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LUCINA, a surname of Juno, as the goddess who presided over the delivery of females. She was probably so called from bringing children into the light. (Lucina, from lux, lucis, "light."-Vid. Juno.)

names of not less than sixteen individuals who are at- | Pompeianus, put to death by order of Caracalla, and a tacked by name in the course even of these fragments, daughter. (Dio Cass., 71, 1.—Id., 72, 4.—Jul. Capamong whom are Quintus Opimius, the conqueror of itol., Vit. Aurel., 7.-Id., Vit. Ver.) Liguria, Cæcilius Metellus, whose victories acquired for him the surname of Macedonicus, and Cornelius Lupus, at that time Princeps Senatus. Lucilius was equally severe on contemporary and preceding authors: Ennius, Pacuvius, and Accius having been alternately LUCRETIA, a celebrated Roman female, daughter satirized by him. (Aul. Gell., 17, 21.) In all this he of Lucretius, and wife of Collatinus. Her name is indulged with impunity (Horat., Sat., 2, 1); but he connected in the old legend with the overthrow of did not escape so well from a player whom he had ven- kingly power at Rome, and the story is related as foltured to censure, and who took his revenge by expo- lows: Tarquinius Superbus waged war against Ardea, sing Lucilius on the stage. The poet prosecuted the ac- the capital of the Rutuli, a people on the coast of Lator, and the cause was carried on with much warmth on tium. The city was very strong by both nature and both sides before the prætor, who finally acquitted the art, and made a protracted resistance. The Roman player (Rhet., ad Herren., 2, 13).-Lucilius, however, army lay encamped around the walls, in order to redid not confine himself to attacking vicious mortals. In duce it by hunger, since they could not by direct force. the first book of his satires he appears to have decla- While lying half idle here, the princes of the Tarquin red war on the false gods of Olympus, whose plurality family, and their kinsmen Brutus and Collatinus, haphe denied, and ridiculed the simplicity of the people, pening to feast together, began, in their gayety, to who bestowed on an infinity of gods the venerable boast each of the beauty and virtue of his wife. Colname of father, which should be reserved for one.latinus extolled his spouse Lucretia as beyond all riOf many books of the Satires such small fragments re- valry. On a sudden they resolved to ride to Rome, main, that it is impossible to conjecture their subjects. and decide the dispute by ascertaining which of the reEven in those books of which there are a greater num- spective ladies was spending her time in the most be ber of fragments extant, they are so disjointed that it coming and laudable manner. They found the wives is as difficult to put them legibly together as the scat- of the king's sons entertaining other ladies with a'costtered leaves of the Sibyl; and the labour of Douza, ly banquet. They then rode on to Collatia; and, who has been the most successful in arranging the bro- though it was near midnight, they found Lucretia, with ken lines, is by many considered as but a conjectural her handmaids around her, working at the loom. It and philological sport. Those few passages, however, was admitted that Lucretia was the most worthy lady; which are in any degree entire, show great force of sa- and they returned to the camp at Ardea. But the tire. Besides satirizing the wicked, under which cate- beauty and virtue of Lucretia had excited in the base gory he probably classed all his enemies, Lucilius also heart of Sextus Tarquinius the fire of lawless passion. employed his pen in praise of the brave and virtuous. After a few days he returned to Collatia, where he was He wrote, as we learn from Horace, a panegyric on hospitably entertained by Lucretia as a kinsman of her Scipio Africanus; but whether the elder or younger, is husband. At midnight, however, he secretly entered not certain. Lucilius was also author of a comedy her