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besides establishing in it the remnant of the former in- MESSENE, a daughter of Triopas, king of Argos, habitants, added a considerable number of Locrians, who married Polycaon, son of Lelex, king of Laconia. Methymnæans, and Messenian exiles. The latter, She encouraged her husband to levy troops, and to however, through fear of offending the Lacedæmonians, seize a part of the Peloponnesus, which, after it had were afterward transferred to the district of Abacene, been conquered, received her name. (Pausan., 4, 1.) and there founded Tyndaris. Messana thus came to MESSENE (or, in the Doric dialect of the country, contain as mixed a population as before. (Diod., 14, Messana, Mecoúva), the chief city of Messenia, in the 78.) It remained under the sway of Dionysius and Peloponnesus: situate at the foot of Mount Ithome, his son; and subsequently, after enjoying a short pe- and founded by Epaminondas. It is said to have riod of freedom, it passed into the hands of Agathocles. been completed and fortified in eighty-five days, so (Diod., 19, 102.) The following year the inhabitants great was the zeal and activity displayed by the Therevolted from his sway, and put themselves under the bans and their allies in this undertaking. (Diod. protection of the Carthaginians. (Diod., 19, 110.) Sic., 15, 66.) Pausanias informs us, that the walls of Soon, however, a new misfortune befell the unlucky this city were the strongest he had ever seen, being city. It was seized by the Mamertini (vid. Mamerti- entirely of stone, and well supplied with towers and ni), its male inhabitants were either slaughtered or buttresses. The citadel was situated on Mount Ithdriven out, and their wives and children became the ome, celebrated in history for the long and obstinate property of the conquerors. Messana now took the defence which the Messenians there made against the name of Mamertina, though in process of time the other Spartans in their last revolt. The history of this city appellation once more gained the ascendancy. (Po- is identified with that of Messenia, which latter article lyb., 1, 7.--Diod., 21, 13.-Plin., 3, 7.) This act of may hence be consulted. The ruins of Messene are perfidy and cruelty passed unpunished. Syracuse was visible, as we learn from Sir W. Gell, at Maurommali, too much occupied with intestine commotions to attend a small village, with a beautiful source, under Ithome, to it, and the Carthaginians gladly made a league with in the centre of the ancient city. (Itin., p. 59.the Mamertini, since by them Pyrrhus would be pre- Cramer's Anc. Greece, vol. 3, p. 150.—Gell's Itin. of vented from crossing over into Sicily and seizing on a the Morea, p. 60.-Dodwell, vol. 2, p. 365.) post so important to his future operations. (Diod., 22, MESSENIA, a country of the Peloponnesus, between 8.) The Mamertini, however, could not lay aside their Laconia, Elis, Arcadia, and the Ionian Sea. The old habits of robbery. They harassed all their neigh-river Neda formed the boundary towards Elis and Arbours, and even became troublesome to Syracuse, cadia. From the latter country it was farther divided where King Hiero had at last succeeded in establish- by an irregular line of mountains, extending in a southing order and tranquillity. This monarch defeated easterly direction to the chain of Taygetus on the Lathe lawless banditti, and would have taken their city, conian border. This celebrated range marked the had not the Carthaginians interposed to defend it. A limits of the province to the east, as far as the source body of these, with the approbation of part of the in- of the little river Pamisus, which completed the line habitants, took possession of the citadel; while another of separation from the Spartan territory to the south. portion of the inhabitants called in the assistance of (Strabo, 361.-Cramer's Anc. Greece, vol. 3, p. 130.) the Romans, and thus the first of the Punic wars had Its area is calculated by Clinton at 1162 square miles. its origin. (Vid. Punicum Bellum, and compare Po- (Fast. Hell, vol. 2, p. 385.) Messenia is described tyb., 1, 9, seqq·· Diod., 22, 15.-Id., 23, 2, seqq.) by Pausanias as the most fertile province of PeloponMessana and the Mamertines remained from hence- nesus (4, 15, 3), and Euripides, in a passage quoted forth under the Roman power; but the city, as before, by Strabo (366), speaks of it as a land well watered, could never enjoy any long period of repose. It suf- very fertile, with beautiful pastures for cattle, and posfered in the early civil wars between Marius and Sylla, sessing a climate neither too cold in winter nor too in the war of the slaves in Sicily, and, more particular- hot in summer. The western part of the country is `y, in the contest between Sextus Pompey and the tri- drained by the river Pamisus, which rises in the amvir Octavianus. Messana formed during this war mountains between Arcadia and Messenia, and flows the chief station of Pompey's fleet, and his principal southward into the Messenian Gulf. The basin of place of supply, and the city was plundered at its close. the Pamisus is divided into two distinct parts, which (Appian, B. Civ., 5, 122.) A Roman colony was af- are separated from each other on the east by some terward planted here. (Mannert, Geogr., vol. 9, pt. high land that stretches from the Taygetus to the Pa2, p. 267, seqq.)