (1, 2,1) are only different forms of the same name. He was a native of Trazen, and the time at which he wrote appears to have been about the year B.C. 740. His poem was celebrated in antiquity, under the name of Noorot, i. e., the history of the return of the Achæan heroes from Troy, and consisted of five books. The poem began with the cause of the misfortunes which AGIS ('Ayıç), I. king of Sparta, son of Eurysthenes, befell the Achæans on their way home and after their began to reign, it is said, about B.C. 1032. (Müller, arrival, that is, with the outrage committed upon Cas- Dor., vol. 2, p. 511, transl.) According to Eusebius sandra and the Palladium; and the whole poem filled (Chron., 1, p. 166), he reigned only one year; accordup the space which was left between the work of the ing to Apollodorus, as it appears, about 31 years. Dupoet Arctinus and the Odyssey. The ancients them-ring the reign of Eurysthenes, the conquered people selves appear to have been uncertain about the author of this poem, for they refer to it, simply by the name of Nóσrot, and when they mention the author, they only call him ỏ rods Nóσtovs ypúpas.__(Athen., 7, p. 281.-Paus., 10, 28, § 4; 29, § 2, 30, § 2-Apollod., 2, 1, § 5.—Schol., ad Odyss., 4, 12.-—Schol., ad Aristoph., Equit., 1332.-Lucian, De Saltat., 46.) Hence some writers attributed the Nóσrot to Homer (Suid., s. v. vóσrot.-Anthol. Planud., 4, 30), while others call its author a Colophonian. (Eustath., ad Odyss., 16, 118.) Similar poems, and with the same

were admitted to an equality of political rights with the Dorians. Agis deprived them of these, and reduced them to the condition of subjects to the Spartans. The inhabitants of the town of Helos attempted to shake off the yoke, but they were subdued, and gave rise and name to the class called Helots. (Ephor., ap. Strab., 8, 364.) To his reign was referred the colony which went to Crete under Pollis and Delphus. (Conon., Narr., 36.) From him the kings of that line were called 'Ayıdat. His colleague was Sous. (Paus., 3, 2, ◊ 1.)—II. The 17th of the Eurypontid line (be

Four Hundred, he made an unsuccessful attempt on Athens itself. (Thucyd., 8, 71.) In B.C. 401, the command of the war against Elis was intrusted to Agis, who in the third year compelled the Eleans to sue for peace. As he was returning from Delphi, whither he had gone to consecrate a tenth of the spoil, he fell sick at Heræa in Arcadia, and died in the course of a few days after he reached Sparta. (Xen., Hell., 3, 2, 21, &c. ; 3, ◊ 1-4.) He left a son, Leotychides, who, however, was excluded from the throne, as there was some suspicion with regard to his legitimacy. While Alcibiades was at Sparta he made Agis his implacable enemy. Later writers (Justin. 5, 2.-Plut., Alcib., 23) assign as a reason, that the latter suspect

was probably at the suggestion of Agis that orders were sent out to Astyochus to put him to death. Alcibiades, however, received timely notice (according to some accounts, from Timea herself), and kept out of the reach of the Spartans. (Thucyd., 8, 12, 45.Plut., Lysand., 22.—Agesil, 3.)-III. The eldest son of Archidamus III., was the 20th king of the Eurypontid line. His reign was short, but eventful. He succeeded his father in B.C. 338. In B.C. 333, we find him going with a single trireme to the Persian commanders in the Ægean, Pharnabazus and Autophradates, to request money and an armament for carrying on hostile operations against Alexander in Greece. They gave him 30 talents and 10 triremes. The news of the battle of Issus, however, put a check upon their plans. He sent the galleys to his brother Agesilaus, with instructions to sail with them to Crete, that he might secure that island for the Spartan interest. In this he seems in a great measure to have succeeded. Two years afterward (B.C. 331), the Greek states which were leagued together against Alexander seized the opportunity of the disaster of Zopyrion and the revolt of the Thracians, to declare war against Macedonia. Agis was invested with the command, and with the Lacedæmonian troops, and a body of 8000 Greek mercenaries, who had been present at the battle of Issus, gained a decisive victory over a Macedonian army under Corragus. Having been joined by the other for

