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bæus, Clemens of Alexandrea, and Sextus Empiricus, | place is mentioned also by Mela (2, 4), and by Sisen and explained by Schleiermacher, in Wolf and Buttmann's Museum der Alterthumswissenschaft, vol. 1, p. 313-533.-Consult also Brandis, Handbuch der Geschichte der Griechisch. und Röm. Philos., Berlin, 1835.-Rutter's History of Ancient Philosophy, vol. 1, p. 230, seqq., Eng. transl. - Encycl. Us. Knowl., vol. 12, p. 137.)

HEREA, I. a city of Arcadia, on the slope of a hill rising gently above the right bank of the Alpheus, and near the frontiers of Elis, which frequently disputed its possession with Arcadia. (Xen., Hist. Gr., 6, 5, 22.) Before the Cleomenic war, this town had joined the Achæan league, but was then taken by the tolians, and recaptured by Antigonus Doson, who restored it to the Achæans. (Polyb., 2, 54.-Id., 4, 77.— Liv., 28, 7.) In Strabo's time Herea was greatly reduced; but when Pausanias visited Arcadia it appears to have recovered from this state of decay. (Pausan., 8, 26.-Compare Thucyd., 5, 67.) Stephanus remarks, that this place was also known by the name of Sologorgus (s. v. 'Hpaía). Its site is now occupied by the village of Agiani. (Gell, Itin., p. 113.)-II. A festival at Argos in honour of Juno, who was the patroness of that city. It was also observed by the colonies of the Argives, which had been planted at Samos and gina. There were always two processions to the temple of the goddess without the city walls. The first was of the men in armour, the second of the women, among whom the priestess, a woman of the first rank, was drawn in a chariot by white oxen. The Argives always reckoned their year from her priesthood, as the Athenians from their archons, or the Romans from their consuls. When they came to the temple of the goddess, they offered a hecatomb of oxen. Hence the sacrifice is often called έkaróμboia, and sometimes λéxɛpva, from λéxos, a bed, because Juno presided over marriage, births, &c. There was a festival of the same name in Elis, celebrated every fifth year, at which sixteen matrons wove a garment for the goddess.

HERÆUM, I. a temple and grove of Juno, situate about forty stadia from Argos, and ten from Mycena. The structure was embellished with a lofty statue of Juno, made of ivory and gold; a golden peacock, enriched with precious stones, and other equally splendid ornaments.-II. A large and magnificent temple of Juno in the island of Samos, built by the architect Rhocus, who is said to have invented the art of casting in brass. (Pausan., 8, 14.-Herod., 3, 60.—Plin., 35, 12.)

HERCULANEUM, a city of Campania, on the coast, and not far from Neapolis. Cicero writes the name Herculanum (ad Att, 7, 3). The situation of this place is no longer doubtful since the discovery of its ruins. Cluverius was right in his correction of the Tabula Theodosiana, which reckoned twelve miles between this place and Neapolis instead of six, though he removed it too far from Portici when he assigned to it the position of Torre del Greco. Nothing is known respecting the origin of Herculaneum, except that fabulous accounts ascribed its foundation to Hercules on his return from Spain. (Dion. Hal., 1, 44.) It may be inferred, however, from a passage in Strabo, that this town was of great antiquity. It may be reasonably conjectured, too, that Herculaneun was a Greek city, but that its name was altered to suit the Latin or Oscan pronunciation. At first it was only a fortress, which was successively occupied by the Osci, Tyrrheni, Pelasgi, Samnites, and lastly by the Romans. Being situated close to the sea, on elevated ground, it was exposed to the southwest wind, and from that circumstance was reckoned particularly healthy. (Strabo, 247.) We learn from Velleius Paterculus, that Herculaneum suffered considerably during the civil wars. (Compare Florus, 1, 16.) This

na, a more ancient writer than any of the former; he is quoted by Nonius Marcellus (Ďe Indiscr. Gen., v. Fluvius). Ovid likewise notices it under the name of "Urbem Herculeam." (Met., 15, 711.) Hereula neum, according to the common account, was overwhelmed by an eruption of Vesuvius in the first year of the reign of Titus, A.D. 79. Pompeii, which stood near, shared the same fate. It is probable, however, that the subversion of Herculaneum was not sudden, but progressive, since Seneca mentions a partial demolition which it sustained from an earthquake. (Nat. Quæst., 6, 1.) After being buried for more than sixteen hundred years, these cities were accidentally discovered: Herculaneum in 1713, by labourers digging for a well; and Pompeii forty years after. It appears that Herculaneum is in no part less than seventy feet, and in some parts one hundred and twelve feet below the surface of the ground, while Pompeii is buried ten or twelve feet