chamber; and, when persuasion was ineffectual, entitled Nummularia, of which only one line remains; he threatened to kill her and one of her male slaves, and, but we are informed by Porphyrion, the scholiast on laying the body by her side, to declare to Collatinus Horace, that the plot turned on Pythias, a female slave, that he had slain her in the act of adultery. The dread tricking her master Simo out of a sum of money, with of a disgrace to her memory, from which there could which to portion his daughter. (Dunlop's Roman Lit-be no possible mode of effacing the stain, produced a erature, vol. 1, p. 393, seqq.) Douza's edition of the result which the fear of death could not have done; a fragments of Lucilius was published in 1593, Lugd. result not unnatural in a heathen, who might dread the Bat., 4to a later but inferior edition, cura fratrum disgrace of a crime more than its commission, but which Vulpiorum, appeared in 1713, Patav. Lemaire has shows the conventional morality and virtue of the times, subjoined a reprint of Douza's Lucilius to the third how ill-founded and almost weakly sentimental in even volume of his edition of Juvenal and Persius, Paris, that boasted instance of female virtue.-Having ac1830-II. An epigrammatic poet in the age of Nero. complished his wicked purpose, Sextus returned to the We have more than one hundred of his epigrams re- camp. Immediately after his departure, Lucretia sent maining. Wernsdorff assigns to him the poem entitled for her husband and father. Collatinus came from the Etna, commonly supposed to have been written by camp accompanied by Brutus, and her father Lucretius Cornelius Severus. (Poet. Lat. Min., vol. 4, pt. 2, from the city, along with Publius Valerius. They p. 3, seqq.) found Lucretia sitting on her bed, weeping and inconLUCILLA, daughter of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius solable. In brief terms she told what had befallen and of Faustina, was born A.D. 146. At the age of her, required of them the pledge of their right hands, seventeen she was given in marriage to Lucius Verus, that they would avenge her injuries, and then, drawing at that time commanding the Roman armies in Syria. a knife from under her robe, stabbed herself to the Verus came as far as Ephesus to meet her, and the heart and died. Her husband and father burst into a union was celebrated in this city; but, habituated to loud cry of agony; but Brutus, snatching the weapon debauchery, Verus soon relapsed into his former mode from the wound, held it up, and swore, by the chaste of life; and Lucilla, finding herself neglected, took a and noble blood which stained it, that he would pursue woman's revenge, and entered on a career of similar to the uttermost Tarquinius and all his accursed race, profligacy. Returning subsequently with her hus- and thenceforward suffer no man to be king at Rome. band to Rome, she caused him to be poisoned there; He then gave the bloody knife to her husband, her faand afterward, in accordance with her father's direc- ther, and Valerius, and called on them to take the same tions, contracted a second union with Claudius Pom- oath. Brutus thus became at once the leader of the peianus, an aged senator, of great merit and probity. enterprise. They bore the body of Lucretia to the Her licentious conduct, however, underwent no change, market-place. There Brutus addressed the people and she was banished to the island of Capreæ by her and aroused them to vengeance. Part remained to brother Commodus, against whom she had formed a guard the town, and part proceeded with Brutus to conspiracy. Not long after, Commodus sent a centu-Rome. Their coming raised a tumult, and drew torion to her place of exile, who put her to death, in the gether great numbers of the citizens. Brutus, availing 38th year of her age, A.D. 184. She had by her inar-himself of his rank and authority as tribune of the Ceriage with her second husband a son named Lætus leres or captain of the knights, summoned the people