ginning with Procles), succeeded his father Archida- | nesian war. In 411, during the administration of the mus B.C. 427, and reigned a little more than 28 years. In the summer of B.C. 426, he led an army of Peloponnesians and their allies as far as the isthmus, with the intention of invading Attica; but they were deterred from advancing farther by a succession of earthquakes which happened when they had got so far. (Thucyd., 3, 89.) In the spring of the following year he led an army into Attica, but quitted it fifteen days after he had entered it. (Thucyd., 4, 2, 6.) In B.C. 419, the Argives, at the instigation of Alcibiades, attacked Epidaurus; and Agis, with the whole force of Lacedæmon, set out at the same time, and marched to the frontier city, Leuctra. No, one, Thucydides tells us, knew the purpose of this expedition. It was probably to make a diversion in favour of Epidaurus. (Thirled him of having dishonoured his queen Timea. It wall, vol. 3, p. 342.) At Leuctra the aspect of the sacrifices deterred him from proceeding. He therefore led his troops back, and sent round notice to the allies to be ready for an expedition at the end of the sacred month of the Carnean festival; and when the Argives repeated their attack on Epidaurus, the Spartans again marched to the frontier town, Caryæ, and again turned back, professedly on account of the aspect of the victims. In the middle of the following summer (B.C. 418), the Epidaurians being still hard pressed by the Argives, the Lacedæmonians, with their whole force and some allies, under the command of Agis, invaded Argolis. By a skilful manœuvre, he succeeded in intercepting the Argives, and posted his army advantageously between them and the city. But just as the battle was about to begin, Thrasyllus, one of the Argive generals, and Alciphron came to Agis, and prevailed on him to conclude a truce for four months. Agis, without disclosing his motives, drew off his army. On his return he was severely censured for having thus thrown away the opportunity of reducing Argos, especially as the Argives had seized the opportunity afforded by his return, and taken Orchomenos. It was proposed to pull down his house, and inflict on him a fine of 100,000 drachmæ. But, on his earnest entreaty, they contented themselves with appointing a council of war, consisting of 10 Spartans, without whom he was not to lead an army out of the city. (Thucyd, 5, 54, 57, &c.) Shortly afterward they received in-ces of the league, he laid siege to Megalopolis. The telligence from Tegea, that, if not promptly succoured, city held out till Antipater came to its relief, when a the party favourable to Sparta in that city would be battle ensued, in which Agis was defeated and killed. compelled to give way. The Spartans immediately It happened about the time of the battle of Arbela. sent their whole force under the command of Agis. (Arrian, 2, 13.-Diod., 16, 63, 68; 17, 62-Æsch., He restored tranquillity at Tegea, and then marched c. Ctesiph., p. 77.—Curt., 6, 1.—Justin, 12, 1.)—IV. to Mantineia. By turning the waters so as to flood The elder son of Eudamidas II, was the 24th king of the lands of Mantineia, he succeeded in drawing the the Eurypontid line. He succeeded his father in B.C. army of the Mantineans and Athenians down to the 244, and reigned four years. In B.C. 243, after the level ground. A battle ensued, in which the Spartans liberation of Corinth by Aratus, the general of the were victorious. This was one of the most important Achæan league, Agis led an army against him, but was battles ever fought between Grecian states. (Thucyd., defeated. (Paus, 2, 8, § 4.) The interest of his 5, 71-73.) In B C. 417, when news reached Sparta reign, however, is derived from events of a different of the counter-revolution at Argos, in which the oli- kind. Through the influx of wealth and luxury, with garchical and Spartan faction was overthrown, an army their concomitant vices, the Spartans had greatly dewas sent there under Agis. He was unable to restore generated from the ancient simplicity and severity of the defeated party, but he destroyed the long walls manners. Not above 700 families of the genuine which the Argives had begun to carry down to the sea, Spartan stock remained, and, in consequence of the and took Hysia. (Thucyd., 5, 83.) In the spring of innovation introduced by Epitadeus, who procured a B.C. 413, Agis entered Attica with a Peloponnesian repeal of the law which secured to every Spartan head army, and fortified Deceleia, a steep eminence about of a family an equal portion of land, the landed prop15 miles northeast of Athens (Thucyd., 7, 19, 27); erty had passed into the hands of a few individuals, of and in the winter of the same year, after the news of whom a great number were females, so that not above the disastrous fate of the Sicilian expedition had reach 100 Spartan families possessed estates, while the poor ed Greece, he marched northward to levy contributions were burdened with debt. Agis, who from his earliest on the allies of Sparta, for the purpose of constructing youth had shown his attachment to the ancient discia fleet. While at Deceleia he acted in a great meas- pline, undertook to reform these abuses, and re-estabure independently of the Spartan government, and lish the institutions of Lycurgus. For this end he dereceived embassies as well from the disaffected al-termined to lay before the Spartan senate a proposition lies of the Athenians as from the Baotians and other for the abolition of all debts and a new partition of the allies of Sparta. (Thucyd., 8, 3, 5.) He seems to lands. Another part of his plan was to give landed have remained at Deceleia till the end of the Pelopon-estates to the Periceci. His schemes were warmly

