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the verses, set out the Iliad and Odyssey." (Elian, V. H., 13, 14.)-"We praise Pisistratus," observes Libanius, "for his collection of the verses made by Homer." (4 (Liban., Pan. in Iul., vol. 1, p. 170, ed. Reiske.)—"The poetry of the Iliad," says Eustathius, "is one continuous body throughout, and well fitted together; but they who put it together, under the direction, as is said, of Pisistratus," &c. (Wolf, Pro

compelled the rhapsodists to follow one another, according to the order of the poem, and for having thus restored these great works, which were falling into fraginents, to their pristine integrity. It is indeed true, that some arbitrary additions may have been made to them at this period; which, however, we can only hope to be able to distinguish from the rest of the poem, by first coming to some general agreement as to the original form and subsequent destiny of the Ho-legom., p. cxliii., in not.)-That this collection was meric compositions. (Müller, Hist. Gr. Lit., p. 62, seq.)

Introduction of the Homeric Poems into Greece. Two different accounts are given on this head. 1. First, it is said that Lycurgus, the Spartan legislator, met with the poems of Homer during his travels in Asia, and, being charmed with them, carried them with him by some means, and in some shape or other, back to his native city. The authority for this is a passage of a fragment of Heraclides Ponticus, in which he says that Lycurgus, "having procured the poetry of Homer from the descendants of Creophylus, first introduced it into the Peloponnesus." Elian (V. H., 13, 14) repeats this with advantage: "Lycurgus the Spartan first carried the poetry of Homer in a mass into Greece." Plutarch (Vit. Lycurg.) finishes off the story in his usual manner. "There (in Asia) Lycurgus first fell in with the poems of Homer, probably in the keeping of the descendants of Cleophylus; he wrote them out eagerly, and collected them together for the purpose of bringing them hither into Greece; for there was already at that time an obscure rumour of these verses among the Greeks, but some few only possessed some scattered fragments of this poetry, which were circulated in a chance manner. Lycurgus had the principal hand in making it known." This Creophylus or Cleophylus, a Samian, is said to have been Homer's host in Samos, and a poet himself. The nucleus of fact in this story may probably consist in this; that Lycurgus became more acquainted with *he Homeric verses among the Ionian rhapsodists, and succeeded in introducing, by means of his own or others' memory, some connected portions of them into Western Greece. That he wrote them all out is, as we may see, so far as the original authority goes, due to the ingenious biographer alone. But the better founded account of the introduction, or, at least, of the formal collection of the Homeric verses, though not inconsistent with the other, is, that, after Solon had directed that the rhapsodists should, upon public occasions, recite in a certain order of poetical narration, and not confusedly, the end before the beginning, as had been the previous practice, Pisistratus, with the help of a large body of the most celebrated poets of his age, made a regular collection of the different rhapsodies which passed under Homer's name, committed them all to writing, and arranged them very much in the series in which we now possess them. The division of the rhapsodies into books corresponding with the letters of the Greek alphabet, was probably the work of the Alexandrean critics many centuries afterward. Now the authorities for attributing this primary reduction into form to Pisistratus, are numerous and express, and a few quotations from them will be the most satisfactory way of putting the student in possession of the opinions of the ancients upon this subject." Who," says Cicero, "was more learned in that age, or whose eloquence is reported to have been more refined by literature than that of Pisistratus, who is said first to have disposed the books of Homer, which were before confused, in the order in which we now have them?" (Cic., de Orat., 3, 34.)-" Pisistratus," observes Pausanias, "collected the verses of Homer, which were dispersed, and retained in different places by memory." (Pausanias, 7, 26.)—" Afterward," remarks Elian, "Pisistratus, having collected

