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this, that the red Egyptians were connected by kindred, and were, in fact, the descendants of a black race, probably the Ethiopian. (Compare plate 92 of the work just alluded to, and also plates 84 and 86.) In the same volume of the "Description de l'Egypte" is a plate representing a painting at Eilithyia. Numerous figtheir hair is black and curled. "Les cheveux noirs et frisés, sans être court et crêpus comme ceux des Negres." This is probably a correct account of the hair of the Egyptian race.-3. The third class of data for the present investigation is obtained from the form of the scull. In reference to the form of the scull among the ancient Egyptians, and their osteological characters in general, there is no want of information. The innumerable mummies, in which the whole nation may be said to have remained entire to modern times, afford sufficient means of ascertaining the true form of the race and all its varieties. Blumenbach, who has collected much information on everything relating to the history of mummies, in his excellent "Beyträge zur Naturgeschichte," concludes with a remark that the Egyptian race, in his opinion, contains three varieties. These are, first, the Ethiopian form; secondly, the "Hindus-artige," or a figure resembling the Hindus; and, thirdly, the "Berber-ähnliche," or, more properly, Berberin-ähnliche, a form similar to that of the Berbers or Berberins. It must be observed, however, that Blumenbach has been led to adopt this opinion, not so much from the mummies he has examined, as from the remains of ancient arts and from historical testimonies. As far as their osteological characters are concerned, it does not appear that the Egyptians differed very materially from Europeans. They certainly had not the character of the scull which

Grecian affairs when under the Ptolemies, and afterward with the rest of Europe when it had become a Roman province, it is very singular, on the supposition that this nation was so remarkably different from the rest of mankind, that we have no allusion to it. We seldom find the Egyptians spoken of as a very peculiar race of men. These circumstances induce us to hes-ures of the people are seen. It is remarkable that itate in explaining the expressions of the ancients in that very strong sense in which they at first strike us. -2. The second class of data, from which we may form a judgment on this subject, are Paintings in Temples, and other remains. If we may judge of the complexion of the Egyptians from the numerous paintings found in the recesses of temples, and in the tombs of the kings in Upper Egypt, in which the colours are preserved in a very fresh state, we must conclude that the general complexion of this people was a chocolate, or a red copper colour. This may be seen in the coloured figures given by Belzoni, and in numerous plates in the splendid "Description de l'Egypte." This red colour is evidently intended to represent the complexion of the people, and is not put on in the want of a lighter paint or flesh colour: for when the limbs or bodies are represented as seen through a thin veil, the tint used resembles the complexion of Europeans. The same shade might have been generally adopted if a darker one had not been preferred, as more truly representing the natural complexion of the Egyptian race. (Compare Belzoni's Remarks, p. 239.) Female figures are sometimes distinguished by a yellow or tawny colour, and hence it is probable that the shade of complexion was lighter in those who were protected from the sun. A very curious circumstance in the paintings found in Egyptian temples remains to be noticed. Besides the red figures, which are evidently meant to represent the Egyptians, there are other fig-belonged to the negroes in the western parts of Africa; ures which are of a black colour. Sometimes these represent captives or slaves, perhaps from the negro countries; but there are also paintings of a very different kind, which occur chiefly in Upper Egypt, and particularly on the confines of Egypt and Ethiopia. In these the black and the red figures hold a singular relation to each other. Both have the Egyptian costume, and the habits of priests, while the black figures are represented as conferring on the red the instruments and symbols of the sacerdotal office. "This singular representation," says Mr. Hamilton, "which is often repeated in all the Egyptian temples, but only here at Phile and at Elephantine with this distinction of colour, may very naturally be supposed to commemorate the transmission of religious fables and the social institutions from the tawny Ethiopians to the comparatively fair Egyptians.' It consists of three priests, two of whom, with black faces and hands, are represented as pouring from two jars strings of alternate sceptres of Osiris and cruces ansate over the head of another whose face is red. There are other paintings which seem to be nearly of the same purport. In the temple of Phile, the sculptures frequently depict two persons who equally represent the characters and symbols of Osiris, and two persons equally answering to those