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Apollo for the palm in musical skill. The Muses were justice, both to indicate the punishment which such the umpires, and it was agreed that the victor might conduct merited, and to denote the omnipotence of do what he pleased with the vanquished. Marsyas the law. Servius (ad Virg., En., 4, 58) alludes to lost, and Apollo flayed him alive for his temerity. The the custom of which we have just made mention. His tears of the nymphs and rural deities for the fate of explanation, however, shows that he only half undertheir companion gave origin, it was fabled, to the stream stood the nature of the allegory: “ Marsyas per civiwhich bore his name; and his skin was said to have tates in foro positus libertatis indicium est."-II. A been hung up in the cave whence the waters of the riv- river of Phrygia, rising, according to Xenophon, in a er flowed. (Apollod., 1, 4, 2.- Pausan., 2, 7, 9.- cavern under the Acropolis of Celænæ, and falling into Plut., de Fluv., 10.-Hygin., fab., 165. -Ovid, Met., the Mæander. (Anab., 1, 2, 8.) Here, as the same 6, 382, seqq.-Xen., Anab., 1, 2, 8.)-It seems, ac- writer informs us, Apollo contended with Marsyas, and cording to the ancient mythological writers, that, in hung up the skin of his vanquished antagonist in the the contest above alluded to, Apollo played at first a cavern whence the river flowed. The following resimple air on his instrument; but Marsyas, taking up marks of Mr. Leake appear worthy of insertion. 66 'Achis pipe, struck the audience so much with the novel- cording to Xenophon, the Mæander rose in the palace ty of its tone and the art of his performance, that he of Cyrus, flowing thence through his park and the city seemed to be heard with more pleasure than his rival. of Celænæ: and the sources of the Marsyas were at Having agreed upon a second trial of skill, it is said the palace of the King of Persia, in a lofty situation that the performance of Apollo, by his accompanying under the Acropolis of Celana. From Arrian (1, 29) the lyre with his voice, was allowed greatly to excel and Quintius Curtius (3, 1) we learn, that the citadel that of Marsyas upon the pipe alone. Marsyas with in- was upon a high and precipitous hill, and that the Mardignation protested against the decision of his judges, syas fell from its fountains over the rocks with a great urging that he had not been fairly vanquished accord- noise: from Herodotus (7, 26) it appears, that the same ing to the rules stipulated, because the dispute was river was from this circumstance called Catarrhactes; concerning the excellence of their respective instru- and from Strabo (578), that a lake on the mountain ments, not their voices; and that it was unjust to em- above Celænæ was the reputed source both of the Marploy two arts against one. Apollo denied that he had syas, which rose in the ancient city, and of the Mæander. taken any unfair advantage, since Marsyas had used Comparing these authorities with Livy (38, 38), who both his mouth and fingers in playing on his instrument, probably copied his account from Polybius; with Pliny so that if he was denied the use of his voice, he would (5, 29); with Maximus Tyrius (8,8); and with the be still more disqualified for the contention. On a existing coins of Apamea, it may be inferred, that a third trial Marsyas was again vanquished, and met lake or pool on the summit of a mountain which rose with the fate already mentioned. (Diod. Sic., 3, 58.) above Celænæ, and which was called Celana or Sig-The whole fable, however, admits of a very rational nia, was the reputed source of the Marsyas and Maanexplanation. The pipe as cast away by Minerva, and der; but that, in fact, the two rivers issued from difMarsyas as punished by Apollo, are intended merely ferent parts of the mountain below the lake; that the to denote the preference given, at some particular pe- lake was named Aulocrene, as producing reeds well riod, by some particular Grecian race, with whom the adapted for flutes, and that it gave the name of Aulomyth originated, to the music of the lyre over that of crenis to a valley extending for ten miles from the lake the pipe, or, in other words, to the Citharoedic over to the eastward; that the source of the Marsyas was the Auletic art. The double pipe was a Phrygian or in a cavern on the side of a mountain in the ancient Asiatic invention, and ascribed to a certain Marsyas. agora of Celænæ, and that the Marsyas and Meander, (Diod. Sic., 3, 58.) The music of this instrument both of which flowed through Celæn, united a little was generally used in celebrating the wild and enthu- below the ancient site." (Leake's Journal, p. 158, siastic rites of Cybele. Hence we may explain the re- seqq.)-III. A river of Caria, mentioned by Herodomark of Diodorus, that Marsyas was a companion and tus (5, 118) as flowing from the country of Idrias into follower of Cybele (¿kovoiwę avtÿ napakoĥovůɛiv Kai the Mæander. Idrias was one of the earlier names of ovμhavȧolai, 3, 58). Subsequently, the wildness the city which, under the Macedonians, assumed the of the Bacchanalian celebrations became intermingled name of Stratonicea. The Marsyas of Herodotus is with the phrensied delirium that characterized the pro- supposed, therefore, to be the same with the modern cession and the rites of Cybele. The double pipe Tshina. (Barbié du Bocage.-Voyage de Chandler, came now to be employed in the orgies of Bacchus. vol. 2, p. 252.-Leake's Journal, p. 234.)—IV. A naThe worship of this god spread over Greece, and with|tive of Pella, brother of Antigonus. He wrote, in it was disseminated the knowledge of this instrument. To the new species of music thus introduced was opposed the old and national melody of the lyre; or, in the language of mythology, Apollo, the inventor and improver of the lyre, engaged in a stubborn conflict with Marsyas, the representative of the double pipe. Apollo conquers; that is, the pipe was long regarded by the Greeks as a barbarian instrument, and banished from the hymns and festivals of the gods: it could only find admittance into the festivals of the vintage, in the Bacchanalian orgies, and in the chorus of the drama. (Wieland, Attisches Museum, vol. 1, p 311, seqq.)A statue of Marsyas, representing him in the act of being flayed, stood in the Roman forum, in front of the rostra. The story of Marsyas, understood in its literal sense, presents a remarkable instance of well-merited punishment inflicted on reckless presumption; and as this feeling is nearly allied to, if not actually identified with, that arrogant and ungovernable spirit which formed the besetting sin of the ancient democracies, we need not wonder that, in many of the cities of antiquity, it was customary to erect a group of Apollo and Marsyas, in the vicinity of their courts of