-The_modern Messina corresponds misus, and on the western side of the river by Mount to the ancient city. Even in later times, the fates Ithome. The upper part, usually called the plain of seem to have conspired against this unfortunate place. Stenyclerus, is of small extent and moderate fertility; A plague swept away a great part of the inhabitants; but the lower part, south of Ithome, is an extensive then rebellion spread its ravages; and finally, the dread- plain, celebrated in ancient times for its great fertility, ful earthquake in 1783 completed the downfall of a whence it was frequently called Macaria, or "the city which rivalled, if it did not surpass, Palermo. blessed." Leake describes it as covered at the present (Hoare's Classical Tour, vol. 2, p. 203.) Although day with plantations of the vine, the fig, and the multhe town has since been rebuilt according to a regular berry, and "as rich in cultivation as can well be imaplan and although it has been declared a free port, gined." (Travels in the Morca, vol. 1, p. 352.) The Messina is not so important as it once was. western part of Messana is diversified by hills and valtained before the last catastrophe a hundred thousand leys, but contains no high mountains. (Encycl. Us. inhabitants: the present population does not amount Knowl., vol. 15, p. 126.)-We learn from Pausanias to seventy thousand (Malte Brun, Geogr., vol. 7, p. (4, 1, 2), that Messenia derived its appellation from 732, Am. ed.) Messene, wife of Polycaon, one of the earliest sovereigns of the country. He also observes, that whenever this name occurs in Homer, it denotes the prov ince rather than the city of Messene, which he conceives did not exist till the time of Epaminondas. (Compare Strabo, 358.) At the period of the Trojan war, it appears from the poet that Messenia was partly under the dominion of Menelaus, and partly under that of Nestor. This is evident from the towns which he has assigned to these respective leaders, and is farther confirmed by the testimony of Strabo and Pausanias


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MESSAPIA, a c ́...try of Italy in Magna Græcia, commonly supposed to have been the same with Iapygia, but forming, in strictness, the interior of that part of Italy. The town of Messapia, mentioned by Pliny 3, 11), is thought to have communicated its name to the Messapian nation. The generality of Italian topographers identify the site of this ancient town with that of Messagna, between Oria and Brindisi. (Praili, Via Appia, 4, 8.-Romanelli, vol. 2, p. 127. Cramer's Anc. Italy, vol. 2, p. 312.)


(Strab., 350-Pausan., 4, 3.) In the division of the | willingly emigrated, and, under Phalanthus, one of thei Peloponnesus, made after the return of the Heraclidæ, own number, they founded the city of Tarentum in Messenia fell to the share of Cresphontes, son of Aris- Italy. (Vid. Parthenii.)—During forty years Messe-' todemus, with whom commenced the Dorian line, nia bore the yoke. But the oppression of the inhabiwhich continued without interruption for many gener- tants was grievous, and imbittered with every circumations. In the middle of the eighth century before stance of insult, and the Grecian spirit of independthe Christian era, a series of disputes and skirmishes ence was yet strong in them; they only wanted a arose on the borders of Messenia and Laconia, which leader, and a leader was found in Aristomenes, a youth gave rise to a confirmed hatred between the two na- of the royal line. Support being promised from Artions. Prompted by this feeling, the Spartans are gos and Arcadia, allies of his country in a former war, said to have bound themselves by an oath never to Aristomenes attacked a body of Lacedæmonians, and, return home till Messenia was subdued; and they though not completely successful, did such feats of commenced the contest by a midnight attack on Am- valour that the Messenians would have chosen him pheia, a frontier town, which they took, and put king; but he declined it, and was made general-inthe inhabitants to the sword. This was the com- chief. His next adventure was an attempt to practise mencement of what was called the First Messenian on the superstitious fears of the enemy. Sparta havWar, the date of which is usually given, though ing neither walls nor watch, he easily entered it alone it cannot be believed with certainty, as B.C. 743. by night, and hung against the Brazen House (a sinEuphaës, the Messenian king, had wisdom, howev- gularly venerated temple of Minerva) a shield, with an er, and courage sufficient for the crisis. Aware of inscription declaring that Aristomenes, from the spoils the Lacedæmonian superiority in the field, he