made with the assistance, and probably by the principal operation of the contemporary poets, rests also upon good authority. Pausanias, in speaking of v. 573, in the second book of the Iliad, says that Pisistratus, or some one of his associates, had changed the name through ignorance. "Afterward," remarks Suidas, "this poetry was put together and set in order by many persons, and in particular by Pisistratus." (Suid., s. v. "Ounpos.) The great poets with whom Pisistratus lived in friendship, and of whose aid he is supposed to have availed himself on this occasion, were Orpheus of Crotona, said to be the author of the Argonautics, Onomacritus the Athenian, Simonides, and Anacreon. In the dialogue called Hipparchus, attributed to Plato, it is said, indeed, of the younger son of Pisistratus of that name, "that he executed many other excellent works, and particularly he brought the verses of Homer into this country, and compelled the rhapsodists at the Panathenaic festival to go through them all in order, one taking up the other, in the same manner that they do now.' There seems, however, no great inconsistency in these statements. They may very reasonably be reconciled, by supposing that this great work of collecting and arranging the scattered verses of the Homeric rhapsodists was begun in an imperfect manner by Solon, principally executed by Pisistratus and his friends, and finished under Hipparchus. This will embrace about eighty years from the date of Solon's law, E.C. 594, to the death of Hipparchus, B.C. 513. It must be remembered, however, that, although the Homeric rhapsodies were undoubtedly committed to writing, and reduced into a certain form and order of composition, in the age of the Pisistratida, the ancient and national practice of recitation still continued in honour, and for a considerable time afterward was, perhaps, the only mode by which those poems were popularly known. But it may readily be believed, that, in proportion as written copies became multiplied, a power of, and taste for, reading generated, and a literature, in the narrow sense of the word, created, this practice of publicly reciting national poetry, which was as congenial as it was indispensable to a primitive and unlettered people, would gradually sink in estimation, become degraded in character, and finally fall into complete disuse. This we find to have been precisely the case from about the year B.C. 430, till the age of the Alexandrean critics, under the polite and civilized government of the Ptolemies. The old manner of reciting was no doubt very histrionic; but after the formation of a regular theatre, and the composition of formal dramas in the time of Eschylus, the heroic verses of the Homeric age must have seemed very unfit vehicles of, or accompaniments to, scenic effect of any kind. In this interval, therefore, are to be placed a third and last race of rhapsodists, now no longer the fellow-poets and congenial interpreters of their originals, but, in general, a low and ignorant sort of men, who were acceptable only to the meanest of the people. Xenophon (Sympos., 3) and Plato (Ion, passim) bear abundant testimony to the contempt with which they were regarded, though the object of the latter in the Ion or Ionian was probably to sketch a true and exalted picture of the duty and the character of a genuine rhapsodist. There were many editions, or Alopowoɛts, as they were called, of the Iliad, after this primary one by the Pisistratida. We read of one by Antimachus,

2. Batrachomyomachia.

a poet of Colophon; and of another very celebrated others, however, the Margites was attributed to Pi one by Aristotle, which edition Alexander is said to gres; and Knight is of opinion, from the use of the have himself corrected and kept in a very precious augment in the few lines still preserved, that it was casket, taken among the spoils of the camp of Darius. the work of an Athenian earlier than the time of This edition was called έK TOυ vúponkoг. The edi- Xerxes, but long after the lowest time of the compotions by any known individual were called ai κar' av-sition of the Iliad. (Coleridge, Introduction, &c., p dpa, to distinguish them from several editions existing 180.) in different cities, but not attributed to any particular These latter were called αἱ κατὰ πόλεις, οι editors. ai èk móλewv. The Massiliotic, Chian, Argive, Sinopic, Cyprian, and Cretan are mentioned. There are three other names very conspicuous among the multitude of critics, and commentators, and editors of the Iliad in subsequent times; these are Zenodotus, Aristophanes, the inventor of accents, and Aristarchus. This last celebrated man lived in the reign of Ptolemy Philometor, B.C. 150, and, after a collation of all the copies then existing, he published a new edition, or Atópowoc, of the Iliad, divided into books, the text of which, according to the general opinion of critics, has finally prevailed as the genuine diction of Homer. (Coleridge, Introduction, &c., p. 37-55.) In the preface to Gronovius' Thesaurus (vol. 5), there is a particular and curious account of the manner in which Pisistratus put together the poems of Homer. It is taken from the Commentary of Diomedes Scholasticus on the grammar of Dionysius the Thracian, and was first published in the original Greek by Bekker, in the second vol. of his Anecdota Græca (p. 767, seqq.). It is in substance as follows: The poems of Homer were in a fragmentary state, in different hands. One man had a hundred verses; another two hundred; a third a thousand, &c. Thereupon Pisistratus, not being able to find the poems entire, proclaimed all over Greece, that whoever brought to him verses of Homer, should receive so much for each line. All who brought any received the promised reward, even those who brought lines which he had already obtained from others. Sometimes people brought him verses of their own for those of Homer, now marked with an obelus (roùç vùv bbɛhišoμévovç). After having thus made a collection, he employed 72 grammarians to put together the verses of Homer in the manner they thought best. After each had separately arranged the verses, he brought them all together, and made each show to the whole his own particular work. Having all in a body examined carefully and impartially, they with one accord gave the preference to the compositions of Aristarchus and Zenodotus, and determined still farther, that the former had made the better one of the two. (Bekker, Anec. Græc., l. c.)