of Isis; but in both cases one is invariably much older than the other, and appears to be the superior divinity. Mr. Hamilton conjectures that such figures represent the communication of religious rites from Ethiopia to Egypt, and the inferiority of the Egyptian Osiris. In these delineations there is a very marked and positive distinction between the black figures and those of fairer complexion; the former are most frequently conferring the symbols of divinity and sovereignty on the other. Besides these paintings described by Mr. Hamilton, there are frequent repetitions of a very singular representation, of which different examples may be seen in the beautiful plates of the Description de l'Egypte." In these it is plain, that the idea meant to be conveyed can be nothing else than

and if any approximation to the negro scull existed among them, it must have been rare and in no great degree. Sömmering has described the heads of four mummies seen by him; two of them differed in nothing from the European formation; the third had only one African character, viz., that of a larger space marked out for the temporal muscle; the characters of the fourth are not particularized. Mr. Lawrence, in whose work (Lectures on Physiology, p. 299, Am. ed.) the above evidence of Sömmering is cited, has collected a variety of statements respecting the form of the head in the mummies deposited in the museums and other collections in several countries. He observes, that in the mummies of females seen by Dénon, in those from the Theban catacombs engraved in the great French work, and in several sculls and casts in the possession of Dr. Leach, the osteological character is entirely European; lastly, he adduces the strong evidence of Cuvier, who says, that he has examined in Paris, and in the various collections of Europe, more than fifty heads of mummies, and that not one amrong them presented the characters of the negro or Hottentot. (Lawrence's Lectures, p. 301.-Observations sur le cadavre de la Venus Hottentotte, par M. Cuvier, Mem. du Museum d'Hist. Nat., 3, 173, seqq.) It could therefore be only in the features, as far as they depend on the soft parts, that the Egyptians bore any considerable resemblance to the negro. And the same thing might probably be affirmed of several other nations, who must be reckoned among the native Africans. Particularly it might be asserted of the Berberins or Nubians already mentioned, and of some tribes of Abyssinians. A similar remark might be made of the Copts. In neither of these races is it at all probable that the scull would exhibit any characteristic of the negro. It is here, then, that we are to look for the nearest representatives of the ancient Egyptians and Ethiopians, and particularly to the Copts, who are descended from the former, and to the copper-coloured races resembling the Berberins or Nubians. Denon

7. Origin of Egyptian Civilization. The question that now presents itself is one of a singularly interesting character. Whence arose the arts and civilization of Egypt? Were they indigenous, or did they come to her as the gift of another land! Everything seems to countenance the idea that civilization came gradually down the valley of the Nile, from the borders of Ethiopia to the shores of the Medilized life were first introduced into Upper Egypt, the lower section of the country formed merely a vast morass or gulf of the sea, and that they followed in their progressive developement the course of the stream. (Compare Herodotus, 2, 4.-Id. ibid. 5.—Id. ibid. 11, seqq.-Diod. Sic. 1, 34;-and the memoirs of Girard, Andréossy, &c., in the Description de l'Egypte. Compare also the remarks in the present volume under the article Delta.) Monuments, tradition, analogies of every kind, are here in accordance with natural probabilities. There was a period when the names of Ethiopia and Egypt were confounded together, when the two nations were thought to form but a single people. (Compare the proofs of this assertion, as collected and discussed by Creuzer, Commentat. Herodot., p. 178, seqq., in opposition to Champollion the younger; and also the remarks in the present volume, under the articles Æthiopia and Meroe.) In all the recitals and legends of the earliest antiquity the Egyp tians are associated with the Ethiopians, and to the latter is assigned a distinguished character for wisdom, knowledge, and piety, which testifies to their priority in the order of civilization. (Compare Heeren, Ideen, 2, 1, 314, 405, &c.) We see also the common traditions of the two nations referring to Meroë the origin of most of the cities of Upper Egypt, and, among oth

