Obrazy na stronie
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FAAEIO1. (Compare Böckh, Corp. Inscript. Græc., became one of the twelve states of the league. But fasc. 1, p. 28.) Among the sons of Etolus was Lo- this city having been wrested from them by the Ioni crus (Eustath., ad Hom. Il., 2, 531), from whom the ans, the number was reduced to eleven in the time of Locri Ozola, on the borders of Ætolia, are supposed to Herodotus. These, according to that historian (1,149), have derived their name. The Eolic branch of Sisy- were Cyme, Larissa, Neontichos, Temnus, Cilla, Nophus, in Corinth, spread itself through Ornythion tium, Egiroessa, Pitane, Ægæs, Myrina, and Gry(Schol., ad Hom. Il., 2, 517, ed. Villois.), and his son nea. Æolis extended in the interior from the Hermus Phocus, over Phocis (Pausan., 2, 1), a name first ap- on the south, to the Caïcus, or perhaps, to speak more plied to the country around Delphi and Tithorea. The correctly, as far as the country around Mount Ida. On latter of these places was the primitive settlement of the coast it reached from Cyme to Pitane. All the Phocus (Pausan., 2, 4), while Hiampolis was the early Eolian cities were independent of each other, and had colony of Ornythion. (Schol., ad Eurip., cited by Kuhn, their own constitutions, which underwent many chanad Pausan., l. c.) The farther settling of Phocis is ges. An attempt was frequently made to restore quiet, ascribed by some to another Phocus, who is said to have by electing arbitrary rulers, with the title of symneled an Æolic colony to this quarter from the island of tæ, for a certain time, even for life, of whom Pittacus, Ægina. (Compare Pausan., 2, 29.—Id., 10, 1.—Eus- in Mytilene, the contemporary of Sappho and Alcæus, is tath., ad Пl., 2, 522.-Schol., ad Apol. Rhod., 1, 507.) best known. The Eolians, in common with the othRaoul-Rochette, however, correctly remarks, that the er Greek colonies of Asia, excepting those established murder of the young Phocus by Telamon and Pe- in the islands, had become subject to Croesus; but, on leus contradicts this tradition. (Col. Gr., vol. 2, p. the overthrow of the Lydian monarch by Cyrus, they 56.) The Eolic branch of Cretheus finally spread it- submitted, along with many of the islanders, to the arms self through Amythaon, the son of Cretheus, over Mes- of the conqueror, and were thenceforth annexed to the senia (Apollod., 1, 9, 11), and through Melampus and Persian empire. They contributed sixty ships to the Bias, sons of Amythaon, over the territory of Argos, fleet of Xerxes. Herodotus observes of Eolis, that and also over Acarnania, through Acarnan, a descend-its soil was more fertile than that of Ionia, but the cliant of Melampus.-From the enumeration through mate inferior (1, 149). In the time of Xenophon, which we have gone, it would appear that the Hellenic- Eolis formed part of the Hellespontine satrapy held by Eolic stem, before the Trojan war, was spread, in Pharnabazus, and it appears to have comprised a connorthern Greece, over almost all Thessaly, over Pieria, siderable portion of the country, that was known at an Pæonia, and Athamania: in Middle Greece, over the earlier period by the name of Troas. (Hell., 3, 18.) greater part of Boeotia, Phocis, Locris, Etolia, and Wrested by the Romans from Antiochus, it was anAcarnania: in southern Greece, or the Peloponnesus, nexed to the dominions of Eumenes. (Liv., 33, 38, &c.) over Argos, Elis, and Messenia. It would appear, also, For an account of the Eolic movements in Lesbos, that, during this period, Leleges, Curetes, Pelasgi, Hy-consult the description of that island, s. v. Lesbos. ÆOLIÆ, seven islands, situate off the northern coast antes, and Lapitha became intermingled with the Hellenic-Æolic tribes, and that a close union was formed of Sicily, and to the west of Italy. According to Mela likewise between the latter and the Phoenician Cad-(2, 7), their names were Lipara, Osteodes, Heraclea, mæans in Bœotia. The state of things which has here Didyme, Phanicusa, Hiera, and Strongyle. Pliny (3, been described, continued until the Trojan war and 9) and Diodorus (5, 7), however, give them as follows: the subsequent invasion of the Peloponnesus, by the Lipara, Didyme, Phanicusa, Hiera, Strongyle, EriDorians, produced an entire change of affairs, and sent cusa, and Euonymus. They are the same with Hoforth numerous colonies both to the eastern and west-mer's IIλaуkтaí, or "wandering islands." (Od., 12, 68, ern quarters of the world. For some account of these &c.) Other names for the group were Hephaestiades movements, consult the following articles: Achaia, Eolia, Doris, Grecia, Hellenes, and Ionia.

