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&c. &c. &c.



them by the fore part of their heads The truth is, they wore the hair long behind as a badge of valour, and so the scholiast on Homer means by dvopeias xápiv. The custom of wearing long hair characterized many, if not all of the warlike nations of antiquity; it prevailed among the Scythians, who were wont also to cut off the

ABÆ, I. a city of Phocis, near and to the right of Elatea, towards Opus. The inhabitants had a tradition that they were of Argive descent, and that their city was founded by Abas, son of Lynceus and Hypermnestra, grandson of Danaus (Paus. 10, 35). It was most probably of Thracian, or, in other words, Pelasgic origin. Abe was early celebrated for its oracle of Apol-hair of their captives as indicative of slavery (Hesych. lo, of greater antiquity than that at Delphi (Steph. B.). In later days, the Romans also testified respect for the character of the place, by conceding important privileges to the Abeans, and allowing them to live under their own laws (Paus. l. c.). During the Persian invasion, the army of Xerxes set fire to the temple, and nearly destroyed it; soon after it again gave oracles, though in this dilapidated state, and was consulted for that purpose by an agent of Mardonius (Herod. 8, 134). In the Sacred war, a body of Phocians having fled to it for refuge, the Thebans burned what remained of the temple, destroying, at the same time, the suppliants (Diod. S. 16, 58). Hadrian caused another temple to be built, but much inferior in size. This city possessed also a forum and a theatre. Ruins are pointed out by Sir W. Gell (Itin. 266) near the modern village of Exar-skin of the head would be taken with it to keep the


ABEUS, a surname of Apollo, derived from the town of Abe in Phocis, where the god had a rich temple. (Hesych., s. v. "Abat.-Herod. 8, 33.)

-Bayeri Mem. Scyth. in comment. Acad. Petr. 1732, p. 388); and also among the Thracians, Spartane Gauls (Galli comati), and the early Romans (intonsi Romani). As to the origin of this custom among the Spartans, Herodotus (1,82) seems to be in error, in da ting it from the battle of Thyrea, since Xenophon (Lac. Pol. 11, 3) expressly refers it to the time of Lycurgus (Plut. Vit. Lys. 1). The practice of scalping, which, according to Herodotus (4, 64), existed among the ancient Scythians (Casaub. ad Athen. 524), and is still used by the North American Indians, appears to owe its origin to this peculiar regard for the hair of the head. The greatest trophy for the victor to gain, or the vanquished to lose, would be a portion of what each had regarded as the truest badge of valour, and the

hair together. On the other hand, shaving the head was a peaceful and religious custom, directly opposed to that just mentioned. It was an indispensable rite among the priests of Egypt (Herod. 2, 36); and even ABACENUM, a city of the Siculi, in Sicily, situated the deities in the hieroglyphics have their heads withon a steep hill southwest of Messana. Its ruins are out hair. Hence, too, may be explained what is said supposed to be in the vicinity of Tripi. Being an ally of the Argippai, or Bald-headed Scythians (Herod. 4, of Carthage, Dionysius of Syracuse wrested from it 23). No one offered violence to them; they were acpart of the adjacent territory, and founded in its vicin- counted sacred, and had no warlike weapons. Were ity the colony of Tyndaris (Diod. S. 14, 78, 90). they not one of those sacerdotal colonies which, miPtolemy calls this city 'Abákava, all other writers grating at a remote period from India, spread them'Abakaivov. According to Bochart, the Punic appel-selves over Scythia, and a large portion of the farther lation was Abacin, from Abac, "extollere," in reference to its lofty situation. (Cluver. Sic. Ant. 2, 386.) ABALUS. Vid. Basilia.

regions of the West?

ABANTIADES, a masculine patronymic given to the descendants of Abas, king of Argos, such as Acrisius, Perseus, &c. (Ovid, Met. 4, 673.)

after having slain Clinias, who was then in charge of the administration. Clinias was the father of the celebrated Aratus, and the latter, at this time only seven years of age, narrowly escaped sharing the fate of his parent. (Plut. Vit. Arat. 2.)