pro- of the Spartans, dedicated that shield to the goddess. tracted the war, avoiding battles and defending the Alarmed lest their protecting goddess should be won towns. In the fourth year, however, a battle was from them, the Lacedæmonians sent to consult the fought with great slaughter and doubtful success. But Delphian oracle, and were directed to take an Athethe Messenians were suffering from garrison-confine- nian adviser. The Athenians, though far from wishment and the constant plundering of their lands. ing the subjugation of Messenia, yet feared to offend New measures were taken. The people were collect- the god if they refused compliance; but, in granting ed from the inland posts at Ithome, a place of great what was asked, they hoped to make it useless, and natural strength, and open to supplies by sea, the sent Tyrtæus, a poet, and supposed to be of no ability. Lacedæmonians having no fleet. Meanwhile they The choice proved better than they intended, since asked advice of the Delphic oracle, which bade them the poetry of Tyrtæus being very popular, kept up the sacrifice to the infernal deities a virgin of the blood spirit of the people in all reverses.-The Messenian of Epytus, son of the Heracleid Cresphontes. Im- army had now been re-enforced from Argos, Elis, Arpelled by patriotism or ambition, Aristodemus offered cadia, and Sicyon, and Messenian refugees came in his own daughter; and, when it was intended to save daily the Lacedæmonians had been joined by the her by falsely denying her virginity, in his rage he slew Corinthians alone. They met at Caprusema, where, her with his own hand. The fame of the obedience by the desperate courage of the Messenians, and the paid to the oracle so far disheartened the enemy, that conduct and extraordinary personal exertions of their the war languished for five years; in the sixth an in- leader, the Lacedæmonians were routed with such vasion took place, and a battle, bloody and indecisive slaughter that they were on the point of suing for like the former. Euphaes was killed, and left no is- peace. Tyrtæus diverted them from this submission, sue, and Aristodemus was elected to succeed him. and persuaded them to recruit their numbers by assoThe new prince was brave and able, and the Lacedæ- ciating some Helots, a measure very galling to Sparmonians,, weakened by the battle, confined themselves tan pride. Meanwhile Aristomenes was ever harassfor four years to predatory incursions. At last they ing them with incursions. In one of these he carried again invaded Messenia, and were defeated; but, in off from Carya a number of Spartan virgins assemthe midst of his success, Aristodemus was so pos-bled to celebrate the festival of Diana. He had formsessed with remorse for his daughter's death, that he ed a body-guard of young and noble Messenians, slew himself on her tomb, and deprived his country of who always fought by his side, and to their charge the only leader able to defend her. Ithome was be- he gave the captives. Heated with wine, the young sieged. The famished inhabitants found means to men attempted to violate their chastity, and Arispass the Lacedæmonian lines, and fled for shelter and tomenes, after vainly remonstrating, killed the most subsistence, some to neighbouring states where they refractory with his own hand, and, on receiving their had claims of hospitality, others to their ruined homes ransom, restored the girls uninjured to their paand about their desolated country. Ithome was dis- rents. Another time, in an assault on Ægila, he mantled; and those who remained of the Messenians is said to have been made prisoner by some Sparwere allowed to occupy most of the lands, paying half tan women there assembled, who repelled the assault the produce to Sparta.-The absence from home to with a vigour equal to that of the men; but one of which the Lacedæmonians had bound themselves, be- them who had previously loved him favoured his escame, by the protraction of the war, an evil threaten- cape. - In the third year of the war, another battle ing the existence of the state, no children being born took place at Megaletaphrus, the Messenians being to supply the waste of war and natural decay. The joined by the Arcadians alone. Through the treach remedy said to have been adopted was a strange one, ery of Aristocrates, prince of Orchomenus, the Arcadihighly characteristic of Lacedæmon, and such as no an leader, the Messenians were surrounded and cut to other people would have used. The young men who pieces, and Aristomenes, escaping with a scanty remhad come to maturity since the beginning of the war nant, was obliged to give up the defence of his country, were free from the oath, and they were sent home to and collect his forces at Ira, a stronghold near the sea. cohabit promiscuously with the marriageable virgins. Here he supplied the garrison by plundering excurBut even at Sparta this expedient, in some degree, sions, so ably conducted as to foil every precaution of ran counter to the popular feelings. When the war the besiegers, insomuch that they forbade all culture was ended, and the children of this irregular inter- of the conquered territory, and even of part of Laconia. course were grown to manhood, though bred in all the At last, falling in with a large body of Lacedæmonians discipline of Lycurgus, they found themselves gener- under both their kings, after an obstinate defence he ally slighted. Their spirit was high, their discontent was struck down and taken, with about fifty of his dangerous; and it was thought prudent to offer them band. The prisoners were thrown as rebels into a the means of settling out of Peloponnesus. They deep cavern, and all were killed by the fall except