ten books, a History of the Kings of Macedon, from the origin of the monarchy to the founding of Alexandrea; and also a work on the Education of Alexander, with which prince he had been brought up. The loss of both these works, but particularly the latter, is much to be regretted. Marsyas is also named among the grammarians, and Suidas calls him ypauparodidúokahos, a master of a school." (Scholl, Hist. Lit. Gr., vol. 3, p. 207.)

MARTIA OF MARCIA AQUA, a name given to the water conveyed to the city by one of the Roman aqueducts. This water was considered the most wholesome of any brought to Rome. The history of the Marcian aqueduct is as follows: Previous to its erection, the Romans obtained their supply of water from the Aqua Appia and Anio Vetus. At the end, how ever, of 127 years after the erection of the two lastmentioned aqueducts, their channels had become de cayed, and much of their water was abstracted by the fraud of private individuals. The prætor Quintus Mar cius Rex was thereupon appointed by the senate to repair the injuries sustained by the old aqueducts; in addition to which, he also constructed a new one,

p. 349.)

MARULLUS, a tribune of whom Plutarch makes mention in his life of Julius Cæsar. Marullus and another of his colleagues, named Flavius, when the statues of Cæsar were seen adorned with royal diadems, went and tore them off. They also found out the persons who had saluted Cæsar king, and committed them to prison. The people followed with joyful acclamations, calling the tribunes Brutuses; but Cæsar, highly irritated, deposed them from office. (Plut., Vit. Cæs.)

MASESYLII or MASSASYLI, a people in the western part of Numidia, on the coast, between the river Mulucha and the promontory Masylibum or Musulubium. (Polyb., 3, 33.-Dionys. Perieg., 187.-Sallust, Jugurth., c. 92.-Liv., 28, 17.) They were under the dominion of Syphax. The promontory of Tretum, now Sebda-Kuz, or the Seven Capes, separated this nation from the Massyli, or subjects of Masinissa.

MASCA or MASCAS, a river of Mesopotamia, falling into the Euphrates, and having at its mouth the city Corsote, which it surrounded in a circular course. Mannert, after a review of the several authorities which have a bearing on the subject, charges D'Anville with an error in placing the Masca too far to the west of Anatho, and in fixing this latter place at too great a distance from the Chaboras, since Isidorus makes the intervening space only 29 miles, whereas, on D'Anville's chart, it is 35 geographical miles. D'Anville also is alleged to err in giving the Euphrates too large a bend to the southwest of Anatho. The river Masca is termed by Ptolemy the Saocoras. Mannert thinks that the Masca was nothing more than a canal from the Euphrates. (Mannert, Anc. Geogr., vol. 5, p. 323.)