and Vulcania Insula, from their volcanic character; and Liparea, from Lipara, the largest. The appellation of Eolie was given them from their having formed the fabled domain of Eolus, god or ruler of the wind. The island in which he resided is said by some to have been Lipara, but the greater part of the ancient authorities are in favour of Strongyle, the modern Stromboli. (Heyne, Excurs. ad En., 1,51.) A passage in Pliny (3, 9, 14) contains the germe of the whole fable respecting Eolus, wherein it is stated that the inhabitants of the adjacent islands could tell from the smoke of Strongyle what winds were going to blow for three days to come. (Vid. Lipara, Strongyle, and Æo

EOLIA, or EOLIS, a region of Asia Minor, deriving its name from the Eolians who settled there. The Eolians were the first great body of Grecian colonists that established themselves in Asia Minor, and, not long after the Trojan war, founded several towns on different points of the Asiatic coast, from Cyzicus to the river Hermus. But it was more especially in Lesbos, which has a right to be considered as the seat of their power, and along the neighbouring shores of the Gulf of Elea, that they finally concentrated their principal cities, and formed a federal union, called the Eolian league, consisting of twelve states, with sever-lus.) EOLIDES, a patronymic applied to various individal inferior towns to the number of thirty. The Æolian colonies, according to Strabo, were anterior to the uals. I. Athamas, son of Æolus. (Ov. Met., 4, 511.) Ionian migrations by four generations. He states, that II. Cephalus, grandson of Eolus. (Id. ibid., 6, Orestes had himself designed to lead the first; but his 681.)-III. Sisyphus, son of Eolus. (Id. ibid., 13, 26.) death preventing the execution of the measure, it was-IV. Ulysses, to whom this patronymic appellation prosecuted by his son Penthilus, who advanced with his followers as far as Thrace. This movement was contemporary with the return of the Heraclide into the Peloponnesus, and most probably was occasioned by it. After the decease of Penthilus, Archelaus, or Echelatus, his son, crossed over with the colonies into the territory of Cyzicus, and settled in the vicinity of Dascylium. Gras, his youngest son, subsequently advanced with a detachment as far as the Granicus, and not long after crossed over to the island of Lesbos and took possession of it. Some years after these events, another body of adventurers crossed over from Locris, and founded Cyme, and other towns on the Gulf of Elea. They also took possession of Smyrna, which

was given, from the circumstance of his mother, Anticlea, having been pregnant by Sisyphus, son of Æolus, when she married Laertes. (Virg. Æn., 6, 529, and Heyne, in Var. Lect., ad loc.)-V. Misenus, the trumpeter of Eneas, called Æolides, figuratively, from his skill in blowing on that instrument. Consult, however, Heyne, Excurs., ad En., 6, 162.

EOLUS, I. the god or ruler of the winds, son of Hippotas and Melanippe daughter of Chiron. He reigned over the Eolian islands, and made his residence at Strongyle, the modern Stromboli. (Vid. Eolia.) Homer calls him "Eolus Hippotades (i. e., son of Hippotas), dear to the immortal gods," from which passage we might perhaps justly infer, that Eolus was not,