makes mention of the resemblance which the Copts | Prichard's Physical History of Mankind, 1, 316, seqq., bear to the human figures painted or sculptured among 2d ed.) the ruins of ancient Egypt. He adds the following remarks. "As to the character of the human figure, as the Egyptians borrowed nothing from other nations, they could only copy from their own, which is rather delicate than fine. The female forms, however, resembled the figures of beautiful women of the present day; round and voluptuous; a small nose, the eyes long, half shut, and turned up at the outer angle like those of all persons whose sight is habitually fatigued by the burning heat of the sun or the dazzling white-iterranean. It would appear, that when the arts of civness of snow; the checks round and rather thick, the lips full, the mouth large, but cheerful and smiling; displaying, in short, the African character, of which the negro is the exaggerated picture, though perhaps the original type." The visages carved and painted on the heads of the sarcophagi may be supposed to give an idea of an Egyptian countenance. In these there is a certain roundness and flatness of the features, and the whole countenance, which strongly resembles the description of the Copts, and in some degree that of the Berberins. The colour of these visages is the red coppery hue of the last-mentioned people, and is nearly the same, though not always so dark, as that of the figures painted in the temples and catacombs. The most puzzling circumstance in this comparison refers to the hair. The Copts are said to have frizzled or somewhat crisp, though not woolly, hair. The old Egyptians, as well as the Ethiopians, are termed by the Greeks ouzorpixes. But the hair found in mummies is generally, if not always, in flowing ringlets, as long and as smooth as that of any European. Its colour, which is often brown, may depend on art, or the substance used in embalming. But the texture is different from what we should expect it to be, either from the statements of ancient writers, or from the description of the races now existing in the same countries. Conclusion. From what has been ad-ers, of Thebes. It is to Meroë, its ancient metropolis, duced, we may consider it as tolerably well proved, that Thebes attaches itself, when, for the purpose of that the Egyptians and Ethiopians were nations of the extending their commercial interests, they send a colsame race, whose abode, from the earliest periods of ony to found, in the midst of the deserts, a new city history, were the regions bordering on the Nile. of Ammon. (Herod. 2, 42.-Diod. Sic. 2, 3.) The These nations were not negroes, such as the negroes same institutions, a similar religion, language, and of Guinea, though they bore some resemblance to mode of writing, together with manners most strongly that description of men, at least when compared resembling one another, attest the primitive connexion with the people of Europe. This resemblance, how- that subsisted between these three sacred cities, though ever, did not extend to the shape of the scull, in any so widely apart. It appears, then, that a sacred caste, great degree at least, or in the majority of instances. established from a remote period on the borders of the It perhaps only depended on a complexion and physi-Nile, in the island, or, rather, peninsula formed by the ognomy similar to those of the Copts and Nubians. These races partake, in a certain degree, of the African countenance. The hair in the Ethiopians and Egyptians must sometimes have been of a more crisp or bushy kind than that which is often found in mummies; for such is the case in respect to the Copts, and the description of the Egyptians by all ancient writers obliges us to adopt this conclusion. In complexion it seems probable that this race was a counterpart of the Foulahs, in the west of Africa, nearly in the same latitude. The blacker Foulahs resemble in complexion the darkest people of the Nile; they are of a deep brown or mahogany colour. The fairest of the Foulahs are not darker than the Copts, or even than some Europeans. Other instances of as great a variety may be found among the African nations, within the limits of one race, as in the Bishuane Kaffers, who are of a clear brown colour, while the Kaffers of Natal on the coast are of a jet black. From some remarks of Diodorus and Plutarch, it would appear that the birth of fair, and even red-haired individuals, occasionally happened in the Egyptian race. Both these writers say, that Typhon was uppóc, or red-haired; the former adds that a few of the native Egyptians were of that appearance: 6λiyovç Tivùç. (Diod. Sic. 1, 88.-Plut. de Is. et Os., p. 363.

Astapus and Astaboras, sent forth gradually its sacerdotal colonies, carrying with them agriculture and the first arts of civilized life, along the regions to the north, and that these, proceeding slowly onward, passed eventually the cataract of Syene, and entered upon the valley of Egypt. Placing commerce under the safeguard of religion, and subjugating the inhabitants of the regions to which they came, more by the benefits they conferred than by any exercise of force, these strangers became at last the controlling power of the land, and laid the foundation of that brilliant character in the annals of civilization which has acquired for Egypt so imperishable a name. (Compare Heeren, Ideen. 2, 1, 363, seqq.-Id. ibid. 2, 532, seqq.-Goerres, Mythengeschichte, 2, 331, seqq.-Creuzer, Commentat. Herodot., p. 178, seqq.-Id. Symbolik, par Guigniaut, 1, 2, 778, seqq) But whence came the civilization of Meroë ?-This question will be considered in a dif ferent article. (Vid. Meroë.)