ABANTES, an ancient people of Greece, whose origin is not ascertained; probably they came from Thrace, ABANTIAS, I. one of the ancient names of Euboea. and having settled in Phocis, built the city Abæ. (Vid. Abantes.) Strabo (444) calls it Abantis.-II. A From this quarter a part of them seem to have remo- female patronymic from Abas, as Danaë, Atalanta, &c. ved to Euboea, and hence its name Abantias, or Aban- ABANTIDAS, a tyrant of Sicyon, in the third centis (Strabo, 444). Others of them left Euboea, and set-tury B.C. He seized upon the sovereign power, tled for a time in Chios (Paus. 7, 4); a third band, returning with some of the Locri from the Trojan war, were driven to the coast of Epirus, settled in part of Thesprotia, inhabited the city Thronium, and gave the name Abantis to the adjacent territory (Paus. 5, 22). The Thracian origin of the Abantes is contested by Mannert (8, 246), though supported, in some degree, by Aristotle, as cited by rabo. They had a custom of cutting off the hair of the head before, and suffering it to grow long behind (Il. 2, 542). Plutarch Vit. Thes. 5) states, that they did this to prevent the enemy, whom they always boldly fronted, from seizing

ABANTIS. Vid. Abantias II. ABARIS, I. a Scythian, or Hyperborean, mentioned by several ancient writers. Iamblichus states that Abaris was a disciple of Pythagoras, and performed many wonders with an arrow received from Apollo (Vit. Pythag., p. 28, ed. Kuster.) Herodotus informs us (4, 36) that he was carried on this arrow over the

or Avapıç). Manetho places it to the east of the Bubastic mouth of the Nile, in the Saitic Nome (Joseph. c. Ap. 1, 14). Mannert identifies it with what was afterward called Pelusium; for the name Abaris disappeared, when the shepherd-race retired from Egypt, and the situation of Pelusium coincides sufficiently with the site of Abaris, as far as authorities have reached us. Manetho, as cited by Josephus, says, that Salatis, the first shepherd-king, finding the position of Abaris well adapted to his purpose, rebuilt the city, and strongly fortified it with walls, garrisoning it with a force of 240,000 men. To this city Salatis repaired in summer time, in order to collect his tribute, and to pay his troops, and to exercise his soldiers with the view of striking terror into foreign states. Manetho also informs us, that the name of the city had an ancient theological reference (kahovμévny 8 áñó tivos úpxaías veokoyías Avapiv). Other writers make the term Abaris denote "a pass," or "crossing over," a name well adapted to a stronghold on the borders. Compare the Sanscrit upari (over, above), the Gothic ufar, the Old High German ubar, the Persian eber, the Latin super, the Greek vπép, &c.