Aristomenes, who was wonderfully preserved and en- | unparalleled among Grecian heroes. Inexhaustible in abled to escape, and, returning to Ira, soon gave resources, unconquerable in spirit, and resolutely perproof to the enemy of his presence by fresh exploits severing through every extremity of hopeless disaster, equally daring and judicious. The siege was protract- an ardent patriot and a formidable warrior, he yet was ed till the eleventh year, when the Lacedæmonian formed to find his happiness in peace; and after passcommander, one stormy night, learning that a post in ing his youth under oppression, and his manhood in war against a cruel enemy, wherein he is said to have the fort had been quitted by its guard, silently occuFied it with his troops. Aristomenes flew to the spot slain more than 300 men with his own hand, he yet and commenced a vigorous defence, the women assist- retained a singular gentleness of nature, insomuch ing by throwing tiles from the house-tops, and many, that he is related to have wept at the fate of the traitor when driven thence by the storm, even taking arms Aristocrates. The original injustice and subsequent and mixing in the fight. But the superior numbers of tyranny of the Lacedæmonians, with the crowning outthe Lacedæmonians enabled them constantly to bring rage in the condemnation as rebels of himself and his up fresh troops, while the Messenians were fighting companions, might have driven a meaner spirit to without rest or pause, with the tempest driving in acts of like barbarity: but, deep as was his hatred their faces. Cold, wet, sleepless, jaded, and hungry, to Sparta, he conducted the struggle with uniform they kept up the struggle for three nights and two obedience to the laws of war, and sometimes, as in days; at length, when all was vain, they formed their the case of the virgins taken at Caryæ, with more column, placing in the middle their women and chil- than usual generosity and strictness of morals.— dren and most portable effects, and resolved to make The Messenians who remained in their country were their way out of the place. Aristomenes demanded treated with the greatest severity by the Spartans, a passage, which was granted by the enemy, unwilling and reduced to the condition of Helots or slaves. to risk the effects of their despair. Their march was This cruel oppression induced them once more to towards Arcadia, where they were most kindly re- take up arms, in the 79th Olympiad, and to fortify ceived, and allotments were offered them of land. Mount Ithome, where they defended themselves for Even yet Aristomenes hoped to strike a blow for the ten years: the Lacedæmonians being at this time deliverance of his country. He selected 500 Messe- so greatly reduced in numbers by an earthquake, nians, who were joined by 300 Arcadian volunteers, which destroyed several of their towns, that they and resolved to attempt the surprise of Sparta while were compelled to have recourse to their allies for asthe army was in the farthest part of Messenia, where sistance. (Thucyd., 1, 101.-Pausan., 4, 24.) At But the enterprise length the Messenians, worn out by this protracted Pylos and Methone still held out. was frustrated by Aristocrates, who sent word of it to siege, agreed to surrender the place on condition that Sparta. The messenger was seized on his return, they should be allowed to retire from the PeloponneThe Athenians were at this time on no friendly and the letters found on him discovering both the pres- sus. ent and former treachery of his master, the indignant terms with the Spartans, and gladly received the refupeople stoned the traitor to death, and erected a pillar gees of Ithome, allowing them to settle at Naupactus, to commemorate his infamy.-The Messenians, who which they had taken from the Locri Ozola. (Thufell under the power of Lacedæmon, were made He- cyd., 1, 103.