properly speaking, himself a god. (Od., 10, 2.) His-III. A king of Arcadia, son of Hippothous, and island was entirely surrounded by a wall of brass, and contemporary with Orestes, son of Agamemnon, who, by smooth precipitous rocks; and here he dwelt in in obedience to the Delphic oracle, migrated into Arcontinual joy and festivity, with his wife and his six cadia from Mycenæ during this monarch's reign. Apsons and as many daughters. The island had no oth-ytus having, on one occasion, boldly entered the temer tenants. The sons and daughters were married to ple of Neptune, near Mantinea, which no mortal was each other, after the fashion set by Jupiter (ka0' ô kai allowed to do, is said to have been deprived of Ó ZEÙÇ OvVÝKEL Tŷ "Hpa, Eustath, ad loc.), and are no- sight by a sudden eruption of salt water from the sancthing more than a poetic type of the twelve months of tuary, and to have died soon after. (Pausan., 8, 10.) the year. (Compare Eustath., ad loc.) The office of This story, if true, points of course to some artifice on directing and ruling the winds had been conferred on the part of the priests of the temple. The "salt waEolus by Jupiter (Od., 10, 21, seqq.-Virg. Æn., 1, ter" was probably some strong acid. (Compare Sal65); but his great protectress was Juno (Virg. En., verte, Sciences Occultes, vol. 1, ch. 15.)-IV. A mon1, 78, seqq.), which accords very well with the ideas arch who ruled in the Southern part of Arcadia, and of the earlier poets, who made Juno merely a type of who brought up Evadne, daughter of Neptune and the the atmosphere, the movements of which produce the Laconian Pitane. (Pind. Ol., 6, 54.—Compare Bockh, winds.-Ulysses came in the course of his wanderings ad loc.) to the island of Æolus, and was hospitably entertained ÆQUI or EQUICULI, a people of Italy, distinguished there for an entire month. On his departure, he receiv-in history for their early and incessant hostility against ed from Eolus all the winds but Zephyrus, tied up in a Rome, more than for the extent of their territory or bag of ox-hide. Zephyrus was favourable for his passage their numbers. Livy himself (7, 12) expresses his homeward. During nine days and nights the ships ran surprise, that a nation, apparently so small and insigmerrily before the wind: on the tenth they were with- nificant, should have had a population adequate to the in sight of Ithaca; when Ulysses, who had hitherto calls of a constant and harassing warfare, which it carheld the helm himself, fell asleep: his comrades, who ried on against the city of Rome for so many years. fancied that Eolus had given him treasure in the bag, But it is plain, from the narrow limits which must be opened it the winds rushed out, and hurried them assigned this people, that their contests with Rome back to Æolia. Judging, from what had befallen them, cannot be viewed in the light of a regular war, but as that they were hated by the gods, the ruler of the winds a succession of marauding expeditions, made by these drove them with reproaches from his isle. (Keightley's hardy but lawless mountaineers on the territory of that Mythology, p. 240.)—The name Æolus has been de- city, and which could only be effectually checked by rived from aiozos, “varying,” “unsteady," as a de- the most entire and rigid subjection. (Lav, 10, 1.) scriptive epithet of the winds.-II. A son of Hellen, The qui are to be placed next to the Sabines, and father of Sisyphus, Cretheus, and Athamas, and the between them and the Marsi, chiefly in the upper valmythic progenitor of the great Æolic race.- -III. Aley of the Anio, which separated them from the Latins. son of Neptune and the nymph Arne. (Eustath., ad Od., 10, 2.)

EONES (alovec), or Eons, a term occurring frequently in the philosophical speculations of the Gnostics. The Gnostics conceived the emanations from Deity to be divided into two classes; the one comprehended all those substantial powers which are contained within the Divine Essence, and which complete the infinite plenitude of the Divine Nature: the other, existing externally with respect to the Divine Essence, and including all finite and imperfect natures. With in the Divine Essence, they, with wonderful ingenuity, imagined a long series of emanative principles, to which they ascribed a real and substantial existence, connected with the first substance as a branch with its root, or a solar ray with the sun. When they began to unfold the mysteries of this system in the Greek language, these Substantial Powers, which they conceived to be comprehended within the npwua, or Divine Plenitude, they called atovec, Æons. (En field's History of Philosophy, vol. 2, p. 142.)

ÆPEA, or Æpeia, a town in the island of Cyprus. Vid. Soloe.

ÆPOLIANUS, an engraver on precious stones, who flourished in the second century of our era. One of his gems, with the head of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, is still extant. (Bracci, P. 1, tab. 3.—Sillig, Dict. Art., 8. v.)

EPYTUS, I. king of Messenia, and son of Cresphontes. His father and his two brothers were put to death by Polyphontes; who usurped, upon this, the throne of the country. pytus, however, was saved by his mother, Merope, who had been compelled to marry the murderer of her husband, and was sent by her to the court of her father Cypselus, king of Arcadia, to be there brought up. On attaining to manhood, he slew Polyphontes, and recovered the throne. His descendants were called Epytidæ. (Apollod., 2, 8, 5. -Heyne, ad Apollod., l. c.)-II. A king of Arcadia, and son of Elatus. He was killed, in hunting, by a small species of serpent, called on. (Pausan., 8, 4, 4.)


They are said at one time to have been possessed of forty towns; but many of these must certainly have been little more than villages, and some also were subsequently included within the boundaries of Latium. The only cities of note, which all geographers agree in assigning to the Æqui, are Varia and Carseoli, on the Via Valeria. (Cramer's Anc. Italy, vol. 1, p. 322.) "Almost inseparable from the Volscians in Roman story," observes Niebuhr (Rom. Hist., vol. 1, p. 58, Cambridge transl.), “we find the qui or Æquiculi, who are described as an ancient people, and threatening Rome. They are so often confounded with the Volscians, that the fortress on the Lake Fucinus, which the Romans took in the year of the city 347, may with probability be called Equian; and when Livy says that the Volscian wars had lasted from the time of Tarquinius Superbus for more than two hundred years, he considers the Volscians and Equi as one people." This remark of Niebuhr's, however, admits of some modification, as will appear from what precedes. The qui and Volsci should undoubtedly be kept distinct, though originating evidently from the same parent-race.