deep, more or less. Sir W. Hamilton thinks, that the matter which covers the city of Herculaneum is not the produce of a single eruption, but that the matter of six eruptions has taken its course over that with which the town is covered, and which was the cause of its destruction. Many valuable remains of antiquity, such as busts, manuscripts, &c., have been recovered from the ruins of this ancient city, and form the most curious museum in the world. They are all preserved at Portici, and the engravings taken from them have been munificently presented to the different learned bodies of Europe. The plan also of many of the public buildings has been laid out, and especially that of the theatre. Sir W. Hamilton thinks, that the matter which first issued from Vesuvius and covered Herculaneum was in the state of liquid mud, and that this has been the means of preserving the pictures, busts, and other relics, which otherwise must have been either entirely destroyed by the red-hot lava, or else have become one solid body along with it when cooled. In illustration of this remark, we may cite the following from a periodical work. (Edinburgh Review, vol. 45, p. 304.) "An enormous quantity of aqueous vapour is exhaled in every volcanic eruption, which, being condensed by the cold in the regions of the atmosphere beyond the reach of the volcano's heat, falls down again in the form of rain, and, when it mixes with the clouds of ashes, it forms that compound which has been sometimes mistaken for an actual eruption of mud from the crater. It was such a compound as this that overwhelmed Herculaneum, and it is found to consolidate very speedily into a hard, compact substance." Among the excavations at Herculaneum, in the remains of a house supposed to have belonged to L. Piso, was found a great number of volumes of burned papyrus. Many of these papyri, as they have since been generally termed, were destroyed by the workmen; but as soon as it was known that they were the remnants of ancient manuscripts, their development became an object of no common interest to the learned world. Father Piaggi invented a machine for unrolling them, which has been described by several writers. When we reflect on the number of valuable works which have been lost since the period when Herculaneum was destroyed, we ought not to be surprised at the sanguine expectations which, upon the first discovery of the MSS., were entertained, of adding some important acquisitions to the treasures of ancient literature which we already possess. The lost books of Livy, and the comedies of Menander, presented themselves to the imagination of almost every scholar. Each, indeed, anticipated, according to his taste, the mental pleasures and the literary labours which awaited him. These enthusiastic hopes were perhaps too suddenly repressed, as they had been too easily excited. The first papyrus which was opened contained a treatise

upon music, by Philodemus the Epicurean. It was in vain that Mazocchi and Rosini wrote their learned comments on this dull performance: the sedative was too strong; and the curiosity which had been so suddenly awakened, was as quickly lulled to repose. A few men of letters, indeed, lamented that no farther search was made for some happier subjects, on which learned industry might have been employed; but the time, the difficulty, and the expense which such an enterprise required, and the uncertainty of producing anything valuable, had apparently discouraged and disgusted the academicians of Portici. Things were in this state when the Prince of Wales, afterward George IV., proposed to the Neapolitan government to defray the expenses of unrolling, deciphering, and publishing the manuscripts. This offer was accepted by the court of Naples; and it was consequently judged necessary by his royal highness to select a proper person to superintend the undertaking. The reputation of Mr. Hayter as a classical scholar justified his appointment to the place which the munificence of the prince, and his taste for literature, had created. This gentleman arrived at Naples in the beginning of the year 1802, and was nominated one of the directors for the development of the manuscripts. During a period of several years, the workmen continued to open a great number of the papyri. Many, indeed, of these frail substances were destroyed, and had crumbled into dust under the slightest touch of the operator. When the French invaded the kingdom of Naples in the year 1806, Mr. Hayter was compelled to retire to Sicily. It is to be deeply regretted that all the papyri were left behind. (Quarterly Review, vol. 3, p. 2.) An account of more recent operations, including the interesting experiments of Sir Humphrey Davy, will be found in the latest edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, under the article Herculaneum.