which was ever after called from him the Aqua Marcia. | vols. 8vo, Paris. (Schöll, Hist. Lit. Rom., vol. 2, Pliny, however, states that the Aqua Marcia was first conveyed to Rome by Ancus Marcius; and that Quintus Marcius Rex merely re-established the conduits. The same writer informs us that the earlier name of the water was Saufeia. (Plin., 31, 24.)-The Marcian water was obtained from the little river Pitonius, now Giovenco. This stream entered the Lacus Fucinus on the northeast side, and was said not to mix its waters, the coldest known, with those of the lake. According to the same popular account, it afterward emerged by a subterranean duct near Tibur, and became the Aqua Marcia. (Cramer's Anc. It., vol. 1, p. 327.-Burgess, Antiq. of Rome, vol. 2, p. 328.) MARTIALIS, MARCUS VALERIUS, a Latin epigrammatic poet, born at Bilbilis in Spain, about A.D. 40. Rader fixes his birth at A.D. 43; while Masson (Vit. Plin., p. 112) makes him not to have died before A.D. 101. Very few particulars of his life are ascertained, and even these are principally collected from his own writings. He was destined originally for the bar, but showed little disposition to apply himself to such a career. In order to complete his education, Martial was sent to Rome. It was at the age of about twentytwo years, and in the sixth year of Nero's reign, that he established himself in the capital. Here he gave himself up entirely to poetry, which he made a means of subsistence, for he was compelled to live by his own exertions. Titus and Domitian both favoured him, and the latter bestowed on him the rank of an eques and the office of a tribune, granting to him at the same time all the privileges connected with the Jus trium liberorum. After having passed thirty-five years at Rome, he felt desirous of visiting his native country. Pliny the younger supplied him with the necessary means for travelling. Having reached Spain, he there, according to some critics, married a rich fe- MASINISSA, king of Numidia, was the son of Gula, male named Marcella, who had possessions on the Bil- who reigned among the Massyli in the eastern portion bilis or Salon, and lived many years in the enjoyment of that country. (Liv., 24, 48, seq.) Masinissa was of conjugal happiness. The conclusion, however, to educated at Carthage, and became, though still quite be drawn from his writings rather favours the supposi- young, enamoured of Sophonisba, daughter of Hastion that such an union did not take place. Martial drubal, who promised him her hand. Urged on by was acquainted with most of his literary contempora- his passion, and wishing, moreover, to signalize himries, Juvenal, Quintilian, Pliny the younger, and others, self by some deed of renown, the young prince preas appears from his own writings. (Ep., 2, 90; 12, vailed upon his father to declare against Rome and in 18, &c.)—We have about 1200 epigrams from the favour of Carthage. This was at the commencement pen of Martial: they form fourteen books, of which of the second Punic war, and Masinissa was only the last two are entitled Xenia and Apophoreta re- seventeen years of age, but even then gave great spectively, from the circumstance of their containing promise of future eminence. (Liv., 24, 49.) Havmottoes or devices to be affixed to presents offered to ing attacked Syphax, another monarch, reigning over his friends, or distributed at the Saturnalia and other the western part of Numidia, and then in alliance with festivals. These fourteen books are preceded by one the Romans, he gained over him two great victories, under the title of Spectacula, containing epigrams or and afterward, passing the straits, united his forces with small pieces on the spectacles given by Titus and those of the Carthaginians in Spain. Hannibal was Domitian. These are not all productions of Martial; at that time carrying all before him in Italy, while but it is very possible that he may have made and pub- Hasdrubal his brother was defending Spain. Not lished the collection.-The greater part of Martial's long after his arrival, Masinissa contributed essentially epigrams are of a different kind from those of Catullus. to the entire defeat of Cneus and Publius Scipio, by They approach more nearly to the modern idea of charging the Roman army with his Numidian horse, epigram, for they terminate with a point for which the B.C. 212; but, after some other less successful camauthor reserves all the edge and bitterness of his sat-paigns, both he and his allies were compelled to yield ire. Among the numerous epigrams which. Martial has left behind him, there are some that are excellent; of the collection as a whole, however, we may say, in the words of the poet himself (1, 17): "Sunt bona, sunt quædam mediocria, sunt mala plura." Many of these epigrams have lost their point for us, who are ignorant of the circumstances to which they allude. A large portion, moreover, are disgustingly obscene. Besides the epigrams which form the collection here referred to, there are others ascribed to Martial, which Burmann has inserted in his Anthology, vol. 1, p. 237, 340, 470, 471.-The best editions of Martial are, that of Rader, Ingolst., 1602, 1611, fol., et Mogunt., 1627; that of Scriverius, Lugd. Bat., 12mo, 1619; that of Smidsius, Amst., 8vo, 1701; and that of Lemaire, 2