to the Forum, and proceeded to relate the bloody deed which the villany of Sextus Tarquinius had caused. Nor did he content himself with that, but set before them, in the most animated manner, the cruelty, tyranny, and oppression of Tarquinius himself; the guilty manner in which he obtained the kingdom, the violent means he had used to retain it, and the unjust repeal of all the laws of Servius Tullius, by which he had robbed them of their liberties. By this means he wrought so effectually upon the feelings of the people, that they passed a decree abolishing the kingly power itself, and banishing for ever Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, and his wife and children. (Liv., 1, 57, seqq.Dion. Hal., 4, 15.) The story of Lucretia is very ingeniously discussed by Verri, and the conclusion at which he apparently arrives is rather unfavourable than otherwise to her character. (Notti Romane, vol. 1, p. 171, seqq.-Compare Augustin., Civ. D., 1, 19, p. 68, as cited by Bayle, Dict. Hist., s. v.) In all likelihood, however, the whole story is false, and was merely invented in a later age, to account for the overthrow of kingly power at Rome.

LUCRETILIS, a mountain range in the country of the Sabines, amid the windings of which lay the farm of Horace. It is now Monte Libretti. (Horat., Od., 1, 17, 1.-Compare the description given by Eustace, Classical Tour, vol. 2, p. 247, seq.)

by his own hands, in a paroxysm of insanity produced by a philtre, which Lucretia, his wife or mistress, had given him, with no design of depriving him of life or reason, but to renew or increase his passion. Others suppose that his mental alienation proceeded from melancholy, on account of the calamities of his country and the exile of Memmius, circumstances which were calculated deeply to affect his mind. There seems no reason to doubt the melancholy fact that he perished by his own hand. The poem of Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, which he composed during the lucid intervals of his malady, is, as the name imports, philosophic and didactic, in the strictest acceptation of these terms, and contains a full exposition of the theological, physical, and moral system of Epicurus. It has been remarked by an able writer, "that all the religious systems of the ancient pagan world were naturally perishable, from the quantity of false opinions, and vicious habits and ceremonies that were attached to them." (Turner, Hist. of the Anglo-Saxons, vol. 3, p. 311.) He observes even of the barbarous AngloSaxons, that, "as the nation advanced in its active intellect, it began to be dissatisfied with its mythology. Many indications exist of this spreading alienation, which prepared the northern mind for the reception of the nobler truths of Christianity (ibid., p. 356). A secret incredulity of this sort seems to have been long LUCRETIUS, I. Titus Lucretius Carus, a celebrated nourished in Greece, and appears to have been importRoman writer. Of his life very little is known, and ed into Rome with its philosophy and literature. The even the year of his birth is uncertain. According to more pure and simple religion of early Rome was the chronicle of Eusebius, he was born A.U.C. 658, quickly corrupted, and the multitude of ideal and hetB.C. 96, being thus nine years younger than Cicero, erogeneous beings which superstition introduced into and two or three years younger than Cæsar. To the Roman worship led to its rejection. (Pliny, 2, judge from his style, he would be supposed older than 7.) This infidelity is very obvious in the writings of either; but this, as appears from the example of Sal- Ennius, who translated Euhemerus' work on the Deilust, is no certain test, as his archaisms may have fication of human spirits, while Plautus dramatized arisen from the imitation of ancient writers, and we the vices of the father of the gods and tutelary deity know that he was a fond admirer of Ennius. A taste of Rome. The doctrine of materialism was introduced for Greek philosophy had been excited at Rome to a at Rome during the age of Scipio and Lælins (Cic., considerable extent some time previous to this era, de Am., 4), and perhaps no stronger proof of its and Lucretius was sent, with other young Romans of rapid progress and prevalence can be given, than that rank, to study at Athens. The different schools of Caesar, though a priest, and ultimately Pontifex Maxiphilosophy in that city seem, about this period, to have mus, boldly declared in the senate that death is the been frequented according as they received a tempo-end of all things, and that beyond it there is neither rary fashion from the comparative abilities of the pro- hope nor joy. (Sallust, Cat., 51.) This state of the fessors who presided over them. Cicero, for example, public mind was calculated to give a fashion to the who had attended the Epicurean school at Athens, system of Epicurus. According to this distinguished and who became himself an academic, intrusted his philosopher, the chief good of man is pleasure, of son to the care of Cratippus, a peripatetic philosopher. which the elements consist in having a body free from After the death of its great founder, the school of Ep- pain, and a mind tranquil and exempt from perturbaicurus had for some time declined in Greece; but, at tion. Of this tranquillity there are, according to Epthe period when Lucretius was sent to Athens, it had icurus, as expounded by Lucretius, two chief enemies, again revived under the patronage of L. Memmius, superstition or slavish fear of the gods, and the dread whose son was a fellow-student of Lucretius, as were of death (2, 43, seqq.). In order to oppose these two also Cicero, his brother Quintus, Cassius, and Pom- foes to happiness, he endeavours, in the first place, to ponius Atticus. At the time when frequented by show that the world was formed by a fortuitous conthese illustrious youths, the gardens of Epicurus were course of atoms, and that the gods, who, according to superintended by Zeno and Phædrus, both of whom, the popular mythology, were constantly interposing, but particularly the latter, have been honoured with take no concern whatever in human affairs. We do the panegyric of Cicero. One of the dearest, perhaps injustice to Epicurus when we estimate his tenets by the dearest friend of Lucretius, was this Memmius, the refined and exalted ideas of a philosophy purified who had been his schoolfellow, and whom, it is sup- by faith, without considering the superstitious and polposed, he accompanied to Bithynia, when appointed luted notions prevalent in his time. With respect to to the government of that province. (Good's Lucre- the other great leading tenet of Lucretius and his tius, Præf., p. xxxvi.) The poem De Rerum Natura, if master, the mortality of the soul, still greater injustice not undertaken at the request of Memmius, was doubt- is done to the philosopher and the poet. It is affirmless much encouraged by him; and Lucretius, in aed, and justly, by a great apostle, that "life and imdedication expressed in terms of manly and eloquent courtesy, very different from the servile adulation of some of his great successors, tells him that the hopedfor pleasure of his sweet friendship was what enabled him to endure any toils or vigils. The life of the poet was short, but happily was sufficiently prolonged to enable him to complete his poem, though perhaps not to give some portions of it their last polish. According to Eusebius, he died in the 44th year of his age,