whole earth without tasting food. But there are strong them, will make Abaris, travelling on his arrow, to be doubts as to the accuracy of the text given by Wes-him that moves rapidly along, Runa, the scribe, prophet, seling and Valckenaer. The old editions read & Tòv deliverer; and, at the same time, the personification of bioтov жEρiépερe ovdèv σireóμevoç, which agrees with writing, as the source of all knowledge, and of safety to the account given in the Fragment of Lycurgus cited man. Thus the legend of Abaris may mark the propby Eudocia (Villois. Anecd. 1, 20), where he is said agation of writing from the summits of Caucasus, fot to have traversed all Greece, holding an arrow as the spreading civilization as well to the Greeks, as the nasymbol of Apollo. The time of his arrival in Greece tions of the North. For other speculations, compare is variously given (Bentl. Phal. 95). Some fix it in the Müller (Dorier, 1, 364) and Schwenk (Etymol.-Myth. 3d Olympiad (Harpocr.-Suid.), others in the 21st, Andeut. 358), who see in Abaris the god himself, Apolothers much lower. One authority is weighty: Pin-lo 'Apapeúç or 'Apałoç, “luminous," under the Macedodar, as cited by Harpocration, states that Abaris came nian form "Abapıç, become his own priest (Creuzer, 2, 1, to Greece while Croesus was king of Lydia. An ex- | 269).—II. A city of Egypt, called also Avaris ("Abapıç, traordinary occasion caused his visit. The whole earth was ravaged by a pestilence; the oracle of Apollo, being consulted, gave answer that the scourge would only cease when the Athenians should offer up vows for all nations. Another account makes him to have left his native country during a famine (Villois. Anecd. 1. c.). He made himself known throughout Greece as a performer of wonders; delivered oracular responses (Clem. Alex. Str. 399); healed maladies by charms or exorcisms (Plato, Charm. 1, 312, Bekk.); drove away storms, pestilence, and evils. His oracles are said to have been left in writing (Apollon. Hist. Comment. c. 4. Compare Schol. Aristoph. p. 331, as emended by Scaliger). The money obtained for these various services, Abaris is said to have consecrated, on his return, to Apollo (Iambl. V. P. 19), whence Bayle concludes, that the collecting of a pious contribution formed the motive of his journey to Greece (Dict. Hist. et Crit. 1, 4). He formed also a Palladium out of the bones of Pelops, and sold it to the Trojans (Jul. Firmicus, 16). Modern opinions vary: Brucker (Hist. Phil. 1, 355.-Enfield, 1, 115) regards him as one who, like Empedocles, Epimenides, Pythagoras, and others, went about imposing on the vulgar by false pretensions to supernatural powers; and Lobeck (Aglaoph. vol. i., p. 313, seq.) is of the same opinion. Creuzer (Symb. 2, 1, 267) considers Abaris as belonging to the curious chain of connexion between the religions of the North, and those of Southern Europe, so distinctly indicated by the customary offerings sent to Delos from the country of the Hyperboreans. The same writer then cites a remarkable passage from the Hial- ABAS, I. or ABUS, a mountain of Armenia Major; marsaga: "From Greece came Abor and Samolis, according to D'Anville, the modern Abi-dag, according with many excellent men; they met with a very cor- to Mannert (5, 196), Ararat; giving rise to the southdial reception; their servant and successor was Herse ern branch of the Euphrates. (Vid. Arsanias.)-II. A of Glisisvalr." The allusion here is evidently to river of Albania, rising in the chain of Caucasus, and Abaris and Zamolxis; and if this passage be authen- falling into the Caspian Sea. Ptolemy calls it Albanus. tic, Abaris would have been a Druid of the North, and On its banks Pompey defeated the rebellious Albanians the country of the Hyperboreans the Hebrides. The (Plut. Vit. Pomp. 35).-III. The 12th king of Ardoctrines of the Druids, as well as those of Zamolxis, gos. (Vid. Supplement.)-IV. A son of Metaneira, resemble the tenets of the Pythagorean school, and changed by Ceres into a lizard for having mocked the in this way we may explain that part of the story of goddess in her distress. Others refer this to AscalaAbaris which connects him with Pythagoras (Origen. phus.-V. A Latin chief who assisted Æneas against Philos. 882, 906, ed. de la Rue.-Chardon de la Ro- Turnus, and was killed by Lausus. (En. 10, 170, &c.) chette, Melang. de Crit. vol. i., p. 58). Unfortunate--VI. A soothsayer, to whom the Spartans erected a ly, the Saga of Hialmar is by the ablest critics of the statue for his services to Lysander, before the battle North considered a forgery (Müller's Sagabibl. 2, 663). of Egospotamos. He is called by some writers HaStill, other grounds have been assumed for making Ab-gias (Ayías). aris a Druidical priest; and the opinion is maintained by several writers (Toland's Misc. Works, 1, 181.— Higgins' Celtic Druids, 123.-Southern Rev. 7, 21.) One argument is derived from Himerius (Phot. Bibl. vol. ii., p. 374, ed. Bekker), that he travelled in Celtic costume; in a plaid and pantaloons. Creuzer, after some remarks on this history, indulges in an inge- ABDALONIMUS, one of the descendants of the kings nious speculation, by which Abaris becomes a personi- of Sidon, so poor that, to maintain himself, he worked fication of writing, and the doctrines communicated by in a garden. When Alexander took Sidon, he made it, as well as the advantages resulting from these doc-him king, and enlarged his possessions for his disintrines, and from science or wisdom in general. As terestedness. (Justin, 11, 10.-Curt. 4, 1.) Diodothe Runic characters of the North are here referred to, a part of his argument rests on the etymology of " Runic." rinnen, runen, "to run," "to move rapidly along." This, together with the arrow-like form of most of

ABARNIS, or US, I. a name given to that part of Mysia in which Lampsacus was situate. Venus, according to the fable, here disowned (anηovýσaτо) her offspring Priapus, whom she had just brought forth, being shocked at his deformity. Hence the appellation. The first form Aparnis, was subsequently altered to Abarnis (Steph. B.).—II. A city in the above-mentioned district, lying south of Lampsacus (Steph. B.).

ABASCANTUS. Vid. Supplement.

ABASĪTIS, a district of Phrygia Epictetus, in the vicinity of Mysia; în it was the city of Ancyra, and here, according to Strabo (576), the Macestus or Megistus arose.

ABATOS. Vid. Philæ.

rus Siculus (17, 46) calls him Ballonymus, a corruption of the true name as given by Curtius and Justin. Wesseling (ad Diod. S. 1. c.) considers the word equivalent, in the Phoenician tongue, to Abd-al-anim, "Ser

vus Dei prædatoris," and thinks that the latter part of the compound, anim, may be traced in the name of the god Anammelech (2 Kings, 17, 31). Gesenius (Gesch. der Hebr. Sprache und Schrift, 228) makes Abdalonimus, as an appellation, the same with Abd-alonim, "Servant of the gods."