to the superior ability of the young Scipio, afterward surnamed Africanus, and to abandon to him almost the whole of the peninsula. Having retreated towards the frontiers of Bætica, the Carthaginians were reduced to the greatest extremity, when Scipio made prisoner of Massiva, the nephew of Masinissa, and sent him back to his uncle loaded with presents. The hostility of Masinissa towards the Romans immediately changed into the warmest adiniration: he had a secret conference with Scipio near Gades, which was eventually followed by his complete defection from the Carthaginian cause. It is more than probable that the Numidian prince was long before secretly disposed to this step, in consequence of the bad faith of Hasdrubal, who had offered his daughter Sophonisba in

p. 364, seqq.)

MASSAGETÆ, a nation of Scythia, placed by the ancient writers to the east of the river laxartes. The Macedonians sought for the Massagetæ in the northern regions of Asia, judging from the history of Cyrus's expedition against these barbarians, by which some definiteness was given to the position which they occupied. They missed, indeed, the true Massagetæ, but the term became a general one for the northern nations of Asia, like that of Scythians. Larcher considers the term Massageta equivalent probably to "Eastern Getæ." (Hist. d'Herodote, vol. 8, p. 323, Table Geographique.) According to Herodotus, the Massagete occupied a level tract of country to the east of the Caspian. (Herod., 1,201.) Halling takes the Massagete for Alans, and refers to Ammianus Marcellinus (23, 14; 31, 2) in support of his opinion. (Wien-Iahrb., 63, p. 131.) Gatterer, on the other hand, thinks that they occupied the present country of the Kirgish Tatars. (Comment. Soc. Gött., 14, p. 9.-Bähr, ad Herod., l. c.)