mortality have been brought to light by the gospel;"
and yet an author, who lived before this dawn, is re-
viled because he asserts that the natural arguments for
the immortality of the soul, afforded by the analogies
of nature or principle of moral retribution, are weak
and inconclusive. In fact, however, it is not by the
truth of the system or general philosophical views in
a poem (for which no one consults it) that its value
is to be estimated; since a poetical work may be

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"Nam jam non domus accipiet te lala, neque uxor, Optuma, nec dulceis occurrent oscula nati Præripere, et tacita pectus dulcedine tangunt,"


highly moral on account of its details, even when its | systematic scope is erroneous or apparently dangerous. Notwithstanding passages which seem to echo Spinozism, and almost justify crime, the Essay on Man is rightly considered as the most moral production of is said to be translated from a dirge chanted at Athethe most moral among the English poets. In like nian funerals; and the passage where he represents the manner, where shall we find exhortations more elo- feigned tortures of hell as but the workings of a guilty quent than those of Lucretius against ambition and and unquiet spirit, is versified from an oration of Escruelty, and luxury and lust; against all the dishonest chines against Timarchus. Notwithstanding, indeed, pleasures of the body, and all the turbulent pleasures the nature of the subject, which gave the poet little opof the mind?-In versifying the philosophical system portunity for those descriptions of the passions and of Epicurus, Lucretius appears to have taken Emped- feelings which generally form the chief charm in poeocles as a model. All the old Grecian bards of whom try, Lucretius has succeeded in imparting to his diwe have any account prior to Homer, as Orpheus, dactic and philosophical work much of the real spirit Linus, and Musæus, are said to have written poems of poetry; and if he had chosen a subject which would on the dryest and most difficult philosophical questions, have afforded him greater scope for the exercise of his as cosmogony or the generation of the world. The powers, he might have been ranked among the first of ancients evidently considered philosophic poetry as poets. Even in the work which has come down to of the highest kind, and its themes are invariably us, we find many passages which are not equalled by placed in the mouths of their divinest songsters. the best lines of any Latin poet, and which, for vigour Whether Lucretius may have been indebted to any of conception and splendour of diction, will bear a such ancient poems, still extant in his age, or to the comparison with the best efforts of the poets of any subsequent productions of Palæphatus the Athenian, age or country. In no writer does the Latin language Antiochus, or Eratosthenes, who, as Suidas informs display its majesty and stately grandeur so effectively us, wrote poems on the structure of the world, it as in Lucretius. There is a power and an energy in is impossible now to determine; but he seems to his descriptions that we rarely meet with in the Latin have availed himself considerably of the work of Em-poets; and no one who has read his invocation to Venus, pedocles. The poem of that philosopher, entitled at the beginning of the poem, or his delineation of the Tepi puoεws, and inscribed to his pupil Pausanias, Demon of Superstition and of the sacrifice of Iphiwas chiefly illustrative of the Pythagorean philosophy, genia, that come after; or his beautiful picture of the in which he had been initiated. Aristotle speaks on busy pursuits of men, at the commencement of the the subject of the merits of Empedocles in a manner second book, or the progress of the arts and sciences which does not seem to be perfectly consistent (ap. in the fifth, or his description of the plague which Eichst idt, Lucret., p. lxxxvii., ci., cii., ed. Lips., desolated Athens during the Peloponnesian war, at 1801), but we know that his poem was sufficiently the close of the sixth, can refuse to allow Lucrecelebrated to be publicly recited at the Olympic games tius a high rank among the poets of antiquity. along with the works of Homer. His philosophical the first and second books he chiefly expounds the system was different from that of Lucretius; but he cosmogony, or physical part of his system; a syshad discussed almost all the subjects on which the tem which had originally been founded by Leucippus, Roman bard afterward expatiated. In particular, Lu- and from his time had been successively improved by cretius appears to have derived from his predecessor Democritus and Epicurus. He establishes in these his notion of the original generation of man from the books his two great principles, that nothimg can be teeming earth; the production, at the beginning of the made from nothing, and that nothing can ever be anworld, of a variety of defective monsters, which were nihilated or return to nothing; and that there is in the not allowed to multiply their kinds; the distribution universe a void or space in which atoms interact. of animals according to the prevalence of one or other These atoms he believes to be the original component of the four elements over the rest in their composition; parts of all matter, as well as of animal life; and the the vicissitudes of matter between life and inanimate modification or arrangement of such corpuscles ocsubstance; and the leading doctrine, “mortem nihil casions, according to him, the whole difference in subad nos pertinere," because absolute insensibility is the stances. It cannot be denied, that in these two books consequence of dissolution. If Lucretius has in any particularly (but the observation is in some degree way benefited by the works of Empedocles, he has, in applicable to the whole poem), there are many barren return, been most lavish and eloquent in his commend- tracts, many physiological, meteorological, and geoations. One of the most delightful features in the logical details, which are at once too incorrect for the character of the Latin poet, is the glow of admiration philosophical, and too dry and abstract for the general with which he writes of his illustrious predecessors. reader. It is wonderful, however, how he contrives, His eulogium of the Sicilian philosopher, which he by the beauty of his images, to give a picturesque colhas so happily combined with that of the country ouring and illustration to the most unpromising topwhich gave him birth, affords a beautiful example of ics. In spite, however, of the power of Lucretius, it his manner of infusing into everything poetic sweet- was impossible, from the very nature of his subject, but ness. Ennius had translated into Latin verse the that some portions would prove altogether unsuscepGreek poem of Epicharmus, which, from the fragments tible of poetic embellishment. Yet it may be doubtpreserved, appears to have contained many specula- ed whether these intractable passages, by the charms tions with regard to the productive elements of which of contrast, do not add, like deserts to oases in their the world is composed, as also concerning the preserv-bosom, an additional deliciousness in proportion to ative powers of nature. To the works of Ennius our poet seems to have been indebted, partly as a model for enriching the still scanty Latin language with new terms, and partly as a treasury or storehouse of words already provided. Him too he celebrates with the most ardent and unfeigned enthusiasm. These writers, Empedocles and Ennius, were probably Lucretius' chief guides; and, though the most original of the Latin poets, many of his finest passages may be traced to the Greeks. The beautiful lamentation,