-Pausan., l. c.) Grateful for the protection thus afforded them, the Messenians displayed great lots. The Pylians and Methonæans, and others on the coast, now giving up all hope of farther resistance, zeal in the cause of Athens during the Peloponnesian proposed to their countrymen in Arcadia to join them war. Thucydides has recorded several instances in in seeking some fit place for a colony, and requested which they rendered important services to that power, Aristomenes to be their leader. He sent his son. not only at Naupactus, but in Ætolia and Amphilochia, at Pylos, and in the island of Sphacteria, as well as in For himself, he said, he would never cease to war with Lacedæmon, and he well knew that, while he the Sicilian expedition. When, however, the disaster After of Egospotamos placed Athens at the mercy of her lived, some ill would ever be happening to it. the former war, the town of Rhegium in Italy had rival, the Spartans obtained possession of Naupactus, been partly peopled by expelled Messenians. The ex- and compelled the Messenians to quit a town which iles were now invited by the Rhegians to assist them had so long afforded them refuge. Many of these, on against Zancle, a hostile Grecian town on the oppo- this occasion, crossed over into Sicily, to join their site coast of Sicily, and in case of victory the town countrymen who were established there, and others Zancle was be- sailed to Africa, where they procured settlements was offered them as a settlement. sieged, and the Messenians having mastered the walls, among the Evesperitæ, a Libyan people. (Pausan., In the common 4, 26.) After the battle of Leuctra, however, which the inhabitants were at their mercy. course of Grecian warfare, they would all have been humbled the pride of Sparta, and paved the way for either slaughtered or sold for slaves, and such was the the ascendancy of Thebes, Epaminondas, who directed wish of the Rhegian prince. But Aristomenes had the counsels of the latter republic, with masterly poltaught his followers a nobler lesson. They refused to icy determined to restore the Messenian nation, by inflict on other Greeks what they had suffered from collecting the remnants of this brave and warlike peothe Lacedæmonians, and made a convention with the ple. He accordingly despatched agents to Sicily, ItZancleans, by which each nation was to live on equal aly, and Africa, whither the Messenians had emigraterms in the city. The name of the town was chan- ted, to recall them to their ancient homes, there to ged to Messana. (Vid. Messana.)-Aristotnenes vain- enjoy the blessings of peace and liberty, under the ly sought the means of farther hostilities against Spar-powerful protection of Thebes, Argos, and Arcadia. ta, but his remaining days were passed in tranquillity Gladly did they obey the summons of the Theban with Damagetus, prince of Ialysus in Rhodes, who general, and hastened to return to that country, the had married his daughter. His actions dwelt in the recollection of which they had ever fondly cherished. memories of his countrymen, and cheered them in Epaminondas, meanwhile, had made every preparation their wanderings and sufferings: and from their legen- for the erection of a city under Ithome, which was to dary songs, together with those of the Lacedæmo- he the metropolis of Messenia; and such was the zeal nians, and with the poems of Tyrtæus, the story of and activity displayed by the Thebans and their allies the two Messenian wars has been chiefly gathered by in this great undertaking, that the city, which they the dearned and careful antiquary Pausanias, from named Messene, was completed in eighty-five days. The character of Aris- (Diod. Sic., 15, 66.) The entrance of the Messenians, whose work it is here taken tomenes, as thus represented, combines all the ele- which took place in the fourth year of the 102d Olymments of goodness and greatness, in a degree almost piad, was attended with great pomp, and the celebra

tion of solemn sacrifices, and devout invocations to turn from Troy; and, as a proof of this fact, it was retheir gods and heroes. The lapse of 287 years from marked that the Metapontini, in more ancient times, the capture of Ira, and the termination of the second made an annual sacrifice to the Neleida. The proswar, had, as Pausanias affirmed, made no change in perity of this ancient colony, the result of its attention their religion, their national customs, or their language, to agriculture, was evinced by the offering of a harvest which, according to that historian, they spoke even of gold to the oracle of Delphi. The Greek words more correctly than the rest of the Peloponnesians. are dépos xpvooûv, which commentators suppose to Pausan., 4, 27.) Other towns being soon after re- mean some golden sheaves. (Strabo, 264.) It may Duilt, the Messenians were presently in a condition to be remarked, also, that the scholiasts on Homer idermake head against Sparta, even after the death of tify Metapontum with the city which that poet calls Epaminondas and the decline of Thebes. That great Alyba in the Odyssey (24, 303). Other traditions are general strenuously exhorted them, as the surest means recorded, relative to the foundation of Metapontum, of preserving their country, to enter into the closest by Strabo, which confirm, at least, its great antiquity. alliance with the Arcadians, which salutary counsel But his account of the destruction of the first town by they carefully adhered to. (Polyb., 4, 32, 10.) They the Samnites is obscure, and not to be clearly unlikewise conciliated the favour of Philip of Macedon, derstood. It appears, however, that Metabum, if such whose power rendered him formidable to all the states was its name, was in a deserted state, when a number of Greece, and his influence now procured for them of Achæans, invited for that purpose by the Sybarites, the restoration of some towns which the Lacedæmonians landed on the coast and took possession of the place, still retained in their possession. (Polyb., 9, 28, 7.