Iliad and Odyssey.

For an account of these two poems, and the discussions connected with them, consult the articles Ilias and Odyssea. The remainder of our remarks on the present occasion will be confined to a brief consideration of a few minor productions that are commonly attributed to Homer.

1. Margites.

This poem, which was a satire upon some strenuous blockhead, as the name implies, does not now exist;


was so famous in former times that it seems proper to select it for a slight notice from among the score of lost works attributed to the hand of Homer. It is said by Harpocration that Callimachus admired the Margites, and Dio Chrysostom says (Diss. 53) that Zeno the philosopher wrote a commentary on it. A genuine verse, taken from this poem, is well known: Πόλλ' ἠπίστατο ἔργα, κακῶς δ ̓ ἐπίστατο πάντα. "For much he knew, but everything knew ill.” Two other lines in the same strain are preserved by Aristotle, and one less peculiar is found in the scholiast to the Birds of Aristophanes (v. 914).


"The Battle of the Frogs and Mice" is a short mock-heroic poem of ancient date. The text varies in different editions, and is obviously disturbed and corrupt to a great degree. It is commonly said to have been a juvenile essay of Homer's genius; but others have attributed it to the same Pigres mentioned above, whose reputation for humour seems to have invited the appropriation of any piece of ancient wit, the author of which was uncertain. So little did the Greeks, before the era of the Ptolemies, know or care about that department of criticism which is employed in determining the genuineness of ancient writings. As to this little poem being a youthful prolusion of Homer's, it seems sufficient to say, that from the beginning to the end it is a plain and palpable parody, not only of the general spirit, but of numerous passages of the Iliad itself; and, even if no such intention to parody were discoverable in it, the objection would still remain, that, to suppose a work of mere burlesque to be the primary effort of poetry in a simple age, seems to reverse that order in the development of national taste, which the history, of every other people in Europe and of many in Asia has almost ascertained to be a law of the human mind. It is in a state of society much more refined and permanent than that described in the Iliad, that any popularity would attend such a ridicule of war and the gods as is contained in this poem; and the fact of there having existed three other poems of the same kind, attributed, for aught we can see, with as much reason to Homer, is a strong inducement to believe that none of them were in reality of the Homeric age. Knight infers, from the usage of the word déλros, as a writing tablet, instead of diodépa or a skin, which, according to He rodotus (5, 58), was the material employed by the Asiatic Greeks for that purpose, that this poem was another offspring of Attic ingenuity; and, generally, that the familiar mention of the cock (v. 191) is a strong argument against so ancient a date for its composition.

3. Hymns.

The Homeric Hymns, including the hymn to Ceres and the fragment to Bacchus, which were discovered in the last century at Moscow, and edited by Ruhnken, amount to thirty-three; but with the exception of those to Apollo, Mercury, Venus, and Ceres, they are so short as not to consist of more than about three hundred and fifty lines in all. Almost all modern critics, with the eminent exception of Hermann, deny that any of these hymns belong to Homer. Nevertheless, it is certain that they are of high antiquity, and were commonly attributed by the ancients to Homer with almost as much confidence as the Iliad and Odyssey. Thucydides (3, 104) quotes a passage from the Hymn to Apollo, and alleges the authority of Homer, whom he expressly takes to be the writer, to prove an historical remark; and Diodorus Siculus (3, 66; 4,2), Pausanias (2, 4), and many other ancient authors, cite different verses from these hymns, and always treat them as genuine Homeric remains. On the other hand, in the Life under the name of Plutarch, nothing is allowed to be genuine but the Iliad and Odyssey; Athenæus (1, 19) suspects one of the Homeridæ or Homeric rhapsodists to be the author of the Hymn to Apollo; and the scholiast to Pindar (Nem. 2) testifies, that one Cynæthus, a Chian rhapsodist, who flourished