8. Egyptian History.

The Egyptians, like the Hindus and Persians, had allegorical traditions among them respecting the introduction of agriculture and the first beginnings of civilization in their country. Such were the Songs of Isis, whose high antiquity is attested by Plato (de Leg.

2.-Pt. 3, vol. 2, p. 239, ed. Bekker). They had, in | decisive testimony of his general fidelity by the interthe second place, epic traditions, a kind of poetic chron- pretation of the hieroglyphic inscriptions on the existicles, embracing the succession of high priests, and ing monuments; so much so, that, by the accordance the dynasties of the Pharaohs, or monarchs of the of the facts attested by these monuments with the reccountry. Such were the volumes of papyrus, which ord of the historian, we have reason to expect the enthe priests unrolled to satisfy the questions of Herod-tire restoration of the annals of the Egyptian monarchy otus (2, 100). We would err greatly, however, were antecedent to the Persian conquest, and which, indeed, we to suppose that these were actual histories. They is already accomplished in part. (Quarterly Journal were rather a species of heroic tales, intermingled with of Science, New Series, vol. 1, p. 180.) The next religious legends, and where allegory still played the authority after Manetho is Eratosthenes. He was chief part, as in the Ramayan and Mahabharat of the keeper of the Alexandrean library in the reign of PtolHindus, the Schahnameh of the Persians, and the emy Euergetes, the successor to Ptolemy Philadel traditions of the Greeks previous to the return, or in- phus. Among the few fragments of his works which vasion, of the Heraclide. These originals are unfor- have reached us, transmitted through the Greek histotunately lost for us. In their stead we have the sa- rians, is a catalogue of thirty-eight or thirty-nine kings cred books of the Hebrews, which offer a great number of Thebes, commencing with Menes (who is mentioned of recitals on this subject, but fragmentary in their na- by the other authorities also as the first monarch of ture, without developement, and often extremely vague. Egypt), and occupying by their successive reigns 1055 Hence it is difficult to conciliate these recitals with years. (Foreign Quarterly, No. 24, p. 358.) These those of the Greeks, which are in general more cir- names are stated to have been compiled from original cumstantial and extended. Some time before Herod- records existing at Thebes, which city Eratosthenes otus, Hippys of Rhegium and other travellers had visited expressly to consult them. The names of the visited Egypt. Among these Hecateus of Miletus is first two kings of the first dynasty of Manetho are the the most conspicuous. He travelled thither about the same with those of the first two kings in the catalogue 59th Olympiad, and described particularly the upper of Eratosthenes; but the remainder of the catalogue part of Egypt, bestowing especial attention on the presents no farther accordance, either in the names or state or city of Thebes, and the history of its kings. in the duration of the reigns. Next to Herodotus, Hence the reason why Herodotus says so little on these Manetho, and Eratosthenes, the most important authorpoints. (Creuzer, fragm. Hist. Græc. antiquissim., ity, in relation to Egypt and its institutions, is Diodop. 16, seqq.—Schöll, Hist. Lit. Gr. 2, 135, seqq.) rus Siculus, who lived under Cæsar and Augustus, and About the same period, Hellanicus of Lesbos also who, independent of his own observations and his regave a description of Egypt. (Hellanici fragm., ed. searches on the spot, refers frequently, in this part of Sturz., p. 39, seqq.) Herodotus succeeded. Visiting his work, to the old Greek historians, and particularly the country about seventy years after its conquest by to Hecateus of Miletus, after whom he describes the the Persians, he traversed its whole extent, and con- ancient kingdom of Thebes, and gives an account of signed to his great work all that he had seen, all that the monuments of this famous city, with surprising he had heard from the priests, as well with regard to fidelity. (Description de l'Egypte, 2, 59, seqq.-Comthe monuments as the history of Egypt, and added to pare Heyne, de fontibus Diod. Sic. in Comment. Soc. these his own opinions on what had passed under his Gött. 5, 104, seqq.) Strabo, the celebrated geograview or been related to him by others. (Herod.,lib.pher, visited Egypt in the suite of Ælius Gallus, about 2 et 3.) The state or city of Memphis is the princi- the commencement of our era. He does not content pal subject of his narrative. After him came Theo- himself, however, with merely recounting what fell pompus of Chios, Ephorus of Cuma (Fragm., ed. Marx., under his own personal observation, but frequently rep. 213, seqq.), Eudoxus of Cnidus, and Philistus of fers to the earlier writers. Plutarch, in many of his Syracuse. But their works have either totally perish- biographies, and especially in his treatise on Ísis and ed, or at best only a few fragments remain. At a la- Osiris; Philostratus, in his life of Apollonius; Porter period, and subsequent to the founding of Alexan-phyry, Iamblichus, Horapollo, and many other writers, drea, Hecatæus of Abdera travelled to Thebes. This took place under the first Ptolemy. (Creuzer, fragm., &c., p. 28, seqq.