king of Sparta who had been put to death by the
ephors. Pausanias, who, however, is undoubtedly
wrong, says (8, 10, § 4; 27, § 9) that he fell in battle.
His widow, Agiatis, was forcibly married by Leonidas
to his son, Cleomenes, but, nevertheless, they enter-
tained for each other a mutual affection and esteem.
(I lutarch, Agis, Cleomenes, Aratus. — Paus., 7, 7, §
2.)-V. A Greek poet, a native of Argos, and a con-
temporary of Alexander the Great, whom he accompa
nied on his Asiatic expedition. Curtius (8, 5), as well
as Arrian (Anab., 4, 9) and Plutarch (De adulat. et
amic. discrim, p. 60), describe him as one of the basest
flatterers of the king. Curtius calls him "pessimo.
rum carminum post Cherilum conditor," which proba-
bly refers rather to their flattering character than to
their worth as poetry. The Greek Anthology (6, 152)
contains an epigram, which is probably the work of this
flatterer. (Jacobs, Anthol., 3, p. 836.-Zimmermann,
Zeitschrift für die Alterth., 1841, p. 164.)

Athenæus (12, p. 516) mentions one Agis as the author of a work on the art of cooking (дyapTuτiká). AGISIMBA, a district of Ethiopia, the most southern with which the ancients were acquainted. It is supposed to correspond to Asben in Nigritia. (Bischof und Möller, Wörterb. der Geogr., s. v.) It is sometimes written Agizymba.

AGLAIA, I. one of the Graces, called sometimes Pasiphaë. (Pausan., 9, 35.-Vid. Charites.)—II. Daughter of Thespius, and mother, by Hercules, of Antiades. (Apollod., Biblioth., 2, 7, § 8.)-III. The wife of King Charopus, and mother of Nireus, who came with three vessels and a small band of followers from the island of Syme against Troy. (Hom, I, 2, 671.-Diod. Sic., 5, 53.) Homer says nothing farther about him than that he was the most beautiful man in the Grecian army after Achilles (vid. Nireus); his story, however, was related at length in the Cyclic bards. (Vid. Heynii Annot. ad Hom., I., 2, 671-3.) Lucian has ironically represented him as contesting the palm of personal beauty with Thersites in the lower world. (Dial. Mort., 25.)