ÆQUIMELIUM, a place at Rome, in the Vicus Jugarius, at the base of the Capitoline Hill, where once had stood the mansion of Spurius Melius. This individual, having aspired to supreme power, was slain by Ahala, master of the horse to the dictator Cincinna tus, and his dwelling was razed to the ground. Hence, according to Varro (L. L., 4, 32), the etymology of the term Equimelium, quod solo æquata sit Melii domus." (Compare Liv., 4, 16.) Cicero and Valerius Maximus, however, assign another, but less correct, derivation, from the just nature of the punishment inflicted upon Melius ("ex æquo seu justo supplicio Meli.". Consult Cic. pro Dom., c. 38, and Val. Max., 6, 3).

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ERIAS, an ancient king of Cyprus, who built the temple of Venus at Paphos. A later tradition made this temple to have been founded by Cinyras. (Tacit. Hist., 2, 3.)

Greek Aioa, “fate;” and Dickinson (Delph. Phœniciz., c. 11) from the Hebrew, comparing it also with the Arabic asara, "to create." Lanzi (Saggio di Ling. Etrusc., vol. 3, p. 708), after quoting Casaubon's etymology, suggests the Greek form oioi, the same with coi, as the root. The Asi (or, more correctly, Esir) of Scandinavian mythology will furnish, however, a more obvious and satisfactory ground of comparison. The term As is equivalent to "Deus" or "God," and the plural form is Esir, "Gods." Hence Asgard, or Asa-gard, the old northern term for "hearen." It is curious to observe, that Os in Coptic like

AEROPE, I. daughter of Catreus, king of Crete, and | (Sueton., . c.-Dio Cass., 56, 29.) Casaubon degranddaughter, on the father's side, of Minos. She rives the Etrurian term just referred to from the and her sister Clymene, having been guilty of incontinence, were delivered over, by their father, into the hands of Nauplius of Euboea, to be conveyed by him to foreign lands, and there sold into slavery. Nauplius, however, married Clymene, and sold merely Aërope. She was purchased by Plisthenes, son of Atreus, and became by him the mother of Agamemnon and Menelaus. Plisthenes, however, dying young, Atreus, his father, took Aërope to wife, and brought up Agamemnon and Menelaus as his own sons. Aërope subsequently was seduced by Thyestes, brother of Atreus, an act which was punished so horridly by the injured husband. (Vid. Atreus and Thyestes.) Ac-wise signifies "God" or "Lord," with which we may cording to some authorities, Aërope was cast into the sea by Atreus. (Apollod., 3, 2, 3.-Heyne, ad Apollod., 1. c.--Schol. in Eurip. Orest., 812.-Brunck, ad Soph. Aj, 1255.)—II. Daughter of Cepheus, became the mother of Aëropus by the god Mars. She died in giving birth to her offspring. (Pausan., 8, 44.)

AEROPUS, I. Son of Mars and Aërope. (Vid. Aërope, II.)-II. Son of Temenus, who, with his two brothers, left Argos, and settled in Macedonia. Perdiccas, the youngest of the three, was the founder of the Macedonian royal line. (Herod., 8, 137. Compare Thucyd., 2,99, and consult the article Macedonia.)-III. A king of Macedonia, who succeeded, while yet an infant, his father Philip the First. The Illyrians having made an inroad into Macedonia, and having proved successful at first, were afterward defeated by the Macedonians, the infant king being placed in his cradle in the rear of their line. (Justin, 7, 2.)-IV. | A regent of Macedonia during the minority of Orestes, son of Archelaus. He usurped the supreme power, and held it six years, from 400 B.C. to 394 B.C.V. A mountain of Epirus, now Mount Trebeeshna, near the defile anciently called Stena Aoi, or " Gorge of the Aous." On one of the precipices of this mountain stands the fortress of Clissura. (Consult Hughes' Travels, vol. 2, p. 272.)

compare the Greek oo-tog, "holy." So, also, the earlier term for "altar" in the Latin language was asa. (Terent. Scaur., p. 2252, 2258.) In Berosus, moreover, the gods are termed Isi; and good deities or geniuses were called by the ancient Persians Ized. (Müller, Etrusker, vol. 2, p. 81.-Kanne, System der Indischen Mythen, p. 228.

ESARA. Vid. Supplement.