-Schöll, Hist. Lit. Gr. 3, 211, seqq.) In the reign of Ptolemy Philadelphus, two centuries and a half before the Christian era, Manetho, an Egyptian priest, of Heliopolis in Lower Egypt, wrote, by order of that prince, the history of his own country in the Greek language, translating it, as he states himself, out of the sacred records. His work is, most unfortunately, lost; but the fragments which have been preserved to us by the writings of Josephus, in the first century of the Christian era, as well as by the Christian chronographists, are, if entitled to confidence, of the highest historical value. What we have remaining of the work of Manetho presents us with a chronological list of the successive rulers of Egypt, from the first foundation of the monarchy to the time of Alexander of Macedon, who succeeded the Persians. This list is divided into thirty dynasties. It originally contained the length of reign as well as the name of every king; but, in consequence of successive transcriptions, variations have crept in, and some few omissions also occur in the record, as it has reached us through the medium of different authors. The chronology of Manetho, adopted with confidence by some, and rejected with equal confidence by others (his name and his information not being even noticed by some of the modern systematic writers on Egyptian history), has received the most unquestionable and

have preserved for us a large number of interesting particulars relative to the antiquities and the religion of Egypt.-We have already alluded to the quarter whence the germe of Egyptian civilization is supposed to have been derived. The first impression having been one of a sacerdotal character, we find the beginnings of Egyptian history partaking, in consequence, of the same. Hence the tradition, emanating from the priests of Egypt, according to which the supreme deities first reigned over the country; then those of the second class; after these the inferior deities; then the demigods; and, last of all, men. The first deity that reigned was Kneph: this embraces the most ancient period, of an unknown duration. To Kneph succeeded Phtha, who has for his element, fire, and whose reign it is impossible to calculate. Next came the Sun, his offspring, who reigned thirty thousand years. After him, Cronos (Saturn) and the other gods occupy, by their respective rules, a period of three thousand nine hundred and eighty-four years. Then succeeded the Cabiri, or planetary gods of the second class. After these came the demigods, to the number of eight, of whom Osiris was probably regarded as the first. After the gods and demigods appeared human kings and the first dynasty of Thebes, composed of thirty-seven kings, who succeeded one another for the space of fourteen hundred years, or, according to others, one thousand and fifty-five. (Compare Chron. Egypt., ap. Euseb. Thes. Temp. 2, p. 7, and Munetho,

p. 188, seqq.) More than two centuries passed under the dominion of this race. They are commonly called the shepherd race, and their dynasty that of the Hycsos, or Shepherd-kings. The sway of these invaders is said by Manetho to have been tyrannical and cruel. They exercised the utmost atrocity towards the native inhabitants, putting the males to the sword, and redu cing their wives and children to slavery. The conquest of Egypt by the Shepherds, as they are called, dates in the year 2082 B.C. Their dynasty continued to rule at Memphis 260 years, and their kings, six in number, were Salatis, Boon, Apachnas, Apophis, Janias, and Asseth. It was during the rule of the shepherd race that Joseph was in Egypt. Thus we have it at once explained how strangers, of whom the Egyptians were so jealous, should be admitted into power; how the king should be even glad of new settlers, oc