- which thenceforth was called Metapontum. (Strab., Pausan., 4, 28.-Strabo, 361.) During the wars and 265.-Compare Steph. Byz., s. v. METаTÓνTIOv.revolutions which agitated Greece upon the death of Eustath. ad Dionys. Perieg., v. 368.) The Achæans, Alexander, they still preserved their independence, and soon after their arrival, seemed to have been engaged having, not long after that event, joined the Achæan in a war with the Tarentini, and this led to a treaty, by confederacy, they were present at the battle of Sellasia which the Bradanus was recognised as forming the and the capture of Sparta by Antigonus Doson. (Pau- separation of the two territories.-Pythagoras was held san., 4, 29.) In the reign of Philip, son of Demetrius, in particular estimation by the Metapontini, in whose an unsuccessful attack was made on their city by De- city he is reported to have lived for many years. Afmetrius of Pharos, then in the Macedonian service. ter his death, the house which he had inhabited was The inhabitants, though taken by surprise, defended converted into a temple of Ceres. (Iambl., Vil. themselves on this occasion with such intrepidity, that Pythag., 1, 30.- Cic., de Fin., 5, 2.- Liv., 1, 18.) nearly the whole of the enemy's detachment was cut We find this town incidentally mentioned by Herodoto pieces, and their general, Demetrius, slain. (Stratus (4, 15) with reference to Aristeas of Proconnesus, bo, 361.-Polyb., 3, 19, 2.-Pausan., 4, 29.) Nabis, who was said to have been seen here 340 years after tyrant of Lacedæmon, made another attack on this city disappearing from Cyzicus. Its inhabitants, after conby night some years afterward, and had already pene-sulting the oracle upon this supernatural event, erectrated within the walls, when succours arriving from ed a statue to the poet in the Forum, and surrounded Megalopolis under the command of Philopomen, he it with laurel. This city still retained its independwas forced to evacuate the place. Subsequently to ence when Alexander of Epirus passed over into Italy. this event, dissensions appear to have arisen, which Livy, who notices that fact, states that the remains of ultimately led to a rupture between the Achæans and this unfortunate prince were conveyed hither previous Messenians. Pausanias was not able to ascertain the to their being carried over into Greece (8, 24). It immediate provocation which induced the Achæans to fell, however, ultimately into the hands of the Romans, declare war against the Messenians. But Polybius together with the other colonies of Magna Græcia, on does not scruple to blame his countrymen, and more the retreat of Pyrrhus, and with them revolted in faespecially Philopomen, for their conduct to a people vour of Hannibal, after his victory at Cannæ. (Liv., with whom they were united by federal ties. (Polyb., 22, 15.) It does not appear on what occasion the Ro33, 10, 5.) Hostilities commenced unfavourably for mans recovered possession of Metapontum, but it must the Achæans, as their advanced guard fell into an am- have been shortly after, as they sent a force thence buscade of the enemy, and was defeated with great to the succour of the citadel of Tarentum, which was loss, Philopomen himself remaining in the hands of the means of preserving that fortress. (Livy, 25, 11. the victors. So exasperated were the Messenians at the -Polybius, 8, 36.) It would seem, however, to have conduct of this celebrated general, that he was thrown been again in the hands of the Carthaginians. (Pointo a dungeon, and soon after put to death by poison. lyb., 8, 36.) In the time of Pausanias, this city was a His destroyers, however, did not escape the vengeance heap of ruins (6, 19). Considerable vestiges, situated of the Achæans; for Lycortas, who succeeded to the near the station called Torre di Mare, on the coast, command, having defeated the Messenians, captured indicate its ancient position. (Swinburne's Travels, their city, and caused all those who had been con- p. 273. Romanelli, vol. 1, p. 275.— Cramer's Anc. cerned in the death of Philopomen to be immediately Italy, vol. 2, p. 347, seqq.) executed. Peace was then restored, and Messenia once more joined the Achæan confederacy, and remained attached to that republic till the period of its dissolution. (Liv., 39, 49.—Polyb., 24, 9.-Pausan., 4, 29.-Cramer's Anc. Greece, vol. 3, p. 122, seqq.) METABUS, a tyrant of Privernum. He was father of Camilla, whom he consecrated to the service of Diana, when he had been banished from his kingdom by his subjects. (Virg., En., 11, 540.)