seconded by the poorer classes and the young men, moved to tears, said, "Weep not for me: suffering, and as strenuously opposed by the wealthy. He suc- as I do, unjustly, I am in a happier case than my murceeded, however, in gaining over three very influen- derers." His mother, Agesistrate, and his grandmothtial persons-his uncle Agesilaus (a man of large proper were strangled on his body Agis was the first erty, but who, being deeply involved in debt, hoped to profit by the innovations of Agis), Lysander, and Mandrocleides. Having procured Lysander to be elected one of the ephors, he laid his plans before the senate. He proposed that the Spartan territory should be divided into two portions, one to consist of 4500 equal lots, to be divided among the Spartans, whose ranks were to be filled up by the admission of the most respectable of the Pericci and strangers; the other to contain 15,000 equal lots, to be divided among the Perioci. The senate could not, at first, come to a decision on the matter. Lysander, therefore, convoked the assembly of the people, to whom Agis submitted his measure, and offered to make the first sacrifice, by giving up his lands and money, telling them that his mother and grandmother, who were possessed of great wealth, with all his relations and friends, would follow his example. His generosity drew down the applauses of the multitude. The opposite party, however, headed by Leonidas, the other king, who had formed his habits at the luxurious court of Seleucus, king of Syria, got the senate to reject the measure, though only by one vote. Agis now determined to rid himself of Leonidas. Lysander, accordingly, accused him of having violated the laws by marrying a stranger and living in a foreign land. Leonidas was deposed, and was succeeded by his son-in-law, Cleombrotus, who co-operated with Agis. Soon afterward, however, Lysander's term of office expired, and the ephors of the following year were opposed to Agis, and designed to restore Leonidas. They brought an accusation against Lysander and Mandrocleides, of attempting to violate the laws. Alarmed at the turn events were taking, the two latter prevailed on the kings to depose the ephors by force, and appoint others in their room. Leonidas, who had returned to the city, fled to Tegea, and in his flight was protected by Agis from the violence meditated against him by Agesilaus. The selfish avarice of the latter frustrated the plans of Agis, when there now seemed nothing to oppose the execution of them. He persuaded his nephew and Lysander that the most effectual way to secure the consent of the wealthy to the distribution of their lands, would be to begin by cancelling the debts. Accordingly, all bonds, registers, and securities were piled up in the market-place and burned. Agesilaus, having secured his own ends, contrived various pretexts for delaying the division of the lands. Meanwhile, the Achaeans applied to Sparta for assistance against the Etolians. Agis was accordingly sent at the head of an army. The cautious movements of Aratus gave Agis no opportunity of distinguishing himself in action, but he gained great credit by the excellent discipline he preserved among his troops. During his absence Agesilaus so incensed the poorer classes by his insolent conduct and the continued postponement of the division of the lands, that they made no opposition when the enemies of Agis openly brought back Leonidas and set him on the throne. Agis and Cleombrotus fled for sanctuary, the former to the temple of Athene Chalciocus, the latter to the temple of Poseidon. Cleombrotus was suffered to go into exile. Agis was entrapped by some treacherous friends and thrown into prison. Leonidas immediately came with a band of mercenaries, and secured the prison without, while the ephors entered it, and went through the mockery of a trial. When asked if he did AGNA, or Hagna, a female in the time of Horace, not repent of what he had attempted, Agis replied that who, though troubled with a polypus in the nose, and he should never repent of so glorious a design, even in having her visage, in consequence, greatly deformed, the face of death. He was condemned, and precipi-yet found, on this very account, an admirer in one Baltately executed, the ephors fearing a rescue, as a great binus. The commentators make her to have been a concourse of people had assembled round the prison freed-woman and a native of Greece. (Horat., Serm. gates. Agis, observing that one of his executioners was | 1, 3, 40.)

AGLACPHEME (Ayλaoonμn), one of the Sirens. (Vid. Sirenes.)

AGLAONICE, a Thessalian female, who prided herself on her skill in predicting eclipses, &c. She boasted even of her power to draw down the moon to earth. Hence the Greek adage, Tùν σchývηv katаora, “She draws down the moon," applied to a boastful person. (Erasm. Chil., col., 853.)