in great reputation at Syracuse about 500 B.C., was | The Homonadenses were a wild and plundering peosupposed by many to be the real Homer of this particular poem. One thing, however, is certain, that these hymns are extremely ancient, and it is probable that some of them only yield to the Iliad and Odyssey in remoteness of date. They vary in character and poetical merit; but there is scarcely one among them that has not something to interest us, and they have all of them, in a greater or less degree, that simple Homeric liveliness which never fails to charm us wherever we meet with it.

4. Epigrams.

Under the title of Epigrams are classed a few verses on different subjects, chiefly addresses to cities or private individuals. There is one short hymn to Neptune which seems out of its place here. In the fourth epigram, Homer is represented as speaking of his blindness and his itinerant life. As regards the general character of the Greek Epigram, it may here be remarked, that it is so far from being the same with, or even like to, the Epigram of modern times, that sometimes it is completely the reverse. In general, the songs in Shakspeare, Ben Jonson, Waller, and, where he writes with simplicity, in Moore, give a better notion of the Greek Epigrams than any other species of modern composition.

5. Fragments.

The Fragments, as they are called, consist of a few scattered lines which are said to have been formerly found in the Iliad, the Odyssey, and the other supposed works of Homer, and to have been omitted as spurious or dropped by chance from their ostensible context. Besides these, there are some passages from the Little Iliad, and a string of verses taken from Homer's answers in the old work, called the Contests of Homer and Hesiod. (Coleridge, Introduction, &c., p. 235.)


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Since the Homeric question was first agitated by Wolf and Heyne, it has been placed on a very different footing by the labours of more recent scholars. The student may consult with advantage the following works: Nitzsch, de Historia Homeri Meletemata.Kreuser, Vorfragen über Homeros.-Id., Homerische Rhapsoden. Müller, Homerische Vorschule. Heinecke, Homer und Lycurg.-Knight, Prolegomena ad Homerum. London Quarterly Review, No. 87. — Müller's Review of Nitzsch's work, in the Göttingen, Gel. Anzeigen, for Febr., 1831.-Hermann's remarks in the Wiener Jahrbücher, vol. 54.-Hug, Erfindung der Buchstabenschrift.-An argument which confines itself to the writings of Wolf and Heyne, can now add but little to our means of forming a judgment on the Homeric question, and must keep some of its most important elements out of sight. (Thirlwall's Greece, vol. 1, p 248, in notis.)-The best edition of the Iliad is that of Heyne, Lips., 1802-1822, 9 vols. 8vo. The most popular edition of the entire works is that of Clarke, improved by Ernesti, Lips., 1759, 1824, Glasg., 1814, 5 vols. 8vo. The most critical one, however, is that of Wolf, Lips., 1804-1807, 4 vols. 12mo. A good edition of the Odyssey is still needed, though the want may in a great measure be supplied by the excellent commentary of Nitzsch, Hannov., 1826-1831, 2 vols. 8vo.-II. A poet, surnamed, for distinction' sake, the Younger. He was a native of Hierapolis in Caria, and flourished under Ptolemy Philadelphus. Homer the Younger formed one of the Tragic Pleiades. (Schöll, Gesch. Gr. Lit., vol. 2, p. 41.)

HOMONADA, a strong fortress of Cilicia Trachea, on the confines of Isauria. This place Mannert makes to belong to Pisidia. (Geogr., vol. 6, pt. 2, p. 166.)

ple, and greatly infested the neighbouring country. They were subdued, however, by the Roman commander Quirinus, who blocked up the passages of the mountains, and reduced them by famine. D'Anville was of opinion, that Homonada was represented by the fortress of Ermenak, situate near the sources of the Giuk-sou; and this locality has been adopted by Gossellin and others. (French Strabo, vol. 4, pt. 2, p. 100.) But Col. Leake, in his map, supposes Ermenak to be Philadelphia. (Cramer's Asia Minor, vol. 2, p. 333.)