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METAURUM, a town in the territory of the Bruttii, in Italy, not far from Medura, and below Vibo Valentia. Its site is generally supposed to accord with that of the modern Gioja. According to Stephanus, this ancient place was a colony of the Locri; and the same writer farther states, that, according to some accounts, it gave birth to the poet Stesichorus, though that honour was also claimed by Himera in Sicily. Solinus, on the other hand (c. 8), asserts, that Metaurum was founded by the Zancleans. (Compare Mela, 2, 4. — Cramer's Anc. Italy, vol. 2, p. 423.)

METAPONTUM, a city of Lucania in Italy, on the coast of the Sinus Tarentinus, and a short distance to the south of the river Bradanus. It was one of the METAURUS, I. a river in the territory of the Bruttii, most distinguished of the Greek colonies. The ori- running into the Tyrrhene or Lower sea. The town ginal name of the place appears to have been Metabum, of Metaurum is supposed to have stood at or near its which it is said was derived from Metabus, a hero to mouth. It is now called the Marro, and sometimes whom divine honours were paid. Some reports as- the Petrace. (Cluver., It. Ant., vol. 2, p. 1292.) It cribed its foundation to a party of Pylians on their re-appears to have been noted for the excellence of the

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shunny fish caught at its mouth. (Athen., 7, 63.) Strabo speaks of a port of the same name, which may have been the town of Metaurum. (Strab., 256.-Cramer's Anc. Italy, vol. 2, p. 423.)—II. A river of Umbria, in Italy, flowing into the Adriatic. It was rendered memorable by the defeat of Hasdrubal, the brother of Hannibal. The Roman forces were commanded by the consuls Livius Salinator and Claudius Nero, A.U.C 545. It is now the Metro. The battle must have taken place near the modern Fossombrone, and on the left bank of the Metaurus. Though Livy has given no precise description of the spot, it may be collected that it was in that part of the course of the river where it begins to be enclosed between high and steep rocks (27, 47). Tradition has preserved a record of the event in the name of a hill between Fossombrone and the pass of Furba, called Monte d'Asdrubale. (Cramer's Anc. Italy, vol. 1, p. 261.)

the preceding, belonged to the same political party as his father, and supported Sylla in his contest with Marius. Metellus received especial marks of favour from Sylla, and was consul with him B.C. 80. He was sent, in B.C. 78, against Sertorius in Spain, where he appears to have remained till the conclusion of the war, in B.C. 72. From the year 76 B.C., Pompey was his colleague in command, and they triumphed together at the end of the war. (Vell. Patere., 2, 30.-Eutrop., 6, 5.- Plut., Vit. Pomp.) Metellus was Pontifex Maximus; and on his death, B.C. 63, in the consulship of Cicero, he was succeeded in that dignity by Julius Cæsar. (Encycl. Us. Knowl., vol. 15, p. 137.)

into which he was plunged by his attachment to the worship of images, and the opposition of the Iconoclasts, he obtained the see of Constantinople, A.D. 842. His first act after his accession to the episcopal office was to assemble a council and re-establish the worship of images. He died A.D. 846. He was the author of several works, which are given by Combefis in his Bibliotheca Patrum.-III. A monk and painter, born at Thessalonica, and who flourished about the middle of the 9th century. He is celebrated for having converted to Christianity Bogoris, king of the Bulgarians, by means of a picture representing the scenes of the last judgment. (Biogr. Univ., vol. 28, p. 465.)