ence, rendered him delirious, so that he killed his own children by Megara, supposing them to be the offspring of Eurystheus. (Vid. Megara.) When he recovered his senses, he was so struck with the misfortunes which had proceeded from his insanity, that he concealed himself and retired for some time from the society of men. He afterward consulted the oracle of Apollo, and was told that he must be subservient for twelve years to the will of Eurystheus, in compliance with the commands of Jupiter; and that, after he had achieved the most celebrated labours, he should be translated to the gods. So plain and expressive an answer determined him to go to Mycena, and to bear with fortitude whatever gods or men imposed upon him. Eurystheus, seeing the hero totally subjected to him, and apprehensive of so powerful an enemy, commanded him to achieve a number of enterprises the most difficult and arduous ever known, generally called the twelve labours of Hercules. The favour of the gods had completely armed him when he undertook his labours. He had received a sword from Mercury, a bow from Apollo, a golden breastplate from Vulcan, horses from Neptune, a robe from Minerva. He himself cut his club in the Nemean wood. The first labour imposed upon Hercules by Eurystheus was to kill the lion of Nemea, which ravaged the country near Mycenae. The hero, unable to destroy him with his arrows, boldly attacked him with his club, pursued him to his den, and, after a close and sharp engagement, choked him to death. He carried the dead beast on his shoulders to Mycenae, and ever after clothed himself with the skin. Eurystheus was so astonished at the sight of the beast and at the courage of Hercules, that he ordered him never to enter the gates of the city when he returned from his expeditions, but to wait for his orders without the walls. He even made himselt a brazen subterranean apartment, into which he retired whenever Hercules returned. (Vid. Chalciocus and HERCULES, a celebrated hero, son of Jupiter and Eurystheus.)-The second labour of Hercules was to Alcmena, who, after death, was ranked among the destroy the Lernaan hydra, which abode in the marsh gods, and received divine honours. His reputed fa- of Lerna, whence it used to come out on the land, and ther was Amphitryon, son of Alcæus, who, having ac- kill the cattle and ravage the country. This hydra cidentally killed his father-in-law Electryon, was com- had a huge body, with nine heads, eight of them morpelled to leave Mycena and take refuge in Thebes, tal, and one in the middle immortal. Hercules mountwhere Hercules was born. While yet a mere infant, ed his chariot, which was driven by Iolaus, son of Iphior, according to others, before he had completed his clus, and, on coming to Lerna, he stopped the horses eighth month, the jealousy of Juno, intent upon his de- and went in quest of the hydra, which he found on a struction, sent two snakes to devour him. The child, rising ground, near the springs of Amymone, where its not terrified at the sight of the serpents, boldly seized hole was. He shot at the animal with fiery darts till them in both his hands, and squeezed them to death, he made it come out; and he then grasped and held while his brother Iphiclus alarmed the house with his it, while it twisted itself about his legs. The hero shrieks. (Vid. Iphiclus.) He was early instructed crushed its heads with his club, but to no purpose; for, in the liberal arts, and Castor, the son of Tyndarus, when one was crushed, two sprang up in its stead. A taught him the use of arms, Eurytus how to shoot huge crab also aided the hydra, and bit the feet of Her with a bow and arrows, Autolycus to drive a chariot, cules. He killed the crab, and then called upon IolaLinus to play on the lyre, and Eumolpus to sing. us to come to his assistance. Iolaus immediately set Like the rest of his illustrious contemporaries, he soon fire to the neighbouring wood, and with the flaming after became the pupil of the centaur Chiron. In the brands searing the necks of the hydra as the heads were 18th year of his age, he resolved to deliver the neigh-cut off, effectually checked their growth. Having thus bourhood of Mount Citharon from a huge lion which got rid of the mortal heads, Hercules cut off the impreyed on the flocks of Amphitryon, his supposed father, mortal one and buried it, setting a heavy stone on the and which laid waste the adjacent country. After he top of it, in the road leading from Lerna to Eleus. He had destroyed the lion, he delivered his country from the cut the body of the hydra into pieces, and dipped his annual tribute of a hundred oxen which it paid to Ergi- arrows in its gall, which made their wounds incurable. nus. (Vid. Erginus.) Such public services became Eurystheus, however, denied that this was to be reckuniversally known; and Creon, who then sat on the oned among the twelve labours, since he had not dethrone of Thebes, rewarded the patriotic deeds of Her-stroyed the hydra alone, but with the assistance of Iocules by giving him his daughter in marriage, and in-laus.-He was ordered, in his third labour, to bring, trusting him with the government of his kingdom. As Hercules, by the will of Jupiter, was subjected to the power of Eurystheus (vid. Eurystheus), and obliged to obey him in every respect, Eurystheus, acquainted with his successes and rising power, ordered him to appear at Mycena and perform the labours which, by priority of birth, he was empowered to impose upon him. Hercules refused; and Juno, to punish his disobedi