HONORIUS, son of Theodosius the Great, and younger brother of Arcadius, was born at Constantinople A.D. 384. After the death of his father in 395, Honorius had for his share the Empire of the West, under the guardianship of Stilicho, a distinguished general of the imperial armies, and fixed his residence at Milan. For several years after, Stilicho was the real sovereign of the West; and he also endeavoured to extend his sway over the territories of Arcadius in the East, under the pretence of defending them against the Goths. He gave his daughter Maria in marriage to Honorius, and recovered the province of Africa. which had revolted. About A.D. 400, the Goths and the Huns, under Alaric and Radagaisus, invaded Italy, but were repelled by Stilicho. In the year 402, Alaric came again into Italy, and spread alarm as far as Rome, when Stilicho hastily collected an army, with which he met Alaric at Pollentia, on the banks of the Tanarus, completely defeated him, and compelled him to recross the Noric Alps. After this victory Honorius repaired to Rome with Stilicho, where they were both received with great applause. On that occasion Honorius abolished by a decree the fights of gladiators, and he also forbade, under penalty of death, all sacrifices and offerings to the pagan gods, and ordered their statues to be destroyed. In the year 404 Honorius left Rome for Ravenna, where he established his court, making it the seat of his empire, like another Rome, in consequence of which, the province in which Ravenna is situated assumed the name of Romania, Romaniola, and afterward Romagna, which last it retains to this day. In the following year Radagaisus again invaded Italy with a large force of barbarians, but was completely defeated, and put to death by Stilicho, in the mountains near Fasule in Etruria. In the next year, the Vandals, the Alani, the Alemanni, and other barbarians, crossed the Rhine and invaded Gaul. A soldier, named Constantine, revolted in Britain, usurped the imperial power, and, having passed over into Gaul, established his dominion over part of it, and was acknowledged by Honorius as his colleague, with the title of Augustus. Stilicho now began to be suspected of having an understanding with the barbarians, and especially with Alaric, to whom he advised the emperor to pay a tribute of 4000 pounds' weight of gold. Honorius, in consequence, gave an order for his death, which was executed at Ravenna, in August of the year 408. Historians are divided concerning the fact of Stilicho's treason. Zosimus and the poet Claudian consider it a calumny. His death, however, was fatal to the empire, of which he was the only remaining support. Alaric again invaded Italy, besieged Rome, and at last took it, and proclaimed the prefect Attalus emperor. Honorius meantime remained inactive, and shut up within Ravenna. The continued indecision and bad faith of Honorius, or, rather, of his favourites, brought Alaric again before Rome, which was this time plundered by the invader (A.D. 410). After Alaric's death, his son Ataulphus married Placidia, sister of Honorius, and took possession of Spain. The rest of the reign of Honorius was a succession of calamities. The Empire of the West was now falling to pieces on every side; and in the midst of the universal ruin, Hono

rius died of the dropsy at Ravenna, in August, 423, | fied with the country school of Flavius (Serm., 1, 6, leaving no issue. (Gibbon, Decline and Fall, c. 29, seqq.-Encycl. Us. Knowl., vol. 12, p. 281.) HORAPOLLO, or HORUS APOLLO, a grammarian of Alexandrea, according to Suidas, in the time of the Roman emperor Theodosius. He taught, first in his native city, and afterward in Constantinople, and wrote, under the title of Teμeviká, a work on consecrated places. Several other writers of this name are mentioned by Suidas, by Stephanus of Byzantium (s. v. Þevébnðiç), by Photins (p. 536, ed. Bekker), and by Eustathius (ad Ód. 4). It is doubtful to which one of the whole number a treatise which has come down to us on Egyptian Hieroglyphics is to be ascribed. According to the inscription that is found in most MSS., the work was originally written in Egyptian, and translated into Greek by a person named Philip. But, whatever opinion we may form respecting the author, it is evident that the work could not have been written before the Christian era, since it contains allusions to the philosophical tenets of the Gnostics. Its merits are differently estimated. The object of the writer appears to have been, not to furnish a key to the Hieroglyphic system, but to explain the emblems and attributes of the gods. Champollion, and Leemans in his edition of the work, are disposed to attribute greater importance to it than former critics had been willing to allow. The best edition is that of Leemans, Amst., 1834, 8vo. Previous to the appearance of this, the best edition was that of De Pauw, Traj. ad Rhen., 1727, 4to.