METHODIUS, I. surnamed Eubulius, a father of the church, and a martyr, flourished at the beginning of the fourth century. He was at first bishop of Olympus or Patara in Lycia, but was afterward translated to the see of Tyre. This latter station, however, he occupied METELLI, a distinguished family of the Cæcilian only a short time. His zeal for the purity of the gens in Rome. Those most worthy of notice are: Christian faith exposed him to the resentment of the I. Q. Cæcilius Metellus Macedonicus, was sent, when Arians; he was exiled to Chalcidice in Syria, and prætor (B C. 148), into Macedonia, against Andriscus, there received the crown of martyrdom, A.D. 312. He who pretended to be a son of Perseus, the last king was the author of a long poem against Porphyry; a of Macedonia, and who had excited a revolt against treatise on the Resurrection, against Origen; another the Romans. In this war Andriscus was defeated on the Pythoness; another on Free Will; a dialogue and taken prisoner by Metellus, who obtained, in con- entitled "The Banquet of the Virgins," &c. Several sequence, a triumph, and the surname of Macedon- fragments of this author have been collected. The icus. (Livy, Epit., 50.-Pausanias, 7, 13, 1.-Eu- " Banquet of the Virgins" has reached us entire. It trop., 4, 13.) In his consulship, B.C. 143, Metellus was first published at Rome, 1656, 8vo, with a Latin was sent into Spain to oppose Viriathus, who had ob- version and a Dissertation by Leo Allatius. It is a tained possession of the whole of Lusitania, and had dialogue on the excellence of chastity, modelled after defeated successively the prætors Vetilius and Plautius. the Banquet of Plato. The best edition is that of FaMetellus remained in Spain two years, and obtained bricius, appended to the second volume of the works of several victories; but was superseded in the command, St. Hyppolitus, Hamb., 1718.-II. A patriarch of Conbefore the conclusion of the war, by Pompey. (Liv., stantinople, born at Syracuse about the commenceEpit., 52, 53.-Val. Max., 3, 2, 21.— Id., 7, 4, 5.—ment of the ninth century. After various difficulties, Id., 9, 3, 7.-Appian, Iber., 76.) During the censorship of Metellus and Pompey, B.C. 131, it was decreed that all citizens should be obliged to marry. The oration which Metellus delivered on this subject was extant in the time of Livy, and is referred to by Suetonius. (Liv., Epit., 59.-Suet., Vit. Aug., 89.) We are told by Livy and Pliny, that, when Metellus was returning one day from the Campus Martius, he was seized by command of C. Attinius Labeo, a tribune of the commons, whom he had in his censorship expelled from the senate, and was dragged to the Tarpeian rock; and that it was with the greatest difficulty that his friends were enabled to preserve his life by obtaining another tribune to put his veto upon the order of Attinius. (Liv., Epit., 59.-Plin., 7, 45.) Pliny refers to Metellus as an extraordinary example of human happiness: For, besides the possession of the highest dignities," says the Roman writer, “" and having obtained a surname from the conquest of Macedonia, he was carried to the funeral pile by four sons, of whom one had been prætor, three had been consuls, two had enjoyed a triumph, and one had been censor." (Plin., 7, 45.)-II. Q. Cæcilius Metellus Numidicus, derived his surname from his victories in Numidia, whither he was sent in his consulship, B.C. 109, in order to oppose Jugurtha. He remained in Numidia, B.C. 108, as proconsul; but, in the beginning of the following year, he was superseded in the command by Marius, who had previously been his legatus or lieutenantgeneral. On his return to Rome Metellus obtained the honours of a triumph. (Sallust, Bell. Jug.-Velleius Paterc., 2, 11.-Eutropius, 4, 27.-Liv, Epit., 65.) Metellus was censor B.C. 102. He took an active part in the civil commotions of his time, and was one of the most powerful supporters of the aristocratical party. In B.C. 100 he was obliged to go into exile, in consequence of opposing the measures of the tribune Saturninus; but, on the execution of the latter, Metellus was recalled from exile in the following year. (Vid Marius.)-III. Q. Cæcilius Metellus Pius, son of

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METHONE, I. a city of Macedonia, about forty stadia north of Pydna, according to the epitomist of Strabo (330). It was celebrated in history from the circumstance of Philip's having lost an eye in besieging the place. (Strab., l. c.— ·Demosth., Olynth., 1, 9.) That it was a Greek colony we learn from Scylax (Peripl., p. 26), and also Plutarch, who reports that a party of Eretrians settled there, naming the place Methone, from Methon, an ancestor of Orpheus. He adds, that these Greek colonists were termed Aposphendoneti by the natives. (Quæst. Græc.) It appears from Athenæus that Aristotle wrote an account of the Methonean commonwealth (6, 27). This town was occupied by the Athenians towards the close of the Peloponnesian war, with a view of annoying Perdiccas by ravaging his territory and affording a refuge to his discontented subjects. When Philip, the son of Amyntas, succeeded to the crown, the Athenians, who still held Methone, landed three thousand men, in order to establish Argæus on the throne of Macedon; they were, however, defeated by the young prince, and driven back to Methone. Several years after, Philip laid siege to this place, which at the end of twelve months capitulated. The inhabitants having evacuated the town, the walls were razed to the ground. (Diod., 16, 34.) Dr. Clarke and Dr. Holland concur in supposing that the site of Methone answers to that

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