alive and unhurt, into the presence of Eurystheus, a stag, famous for its incredible swiftness and golden horns. This celebrated animal frequented the neighbourhood of Enoë, and Hercules was employed for a whole year continually pursuing it. When at last the animal was tired with the chase, she took refuge in Mount Artemisium, then fled to the river Ladon, and, as she was about to cross the stream, Hercules struck


her with an arrow, caught her, put her on his shoul- others of his own accord, equally great and celebrated der, and was going with his burden through An adia, (Vid. Cacus, Antæus, Busiris, Eryx, &c.), and he had when he met Diana and Apollo. The goddess took also, according to some, accompanied the Argonauts to the hind from him, and reproached him for violating Colchis before he delivered himself up to the King of her sacred animal. But the hero excusing himself on Mycena. Wishing after this to marry again, having the plea of necessity, and laying the blame on Eurys- given Megara to Iolaus, and hearing that Eurytus, king theus, Diana was mollified, and allowed him to take of chalia, had declared, that he would give his daughthe hind alive to Mycena.--The fourth labour was to ter Jole to him who should overcome himself and his bring alive to Eurystheus a wild boar which ravaged sons in shooting with the bow, he went thither and won the neighbourhood of Erymanthus. In this expedition the victory, but did not obtain the promised prize. Iphhe destroyed the Centaurs (vid. Centauri and Chiron), itus, the eldest son, was for giving his sister to Hercu and then caught the boar by driving him from his lair les, but Eurytus and his other sons refused, lest he with loud cries, and chasing him into a snow-drift, should destroy her children, if she had any, as he had where he seized and bound him, and then took him to done those of Megara. Shortly afterward, the oxen of Mycena. Eurystheus was so frightened at the sight of Eurytus being stolen by Autolycus, his suspicions fell the boar, that, according to Diodorus, he hid himself in on Hercules. Iphitus, who gave no credit to the charge, his brazen apartment for several days.-In his fifth la- betook himself to that hero, and besought him to join bour Hercules was ordered to cleanse the stables of in the search for the lost oxen. Hercules promised to Augeas, where numerous oxen had been confined for do so, and entertained him; but, falling into madness, many years. (Vid. Augeas.)-For his sixth labour he he precipitated Iphitus from the walls of Tiryns. In was ordered to kill the carnivorous birds which rav- order to be purified of this murder, he went to Neleus, aged the country near the Lake Stymphalus in Arcadia. who, being a friend of Eurytus, refused to comply with While Hercules was deliberating how he should scare his desire. Hercules then proceeded to Amycla, them, Minerva brought him brazen rattles from Vulcan. 'where he was purified by Deiphobus, the son of HipHe took his station on a neighbouring hill, and sound-polytus. But he fell, notwithstanding, into a severe ed the rattles: the birds, terrified, rose in the air, and malady on account of the murder of Iphitus; and, gohe then shot them with his arrows.-In his seventh ing to Delphi to seck relief, he was refused a response labour he brought alive into Peloponnesus a prodigious wild bull, which laid waste the island of Crete.-He then let him go, and the bull roved over Sparta and Arcadia, and, crossing the isthmus, came to Marathon in Attica, where he did infinite mischief to the inhabitants. In his eighth labour he was employed in obtaining the mares of Diomedes, the Thracian king, which fed on human flesh. (Vid. Diomedes II.)-For his ninth labour he was commanded to obtain the girdle of the queen of the Amazons. (Vid. Hippolyta.) -In his tenth labour he killed the monster Geryon, king of Erythea, and brought his oxen to Eurystheus, who sacrificed them to Juno. (Vid. Geryon.)-The eleventh labour was to obtain the apples from the garden of the Hesperides. (Vid. Hesperides.)