marriage to Syphax. However this might have been, | obstinacy, was decided at last in favour of Masinissa. Masinissa, before declaring openly against Carthage, A second battle, equally disastrous for Carthage, soon made a secret treaty with the Romans, and advised followed, and peace was concluded on such terms as Scipio, it is said, to carry the war into Africa. Re- it pleased Masinissa to dictate. Not long after this turning to this country himself, he found his kingdom the third Punic war broke out; but the Numidian a prey to usurpers, his father and elder brother having monarch did not live to see the downfall of Carthage, both died during his absence. With the aid, however, having expired a short time before its capture, at tho of Bocchus, king of Mauretania, he obtained posses- age of ninety-seven, and after a reign of sixty years. sion of his hereditary throne, and would have enjoyed Masinissa was remarkable for his abstemious mode of it peaceably, if the Carthaginians, irritated at his now life, which, joined to his habits of constant exercise, open avowal for the Romans, had not incited Syphax enabled him to enjoy so protracted an existence. He to make war upon him. Defeated and stripped of his left fifty-four sons, only three of whom, Micipsa, Gudominions, Masinissa was compelled to take refuge lussa, and Mastanabal, were legitimate. Scipio, who near the Syrtis Minor, where he defended himself until had been requested to do so by Masinissa, divided the the arrival of Scipio. The aspect of affairs immedi- kingdom among these three, and assigned considerately changed, and Masinissa, by his valour and skill, able revenues to the others. (Liv., lib. 24, 25, 28, &c. contributed greatly to the victory gained by Scipio-Polyb., lib. 11, 14, 15, &c.—Biogr. Univ., vol. 27 over Hasdrubal and Syphax. Having been sent with Lælius in pursuit of the vanquished, he penetrated, after a march of fifteen days, to the very heart of his rival's kingdom, gained a battle against him, made himself master of Cirta, the capital of Syphax, and found in it Sophonisba, to whom, as we have said, he had been attached in early youth. The charms of the daughter of Hasdrubal proved too powerful for the Numidian king, and he married her at once, in the hope of rescuing her from slavery, since she belonged to the Romans by the right of conquest. This imprudent union, however, with a captive whose hatred towards Rome was so deep-rooted, could not but prove displeasing to Scipio, and Masinissa was severely reproved in private by the Roman commander. The Numidian, in his despair, sent a cup of poison to his bride, who drank it off with the utmost heroism. (Liv., 30, 15.) To console him for his loss, Scipio bestowed upon Masinissa the title of king and a crown of gold, and heaped upon him other honours; and these distinctions, together with the hope of soon seeing himself master of all Numidia, caused the ambitious monarch to forget the death of Sophonisba. Constantly attached to the fortunes of Scipio, Masinissa fought on his side at the battle of Zama, defeated the left wing of the enemy, and, though severely wounded, nevertheless went in pursuit of Hannibal himself, in the MASSILIA, by the Greeks called Massalia (Macoa. hope of crowning his exploits by the capture of this 2ía), a celebrated colony of the Phocæans, on the celebrated commander. Scipio, before leaving Africa, Mediterranean coast of Gaul, now Marseille. The Established Masinissa in his hereditary possessions, period of its settlement appears to have been very reand added to these, with the authority of the sen- mote. Scymnus of Chios (v. 210), Livy (5, 34), and ate, all that had belonged to Syphax in Numidia. Eusebius, agree in placing it in the 45th Olympiad, Master now of the whole country from Mauretania to during the reign of Tarquinius Priscus. Their comCyrene, and become the most powerful prince in Af- mon authority appears to have been Timæus; at least rica, Masinissa profited by the leisure which peace af Scymnus mentions him.-The circumstances conforded him, and exerted himself in introducing among nected with the founding of Massilia will be seen unhis semi-barbarous subjects the blessings of civiliza- der the article Phocæa. The natives endeavoured to tion. Neither age, however, nor the tranquil posses-prevent the establishment of this colony, but, accordsion of so extensive a territory, could damp his ardouring to Livy (5, 34), the Phocæans were enabled to for conquest. Imboldened by his relations with make an effectual resistance, and to fortify their posi Rome, he violated the treaties subsisting between tion, by the aid of a body of Gauls. (Compare the himself and the Carthaginians, and, although in his account of Justin, 43, 3, 4.) Massilia soon became ninetieth year, placed himself at the head of a power- a powerful and flourishing city, and famed for its exful army and marched into the territories of Carthage. tensive commerce. It engaged in frequent contests He was preparing for a general action when Scipio with Carthage, its maritime rival, and sent out many Emilianus arrived at his camp, having come from colonies, from Emporia in Spain as far as Monocus Spain to visit him. Masinissa received the young Ro- in Italy. (Strabo, 180.) The most prosperous peman with distinguished honours, alluded with tears to riod in the history of Massilia would seem to have his old benefactor Africanus, and afterward caused the been the interval from the fall of Carthage to the comélite of his troops to pass in review before the son of mencement of the contest between Cæsar and PomPaulus Emilius. The young Scipio was most struck, pey. This city was always the firm ally of Rome. however, by the activity and address of the monarch The origin of its friendship with the Romans is not himself, whose physical powers seemed but little im- clearly ascertained: Justin, or, rather, Trogus Pompepaired by age, who still performed all the exercises ius (43, 3), dates it from the reign of Tarquinius Prisof youth, and mounted and rode his steed with all the cus, but this appears deserving of no credit. (Manspirit of earlier years. On the morrow Scipio was the nert, Geogr., vol. 2, p. 83, seqq.) It is more than witness of one of the greatest conflicts that had ever probable, that the friendship in question began about taken place in Africa, which, after having been main-the end of the first Punic war. Before this war we Lained for a long time on both sides with the utmost hear nothing of the Massilians in Roman history, and

MASSESYLI. Vid. Masæsylii.

MASSICUS, MONS, a range of hills in Campania, famous for the wines produced there. Consult remarks under the article Falernus, near the beginning (p. 515, col. 2).