ap. Syncell.) Görres thinks that these thirty-seven | dynasties, a race of strangers entered from the east kings, who are given as so many mortals, may have into Egypt. (Josephus, contra Ap. 1, 14.-Compare been nothing else but the thirty-seven Decans, with Eusebius, Præp. Ev. 10, 13.) Everything yielded Menes at their head; so that, by rejecting this dynasty to these fierce invaders, who, having taken Memphis, as a continuation of the divine dynasties, those of a and fortified Avaris (or Abaris), afterward Pelusium, strictly human nature, and, with them, the historical organized a species of government, gave themselves times of Egypt, will have commenced, according to kings, and, if we believe certain traditions, founded the calculations of this ingenious and profound writer, On (the city of the Sun; Heliopolis), to the east of 2712 years before the Christian era. (Görres, My- the apex of the Delta. (Juba, cited by Pliny, 6, 34. thengeschichte, vol. 2, p. 412.-Compare Creuzer, Compare Volney, Recherches sur l'Hist. Anc. 3, 247, Symbolik, 1, 469, seqq., and Guigniaut's note, 1, 2, seqq.-Prichard's Analysis of Egyptian Mytholo 841.) Be this, however, as it may, the common ac-gy, p. 66, Append.-Creuzer, Commentat. Herodot, count makes Menes to have been the first human king of Egypt, and his name begins the dynasties of Thebes, of This, and of Memphis. Menes completed the work of the gods, by perfecting the arts of life, and dictating to men the laws he had received from the skies. This Menes, or Menas, or Mines (a name which Eratosthenes makes equivalent to Dionios, i. e., Jovialis), can hardly be an historical personage. He resembles a sort of intermediate being between the gods and the human kings of the lands, a divine type of man, a symbol of intelligence descended from the skies, and creating human society upon earth; similar to the Menou or Manou of India, the Minos of Crete, &c. He is a conqueror, a legislator, and a benefactor of men, like Osiris-Bacchus; like him, he perishes under the blows of Typhon, for he was killed by a hippopotamus, the emblem of this evil genius; like him, moreover, he has the ox for his symbol, Mne-cupying considerable tracts of his territory; and how vis the legislator being none other than the bull Mne- the circumstance of their being shepherds, though odivis of Heliopolis. (Compare Volney, Recherches sur ous to the conquered people, would endear them to a l'Hist. Anc. 3, 282, seqq.-Prichard's Analysis of sovereign whose family followed the same occupation. Egyptian Mythology, p. 381.-Creuzer's Symbolik, After the death of Joseph, the Scripture tells us that a par Guigniaut, 1, 2, 780.) The successor of Menes king arose who knew not Joseph. This strong exwas Thoth, or Athothes, to whom is ascribed the in-pression could hardly be applied to any lineal succesvention of writing, and many other useful arts. We sor of a monarch who had received such signal benefits have in the fragments of Manetho a full list of two dy- from him. It would lead us rather to suppose, that a nasties seated at This, at the head of the first of which new dynasty, hostile to the preceding, had obtained we find these two names. These two dynasties in possession of the throne. Now this is exactly the clude fifteen kings, and may therefore have continued case. For a few years later, the Hycsos, or Shepherdabout 400 years; the duration assigned to their col- kings, were expelled from Egypt by Amosis, called on 'lective reigns, in Eusebius's version of Manetho, is monuments Amenophtiph, the founder of the eigh554 years, but this is probably too long, as it is a sum teenth, or Diospolitan dynasty. He would naturally that far exceeds what would be the result of a similar refuse to recognise the services of Joseph, and would series of generations of the usual length. From the consider all his family as necessarily his enemies; time of Menes to that of Moeris, Herodotus leaves us and thus, too, we understand his fears lest they should entirely in the dark. He states merely (2, 100) that join the enemies of Egypt, if any war fell out with the priests enumerated between them 330 kings. them. (Exod. 1, 10.) For the Hycsos, after their Diodorus Siculus (1, 45) counts, in an interval of 1400 expulsion, continued long to harass the Egyptians by years between Menes and Busiris, eight kings, sev- attempts to recover their lost dominion. (Rosellien of whom are nameless, but the last was Busiris ni, p. 291.) Oppression was, of course, the means II. This prince is succeeded by eight descendants, employed to weaken first, and then extinguish, the six of whom are in like manner nameless, and the Hebrew population. The children of Israel were seventh and eighth are both called Uchoreus. From employed in building up the cities of Egypt. It has Uchoreus to Moeris he reckons twelve generations. been observed by Champollion, that many of the ediManetho, on the other hand, reckons between Menes fices erected by the eighteenth dynasty are upon the and the time at which we may consider his history ruins of older buildings, which had been manifestly as becoming authentic, sixteen dynasties, which in- destroyed. (2de Lett., p. 7, 10, 17.) This circumcludes nearly three thousand years. But, whatever stance, with the absence of older monuments in the opinion we may