-The twelfth, and last, and most dangerous of his labours, was to bring upon earth the three-headed dog Cerberus. When preparing for this expedition, Hercules went to Eumolpus at Eleusis, desirous of being initiated; but he could not be admitted, as he had not been purified of the blood of the centaurs. Eumolpus, however. purified him, and he then saw the mysteries; after which he proceeded to the Tænarian promontory in Laconia, where was the entrance to the lower world, and went down to it, accompanied by Mercury and Minerva. The moment the shades saw him they fled away in terror, all but Meleager and Medusa the Gorgon. (Od., 11, 633.) He was drawing his sword on the latter, when Mercury reminded him that she was a mere phantom. Near the gates of the palace of Hades he found Theseus and Pirithous, who had attempted to carry off Proserpina, and had, in consequence, been fixed on an enchanted rock by the offended monarch of Erebus. When they saw Hercules, they stretched forth their hands, hoping to be relieved by his might. He took Theseus by the hand and raised him up; but when he would do the same for Pirithous, the earth quaked, and he left him. He then, after several other acts of prowess, asked Pluto to give him Cerberus; and the god consented, provided he would take him without using any weapons. He found him at the gates of Acheron; and protected only by his conslet and lion's skin, he flung his arms about his head, and, grasping him by the neck, made him submit, though the dragon in his tail bit him severely. He brought him through Trozene to Eurystheus, and, when he had shown him, took him back to the lower world. Besides these arduous labours, which the jealousy of Eurystheus imposed upon him, he also achieved

by the Pythia. In his rage at her denial he went to plunder the temple, and, taking the tripod, was about establishing an oracle for himself, when Apollo came to oppose him; but Jupiter hurled a thunderbolt between the combatants, and put an end to the contest. Hercules now received a response, that his malady would be removed if he let himself be sold for three years as a slave, and gave the purchase-money to Eurytus as a compensation for the loss of his son. cordingly, in obedience to the oracle, he was conducted by Mercury to Lydia, and there sold to Omphale, the queen of the country. (Vid. Omphale.) The purchase-money (three talents, it is said) was offered. to Eurytus, but he refused to accept it. When the term of this servitude had expired, he prepared, being now relieved of his disease, to take vengeance on Laomedon, for having refused the promised reward for delivering Hesione. (Vid. Hippolyta and Laomedon.) After succeeding in this enterprise, and slaying Laomedon, he collected an army and marched against and slew Augeas and his sons. Elis was the scene of this warfare, and here, when victory had declared for him, he established the Olympic games, raised an altar to Pelops, and built altars also to the twelve great deities. After the conquest of Elis he marched against Pylos, took the city, and killed Neleus and all his sons, except Nestor, who was living with the Gerenians. (Il., 11, 689.) He is said also to have wounded Pluto and Juno, as they were aiding the Pylians. Some time after this, Hercules went to Calydon, where he sought the hand of Deianira, the daughter of Eneus. He had to contend for her with the river-god Achelous, who turned himself into a bull, in which form one of his horns was broken off by the victorions hero. (Vid. Acheloüs.)-One day, at the table of Eneus, as Eunomus, son of Architeles, was, according to custom, pouring water on the hands of the guests, Hercules happening unawares to swing his hand suddenly, struck the boy and killed him. As it was evidently an accident, the father forgave the death of his son; but Hercules resolved to banish himself, agreeably to the law in such cases, and he set out with his wife for Trachis, the realm of his friend Ceyx. On his journey to this quarter the affair of Nessus took place. (Via. Deianira and Nessus) While residing with Ceya, he aided Egimius, king of the Dorians, against whom the Lapithæ, under the command of Coronus, had made war, on account of a dispute respecting boundaries. As he was passing, on a subsequent occasion, by

the temple of Apollo at Pagasa, he was opposed by Hercules, and had carried his worship to the use of Cycnus, the son of Mars, who was in the habit of Thasus and to Gades. Here was consecrated a tem plundering those that brought the sacrifices to Delphi. ple to the year, and to the months which divided it Cycnus fell in the combat; and when Mars, who had into twelve parts, that is, to the twelve labours or vic witnessed the fate of his son, would avenge him, he tories which conducted Hercules to immortality. It received a wound in the thigh from the spear of the is under the name of Hercules Astrochyton ('Aσтроhero. Returning to Trachis, Hercules collected an xirov), or the god clothed with a mantle of stars, army, and made war on Eurytus, king of Echalia, that the poet Nonnus designates the Sun, adored by the whom he killed, together with his sons, and, plundering Tyrians. (Dionys., 40, 415.