previous to the commencement of the second Punic | Mauritania being west of Carthage and Phoenicia contest we find them the allies of the Romans. (Liv., (Geogr. Sacr., 1, 25.—Op., vol. 2, c. 496.) 21, 20.) The political importance of this city re- MAURITANIA, a country of Africa, on the Mediterceived a severe check in the civil war between Cæsar ranean, now the empire of Fez and Morocco. It was and Pompey, in consequence of its attachment to the bounded on the north by the Straits of Gibraltar and party of the latter. It had to sustain a severe siege, the Mediterranean, on the east by Numidia, on the in which its fleet was destroyed, and, after surrender- south by Gætulia, and on the west by the Atlantie. ing, to pay a heavy exaction. (Cæs., Bell. Civ., 2, It was, properly speaking, in the time of Bocchus the 22.) The conqueror, it is true, left the city the title betrayer of Jugurtha, bounded by the river Malucha of freedom, but its power and former importance were or Molochath, now Malva, and corresponded nearly gone. The downfall of its political consequence, to the present kingdom of Fez; but, in the time of however, was succeeded by distinguished eminence the Emperor Claudius, the western part of Numidia in another point of view, and already, in the days of was added to this province under the name of MauriAugustus, Massilia began to be famous as a school of tania Cæsariensis, the ancient kingdom of Mauritania the sciences, and the rival of Athens. Even in a much being called Tingitana, from its principal city Tingis, later age, though surrounded by barbarous tribes, she or Old Tangier, on the west of the straits. (Plin., continued to enjoy her literary rank, and was also re- 5, 1.- Cæs., Bell. Civ., 1, 6.—Id., Bell. Afric., 22. markable for the culture of philosophy and the healing-Mela, 1, 5.-Id., 3, 10.—Vid. Mauri, and Mauart. Massilia remained a flourishing city until the inroads of the barbarians and the subjugation by them of nearly the whole of southern Gaul. The government of the place was a well-regulated aristocracy. (Mannert, Geogr., vol. 2, p. 81, seqq.)


MAURUS TERENTIANUS, a Latin grammarian, gen erally supposed to have been an African by birth. The time when he flourished has been made a matter of dispute. Vossius supposes him to have been the same Terentianus who is addressed by Martial as the

MASSYLI, a people of Numidia, to the east of the Massæsyli and Cape Tretum. They were the sub-prefect of Syene in Egypt. (Ep., 1, 87.) Terentijects of Masinissa. (Liv., 24, 48.-Polyb., 3, 33.Sil. Ital., 16, 170.)

MATINUM, a city of Messapia or Iapygia, southeast of Callipolis. Near it was the Mons Matinus. It was here, according to Horace, that the celebrated philosopher, Archytas of Tarentum, was interred, when cast on shore after shipwreck. (Od., 1, 28.) This region was famed for its bees and honey. The modern Matinata seems to mark the site of the ancient city. (Cramer's Anc. Italy, vol. 2, p. 277.) MATRONA, a river of Gaul, now the Marne, which formed part of the ancient boundary between Gallia Belgica and Gallia Celtica. It takes its rise at Langres, runs northwest to Chalons, then westward, passes by Meaux, becomes navigable at Vitry, and at Charenton, a little above Paris, falls into the Sequana or Seine, after a course of about 92 leagues. (Cas., B. C., 1, 1.-Auson, Mosel., v. 461.-Ammian. Marcell, 15, 27. —Sidon., Panegyr. Marjorian., 208.)

MATRONALIA, a festival celebrated at Rome on the Calends, or first of March, and on this same occasion presents used to be given by husbands to their wives. The day is said to have been kept sacred in remembrance chiefly of the reconciliation between the Romans and the Sabines. On this same day, also, a temple had been dedicated by the Roman ladies to Juno Lucina, on the Esquiline Hill, and here they presented their annual offerings. (Ovid, Fast., 3, 170, seqq.) From this last-mentioned circumstance, and particularly from a part of the passage last referred to (v. 235, seqq.), the true reason of the celebration may perhaps be inferred. Ovid speaks of offerings of flowers made on this occasion to Juno.

anus declares himself a contemporary of Septimius Serenus, which latter poet Wernsdorff refers to the age of Vespasian. (Poet. Lat. Min., vol. 2, p. 249.) He at all events lived during or before the time of St. Augustine, since he is mentioned by the latter in terms of the highest respect. (De Civ. Dei, 6, 2.— De Util. Cred, c. 17.) Terentianus, when advanced in life, wrote a poem on letters, syllables, feet, and metres ("De Literis, Syllabis, Pedibus et Metris Carmen"), in which these dry topics are handled with all the art of which they are susceptible. This poem is extremely useful for a knowledge of Latin Prosody: the author unites in it example and precept, by employing, for the explanation of the various metres, verses written in the very measures of which he treats.-The most recent editions of the poem in question are, that of Santen, completed by Van Lennep, Traj. ad Rhen., 1825, and that of Lachmann, Lips., 1836. It is given also among the Latin grammarians, ed. Putsch., p. 2383, seqq., and in the Corpus Poetarum of Maittaire.

MAURUSII, a poetical name for the people of Mauritania.