their own sterility. The philosophical analysis, too, employed by Lucretius, impresses the mind with the conviction that the poet is a profound thinker, and adds great force to his moral reflections. It is his bold and fearless manner, however, that most of all produces a powerful effect. While in other writers the eulogy of virtue seems in some sort to partake of the nature of a sermon, to be a conventional language, and words of course, we listen to Lucretius as to one who will fearlessly speak out; who has shut his ears to the murmurs of Acheron; and who, if he eulogizes

virtue, extols her because her charms are real-One | he is spoken of by all Roman critics and poets, with thing very remarkable in this great poet is the admi- the exception of Ovid. Perhaps the spirit of free rable clearness and closeness of his reasoning. He thinking which pervaded his writings rendered it un repeatedly values himself not a little on the circum-safe to extol even his poetical talents; or perhaps, stance that, with an intractable subject, and a language and this is the more probable supposition, the nature not yet accommodated to philosophical subjects, and of his subject, and the little taste which the Romans scanty in terms of physical as well as metaphysical in general manifested for speculations like those of science, he was able to give so much clearness to his Lucretius, may account for his poetry being esarguments; and this object it is generally admitted timated below its real merits.. The doctrines of that he has accomplished, with little or no sacrifice Lucretius, particularly that which impugns the superof pure Latinity.-The two leading tenets of Epicu- intending care of Providence, were first formally oprus, concerning the formation of the world and the posed by the Stoic Manilius, in his Astronomic poem. mortality of the soul, are established by Lucretius in În modern times, his whole philosophical system has the first three books. A great portion of the fourth been refuted in the long and elaborate poem of the book may be considered as episodical. Having ex- Cardinal Polignac, entitled "Anti-Lucretius, sive de plained the nature of primordial atoms, and of the Deo et Natura." This enormous work, though insoul, which is formed from the finest of them, he an- complete, consists of nine books, of about 1300 lines nounces that there are certain images (rerum simula- each, and the whole is addressed to Quintius, an athecra) or effluvia which are constantly thrown off from ist, who corresponds to the Lorenzo of the Night the surface of whatever exists. On this hypothesis Thoughts. Descartes is the Epicurus of the poem, he accounts for all our external senses; and he ap- and the subject of many heavy panegyrics. In the plies it also to the theory of dreams, in which what- philosophical part of his subject, the cardinal has ever images have occupied the senses during day sometimes refuted at too great length propositions most readily recur. The principal subject of the fifth which were manifestly absurd; at others, he has imbook, a composition unrivalled in energy and richness pugned demonstrated truths, and the moral system of of language, in full and genuine sublimity, is the ori- Lucretius he throughout has grossly misunderstood. gin and laws of the visible world, with those of its But he has rendered ample justice to his poetical inhabitants. The poet presents us with a grand rep- merit; and, in giving a compendium of the subject of resentation of Chaos, and the most magnificent account his great antagonist's poem, he has caught some share of the creation that ever flowed from mortal pen. In of the poetical spirit with which his predecessor was consequence of their ignorance and superstitions, the inspired. (Dunlop's Roman Literature, vol. 1, p. 416, Roman people were rendered perpetual slaves of the seqq.)