ABDERA, I. a city of Thrace, at the mouth of the Nestus: Ephorus (Steph. B.) wrote in sing. "Abdnpov, but the plural is more usual, rà 'Abdпpa. The Clazomerian Timesius commenced founding this place, but, in consequence of the Thracian inroads, was unable to complete it; soon after, it was recolonized by a large body of Teians from Ionia, who abandoned their city, when besieged by Harpagus, general of Cyrus (Herod. 1, 168). Many Teians subsequently returned home; yet Abdera remained no inconsiderable city. There are several other accounts of the origin of this place, but the one which we have given is most entitled to credit. The city of Abdera was the birthplace of many distinguished men, as Anaxarchus, Democritus, Hecatæus, and Protagoras; the third, however, must not be confounded with the native of Miletus. (Creuzer, Hist. Antiq. Gr. Fragm. 9, 28.) But, notwithstanding the celebrity of some of their fellow-citizens, the people of Abdera, as a body, were reputed to be stupid. In the Chiliads of Erasmus, and the Adagia Veterum, many sayings record this failing; Cicero styles Rome, from the stupidity of the senators, an Abdera (Ep. ad Att. 4, 16); Juvenal calls Abdera itself, "the native land of blockheads" (vervecum patriam, 10, 50; compare Martial, 10, 25; "Abderitanæ pectora plebis"). Much of this is exaggeration. Abdera was the limit of the Odrysian empire to the west (Thuc. 2, 29). It afterward fell under the power of Philip; and, at a later period, was delivered up by one of its citizens to Eumenes, king of Pergamus (Diod. S. Fragm. 30, 9, 413, Bip.). Under the Romans it became a free city (Abdera libera), and continued so even as late as the time of Pliny (4, 11). It was famous for mullets, and other fish (Dorio, ap. Athen. 3, 37.—Archestr. ap. eund. 7, 124). In the middle ages Abdera degenerated into a very small town, named Polystylus, according to the Byzantine historian, Curopalate (Wasse, ad Thuc. 2, 97). Its ruins exist near Cape Baloustra. (French Strabo, 3, 180, § 3.)—II. A town of Hispania Bætica, east of Malaca, in the territory of the Bastuli Pœni, lying on the coast; Strabo calls the place Audnpa (157). Ptolemy 'A6dapa, Steph. B. "Alonpa, a coin of Tiberius Abdera (Vaillant, col. 1, p. 63.-Rasche's Lex. Rei Num. 1, 23). It was founded by a Phœnician colony, and is thought to correspond to the modern Adra. (Ukert's Geogr. 2, 351.)

ABDERUS, a Locrian, armour-bearer of Hercules; torn to pieces by the mares of Diomedes, which the hero, warring against the Bistones, had intrusted to his care. According to Philostratus (Icon. 2, 35), Hercules built the city of Abdera in memory of him. ABDIAS. Vid. Supplement.

ABELLA, a town of Campania, northeast of Nola, founded by a colony from Chalcis, in Eubœa, according to Justin (20, 1). Its ruins still exist in Arda Vecchia. Small as was Abella, it possessed a republican government, retaining it until subdued by the Romans; the inhabitants Abellani, are frequently mentioned by ancient writers; the only fact worthy of record is, that their territory produced a species of nut, nux Abellana or Avellana, apparently the same with what the Greek writers call κάρυον Ποντικόν, Ηρακλειωτικόν οι λεπTóv (Dioscor. 1, 179.-Athen. 2, 42). The tree itself is the kapúa Пovтiký, and corresponds to the corylus of Virgil, and the corylus Avellana of Linnæus, class 21. (Fée, Flore de Virgile, 223.)

ABELLINUM, I. now Abellino, a city of the Hirpini, in Samnium; the inhabitants of which were called, for distinction'sake, Abellinates Protropi (Plin. 3, 2.Ptol. 67).-II. A city of Lucania, near the source of

the Aciris; called Abellinum Marsicum. It is thought by Cluver (Ital. Antiq. 2, 1280) and D'Anville (Geogr. Ánc. 57) to accord with Marsico Vetere. ABELLIO. Vid. Supplement.