ÆSARUS, a river of Bruttium, on which Crotona was situate. It formed a haven, which, however incommodious compared with those of Tarentum and Brundisium, was long a source of great wealth to this city, as we are assured by Polybius (Frag., 10, 1). The modern name is the Esaro. (Compare Theocritus, Id., 4, 17.)

ESCHINES, I. an Athenian philosopher, of mean birth and indigent circumstances, styled the Socratic (ó Σwkparikóç) for distinction' sake from the orator of the same name mentioned below. He flourished during the fourth century B.C., and obtained instruction from Socrates, who honoured his ardent zeal for knowledge, and held him in high estimation. (Diog. Laert., 2, 60.-Senec. de Benef., 1, 8.) When schines addressed himself to the sage for the purpose of becoming his disciple, it was in the following words: “I am poor, but I give myself up entirely to you, which is all I have ESACUS, according to Ovid (Met., 11, 762, seqq.), to give." The reply of Socrates was characteristic: a son of Priam and Alexirrhoë, who at an early age "You know not the value of your present." After the quitted his father's court and retired to rural scenes. death of his master, he endeavoured to better his worldHe became enamoured of the nymph Hesperia; but ly condition, and, having borrowed a sum of money, she treated his suit with disdain, and, in endeavouring became a perfumer. It appears, however, that he did on one occasion to escape from him, lost her life by not succeed in this new vocation; and, not paying the the bite of a serpent. Esacus, in despair, threw interest of the sum he had borrowed, he was sued for himself headlong from a rock into the sea; but Tethys, the debt. Athenæus (13, p. 611, d) has preserved for pitying his fate, suspended his fall, and changed him us part of a speech delivered by Lysias on this occainto a cormorant.-A different account is given by sion, in which he handles schines with considerable Apollodorus. According to this writer, Esacus was severity, and charges him with never paying his debts, the son of Priam, by his first wife Arisba, and mar- with defrauding a certain individual of his property, ried Asterope, who did not long survive her union with corrupting his wife, &c. Not being able to live any him. His grief for her loss induced him to put an end longer at Athens, he betook himself to Sicily, and to his existence. Esacus was endued by his grand- sought to win the favour of the tyrant Dionysius. Acmother Merope with the gift of prophecy; and he cording to Lucian (de Parasit.-ed. Bip., vol. 7, p. transmitted this art to his brother and sister, Helenus 127), he accomplished his object by reading one of his and Cassandra. Priam, having divorced Arisba that dialogues, entitled Miltiades, to the tyrant, who liberalhe might espouse Hecuba, and the latter having ly rewarded him. Plutarch (de Discr. amic. et adulat. dreamed that she had brought forth a blazing torch, ed. Reiske, vol. 6, p. 248) informs us, that he had which wrapped in flames the whole city, Æsacus pre-been strongly recommended to Dionysius by Plato, in dicted that the offspring of this marriage would occasion the destruction of his family and country. On this account, the infant Paris, immediately after his birth, was exposed on Mount Ida. (Apollod., 3, 12, 5, seqq., and Heyne, ad loc.)

ESAR, an Etrurian word, equivalent to the Latin Deus. (Sueton. Vit. Aug., 97.) The lightning, having struck a statue of Augustus at Rome, effaced the letter C from the name CESAR on the pedestal. The augurs declared that, as C was the mark of a hundred, and ÆSAR the same as Deus, the emperor had only a hundred days to spend on earth, after which he would be taken to the gods. The death of Augustus, soon after, was thought to have verified this prediction.

a conversation which they had together subsequent to the arrival of Eschines, in which Plato complained to the tyrant of his neglecting a man who had come to him with the most friendly intention, that of improving him by philosophy. The statement of Diogenes Laer tius, however, is directly opposite to this, for he informs us that Eschines was slighted by Plato, and introduced to the prince by Aristippus. He remained in Sicily till the expulsion of Dionysius, and then returned to Athens. Here, not daring to become a public rival of Plato or Aristippus, he taught philosophy in private, and received payment for his instructions. He also composed orations and pleadings for others. Besides orations and epistles, Eschines wrote seven So