-The work of Lucretius, like that of Virgil, most idle and unfounded terrors. In order to coun- had not received the finishing hand of its author at teract these popular prejudices, and to heal the con- the period of his death. The tradition that Cicero restant disquietudes that accompanied them, Lucretius vised it and gave it to the public, does not rest on proceeds, in the sixth book, to account for a variety any authority more ancient than that of Eusebius; of extraordinary phenomena, both in the heavens and and, had the story been true, it would probably have on the earth, which at first view seemed to deviate been mentioned in some part of Cicero's voluminous from the usual laws of nature. Having discussed the writings, or those of the early critics. Eichstädt, various theories formed to account for electricity, while he denies the revisal by Cicero, is of opinion water-spouts, hurricanes, the rainbow, and volcanoes, that it had been corrected by some critic or grammahe lastly considers the origin of pestilential and en- rian; and that thus two manuscripts, differing in many demic disorders. This introduces the celebrated ac- respects from each other, had descended to posterity, count of the plague, which ravaged Athens during the the one as it came from the hand of the poet, and the Peloponnesian war, with which Lucretius concludes other as amended by the reviser. The opinion, how this book and his magnificent poem. "In this narra- ever, though advocated with much learning and intive," says a late translator of Lucretius, "the true genuity, is an untenable one. The best editions of genius of poetry is perhaps more powerfully and tri- Lucretius are, that of Lambinus, Paris, 1564, 1570, umphantly exhibited than in any other poem that was 4to, with a very useful commentary; Creech, Oxon., ever written. Lucretius has ventured on one of the 1695, 8vo, often reprinted; Havercamp, Lugd. Bat., most uncouth and repressing subjects to the muses 1725, 2 vols. 4to; Wakefield, Lond., 1796, 4to, 3 that can possibly be brought forward, the history and vols., and Glasg., 1813, 8vo, 4 vols.; and that of Forsymptoms of a disease, and this disease accompanied biger Lips., 1828 12mo. A good edition, however, is with circumstances naturally the most nauseous and still much wanted, as Wakefield's is at best an unindelicate. It was a subject altogether new to nu- satisfactory performance, and Eichstädt's has never merical composition; and he had to strive with all been completed.-II. Spurius Lucretius Tricipitinus, the pedantry of technical terms, and all the abstruse- the father of Lucretia, was chosen as colleague in ness of a science in which he does not appear to have the consulship to Poplicola, to supply the place of been professionally initiated. He strove, however, Brutus, who had fallen in battle. He died, however, and he conquered. In language the most captivating soon after his election, and M. Horatius was appointand nervous, and with ideas the most precise and ap-ed to finish the year. (Liv., 1, 58.-Id., 2, 8.) propriate, he has given us the entire history of this tremendous pestilence. The description of the symptoms, and also the various circumstances of horror and distress attending this dreadful scourge, have been derived from Thucydides, who furnished the facts with great accuracy, having been himself a spectator and a sufferer under this calamity. His narrative is esteemed an elaborate and complete perform ance; and to the faithful yet elegant detail of the Greek historian, the Roman bard has added all that was necessary to convert the description into poetry." In the whole history of Roman taste and criticism, nothing appears so extraordinary as the slight mention that is made of Lucretius by succeeding Latin authors; and, when mentioned, the coldness with which