72), removed with his son to Rome, where he was placed under the care of a celebrated teacher, Orbilius Pupillus, of Beneventum, whose life has been written by Suetonius. (De Illustr. Gramm., c. 9.) After studying the ancient Latin poets (Epist., 2, 1, 70, seg.), Horace acquired the Greek language. (Epist., 2, 2, 41, seq.) He also enjoyed, during the course of his education, the advice and assistance of his father, who appears to have been a sensible man, and who is mentioned by his son with the greatest esteem and respect. (Serm., 1, 4, 105, seqq.; 1, 6, 76, seqq.) It is probable that, soon after he had assumed the toga virilis, at the age of seventeen, he went to Athens to pursue his studies (Epist., 2, 2, 43), where he appears to have remained till the breaking out of the civil war during the second triumvirate. In this contest he joined the army of Brutus, was promoted to the rank of military tribune (Serm., 1, 6, 48), and was present at the battle of Philippi, his flight from which he compares to a similar act on the part of the Greek poet Alcæus. (Od., 2, 7, 9.) Though the life of Horace was spared, his paternal property at Venusia was confiscated (Epist., 2, 2, 49), and he repaired to Rome, with the hope of obtaining a living by his literary exertions. Some of his poems attracted the notice of Virgil and Varius, who introduced him to Mæcenas, and the liberality of the minister quickly relieved the poet from all pecuniary difficulties. From this eventful epoch for our bard, the current of his life flowed on in smooth and gentle course. Satisfied with the competency which the kindness of his patron had bestowed, Horace declined the offers made him by Augustus, to take him into his service as private secretary, and steadily resisted the temptation thus held out of rising to opulence and political consideration; advantages which, to one of his philosophical temperament, would have been dearly purchased by the sacrifice of his independence. For that he was independent in the noblest sense of the word, in freedom of thought and action, is evidenced by that beautiful epistle to Mæcenas, in which he states, that if the favour of his patron is to be secured by a slavish renunciation of his own habits and feelings, he will at once say, Farewell to fortune, and welcome poverty! (Epist., 1, 7.)-Not long after his introduction to Maecenas the journey to Brundisium took place, and the gift of his Sabine estate soon followed. Rendered independent by the bounty of Mæcenas, high in the favour of Augustus, courted by the proudest patricians of Rome, and blessed in the friendship of his brother poets, Virgil, Tibullus, and Varius, it is difficult to conceive a state of more perfect temporal felicity than Horace must have enjoyed. This happiness was first sensibly interrupted by the death of Virgil, which was shortly succeeded by that of Tibullus. These losses must have sunk deeply into his mind. The solemn thoughts and grave studies which, in the first epistle of his first book, he declares shall henceforward occupy his time, were, if we may judge from the second epistle of the second book, addressed to Julius Florus, confirmed by those sad warnings of the frail tenure of existence. The severest blow, however, which Horace had to encounter, was inflicted by the HORATIUS, I. QUINTUS FLACCUs, a celebrated Ro- dissolution of his early friend and best patron Mæceman poet, born at Venusia or Venusium, December nas. He had declared that he could never survive the 8th, B.C. 65, during the consulship of L. Aurelius loss of one who was "part of his soul" (Od., 2, 17, 5), Cotta and L. Manlius Torquatus. (Od., 3, 21, 1.- and his prediction was verified. The death of the Epod., 13, 6.) His father, who was a freedman of poet occurred only a few weeks after that of his friend, the Horatian family, had gained considerable property on the 27th of November, B.C. 8, when he had nearly as a coactor, a name applied to the servant of the mon- completed his 58th year, and his remains were deey-brokers, who attended at sales at auction, and col- posited next to those of Mæcenas, at the extremity of lected the money from the purchasers. (Serm., 1, 6, the Esquiline Hill.-When at Rome, Horace resided 6.) With these gains he purchased a farm in the in a small and plainly-furnished mansion on the Esquineighbourhood of Venusia, on the banks of the Aufi- line. When he left the capital, he either betook himdus. In this place Horace appears to have lived until self to his Sabine farm or his villa at Tibur, the modnis eleventh or twelfth year, when his father, dissatis-ern Tivoli. When in the country, as the whim seized