ABGĀRUS, I. a name common to many kings of Edessa, in Mesopotamia; otherwise written Abagarus, Agbarus, Augarus, &c. The first monarch of this name (Euseb. H. E. 1, 13) wrote a letter to our Saviour, and received a reply from him (vid. Edessa). The genuineness of these letters has been much disputed among the learned. (Cave's Lit. Hist. 1, 2.-Lardner's Cred. 7, 22.)-II. The name, according to some authorities, of the Arabian prince or chieftain who perfidiously drew Crassus into a snare, which proved his ruin; called 'Axbαpos by Appian_(B. P. 34), 'Apuúμvns (Plut. Crass. 21), Avɣapos (Dio Cass. 40, | 20).

ABIA, I. the southernmost city of Messenia, on the eastern shore of the Messenian Gulf. Pausanias (4, 30) identifies it with Ire, 'Ipn, one of the places offered by Agamemnon to Achilles (Il. 9, 292). Abia, together with the adjacent cities of Thuria and Phere, separated from Messenia, and became part of the Achæan confederacy; afterward they again attached themselves to the Messenian government. At a later period, Augustus, to punish the Messenians for having favoured the party of Antony, annexed these three cities to Laconia. But this arrangement continued only for a short time, since Ptolemy and Pausanias include them again among the cities of Messenia.-II. Nurse of Hyllus, in honour of whom Cresphontes changed the name of Ire to Abia. (Paus. 4, 30, 1.)

ABII, a Scythian nation, supposed by the earlier Greeks to inhabit the banks of the Tanais. Homer is thought to allude to them, Il. 13, 6, where for ȧyavāv some read 'Abiwv re. By others they are supposed to be identical with the Macrobii. The name "Abtot is thought by Heyne (ad. Il. l. c.) to allude to their living on lands common to the whole nation, or to their having a community of goods, or perhaps to their poverty, and their living in wagons. Curtius (7, 6) states, that these Abii sent ambassadors to Alexander with professions of obedience. But the Macedonians encountered no Abii; they only believed that they had found them. The name they probably had learned from Homer, and knew that they were a people to the north, forming part of the great Scythian race. Supposing themselves, therefore, on the banks of the Tanaïs, they gave the name Abii to the people, who had sent ambassadors, merely because they had heard that the Abii dwelt on that river.

ABILA, OF ABYLA, I. a mountain of Africa, opposite Calpe (Gibraltar), supposed to coincide with Cape Serra. It is an elevated point of land, forming a peninsula, of which a place named Ceuta closes the isthmus. Of the two forms given to the name of this mountain by ancient writers, that of Abyla is the more common. The name is written by Dionysius (Perieg. 336), 'A2u6n. According to Avienus (Ora Marit. 345), Abila is a Carthaginian or Punic appellative for " any lofty mountain." This name appears to have passed over into Europe, and to have been applied, with slight alteration of form, to the opposite mountain, the rock of Gibraltar. Eustathius (ad Dionys. P. 64) informs us that in his time the latter mountain was named Calpe by the Barbarians, but Aliba by the Greeks; and that the true Abila, on the African side, was called Abenna by the natives, by the Greeks Κυνηγητική. At what time the present Gibraltar began to be calied Calpe, is difficult to determine; probably long antecedent to the age of Eustathius. Calpe itself is only Aliba shortened, and pronounced with a strong Oriental aspirate. In the word Aliba we likewise detect the root of Alp, or, rather, the term itself, which may be traced directly to the Celtic radical Alb. The situation of Abila gave it, with the opposite Calpe, a

conspicuous place in the Greek mythology. (Vid. Her-marked, blending with a remnant of the Siculi, sprang culis Columnæ, and Mediterraneum Mare)-II. A city the nation of the Latins; and between Saturn and of Palestine, 12 miles east of Gadara (Euseb. v. "Abeй the time assigned for the Trojan settlement, only three 'Аμm). Ptolemy is supposed to refer to it under kings of the Aborigines are enumerated, Picus, Fauthe name Abida, an error probably of copyists. (Man-nus, and Latinus. (Niebuhr, Rom. Hist. 1, 62, Cambr.) nert, 6, 1, 323.)—III. A city of Colesyria, now Belli- As to the name of this early race, the old and genunas, in a mountainous country, about 18 miles north-ine one seems to have been Casci or Cassei (Saufeius west of Damascus. Ptolemy gives it the common in Serv. ad En. 1, 10); and the appellation of Aboname 'Abiha. Josephus calls it 'Abeλa, and also rigines was only given them by the later Roman wri'Abɛλμaxea, the latter coming from the Hebrew name ters. (Heyne, Excurs. 4, ad En. 7.) Cluver, and Abel Beth Maacha, or Malacha (Reland, Palest., 520). others, have maintained the identity of the Aborigines ABILENE, a district of Coelesyria. (Vid. Abila III.) and Pelasgi, a position first assumed by Dionysius of ABISARES. Vid. Supplement. Halicarnassus. Mannert (9, 436) thinks, that the ABITIANUS. Vid. Supplement. Pelasgi were a distinct race, who, on their arrival in ARLABIUS. Vid. Supplement. Italy, united with the people in question, and that both became gradually blended into one race, the Etrurian. Some are in favour of writing Aberrigines, and refer to the authority of Festus, who so styles them as having been wanderers (ab, erro), when they took possession of that part of the country where they subsequently dwelt. In this Festus is supported by the author of the Origin of the Romans, but the opinion is an incorrect one.