form relative to these obscure and parts of Egypt occupied by the Hycsos, confirms the conflicting statements, whether we regard these early testimony of historians, that these conquerors destroyed dynasties as collateral and contemporary reigns (Creu- the monuments of native princes; and thus was an zer's Symbolik, par Guigniaut, 1, 2, 780), or as be- opportunity given to the restorers of a native soverlonging merely to the fabulous periods of Egyptian eignty to employ those whom they considered their enhistory, the following particulars may be regarded as emies' allies in repairing their injuries. To this petolerably authentic. Egypt, during this interval, had riod belong the magnificent edifices of Karnac, Luxor, undergone numerous revolutions. She had detached and Medinet-Abou. At the same time we have the herself from Ethiopia; the government, wrested from express testimony of Diodorus Siculus, that it was the the priestly caste, had passed into the hands of the boast of the Egyptian kings that no Egyptian had put his military order; Thebes, now become powerful in re- hand to the work, but that foreigners had been comsources, and asserting her independence, had com- pelled to do it (1, 56). With regard to the opinion menced under a line probably of native princes, her ca- entertained by many learned men, that the children of reer of conquests and brilliant undertakings. On a sud- Israel were themselves the shepherd race, it may be den, in the time of a king called, by Manetho, Timaos, sufficient to remark that the Hycsos, as represented but who does not appear among the names in his list of on monuments, have the features, colour, and other

54.) Vast, however, as was the glory of this line of kings, it was eclipsed by the greater reputation of the chief of the next, or nineteenth dynasty, Ramses VI., the famed Sesostris (called also Sesoosis or Sethos and likewise Egyptus, or Ramesses the Great.-Com pare Champollion, Syst. Hierogl., p. 224, segq.). Se. sostris regenerated, in some sense, his country and na tion, by chasing from it the last remnant of the stran ger-races which had dwelt within the borders of Egypt, by giving to the Egyptian territory certain fixed limits, by dividing it into nomes, and by giving a powerful impulse to arts, to commerce, and to the spirit of conquest. One may see in Herodotus and Diodorus what a strong remembrance his various exploits in Africa, Asia, and perhaps even Europe, had left behind them. His labours in Egypt are attested by numerous monuments, not only from the Mediterranean to Syene, but far beyond, in Ethiopia, which at this time probably formed a portion of Egypt. (Champollion, Syst. Hierogl., p. 239, 391.) The result of his military expeditions was to enrich his country with the treasures of Ethiopia, Arabia Felix, and India, and to establish a communication with the countries of the East by means of fleets which he equipped on the Red Sea. That the history of his conquests has been exaggerated by the priests of Egypt, whose interests he favoured, cannot be denied. Equally apparent is it that his history bears some resemblance to the legends of Osiris. These assimilations, however, of their heroes to their gods, were familiar to the priests of the land. (Vid. Sesostris.) This nineteenth dynasty, at the head of which stands Sesostris, consisted of six kings, all of whom bear, upon monuments, the name of Ramses,

distinctives, not of the Jewish, but of the Scythian | in the fourth year of the reign of Thothmes III. (Mat. tribes. It was under a king of the eighteenth dynasty Hierog., p. 4.—Manners and Customs, &c., vol. 1, p. that the Israelites went out from Egypt, namely, Ramses V., the 16th monarch of the line. We have here, in this eighteenth dynasty, the commencement of what may be properly termed the second period of Egyptian history. The names of the monarchs are given as follows by the aid of Champollion's discoveries: 1. Thoutmosis I., of whom there is a colossal statue in the museum at Turin. 2. Thoutmosis II. (AmonMai), whose name appears on the most ancient parts of the palace of Karnac. 3. His daughter Amensi, who governed Egypt for the space of twenty-one years, and erected the greatest of the obelisks of Karnac. This vast monolith is erected in her name to the god Ammon, and the memory of her father. 4. Thoutmosis III., surnamed Meri, the Moeris of the Greeks. The remaining monuments of his reign are the pilaster and granite halls of Karnac, several temples in Nubia, the great Sphinx of the Pyramids, and the colossal obelisk now in front of the church of St. John Lateran at Rome. 5. His successor was Amenophis I., who was succeeded by, 6. Thoutmosis IV. This king finished the temples of the Wady Alfa and Arnada, in Nubia, which Amenoph had begun. 