LUCRINUS, a lake in Italy, near Cuma, on the coast of Campania. According to Dio Cassius (48, 50), there were three lakes in this quarter lying one behind the other. The outermost was called Tyrrhenus, the middle one Lucrinus, and the innermost Avernus. The Lucrine was shut in from the outermost lake or bay by a dike raised across the narrow inlet. This work, according to Strabo, was eight stadia in length, and of a chariot's breadth: tradition ascribed it to Hercules. (Strab., 245.) Agrippa cut a communication between these lakes and the sea, and built at the opening, but between and uniting the Lucrine and Avernian lakes, the famous Julian Harbour. The object in doing this chiefly was to procure a place along the coast fit for exercising and training a body

of seamen previous to the contest with Sextus Pom-
peius. (Sueton., Vit. Aug., 16.-Vell. Paterc., 2,
79-Compare Virgil, Georg., 2, 161.-Horat., Ep.
ad Pis., 63.) The woods, also, which surrounded
Avernus in particular, were cut down, and, the stag-
nant vapour being thus dissipated, the vicinity was
rendered healthy. By this operation much land was
reclaimed, which before had been covered by these
lakes, an outlet being afforded to their waters into the
sea. The shores of the Lucrine lake were famous
for oysters.
In the year 1538, an earthquake formed
a hill, called Monte Nuovo, near two miles in circuin-
ference, and 200 feet high, consisting of lava, burn-
ed stones, scoria, &c., which left no appearance of a
a lake, but a morass, filled with grass and rushes.
(Cramer's Anc. Italy, vol. 2, p. 159.)

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immense expense, was open to all learned men. He lived on intimate terms with Cicero, who has highly praised his learning, and has inscribed one of his books with the name of his friend, namely, the 4th book of his "Academic Questions," in which he makes Lucullus define the philosophical opinions of the Old Academy. It is said that, during the latter years of his life, Lucullus lost his senses, and that his brother had the care of his estate. He died in his 67th or 68th year. We have a life of him by Plutarch. (Plut., Vit. Lucull.-Appian, Bell. Mithrad.-Encycl. Us. Knowl., vol. 14, p. 192.)

LUCUMO, the title applied to the hereditary chiefs who ruled over each of the twelve independent tribes of the Etrurian nation. It would seem also to have been given to the eldest sons of noble families, who, by their right of primogeniture, would have a fairer claim to public offices and the honours of the state. (Müller, Etrusker, vol. 1, p. 356.) The original Etrurian term was Lauchme, and hence among the Latin writers we sometimes meet with the form Lucmo, as in Propertius (4, 1, 29). Niebuhr thinks that the words Lucumo and Luceres may be both referred in etymology to Luger, the old German for "a seer," and may have had reference originally to divining by auspices, a privilege reserved for the rulers of the state and the heads of houses. (Rom. Hist., vol. 1, p. 242, Walter's transl.)