ABORRAS. Vid. Chaboras.

ABRADATAS, a king of Susa, who submitted, with his army, to Cyrus, when he learned that his wife Panthea, who had been made prisoner by the latter, was treated by him with great kindness and humanity. He was subsequently slain in fighting for Cyrus. His wife, unable to survive his loss, slew herself upon his corpse. Cyrus erected a monument to their memory. (Xen. Cyrop. 5, 6, &c.)

ABNOBA, according to Ptolemy (2, 11), a chain of mountains in Germany, which commenced on the banks of the Moenus, now Mayne, and, running between what are now Hesse and Westphalia, terminated in the present Duchy of Paderborn. Out of the northeastern part of this range, springs, according to the same authority, the Amisus, now Ems. Subsequent writers, however, seem to have limited the name Abnoba to that portion of the Black Forest where the Danube commences its course, and in this sense the term is used by Tacitus. A stone altar, with ABNOBA inscribed, was discovered in the Black Forest in 1778; and in 1784, a pedestal of white marble was found in the Duchy of Baden, bearing the words DIANAE ABNOBAE. These remains of antiquity, besides tending to designate more precisely the situation of the ancient Mons Abnoba, settle also the orthography | of the name, which some commentators incorrectly ABRINCATŬI, a nation of Gaul, situate, according to write Arnoba. (Compare La Germanie de Tacite, par the common opinion, on the western coast, north of Panckouke, p. 4, and the Atlas, Planche deuxième.) the Liger, or Loire, and whose capital, Ingena, is supABONITICHOS, a small town and harbour of Paphla-posed to coincide with Avranches (D'An. Geogr. Anc.gonia, southeast of the promontory Carambis. It was the birthplace of an impostor, who assumed the character of Esculapius. Lucian (Pseud. 58) states, that he petitioned the Roman emperor to change the name of his native city to Ionopolis, and that the request of the impostor was actually granted. The modern name Ineboli is only a corruption of Ionopolis. (Marcian, Peripl., p. 72.-Steph. B.)

ABORIGINES, a name given by the Roman writers to the primitive race, who, blending with the Siculi, founded subsequently the nation of the Latins. The name is equivalent to the Greek avróxloves, as indicating an indigenous race. According to the most credible traditions, they dwelt originally around Mount Velino, and the Lake Fucinus, now Celano, extending as far as Carseoli, and towards Reate. This was Cato's account (Dionys. H. 2, 49); and if Varro, who enumerated the towns they had possessed in those parts (Id. 1, 14), was not imposed on, not only were the sites of these towns distinctly preserved, as well as their names, but also other information, such as writings alone can transmit through centuries. Their capital, Lista, was lost by surprise; and exertions of many years to recover it, by expeditions from Reate, proved fruitless. Withdrawing from that district, they came down the Anio; and even at Tibur, Antemnæ, Ficulea, Tellena, and farther on at Crustumerium and Aricia, they found Siculi, whom they subdued or expelled. The Aborigines are depicted by Sallust and Virgil as savages living in hordes, without Inзnners, law, or agriculture, on the produce of the chase, and on wild fruits. This, however, does not agree with the traces of their towns in the Apennines; but the whole account was, perhaps, little else than an ancient speculation on the progress of mankind from rudeness to civilization. The Aborigines are said to have revered Janus and Saturn. The latter taught them husbandry, and induced them to choose settled habitations, as the founders of a better way of life. From this ancient race, as has already been re

Cellar. Geogr. Ant. 1, 161, Schw.). If we follow Ptolemy, this people rather seem to have occupied what would now correspond to a part of Eastern Normandy, in the district of Ouche, and stretching from the vicinity of the Rille to the banks of the Seine (Mannert, 2, 167).