—Ibid., 375.) "He is the town, led away Iole as a captive. At the Eubo- the same god," observes the poet, "whom different an promontory Cænæum he raised an altar to Jupiter, nations adore under a multitude of different names: and, wishing to offer a sacrifice, sent to Ceyx for a Belus on the banks of the Euphrates, Ammon in Libsplendid robe to wear. Deianira, hearing about lole ya, Apis at Memphis, Saturn in Arabia, Jupiter in Asfrom the messenger, and fearing the effect of her syria, Serapis in Egypt, Helios among the Babylonicharms on the heart of her husband, resolved to try ans, Apollo at Delphi, Esculapius throughout Greece," the efficacy of the philtre of Nessus (vid. Deïanira), &c. Martianus Capella, in his hymn to the Sun, as and tinged with it the tunic that was sent. Hercules, also Ausonius (Epigr., 2, 4) and Macrobius (Sat., 1, suspecting nothing, put on the fatal garinent, and pre- 20), confirm the fact of this multiplicity of names given pared to offer sacrifice. At first he felt no effect from to a single star. The Egyptians, according to Pluit; but when it warmed, the venom of the hydra began tarch (De Is. et Os., p. 367-Op., ed. Reiske, vol. 7, to consume his flesh. In his fury, he caught Lichas, p. 449), thought that Hercules had his seat in the Sun, the ill-fated bearer of the tunic, by the foot, and hurled and that he travelled with it around the moon. The him into the sea. He attempted to tear off the tunic, author of the hymns ascribed to Orpheus, fixes still but it adhered closely to his skin, and the flesh came more strongly the identity of Hercules with the Sun. away with it. In this wretched state he got on ship- He calls Hercules "the god who produced time, board, where Deianira, on hearing the consequences whose forms vary, the father of all things, and deof what she had done, hanged herself; and Hercules, stroyer of all. He is the god who brings back by charging Hyllus, his eldest son by her, to marry Iole turns Aurora and the night, and who, moving onward when he was of sufficient age, had himself carried to from east to west, runs through the carcer of his the summit of Mount Eta, and there causing a pyre twelve labours, the valiant Titan, who chases away to be erected, ascended it, and directed his followers maladies, and delivers man from the evils which afflict to set it on fire. But no one would venture to obey; him." (Orph., Hymn., 12.-ed. Herm., p. 272, seq.) till Poas, happening to arrive there in search of his The Phoenicians, it is said, preserved a tradition among stray cattle, complied with the desire of the hero, and them, that Hercules was the Sun, and that his twelve received his bow and arrows as his reward. While the labours indicated the sun's passage through the twelve pyre was blazing, a thunder-cloud conveyed the suf- signs. Porphyry, who was born in Phoenicia, assures ferer to heaven, where he was endowed with immor- us that they there gave the name of Hercules to the tality; and, being reconciled to Juno, he espoused her sun, and that the fable of the twelve labours represents daughter Hebe, by whom he had two children, Alexi- the sun's annual path in the heavens (ap. Euseb., Præp. ares (Aider-in-war) and Anicetus (Unsubdued). The Ev., 3, 11) In like manner the scholiast on Hesiod legend of Hercules is given in full detail by Apollo- remarks, "the zodiac, in which the sun performs his dorus (2, 4, 8, seqq.). Other authorities on the sub- annual course, is the true career which Hercules travject are as follows: Diod. Sic., 4, 9, seqq.-Theocrit., erses in the fable of the twelve labours; and his marIdyll., 25.-Pind., Ol., 3, 55.- Theocrit., Idyll., 7, riage with Hebe, the goddess of youth, whom he es149.-Pherecydes, ap. Schol. ad Apoll. Rhod., 2, 1054. poused after he had ended his labours, denotes the re-Il., 8, 867.-Pherecyd., ap. Schol. ad Od., 21, 23 newal of the year at the end of each solar revolution." Hesiod., Scut. Herc.- Ovid, Met., 9, 165, et 217.- (J. Diaconus, Schol. ad Hes., Theog., p. 165.) Among Soph., Trachin-Homer arms Hercules with a bow the different epochs at which the year in ancient times and arrows. (Il., 5, 393.-Od., 8, 224.) Hesiod commenced among different nations, that of the sumdescribes him with shield and spear. Pisander and mer solstice was one of the most remarkable. It was Stesichorus were the first who gave him the club and at this period that the Greeks fixed the celebration of lion's skin. (Athenæus, 12, p. 513.)-The mythology their Olympic game, the establishment of which is atof Hercules is of a very mixed character in the form in tributed to Hercules. (Corsini, Fast. Att., vol. 2, p. which it has come down to us. There is in it the 235.) It was the origin of the most ancient era of the identification of one or more Grecian heroes with Mel- Greeks.