HORE (pa), the Seasons or Hours, who had charge of the gates of Heaven. Hesiod says that they were the daughters of Jupiter and Themis; and he names them Eunomia (Order), Dike (Justice), and Eirene (Peace). "They watch," adds the poet, "over the works of mortal man" (py' paíοvσi KaTalvηToiot Sporotol. Theog., 903). By an unknown poet (ap. Stobaum.-Lobeck, Aglaoph., p. 600), the Hora are called the daughters of Time; and by late poets they were named the children of the year, and their number was increased to twelve. (Nonnus, 11, 486.-Id., 12, 17.) Some made them seven or ten in number. (Hygin., fab., 183.)-The Hore seem to have been originally regarded as presiding over the three seasons into which the ancient Greeks divided the year. (Welcker, Tril., p. 500, nol.) As the day was similarly divided (I., 21, 111), they came to be regarded as presiding over its parts also; and when it was farther subdivided into hours, these minor parts were placed under their charge, and were named from them. (Quint., Smyrn., 2, 595.-Nonnus, l. c.) Order and regularity being their prevailing attributes, the transition was easy from the natural to the moral world; and the guardian goddesses of the seasons were regarded as presiding over law, justice, and peace, the great producers of order and harmony among men. (Keightley's Mythology, p. 190, seq.)

HORATIA, the sister of the Horatii, killed by her surviving brother for deploring the death of her betrothed, one of the Curiatii, and for reproaching him with the deed by which she had lost her lover. (Vid. Horatius II.)

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HORESTI, a people of Scotland, mentioned by Tacitus. In Agricola's time, they seem to have been the inhabitants of what is now Angus. They were probably incorporated with, or subdued by, the Vacomagi, before Ptolemy wrote his geography. Mannert places them near the Frith of Tay. (Tacit., Vit. Agric., 38.)

HORTENSIA, daughter of the orator Hortensius, and who would seem to have inherited a portion of her father's eloquence. When the members of the second triumvirate had imposed a heavy tax upon the Roman matrons, and no one of the other sex dared to espouse their cause, Hortensia appeared as their advocate, and made so able a speech that a large portion of the burden was removed. (Val. Max., 8, 3, 3) This harangue was extant in Quintilian's time, who speaks of