LUDI, I. Apollinares, games in honour of Apollo, celebrated annually at Rome on the fifth of July, and for several days thereafter. They were instituted during the second Punic war, for the purpose of propitiating success, and at first had no fixed time of celebration, until this was determined by a law which P. Licinius Varus, the city prætor, had passed. After this they were held, as above mentioned, in July. (Liv., 25, 12.—Id., 27, 23.- Manut., ad Cic., Ep. ad Att., 1, 16.)—II. Cereales, called also simply Cerealia, a festival in honour of Ceres, accompanied with public games in the circus, at which the people sat arrayed in white, and during and immediately before which the greatest abstemiousness was enjoined. The injunction was removed at nightfall. The celebration took place on the 9th of April. (Aul. Gell., 18, 2, seqq.—Plaut., Aulul., 2, 6, 5.)—-III. Magni or Romani, celebrated in honour of Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva. They were the most famous of the Roman games. (Cic. in Verr., 7, 14.)-IV. Megalenses, called also simply Megalesia, celebrated in honour of Cybele, or the great mother of the gods. Hence the name from uɛyáŋ (fem. of μéyaç), "great," an epithet applied to Cybele (uɛyán unτnp, "great mother"). They were instituted towards the end of the second Punic war, when the statue of the goddess was brought from Pessinus to Rome. (Liv., 29, 14.) Ovid makes the time of celebration the 4th of April, (Fast, 4, 179); but Livy mentions the 12th of the same month. (Liv., 29, 14.) The statement of Ovid is generally considered the more correct.

LUCULLUS, LUCIUS LICINIUS, descended from a distinguished Roman family, was born about B.C. 115, and served under Sylla in the Marsian war. Sylla had a very high opinion of the talents and integrity of Lucullus, and employed him, though he was very young, in many important enterprises. While the former was besieging Athens (B. C. 87), Lucullus was sent into Egypt and Africa to collect a fleet; and, after the conclusion of the war with Mithradates, he was left in Asia to collect the money which Sylla had imposed upon the conquered states. So great, indeed, was the regard which Sylla had for him, that he dedicated his commentaries to him, and, in his last will, made him guardian to his son. In B.C. 74 Lucullus was elected consul, and was appointed to the command of the war against Mithradates. During the following eight years he was entirely engaged in conducting this war; and, in a series of brilliant campaigns, completely defeated Mithradates, and his powerful son-in-law Tigranes. In B.C. 73 he overcame Mithradates at Cyzicus, on the Propontis; and in the following year again conquered him at Cabiri, on the borders of Pontus and Armenia. In B.C. 69 he marched into Armenia against Tigranes, who had espoused the cause of his father-in-law, and completely defeated his forces near Tigranocerta. He followed up his victory by the capture of this place, and in the following year took also Nisibis, in the northern part of Mesopotamia; but he was not able to derive | all the advantage he might have done from his victories, in consequence of the mutinous disposition of his soldiers. Lucullus never appears to have been a favourite with his troops; and their disaffection was increased by the acts of Clodius, whose sister Lucullus had married. The popular party at home were not slow in attacking a general who had been the personal friend of Sylla, and who was known to be a powerful supporter of the patrician party. They accused him of protracting the war, on account of the facilities it afforded him of acquiring wealth; and eventually carried a measure by which he was removed from the command, and succeeded by Pompey, B.C. 66.-The senate, according to Plutarch, had looked forward to Lucullus as likely to prove a most powerful supporter of the patrician order: but in this they were disappointed; for, on his return to Rome, he took no part in public affairs, but passed the remainder of his life in retirement. The immense fortune which he had amassed during his command in Asia he employed in the erection of most magnificent villas near Naples and Tusculum: and he lived in a style of magnificence and luxury which appears to have astonished even the most wealthy of his contem-senate to re-assemble at Lugdunum the inhabitants of poraries. Lucullus was a man of refined taste and Vienna or Vienne, who had been driven out of their liberal education: he wrote in his youth the history city by the Allobroges. (Dio Cass., 46, 50.) In a of the Marsian war in Greek (Plut., Vit. Lucull, little while it became very powerful, so that Strabo c. 1. Compare Cic., Ep. ad Att., 1, 12), and was a (192) says, it was not inferior to Narbo or Narbonne warm supporter of learning and the arts. His houses with respect to the number of inhabitants. The anwere decorated with the most costly paintings and cient city did not occupy exactly the same spot as the statues, and his library, which he had collected at ann.odern one, but lay on the west side of the Rhone

LUGDUNENSIS GALLIA, a part of Gaul, which received its name from Lugdunum, the capital city of the province. (Consult the article Gallia, p. 530, col 2, near the end.)

LUGDUNUM, I. a city of Gaul, situate near the confluence of the Rhodanus or Rhone, and the Arar or Saône. (Plin, 4, 18.) It was one of the places conquered by Cæsar, and, a short time after his death, Munatius Plancus received orders from the Roman

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