-If we fix from this point the departure of the carth, the sun-god of the Phœnicians. Hence we find sun on his annual career, and compare the progress of Hercules so frequently represented as the sun-god, that luminary through the signs of the zodiac with the and his twelve labours regarded as the passage of the twelve labours of Hercules, altering somewhat the or sun through the twelve signs of the zodiac. He is the der ir which they are handed down to us, a very striking powerful planet which animates and imparts fecundity coincidence is instantly observed. A few examples to the universe, whose divinity has been honoured in will be adduced. In the first month the sun passes every quarter by temples and altars, and consecrated into the sign Leo; and in his first labour Hercules in the religious strains of all nations. From Meroë slew the Nemean lion. Hence, too, the legend, that in Ethiopia, and Thebes in Upper Egypt, even to the Nemean lion had fallen from the skies, and that it Britain, and the icy regions of Scythia; from the an- was produced in the regions bordering on the sphere cient Taprobana and Palibothra in India, to Cadiz of the moon. (Tatian, Contr. Gent., p. 164.) In and the shores of the Atlantic; from the forests of the second month the sun enters the sign Virgo, when Germany to the burning sands of Africa; everywhere, the constellation of the Hydra sets; and in his second in short, where the benefits of the luminary of day are labour Hercules destroyed the Lernæan hydra. It experienced, there we find established the name and should also be remarked, that the head of the celestial worship of a Hercules. Many ages before the period hydra rises with the constellation Cancer, or the Crab, when Alcmena is said to have lived, and the pretended and hence the fable that Hercules was annoyed by a Tyrinthian hero to have performed his wonderful ex- crab in his conflict with the hydra. (Cynesins Calv., ploits, Egypt and Phoenicia, which certainly did not | p. 64.) The hydra, moreover, is remarkable among borrow their divinities from Greece, had raised temples to the Sun, under a name analogous to that of

the constellations for its great length; its head rising, as has just been remarked, with Cancer; its body be

The full moon of the summer-solstice was the period
for celebrating the Olympic Games; and hence the
poets, observing the phenomenon of the full moon du-
ring every year in the sign of Aquarius, ascribed to
Hercules the institution of these games, of which
Aquarius, by its union with the full moon, was every
year the symbol. In the immediate vicinity of Aqua-
rius, moreover, we find the constellation Pegasus iden-
tical with the fabled steed Arion. Hence the fate of
Hercules having come on this latter animal to the land
of Elis. In the eighth month the sun enters into the
sign Pisces, when the celestial horse rises in the morn-
have just remarked; and in his eighth labour Hercules
overcame and carried off the horses of Diomede.
Eurystheus consecrated these steeds to Juno, to whom,
in the division of the zodiac among the twelve great
gods, the sign Aquarius was given as her peculiar
domain; and it is worthy of remark, that the Thra-.
cian Diomede is fabled to have been the son of Cy-
rene, who was also the mother of Aristæus, and that
this last personage is supposed by many to have been
the same with Aquarius. In the ninth month the sun
passes into the sign Aries, sacred to Mars, which all
the ancient authors who have written on astronomy
make to be the same with the ram of the golden fleece.
When the sun enters into this sign, the celestial ship,
called Argo, rises in the evening. At this same pe-
riod Cassiopeia and Andromeda set. Andromeda is
remarkable for many beautiful stars, one of which is
called her girdle. Hyginus makes this girdle consist
of three stars. Aratus designates it particularly by
the name of Cúvn. Now, in his ninth labour, Hercules,
according to one version of the legend, embarked on
board the Argo in quest of the golden fleece; he con-
tends with the female warriors, and takes from Hippol-
yta, their queen, the daughter of Mars, a famous girdle.
He also rescues Hesione from a sea-monster, as Per-
esus did Andromeda. In the tenth month the sun en-
ters into the sign Taurus. The constellation of Orion,
who was fabled to have pursued, through love, the Plei-
ades, or daughters of Atlas, now sets: the herdsman,
or conductor of the oxen of Icarus, also sets, as does
likewise the river Eridanus. At this period, too, the
Pleiades rise, and the she-goat fabled to have been the
spouse of Faunus. Now, in his tenth labour, Hercu-
les restores to their father the seven Pleiades, whose
beauty and wisdom had inspired with love Busiris,
king of Egypt, and who, wishing to become master of
their persons, had sent pirates to carry them off. He
slew also Busiris, who is here identical with Orion. In
this same labour he bore away from Spain the oxen of
Geryon, and arrived in Italy, where he overcame Ca-
cus, and was hospitably received by Faunus. In the
eleventh month the sun passes into the sign of Gemini.
This period is marked by the setting of Procyon, and
the cosmical rising of the dog-star. The constellation
of the Swan also rises in the evening. In his eleventh
labour, Hercules conquers Cerberus, the dog of Hades.