MAUSOLUS, a prince of Caria, the brother and husband of Artemisia. His death was deeply lamented by the latter, who caused a splendid monument to be erected to his memory. (Vid. Artemisia I., Halicarnassus, and Mausoleum.)

MAUSOLEUM, I. (Mavowheïov, scil. μvnpeiov, “the tomb of Mausolus"), a magnificent monumental structure, raised by Artemisia in memory of her husband Mausolus, king of Caria, in the city of Halicarnassus, B.C. 352. Of this monument, once reckoned among the wonders of the world, no remains now exist; but, from Pliny's description (36, 5), it appears to have been nearly square in its plan, measuring 113 feet on its sides, and 93 on each of its ends or fronts, and to have been decorated with a peristyle of 36 columns

MATTIACI, a nation in the western quarter of Germany according to Wilhelm (Germanien und seine Bewohner, Weimar, 1823), a branch of the Catti, between the Lahn and Maine, in the country between Mayence and Coblenz; but, according to Kruse, ly-(supposed by Hardouin to have been 60 feet high or ing between the Maine, the Taunus, and the Rhine (Archiv. für alte Geogr.). The Aqua Mattiacæ correspond to the modern Wiesbaden. (Ammian. Marcell., 29, 20.)

MATUTA, a deity among the Romans, the same as the Leucothoë of the Greeks. (Vid. Ino and Leucothoi.)

more), above which the structure was carried up in a pyramidal form, and surmounted at its apex by a marble quadriga executed by Pythis, who, according to Vitruvius, was joint architect with Satyrus in the building. It was farther decorated with sculptures and reliefs by Scopas, Bryaxis, Timotheus, and Leochares. The entire height was 140 feet.-II. The MAVORS, a name of Mars. (Vid. Mars.) Mausoleum erected at Babylon by Alexander the MAURI, the inhabitants of Mauritania. Bochart de- Great, in honour of Hephaestion, appears to have been rives the name from Mahur, or, as an elision of gut- still more magnificent, and somewhat extravagant in turals is very common in the Oriental languages, from its decorations, as far as can be gathered from the acMaur, i. e., one from the west, or an occidentalist, | count given of it by Diodorus Siculus (17, 115). It

was adorned below by gilded rostra or beaks of 240 ships, and every successive tier or story was enriched with a profusion of sculpture, representing various animals, fighting centaurs, and other figures, all of which were gilded; and on the summit were statues of sirens, made hollow, in order that the singers who chanted the funeral dirge might be concealed within them. III. The Mausoleum of Augustus at Rome was a structure of great magnitude and grandeur, and circular in plan. It stood in the Campus Martius, where remains of it yet exist in the two concentric circles forming the first and second stories of the building, and the vaulted chambers between, which supported the first or lowest terrace. Of these terraces there were three; consequently, four stages in the building, gradually decreasing in diameter, the uppermost of which was crowned with a colossal statue of the emperor. The terraces themselves were planted with trees. From traces of something of the kind that yet remain, it is conjectured that there was originally an advanced portico attached to the building, in the same manner as that of the Pantheon, though considerably smaller in proportion to the rest of the plan, as it could not have been carried up higher than the first stage of the building. According to Hirt's representation of it, in his " Baukunst bei den Alten," it was a Corinthian hexastyle, advanced one intercolumn before the side-walls connecting it with the circular edifice behind it.-IV. The Mausoleum of Hadrian was also of great magnitude and grandeur, and, like the preceding, circular in plan. It is now converted into the Castle of St. Angelo, in which shape it is familiar to almost every one. This is a work of most massy construction, and originally presented an unbroken circular mass of building, erected upon a larger square basement, lofty in itself, yet of moderate height in proportion to the superstructure, the latter being about twice as high as the former. This nearly solid rotunda, which was originally coated with white marble, had on its summit numerous fine statues, which were broken to pieces and the fragments hurled down by the soldiers of Belisarius upon the Goths, who attempted to take the building by storm. Neither are any remains now left of the uppermost stage of the edifice, which assumed the form of a circular peripteral temple, whose diameter was about one third of the larger circle. According to tradition, its peristyle consisted of the twenty-four beautiful marble Corinthian columns which afterward decorated the Basilica of San Paolo fuori delle Mura (partially destroyed some few years ago by fire, but now nearly restored); and its tholus or dome was surmounted by a colossal pine-apple in bronze, now placed in the gardens of the Vatican. (Encycl. Us. Knowl, vol. 15, p. 21.)