him, he would either study hard or be luxuriously idle. Jery one will perceive that we have here types of the two The country was the place where his heart abode, and nations regarded as sisters, and of the three tribes in here he displayed all the kindness of his disposition. each. In the first onset, two of the Horatii were slain At times reclining under the shade of a spreading tree, by their opponents; but the third brother, by joining adby the side of some bubbling runnel," he would tem- dress to valour, obtained a victory over all his antagoper his Massic with the cooling lymph; at others he nists. Pretending to fly from the field of battle, he sepwould handle the spade and mattock, and delight in arated the three Curiatii, and then, attacking them one the good-humoured jokes of his country neighbours by one, slew them successively. As he returned triwhen they laughed at him, with his little punchy fig-umphant to the city, his sister Horatia, who had been ure, puffing and blowing at the unwonted work. But betrothed to one of the Curiatii, met and reproached her his suppers here were the chief scene of his enjoy-brother bitterly for having slain her intended husband. ment. He would then collect around him the patri- Horatius, incensed at this, stabbed his sister to the archs of the neighbourhood, listen to their homely but heart. He was tried and acquitted. (Liv., 1, 26.) practical wisdom, and participate in the merriment of his slaves seated around the blazing fire. Well and truly might he exclaim, "Noctes cœnæque Deûm !”— The character of Horace is as clearly developed in his writings, as the manner in which he passed his time, or the locality of his favourite haunts. Good sense was the distinguishing characteristic of his intellect; tenderness that of his heart. He acknowledged no master in philosophy, and his boast was not a vain one. Although leaning to the tenets of Epicurus, the “summum bonum" of Horace soared far above selfishness. His happiness centred not in self, but was reflected from that of others. Culling what was best from each sect, he ridiculed unsparingly the vague theories of all; and, notwithstanding his shafts were chiefly directed against the Stoics, he assented to the loftier and better part of their doctrine, the superintendence of the di-it with encomiums. Freinshemius has adumbrated it vinity over the ways of man. Like those of every other mortal, the sterling qualities of Horace were mixed with baser alloy. His philosophy could not preserve him, even at the age of fifty, from the weaknesses of a boy, and he did not escape unsullied by the vices of the time. These frailties apart, we recognise in Horace all the amenities, and most of the virtues, which adoru humanity.-The productions of Horace are divided into Odes, Epodes, Satires, and Epistles. The Odes, which for the most part are little more than translations or imitations of the Greek poets, are generally written in a very artificial manner, and seldom depict the stronger and more powerful feelings of human nature. The best are those in which the poet describes the pleasures of a country life, or touches on the beauties of nature, for which he had the most lively perception and the most exquisite relish: nor yet, at the same time, are his lyrical productions altogether without those touches which excite our warmer sympathies. But if we were to name those qualities in which Horace most excels, we should mention his strong good sense, his clear judgment, and the purity of his taste. The best edition of Horace is that of Döring, Lips., 1803, 1815, 1828, 2 vols. 8vo, reprinted at the London press, and also at Oxford, 1838, in one volume 8vo.-Many critics have maintained that each ode, each satire, &c., was published separately by the poet. But Bentley, in the preface to his edition of the poet's works, argues, from the words of Suetonius, the practice of other Latin poets, and the expressions of Horace himself, that his works were originally published in books, in the order in which they now appear. Consult on this subject the "Horatius Restitutus" of Tate, Cambr., 1832; 2d ed., 1837. (Bahr, Gesch. Röm. Lit., vol. 1, p. 220, seqq. ~Quarterly Review, No. 124.-Encycl. Us. Knowl., vol. 12, p. 290.)—II. The name of three brave Roman twin-brothers, who fought, according to the old Roman legends, against the Čuriatii, three Alban twinbrothers, about 667 years before the commencement of our era. Mutual acts of violence committed by the citizens of Rome and Alba had given rise to a war. The armies were drawn up against each other at the Fossa Cluilia, where it was agreed to avert a battle by a combat of three brothers on either side, namely, the Horatii and Curiatii, whose mothers were sisters. Ev

from Appian in his Supplement to Livy. (Quintil., 1, 1, 6 —Freinsh., Suppl. Liv., 122, 44, seq.) HORTENSIUS, QUINTUS, a celebrated orator, who began to distinguish himself by his eloquence in the Roman forum at the age of nineteen. He was born of a plebeian family, A.U.C. 640, eight years before Cicero. He served at first as a common soldier, and afterward as military tribune, in the Social war. In the contest between Marius and Sylla he remained neuter, and was one of the twenty quastors established by Sylla, A.U.C. 674. He afterward obtained in succession the offices of ædile, prætor, and consul, the last of these A.U.C. 685. As an orator he for a long time balanced the reputation of Cicero; but, as his orations are lost, we can only judge of him by the account which his rival gives of his abilities. "Nature had given him," says Cicero, in his Brutus (c. 88), "so happy a memory, that he never had need of committing to writing any discourse which he had meditated, while, after his opponent had finished speaking, he could recall, word by word, not only what the other had said, but also the authorities which had been cited against himself. His industry was indefatigable. He never let a day pass without speaking in the forum, or preparing himself to appear on the morrow; oftentimes he did both. He excelled particularly in the art of dividing his subject, and in then reuniting it in a luminous manner, calling in, at the same time, even some of the arguments which had been urged against him. His diction was noble, elegant, and rich; his voice strong and pleasing; his gestures carefully studied." The eloquence of Hortensius would seem, in fact, to have been of that showy species called Asiatic, which flourished in the Greek colonies of Asia Minor, and was infinitely more florid and ornamental than the oratory of Athens, or even of Rhodes, being full of brilliant thoughts and of sparkling expressions. This glowing style of rhetoric, though deficient in solidity and weight, was not unsuitable in a young man; and, being farther recommended by a beautiful cadence of periods, met with the utmost applause. But Hortensius, as he advanced in life, did not correct this exuberance, nor adopt a chaster eloquence; and this luxury and glitter of phraseology, which, even in his earliest years, had occasionally excited ridicule or disgust among the graver fathers of the senatorial order, being totally in

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