He triumphs also over Cycnus (Swan), and at the very
time, too, according to Hesiod (Scut. Herc., 393),
when the dog-star begins to parch the fields, and the ei-
cada announces the summer by its song. It is to be re-
marked, moreover, that the constellation of the Swan
gave rise, in a different legend, to the fable of the amour
of Leda and Jove, and the birth of the twin-brothers Cas-
tor and Pollux. (Eratosth., c. 25.) In the twelfth
month the sun enters the sign Cancer, the last of the
twelve commencing with Leo. The constellations of
the river and the centaur set, that of Hercules Ingenicu-
lus also descends towards the western regions, or those
of Hesperia, followed by the dragon of the pole, the
guardian of the golden apples of the Hesperides, whose
head he crushes with his foot. In his twelfth labour,
Hercules travelled to Hesperia in quest of the golden
fruit, guarded by the dragon. After this he prepares

ing extended under the sign Leo, and only ending at
the later degrees of the sign Virgo. On this is based
the fable of the continual reappearance of the mon-
ster's heads; the constellation being of so great a
length, that the stars of one part reappear after the
sun has passed onward to another part, and while the
stars of this latter part are merged in the solar fires.
In the third month the sun enters the sign Libra, at
the beginning of autumn, when the constellation of the
centaur rises, represented as bearing a wine-skin full
of liquor, and a thyrsus adorned with vine-leaves and
grapes. Bayer represents him in his tables with a
thyrsus in one hand and a flask of wine in the other.ing, known by the name of Pegasus and Arion, as we
(Úran., tabl., 41.) The Alphonsine tables depict him
with a cup or goblet in his hand. (Tab., Alph., p.
209.) At this same period, what is termed by some
astronomers the constellation of the boar rises in the
evening; and in his third labour Hercules, after be-
ing hospitably entertained by a centaur, encountered
and slew the other centaurs who fought for a cask
of wine he slew also in this labour the Eryman-
thian boar. In the fourth month the sun enters
the sign of Scorpio, when Cassiopeia rises, a con-
stellation in which anciently a stag was represented;
and in his fourth labour Hercules caught the famous
stag with golden horns and brazen feet. It is said
also to have breathed fire from its nostrils. (Quint.
Smyrn., 6, 226.) The horns of gold and the breath-
ing of flames are traits that harmonize well with a
constellation studded with blazing stars, and which,
in the summer season, unites itself to the solstitial
fires of the sun, by rising in the evening with its spouse
Cepheus. In the fifth month the sun enters the sign
Sagittarius, consecrated to Diana, who had a temple
at Stymphalus, in which were seen the birds called
Stymphalides. At this same time rise the three birds;
namely, the constellations of the vulture, swan, and
eagle pierced with the arrows of Hercules; and in his
fifth labour Hercules destroyed the birds near Lake
Stymphalus, which are represented as three in number
on the medals of Perinthus. (Med. du Cardin. Alban.,
vol. 2, p. 70, n. 1.) In the sixth month the sun passes
into the sign Capricornus, who was, according to
some, a grandson of the luminary. At this period the
stream which flows from Aquarius sets; its source is
between the hands of Aristæus, son of the river Pene-
In his sixth labour Hercules cleansed, by means
of the Peneus, the stables of Augeas, son of Phoebus.
Augeas is made by some to have been a son of Nyc-
teus, a name which bears an evident reference to the
night (vý), and which contains, therefore, in the pres-
ent instance, an allusion to the long nights of the win-
ter solstice. In the seventh month the sun passes into
the sign Aquarius.. The constellation of the Lyre, or
celestial vulture, now sets, which is placed by the side
of the constellation called Prometheus, and at this
same period the celestial bull, called the bull of Pasi-
phaë, the bull of Marathon, in fine, the bull of Europa,
passes the meridian.
In his seventh labour, Hercules
brings alive into the Peloponnesus a wild bull, which
laid waste the island of Crete. He slays also the vul-
ture that preyed upon the liver of Prometheus. It is
to be remarked that, as the constellation sets at this
period, Hercules is said to have killed that bird;
whereas the bull, which crosses the meridian merely,
is made to have been brought alive into Greece. The
bull in question was also fabled to have vomited flames
(Au. Gell., 1, 1), an evident allusion to the celestial
bull which glitters with a thousand fires. It is at the
close of this seventh labour, and under the same title
with it, that Hercules is supposed to have arrived in
Elis, mounted on the steed Arion, and to have estab-
lished there the Olympic games on the banks of the
Alpheus. Now, when the sun passes into the sign
Aquarius, he comes into that quarter of the heavens
which is marked by the full moon from year to year.


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