AGLAŎPHON, I. a painter of the isle of Thasos, who flourished in the 70th Olympiad, 500 B.C. He was the father and master of Polygnotus and Aristophon. Quintilian (12, 10) speaks of his style in common with that of Polygnotus, as indicating, by its simplicity of colouring, the early stages of the art, and yet being preferable, by its air of nature and truth, to the efforts of the great masters that succeeded.-II. A son of Aristophon, and grandson of the preceding, also distinguished as a painter. He celebrated, by his productions, the victories of Alcibiades. (Sillig, Dict. Art., s. v.) AGLAUROS. Vid. Agraulos.

AGLAUS, a native of Psophis, and the poorest man in all Arcadia, but still pronounced, by the Delphic oracle, a happier man than Gyges, monarch of Lydia. (Val. Max., 7, 1.)

AGNODICE, an Athenian virgin, who disguised her | ritus, he says that the statue of the Rhamnusian Nem. sex to learn medicine, it being ordained by the Athe-esis was the work of Phidias. Strabo, again, differs nian laws, that no slave or female should learn the heal- from both Pliny and Pausanias, for he asserts that the ing art. She was taught by Hierophilus the art of mid- celebrated statue in question was ascribed to both Agowifery, and when employed, always discovered her sex racritus and Diodotus (the latter of whom is not mento her patients. This brought her into so much prac- tioned in any other passage), and that it was not at all tice, that the males of her profession, who were now inferior to the works of Phidias. (Strab., 396.) It is out of employment, accused her before the Areopagus difficult to reconcile these conflicting statements. Perof corrupt conduct, "quod dicerent eum glabrum esse, haps the statue was by Phidias, and the name of his et corruptorem earum, et illas simulare imbecillitatem." favourite pupil was inscribed upon it by the artist Agnodice was about to be condemned, when she dis- Equally difficult is it to conceive how a statue of Vecovered her sex to the judges. A law was immedi- nus could be so modified as to be transformed into one ately passed authorizing all freeborn women to learn of the goddess of Vengeance, for such was Nemesis. the healing art. (Hygin., fab., 274.) Sillig endeavours to explain this, but with little success. (Dict. Art., s. v.)

AGNON, I. son of Nicias, was present at the taking of Samos by Pericles, having brought re-enforcements from Athens. After the Peloponnesian war had oroken out, he and Cleopompus, both colleagues of Pericles, were despatched with the forces which the last-mentioned commander had previously led, to aid in the reduction of Potidea. The expedition was frustrated, however, by sickness among the troops. Agnon was also the founder of Amphipolis; but the citizens of that place, forgetful of past services, opened their gates to Brasidas, the Spartan general, and when the body of this commander was subsequently interred within Amphipolis, they threw down every memorial of Agnon. (Thucyd., 1, 117.-Id., 2, 58.)-II. Vid. Supplement.

AGNONIDES, an orator, and popular leader at Athens, who accused Phocion of treason for not having opposed with more activity the movements of Nicanor. After the death of Phocion, and when the people, repenting of their conduct towards him, were doing everything to honour his memory, Agnonides suffered capital punishment, by a decree passed for that special purpose. (Plut., Vit. Phoc., c. 33, 38.)

AGONALIA and AGONIA, a festival at Rome in honour of Janus, celebrated on the ninth of January, the 20th of May, and the 10th of December. (Vid. Dictionary of Antiquities.)

AGONIUS ('AYVIOS), a surname or epithet of several gods. Eschylus (Agam., 513) and Sophocles (Trach., 26) use it of Apollo and Jupiter, and apparently in the sense of helpers in struggles and contests. But it is more especially used as a surname of Mercu ry, who presides over all kinds of solemn contests. AGONES CAPITOLINI, contests instituted by Domitian in honour of Jupiter Capitolinus, and celebrated every fifth year on the Capitoline Hill. According to Suetonius (Domit., 4), they were of a threefold character: musical, which included poetic contests, equestrian, and gymnastic. Prizes were awarded also for the best specimens of Greek and Latin prose composition. Censori nus informs us, that they were instituted in the twelfth consulship of Domitian and Dolabella (A.U.C. 839). It was at these contests that the poet Statius was defeated. (Cens, c. 18.-Crusius, ad Suet., l. c.) Games similar to these had been previously instituted by Nero. (Suet., Ner., 12.)