ABRO, I. an Athenian, who wrote on the festivals and sacrifices of the Greeks. His work is lost. (Steph. B. s. v. Bárn.)—II. A grammarian of Rhodes, who taught rhetoric at Rome in the reign of Augustus. He was a pupil of Tryphon. (Suid. s. v.)—III. A grammarian, who wrote a treatise on Theocritus, now lost.-IV. An Athenian, son of the orator Lycurgus. (Plut. Vit. X. Orat.)-V. An Argive of most luxurious and dissolute life, who gave rise to the proverb, 'Abpwvos Bíos (Abronis vita). (Erasm. Chil. p. 487.)

ABROCOMAS, I. a son of Darius, by Phrataguna, daughter of Otanes. He accompanied Xerxes in his Grecian expedition, and was slain at Thermopyla. (Herod. 7, 224.)-II. A satrap. (Vid. Supplement.)

ABRON or HABRON. Vid. Supplement.

ABRONIUS, Silo, a Latin poet of the Augustan age, and the pupil of Porcius Latro. He wrote some fables, now lost. (Senec. Suasor. 2, 23.) Vossius says there were two of this name, father and son.

ABRONYCHUS. Vid. Supplement.

ABROSTOLA, a town of Galatia, on the frontiers of Phrygia, and, according to the Itinerary, twenty-four miles from Pessinus. It is recognised by Ptolemy (p. 120), who assigns it to Phrygia Magna.

ABROTA, the wife of Nisus, king of Megaris. As a memorial of her private virtues, Nisus, after her death, ordered the garments which she wore to become models of female attire in his kingdom. Hence, according to Plutarch, the name of the Megarian robe ȧpúbpwua. (Quest. Græc. p. 294.)

ABROTONUM, a town of Africa, near the Syrtis Minor, and identical with Sabrata. (Vid. Sabrata.) ABSINTHII. Vid. Apsynthii.

ABSYRTIDES, islands at the head of the Adriatic, in | has been discovered in the Armenian translation of the the Sinus Flanaticus, Gulf of Quarnero; named, as Chronicon of Eusebius.-II. A surname of Palæphatradition reported, from Absyrtus the brother of Me- tus. (Vid. Palæphatus, IV.) dea, who, according to one account, was killed here. (Hygin. 23.-Strabo,315.-Mela, 2, 7.-Pliny, 3, 26.) Apollonius Rhodius (4, 330) calls them Brygeïdes, and states (v. 470) that there was in one of the group a temple erected to the Brygian Diana. Probably the name given to these islands was a corruption of some real apellation, which, though unconnected with the fable, still, from similarity of sound, induced the poets to connect it with the name of Medea's brother. The principal island is Absorus, with a town of the same name. (Ptol. 63.) These four islands are, in modern geography, Cherso, Osero (the ancient Absorus), Ferosina, Chao. (Cramer's Anc. Italy, 1, 137.) ABSYRTOS, a river falling into the Adriatic Sea, near which Absyrtus was murdered. The more correct form of the name, however, would seem to have been Absyrtis, or, following the Greek, Apsyrtis (Aupris). Consult Grotius and Corte, ad Luc. Pharsal. 3, 190.