7. Amenophis II., whose vocal statue, of colossus size, attracted the notice of the Greeks and Romans. (Vid. Memnon, and Memnonium.) The most ancient parts of the palace at Luxor, the temple of Cnouphis at Elephantine, the Memnonium, and a palace at Sohled, in Nubia, are monuments of the splendour and piety of this monarch. 8. Horus, who built the grand colonnade of the palace at Luxor. 9. Queen Amencheres, or Tmau-Mot, commernorated in an inscription preserved in the museum at Turin. 10. Ramses I., who built the hypostyle hall at Karnac, and excavated a sepulchre for himself with various distinguishing epithets. The last of these at Beban-el-Moulouk. 11 and 12. Two brothers is supposed to have been contemporary with the TroMandoueli and Ousirei. They have left monuments jan war, and to be the one called Polybus by Homer. of their existence, the last in the grand obelisk now in The twentieth dynasty of Manetho also took its title the Piazza del Popolo at Rome; the first, in the beau- from Thebes. Their names may still be read upon tiful palace at Kourna, and the splendid tomb discov- the temples of Egypt; but the extracts from Manetho ered by Belzoni. 13. Their successor caused the two do not give their epithets. In the failure of his testigreat obelisks at Luxor to be erected. This was the mony, Champollion Figeac has had recourse to the list second Ramses. 14. Ramses III. Of this king dedi- given by Syncellus. The chief of this dynasty is celcatory inscriptions are found in the second court of ebrated, under the name of Remphis, or Rempsinitus, the palace of Karnac, and his tomb still exists at for his great riches. Herodotus gives him, for his sucThebes. 15. Ramses IV., surnamed Mei-Amoun, cessor, Cheops, the builder of the largest of the Pyrabuilt the great palace of Medinet - Abou, and a temple mids. The same authority places Cephrenes, the buildnear the southern gate of Karnac. The magnificent er of the second Pyramid, next in order; and, after sarcophagus which formerly enclosed the body of this him, Mycerinus, for whom is claimed the erection of king, has been removed from the catacombs of Beban- the third Pyramid. The researches of the two Chamel-Moulouk, and is now in the Museum of the Louvre. pollions have not discovered any confirmation of He was succeeded by his son, 16. Ramses V., sur- this statement of the father of profane history. The named Amenophis, who is considered as the last of next dynasty, the twenty-first of Manetho, derived its this dynasty, and who was the father of Sesostris. name from Tanis, a city of Lower Egypt. It was The acts of none of the kings of this dynasty are com- composed of seven kings, the first of whom was the Menmemorated by the Greek historians, with the exception des of the Greek historians, the Smendis of Manetho, of Moeris. He is celebrated by them for a variety of whose name Champollion reads, upon the monument useful labours, and appears to have done much to pro- of his reign, Mandoutheph. He was the builder of the mote the prosperity of Egypt, particularly by form- fabric known in antiquity by the name of the labyrinth. ing a lake to receive the surplus waters of the Nile The other kings of this family are also commemorated. during the inundation, and to distribute them for ag- The account which has reached us of the building of ricultural purposes during its fall. (Vid. Moeris.) the labyrinth, throws great light upon the state of the The reign of Ramses Amenophis is the era of the Ex-government of Egypt during the reign of Mendes and odus. The Scripture narrative describes this event as his successors. It was divided into as many separate connected with the destruction of a Pharaoh, and the compartments as there were nomes in Egypt, and in chronological calculation adopted by Rossellini would them, at fixed periods, assembled deputations, from make it coincide with the last year of this monarch's each of these districts, to decide upon the most imporreign. Wilkinson and Greppo, however, maintain that tant questions. Hence we may infer, that, in the change we need not necessarily suppose the death of a king to of dynasty, the Egyptians had succeeded in the estabcoincide with the exit from Egypt, as the Scripture lishment of a limited monarchy, controlled like the conspeaks, with the exception of one poetical passage, of stitutional governments of Europe, if not by the imthe destruction of Pharaoh's host rather than of the mediate representatives of the people, at least by the monarch's own death. But in Rossellini's scheme, this expression of the opinion of the notables. The ruins departure from the received interpretation is not want- of Bubastis, in turn, present memorials of the reigns ed. Wilkinson makes the exodus to have taken place of the Bubastite kings. (Bulletin des Sciences Hist.,

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