cratic dialogues in the true spirit of his master, on know not how he might have met these disgraceful temperance, moderation, humanity, integrity, and other charges. If, however, any inference is to be drawr. virtues. Their titles were, Miriúdnç, Kaλhías, 'A§io- from the feeble manner in which he replies to similar χος, Ασπασία, 'Αλκιβιάδης, Τηλαυγής, and Ρίνων. charges, made by the same orator on a different occaOf these none remain. We have, indeed, three dia- sion, we should be led to suspect that they were, in logues extant, which go under the name of Eschines, some degree, based upon the truth. Nor, indeed, is but the first and second are not his, and very probably it probable, that, with all the license allowed the ancient the third also was never composed by him. (Meiners, orators, Demosthenes would have ventured to make Judicium de quibusdam Socraticorum reliquiis.-Com- such assertions in the presence of the Athenian peoment. Soc. Goett., vol. 5, p. 45, 1782.-Fischer, ad ple if unsupported by facts. Suidas calls the mother Esch. Dial., p. 23, 49, 107, ed. 1786.) Their titles of Æschines Thεorpía, a retainer to the female priestare: 1. Περὶ 'Αρετῆς, εἰ διδακτόν. "Concerning vir hood in initiations. Photius (Biblioth., vol. 1, p. 20, tue, and whether it can be communicated by instruc- ed. Bekker) says, that she was iɛpɛía, "a priestess;" tion." 2. 'Epvíaç, ǹ nɛpì nhoúrov. "Eryxias, or while another authority (Lucian, in Somn.-vol. 1, ed. concerning riches." 3. Αξίοχος, ἢ περὶ θανάτου. Βip., p. 13) makes her to have been τυμπανιστρία, ο "Axiochus, or concerning death." This last is attrib- kind of minstrel, who beat the tabour in the feasts of uted by some to Xenocrates of Chalcedon, and, what Cybele. From all that we can learn of the early life makes it extremely probable that Xenocrates was the of Eschines, it would appear, that, after having aided author of the piece, is the circumstance of its contain- his father in the management of a school, he became ng the word aλEKTрUоvоτрóдoc, for which Pollux cites clerk to one of the lower class of magistrates. Tired the Axiochus of this very philosopher. Diogenes Laer- of this station, he attached himself to a company of tratius, moreover, informs us, that Xenocrates wrote agedians, but was intrusted merely with third-rate charwork on death, but the manner in which he speaks of acters. It is said that, on one occasion, when personthis production does not seem to indicate that it had ating Enomaus, he chanced to fall upon the stage, a the form of a dialogue. A letter, ascribed to Eschi- circumstance which occasioned his disgraceful dismis nes, is, in like manner, supposed to be the production sion from the troop. Hence the name of Enomaus, of another writer. Eschines pretended to have re- which Demosthenes, in ridicule, applies to him. (Deceived his dialogues from Xanthippe, the wife of Soc-mosth. de corona, 307, ed. Reiske.) On the other rates; and Diogenes Laertius states that Aristippus, hand, Eschines himself states, that from early life he when reading them, called out, óbev σoì, 2ŋorà, Taura; followed the profession of arms, served on many occa "where did you get these from, you thief?" Little sions with distinction, and had a crown decreed him by reliance, however, can be placed on either of these ac- the people for his meritorious exertions. It is more counts. The three dialogues ascribed to Eschines than probable that Eschines here selects the fairest are found in the old editions of Plato, since that of Al- parts of his career, and Demosthenes, on the contrary, dus, 1513. The Axiochus is given by Wolf, in the whatever was calculated to bring him into contempt. collection entitled Doctrina recte vivendi ac monendi, Some ancient writers make him to have been a disciple Basil., 1577 and 1586, 8vo. Le Clerc first published of Isocrates and Plato, but others, with far more probathese dialogues separately, at Amsterdam, 1711, in 8vo. bility, assign him Nature alone for an instructress, and Horræus gave a new edition and a new Latin version affirm that the public tribunals and the theatre were his at Leuwarde, 1718, in 8vo. Fischer published four only places of initiation into the precepts of the oratorieditions successively at Leipsic, in 1758, 1766, 1786, cal art. Eschines must have possessed strong natuand 1788, 8vo. The last contains merely the text ral talents to become as eminent as he did, and to be with an Index, so that the third is the most useful to able to contest the prize of eloquence with so powerful the student. Fischer's editions are decidedly the best. a competitor as Demosthenes. It was a long time, The letter mentioned above was published by Sammet, however, before he became much known as a public in his edition of the letters of Æschines the orator.-II. speaker, and he was already advanced in life when he An Athenian orator, born 397 B.C., sixteen years be- commenced taking part in the politics of the day. fore Demosthenes. According to the account which (Recherches sur la vie et sur les ouvrages d'Eschine, Eschines gives of his own parentage, his father was par l'Abbé Vatry.-Mem. Acad. des Inser., &c., vol. of a family that had a community of altars with the race 14, p. 87.) When Æschines began his public career, of the Eteobutada. Having lost his property by the the Athenians were engaged in a war with Philip of calamities of war, he turned his attention, as the son Macedon. The orator showed himself, at first, one of tells us, to gymnastic exercises; but, being subsequent- the most violent opposers of this monarch, and proly driven out by the thirty tyrants, he retired to Asia, posed sending ambassadors throughout Greece, in orwhere he served in a military capacity, and greatly dis- der to raise up enemies against him. He himself went tinguished himself. He contributed afterward to the in this capacity to Megalopolis, to confer with the restoration of the popular power in Athens. One of general council of Arcadia. When the Athenians sent the orator's brothers served under Iphicrates, and held ten ambassadors to negotiate a peace with Philip, who a command for three years, while another, the youngest, had been at war with them on account of Amphipolis, was sent as ambassador from the republic to the King Eschines, who was thought to be devoted to the pubof Persia. Such is the account of Eschines himself lic good, was one of the number. Demosthenes was (de male gesta leg., p. 47 and 48, ed. Steph.). That a colleague of his on this occasion, and we have the exgiven by Demosthenes, however, in his oration for the press testimony of the latter, in favour of the correctcrown, is widely different. According to the latter, ness and integrity which on this occasion marked the the father of Eschines was originally a slave to a conduct of his rival. A change, however, soon took schoolmaster, and his first name was Tromes, which, place. Eschines, on his return, after having at first upon gaining his freedom, he changed to Atrometus, in strenuously opposed the projected peace, on the mor accordance with Athenian usage. His mother was at row as earnestly advised it. The gold of Macedon had, first named Empusa, an appellation which Demosthenes beyond a doubt, been instrumental in producing this revinforms us was given to her on account of her habits olution in his sentiments, and we find him ever after of life, she being a common courtesan. This name ward a warm partisan of Philip's, and blindly second was afterward changed to Glaucothea. (Demosth. de ing all his ambitious designs. From this period Es corona, p. 270, ed. Reiske.) The statement of De- chines and Demosthenes became open antagonists. nicsthenes, coming as it does from the lips of a rival, The latter, in concert with Timarchus, having medimight well be suspected of exaggeration; and as Es- tated an impeachment of his rival for his conduct on chines did not reply to the speech of his opponent, we another embassy, when he and four colleagues purpose