ABYDOS, 1. a celebrated city of Upper Egypt, northwest of Diospolis Parva. Strabo (813) describes it as once next to Thebes in size, though reduced in his days to a small place. The same writer mentions the palace of Memnon in this city, built on the plan of the labyrinth, though less intricate. Osiris had here a splendid temple, in which neither vocal nor instrumental music was allowed at the commencement of sacrifices. Plutarch (de Is. et Os. 359, 471, Wytt.) makes this the true burial-place of Osiris, an honour to which so many cities of Egypt aspired; he also informs us that the more distinguished Egyptians frequently selected Abydos for a place of sepulture. (Zoëga,de Obel. 284.-Creuzer's Comment. Herod. 1, 97.) All this proves the high antiquity of this city, and accounts for the consideration in which it was held. Ammianus Marcellinus states (19, 12) that there was a very ancient oracle of the god Besa in this place, to which applications were wont to be made orally and ABSYRTUS (Auрroç), a son of Eetes, and brother in writing. (Compare Eusch. H. E. 6, 41.) Abydos of Medea. According to the Orphic Argonautica (v. is now a heap of ruins, as its modern name, Madfuné, 1027), Absyrtus was despatched by his father with a implies. The ancient appellation has been made to large force in pursuit of Jason and Medea, when their signify, by the aid of the Coptic, "abode, or habitaflight was discovered. Medea, on the point of falling tion, common to many." (Creuzer, l. c., 1, 100.)—II. into the hands of the young prince, deceived him by An ancient city of Mysia, in Asia Minor, founded by a stratagem, and the Argonauts, having slain him, the Thracians, and still inhabited by them after the cast his body into the sea. The corpse, floating about Trojan war. Homer (Il. 2, 837) represents it as unfor some time, was at last thrown up on one of the der the sway of prince Asius, a name associated with islands, thence called Absyrtides. According to Apol- many of the earliest religious traditions of the ancient lonius Rhodius (4, 207), Ábsyrtus, having reached the world (vid. Asia). At a later period the Milesians Adriatic before the Argonauts, waited there to give sent a strong colony to this place to aid their com them battle. Mutual fear, however, brought about a merce with the shores of the Propontis and Euxine. treaty, by which the Argonauts were to retain the (Strabo,591.--Thuc. 8, 62.) Abydos was directly on fleece, but Medea was to be placed in one of the the Hellespont, in nearly the narrowest part of the neighbouring islands, until some monarch should de- strait. This, together with its strong walls and safe cide whether she ought to accompany Jason, or return harbour, soon made it a place of importance. It is rewith her brother. Medea, accordingly, was placed on markable for its resistance against Philip the Younger, an island sacred to Diana, and the young prince, by of Macedon, who finally took it, partly by force, partly treacherous promises, was induced to meet his sister by stratagem. (Polyb. 16, 31.) In this quarter, too, by night in order to persuade her to return. In the was laid the scene of the fable of Hero and Leander. midst of their conference he was attacked and slain Over against Abydos was the European town Sestos; by Jason, who lay concealed near the spot, and had not directly opposite, however, as the latter was someconcerted this scheme in accordance with the wishes what to the north. The ruins of Abydos are still to be of Medea. The body was interred in the island. seen on a promontory of low land, called Nagara-BorBoth these accounts differ from the common one, nou, or Pesquies Point. (Hobhouse's Jour. 2, 217, Am. which makes Medea to have taken her brother with ed.) Wheeler has rectified in this particular the misher in her flight, and to have torn him in pieces to take of Sandys (Voyage, 1, 74), who supposed the modstop her father's pursuit, scattering the limbs of the ern castle of Natolia to be on the site of the ancient young prince on the probable route of her parent. Abydos. The castles Chanak-Kalessi, or SultanieThis last account makes the murder of Absyrtus to have Kalessi, on the Asiatic side, and Chelit-Bawri, or Ketaken place near Tomi, on the Euxine, and hence the lidir-Bahar, on the European shore, are called by the name given to that city, from the Greek roun, sectio; Turks Bogaz-Hessarleri, and by the Franks the old just as Absyrtus, or Apsyrtus, is said to have been so castles of Natolia and Roumelia. The town of Chacalled from aó and oupw. (Hygin. 23.-Apollod. 1, nàk-Kalessi, properly called Dardanelles, has extend9, 24.--Cic. N. D. 3, 19.-Ovid, Trist. 3, 9, 11.-ed its name to the strait itself (Hobhouse, 215). Over Heyne, ad Apollod. 1. c.) According to the Orphic Poem, Absyrtus was killed on the banks of the Phasis, in Colchis.

ABULITES. Vid. Supplement.
ABURIA GENS. Vid Supplement.
ABURNUS VALENS. Vid. Supplement.

ABUS, a river of Britain, now the Humber. Camden (Brit., p. 634) derives the ancient name from the old British word Aber, denoting the mouth of a river, or an estuary. The appellation will suit the Humber extremely well, as it is rendered a broad estuary by the waters of the Ouse.

ABYDENUS, I. a pupil of Berosus, flourished 268 B.C. He wrote in Greek an historial account of the Chaldeans, Babylonians, and Assyrians, some fragments of which have been preserved for us by EuseDius, Cyrill, and Syncellus. An important fragment, which clears up some difficulties in Assyrian history,

the strait between Abydos and Sestos, Xerxes caused two bridges to be erected when marching against Greece, and it was here that, seated on an eminence, where a throne had been erected for him, he surveyed his fleet, which covered the Hellespont, while the neighbouring plains swarmed with his innumerable troops. (Herod. 7, 44.) The intelligent traveller above quoted remarks: "The Thracian side of the strait, immediately opposite to Nagara, is a strip of stony shore, projecting from behind two cliffs; and to this spot, it seems, the European extremities of Xerxes' bridges must have been applied, for the height of the neighbouring cliffs would have prevented the Persian monarch from adjusting them to any other position. There is certainly some ground to believe, that this was the exact point of shore called from that circumstance Apobathra (Strabo, 591), since there is, within any probable distance, no other flat land on the Thra

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