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AGORANOMI, Αγορανόμοι, sometimes called Λογισταί, ten Athenian magistrates, five of whom officiated in the city, and five in the Piraeus. To them a certai toll or tribute was paid by those who brought anything into the market to sell. They had the care of all saleable commodities in the market except corn, and they were employed in maintaining order, and in seeing that no one defrauded another, or took any unreasonable advantage in buying and selling. (Wachsmuth, Alterthums., vol. 2, p. 65.)

AGRAGAS, or ACRAGAS, I. a small river of Sicily, running near Agrigentum. It is now the San Blasio. (Mannert, 9, pt. 2, p. 354)-II. The Greek name of Agrigentum. (Vid. Agrigentum.)

AGRAGIANÆ, or ACRAGIANE, PORTE, gates of Syracuse. There were in this quarter a great number of sepulchres, and here Cicero discovered the tomb of Archimedes. (Tusc. Quæst., 5, 23.) The name of these gates has given great trouble to the commentators. Dorville (ad Charit., p. 193) reads Agragantinas in the passage of Cicero just referred to, because the gates in question looked towards Agrigentum and the south, according to the Antonin. Itin., p. 95. Schütz gives Achradinas in his edition of Cicero, which is superior to Acradinas, the reading of H. Stephens and Davis, though the last is adopted by Göller. (Syracus., p. 64.) The argument in its favour turns upon the circumstance of a porta Achradina being mentioned among the gates of Syracuse, but not a porta Agragantina. Thus we have in Diodorus Siculus, (13, 75), τῷ κατὰ τὴν ̓Αχραδινὴν πυλῶνι, and (13, 113), πрòç тην túλŋv tñs 'Axpadivis. The preferable reading, therefore, in Cicero (i. c.) is portas Achradinas, as indicating gates in that quarter of Syracuse termed Achradina. (Vid. Achradina.)

AGRARIÆ LEGES, laws enacted in Rome for the division of public lands. In the valuable work on Roman history by Niebuhr (vol. 2, p. 129, seqq., Cambr. transl.), it is satisfactorily shown, that these laws, which have so long been considered as unjust attacks upon private property, had for their object only the distribution of lands which were the property of the state, and that the troubles to which they gave rise were occasioned by the opposition of persons who had settled on these lands without having acquired any title to them. These laws of the Romans were so intimate

AGORACRITUS, a statuary of Paros, and the favourite pupil of Phidias, who, according to Pliny (26, 5), carried his attachment so far as even to have inscribed only connected with their system of establishing colonies some of his own works the name of his young disciple. in the different parts of their territories, that, to attain The same writer informs us, that Agoracritus contend- a proper understanding of them, it is necessary to beed with Alcamenes, another pupil of Phidias, and a stow a moment's consideration on that system.-Acnative of Athens, in making a statue of Venus, and had cording to Dionysius of Halicarnassus, their plan of the mortification to see his rival crowned as victorious, sending out colonies or settlers began as early as the in consequence of the prejudice of the Athenians in fa- time of Romulus, who generally placed colonists from vour of their countryman. Full of resentment, he sold the city of Rome on the lands taken in war. The same his statue to the inhabitants of Rhamnus, a borough policy was pursued by the kings who succeeded him; of Attica, on condition that it should never re-enter and, when the kings were expelled, it was adopted by within the walls of Athens. Pliny adds, that Agoracri- the senate and the people, and then by the dictators. tus named this statue Nemesis, and that Varro regarded There were several reasons inducing the Roman gov it as the finest specimen of sculpture that he had ever ernment to pursue this policy, which was continued for seen. Pausanias (1, 33) gives an entirely different a long period without any intermission; first, to have account; for, without mentioning the name of Agorac-a check on the conquered people; secondly, to have

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