MAXENTIUS, MARCUS AURELIUS VALERIUS, son of Maximianus, the colleague of Dioclesian in the empire, was living in obscurity, when, after his father's abdication, and the elevation of Constantine to the rank of Cæsar, he became envious of the latter, and dissatisfied with the neglect which he experienced from Galerius. Accordingly, he stirred up a revolt among the prætorian soldiers at Rome, and was proclaimed emperor A.D. 306. Galerius, who was then in the East, sent orders to Severus Caesar, who had the command of Italy, to march from Mediolanum to Rome with all his forces, and put down the insurrec ticn. In the mean time, Maximianus, who lived in retirement in Campania, came to Rome, and was proclaimed emperor and colleague with his son, A.D. 307. Severus, on arriving with his troops near Rome, was deserted by most of his officers and soldiers, who had formerly served under Maximianus, and were still attached to their old general. Upon this he retired to Ravenna, which he soon after surrendered to Maximianus, on being promised his life and liberty; but

Maximianus put him to death. The latter then proceeded to Gaul, to form an alliance with Constantius, leaving Maxentius at Rome. Galerius soon after arrived in Italy with an army; but, not finding himself strong enough to attack Maxentius in Rome, and fearing the same fate as that of Severus, he made a precipitate retreat. Maximianus, returning to Rome, reigned for some months together with his son, but afterward quarrelled with him, and took refuge with Galerius, who acknowledged him as emperor. There were then no less than six emperors; Galerius, Maximianus, Constantine, Maxentius, Licinius, and Maximinus Daza. In the following year, A.D. 309, Maxentius was proclaimed consul at Rome, together with his son, M. Aurelius Romulus, who, in the ensuing year, was accidentally drowned in the Tiber. Maxentius possessed Italy and Africa; but Africa revolted, and the soldiers proclaimed as emperor an adventurer of the name of Alexander, who reigned at Carthage for three years. In the year 311, Maxentius sent an expedition to Africa, defeated and killed Alexander, and burned Carthage. Proud of his success, for which he enjoyed a triumph, Maxentius made great preparations to attack Constantine, with whom he had till then preserved the appearance of friendship. Constantine moved from Gaul into Italy, advanced to Rome, and defeated Maxentius, who was drowned in attempting to swim his horse across the Tiber, A.D. 312. (Encycl. Us. Knowledge, vol. 15, p. 22.)

MAXIMIANUS I.. MARCUS VALERIUS, a native of Pannonia, born of obscure parents. He served in the Roman armies with distinction, and was named by Dioclesian his colleague in the empire, A.D. 286, The remainder of his life is given under Diocletianus, Constantinus, and Maxentius. He was put to death by Constantine, at Massilia, for having conspired against his life (A.D. 310.)-II. GALERIUS VALERIUS, was surnamed Armentarius on account of his having been a herdsman in his youth. The events of his life are narrated under Diocletianus, Constantius, and Constantinus. According to historians, he died A.D. 311, of a loathsome disease, which was considered by his contemporaries and himself as a punishment from heaven for his persecution of the Christians. (Encycl. Us. Knowl., vol. 15, p. 23.)

MAXIMINUS, I. CAIUS JULIUS VERUS, was originally a Thracian shepherd. He was of gigantic size and great bodily strength, and, having entered the Roman army under Septimius Severus, was rapidly advanced for his bravery. Alexander Severus gave him the command of a new legion raised in Pannonia, at the head of which he followed Alexander in his campaign against the Germans, when, the army being encamped on the banks of the Rhine, he conspired against his sovereign, and induced some of his companions to murder him in his tent, as well as his mother Mammæa, A.D. 235. Maximinus, being proclaimed em- . peror, named his son, also called Maximinus, Cæsar and his colleague in the empire. He continued the war against the Germans, and devastated a large tract of country beyond the Rhine; after which he repaired to Illyricum to fight the Dacians and Sarmatians. But his cruelty and rapacity raised enemies against him in various parts of the empire. The province of Africa revolted, and proclaimed Gordianus, who was soon after acknowledged by the senate and people of Rome, A.D. 237. But Capellianus, governor of Mauritania for Maximinus, defeated Gordianus and his son, who both fell in the struggle, after a nominal reign of little more than a month. Rome was in consternation at the news, expecting the vengeance of Maximinus. The senate proclaimed as emperors Clodius Pupienus Maximus and Decimus Cælius Albinus; but the people ir sisted upon a nephew of the younger Gordianus, a boy twelve years of age, being associated with them.

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