orations of schines, and it would seem that these were his sole remaining productions, even at an early period, since Photius states, that it was customary to designate these speeches by the name of " the Graces of Eschines." The most celebrated of these harangues is the one ostensibly directed against Ctesiphon, but in reality against Demosthenes. It is remarkable for order, clearness, and precision, and was selected by Cicero to be translated into Latin.-The Abbé Barthelemy makes the eloquence of Eschines to be distinguished by a happy flow of words, by an abundance and clearness of ideas, and by an air of great ease, which arose less from art than nature. The ancient writers appear to agree in this, that the manner of Eschines is softer, more insinuating, and more delicate than that of Demosthenes, but that the latter is more grave, forcible, and convincing. The one has more of address, and the other more of strength and

force, the assent of his auditors. In the harmony and elegance, the strength and beauty of their language, both are deserving of high commendation, but the figures of the one are finer, of the other bolder. In De mosthenes we see a more sustained effort, in Eschines vivid, though momentary, flashes of oratory.-Be sides the speeches above mentioned, twelve epistle. are attributed to Æschines, which he is supposed to have written from Rhodes. Photius makes the number only nine, and states that they were called, from this circumstance, the Muses of Eschines. One of the best editions of Eschines is that of Wolf, containing also the orations of Demosthenes. It was first printed at Basle by Oporinus, afterward at the same place in 1549 and 1572, at Venice in 1550, and at Frankfort in 1604. The orations of Eschines are also contained in Reiske's excellent edition of the Greek Orators, Lips., 1770, &c., 12 vols. 8vo, and in the valuable London edition, recently published, of the works of Demosthenes and Æschines, 10 vols. 8vo, 1827. To these may be added the edition of Foulkes and Friend, Oxon., 1696, 8vo, and that of Stock, Dublin, 1769, 2 vols. 8vo. These last two editions, however, contain merely the orations of Eschines and Demosthenes respecting the crown. The epistles were published separately by Sammet, Lips., 1771, 8vo.-III. The au

ly wasted time in Macedonia, while Philip was prosecuting his conquests in Thrace, Æschines anticipated their attack by an accusation of Timarchus himself, and spoke with so much energy, that the latter either hung himself in despair, or, according to another authority, was condemned, and deprived of his rights as a citizen. Demosthenes, however, not intimidated by the blow, preferred his original charge against Eschines, and, according to Photius (Biblioth., vol. 1, p. 20, ed. Bekker), came so near accomplishing the object he had in view, that his rival was only saved by the active interference of a wealthy citizen named Eubulus, an open enemy of Demosthenes, and by the judges rising from their seats before the accusation was brought to a close. After many subsequent collisions, Eschines was compelled to yield to the patriotism and eloquence of his adversary. Their most famous controversy was that which related to the crown. A little after the battle of Cheronea, Demosthenes was commissioned to re-energy. The one endeavours to steal, the other to pair the fortifications of Athens. He expended, in the performance of this task, thirteen talents, ten of which he received from the public treasury, while the remaining three were generously given from his own private purse. As a mark of public gratitude for this act of liberality, Ctesiphon proposed to the people to decree a crown of gold to the orator. Eschines immediately preferred an impeachment against Ctesiphon, alleging that such a decree was an infringement of the established laws of the republic, since Demosthenes still held some public offices, and his accounts had not therefore been settled, and besides, since he was not such a friend to the state as Ctesiphon had represented him to be, who had, therefore, put upon record documents of a false and erroneous character. Demosthenes, on whom the attack was virtually made, appeared in defence of the accused. This celebrated cause, after having been delayed for some time in consequence of the troubles attendant on the death of Philip, was at last brought to a hearing. Ability and eloquence was displayed on both sides, but the palm was won by Demosthenes; and his rival, being found guilty of having brought an unjust accusation, was obliged to undergo the punishment he had intended for Ctesiphon, and was banished from his country. It is stated by Photius (Biblioth., vol. 2, p. 493, ed. Bekker), that Eschines, when he left Athens, was followed and assisted by Demosthe-thor of a harangue entitled Deliaca, which some have nes, and that, upon the latter's offering him consolation, he replied, "How shall I be able to bear my exile from a city, in which I leave behind me enemies more generous than it is possible to find friends in any other." Plutarch, however, ascribes this very answer to Demosthenes, when his opponents made a similar offer to him as he was departing from Athens into exile. Eschines retired to Asia with the intention of presenting himself before Alexander; but the death of that monarch compelled him to change his views, and take up his residence at Rhodes. Here he opened a school of eloquence, and commenced his lectures by reading the two orations which had been the occasion of his banishment. His hearers loudly applauded his own speech; but when he came to that of Demosthenes, they were ESCHRION, I. a Mytilenean poet, intimate with thrown into transports of admiration. "What would Aristotle. He accompanied Alexander in his Asiatic you have said," exclaimed Eschines, according to the expedition. Consult Vossius de Poet. Grac.-II. An common account, “had you heard Demosthenes him- Iambic poet of Samos. He is mentioned by Athenæus self pronounce this oration?" The statement of Pho- (7, 296, e, and 8, 335, c), and also by Tzetzes, in his tius, however, is different from this, and certainly more scholia on Lycophron (v. 688-9). Some of his verses probable. The auditors of Eschines at Rhodes ex- are preserved by Athenæus and in the Anthology. pressed, as he informs us, their surprise that a man of (Compare Jacobs, ad Anthol., vol. 1, part 1, p. 385.) so much ability should have been overcome by De--III. A physician, preceptor to Galen. (Vid. Sup mosthenes: "Had you heard that wild beast (rov In-plement.)-IV. A Greek writer, who composed a work piov ¿KEívov)," exclaimed Eschines, "you would have on husbandry, &c., which is cited by Pliny, and also ceased to be at a loss on this head." (εi ǹKOÚGATE TOû | by Varro, R. R, 1, 1.

attributed to the orator schines. (Diog. Laert.)— IV. An Arcadian, a disciple of Isocrates. (Id.)—V. A Mytilenean, surnamed the scourge of orators, pntopoaoris. (Id.)—VI. A native of Neapolis, and member of the Academic sect, about B.C. 109.-VII. A native of Miletus, and orator, whose style of speaking is represented by Cicero as of the florid and Asiatic kind. (Cic. Brut., c. 95.)--VIII. An Athenian physician who cured the quinsy, affections of the palate, cancers, &c., by employing the cinders of excrements. (Plin., 28, 4.)

IX. A distinguished individual among the Eretrians, who disclosed to the Athenians the treacherous designs of some of his countrymen, when the former had marched to their aid against the Persians." (Herod., 6, 100.)

Θηρίου ἐκείνου οὐκ ἂν ὑμῖν τοῦτο ἀπόρητο. Phot. ESCHYLUS, I. a celebrated tragic writer, son of EuBiblioth., vol. 1, p. 20, ed. Bekker.) He subsequently phorion, born of a noble family at Eleusis in Attica, transferred his school from Rhodes to Samos, where in the fourth year of the sixty-third Olympiad, B.C. he died at the age of 75 years. We have only three | 525. (Compare Vit. Anenym, given in Stanley's ed.,

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