Obrazy na stronie

his native city, and in relieving the wants of the indigent. He laid a part of the foundations of the long walls with magnificent solidity at his own charge, and the southern wall of the citadel was built with the treasures which he brought from Asia into the coffers of the state.. He also set the example of adorning the public places of the city with trees, and, by introducing a stream of water, converted the Academy, a spot about two miles north of the city, from an arid waste into a delightful grove. (Vid. Academus.) He threw down the fences of his fields and orchards, that all who wished might enter and partake of their produce: he not only gave the usual entertainments expected from the rich to the members of his own borough, but kept a table constantly open for them. He never appeared in public without a number of persons attending him in good apparel, who, when they met with any elderly citizen scantily clothed, would insist on exchanging their warm mantles for his threadbare covering. It was the office of the same agents, respectfully to approach any of the poorer citizens of good character, whom they might see standing in the market-place, and silently to put some small pieces of money into their hands. This latter kind of expenditure was certainly of a mischievous tendency; and was not the less that of a demagogue, because Cimon sought popularity, not merely for his own sake, but for that of his order and his party.-About 466 B.C., Cimon was sent to the Thracian Chersonese, of which the Persians still kept possession, and having driven them out, next reduced the island of Thasus, and took possession of the Thasian gold-mines on the neighbouring continent. Scarcely, however, had he returned to Attica, when an accusation was preferred against him of having been corrupted by the King of Macedonia, because he had refrained, not, according to the common account, from attacking the Macedonians then at peace with Athens, but from striking a blow at the Thracian tribes on the frontier of that kingdom, who had recently cut off the Athenian settlers on the banks of the Strymon. (Vid. Amphipolis.) From this accusation Cimon had a very narrow escape. Having been sent, however, after this, with a body of troops to aid the Spartans before Ithome, and the latter having, after some interval, sent back their Athenian allies, whom they suspected of not lending them any effectual assistance, the irritation produced by this national insult fell principally upon Cimon, who was known to be an admirer of the Spartan character and constitution, and he was accordingly driven into exile. Subsequent events, however, made the Athenians feel the want of this able commander, and he was recalled and sent on an expedition against Egypt and Cyprus; but he was carried off by illness, or the consequences of a wound, in the harbour of Citium, to which place he was laying siege. His spirit, however, still animated his countrymen; for the fleet, when sailing home with his remains, gained a naval victory over a large squadron of Phoenician and Cilician galleys near the Cyprian Salamis, and followed up this victory by another which they gained on shore, either over the troops which had landed from the enemy's ships, or over a land force by which they were supported.-Cimon was, beyond dispute, the ablest and most successful general of his day; and his victories shed a lustre on the arms of Athens, which almost dimmed the glories of Marathon and Salamis. In after times, Cimon's military renown was enhanced by the report of a peace which his victories had compelled the Persian king to conclude on terms most humiliating to the monarchy. These were, that the Persians had agreed to abandon at least the military occupation of Asia Minor, to the distance of three days' journey on foot, or one on horseback, 'rom the coast, and to abstain from passing the mouth of the Bosporus and the Chelidonian islands into the western sea. This peace, of which Isocrates, De

mosthenes, Diodorus, and Plutarch speak, never took place. The silence of Thucydides is conclusive on the subject, to say nothing of the vague and contradictory statements of the very authors who do mention it. The fable seems to have sprung up, or to have acquired a distinct shape, in the rhetorical school of Isocrates, and to have been transmitted through the orators to the historians. (Plut., Vit. Cim.-Thirlwall's Greece, vol. 3, p. 2, seqq.)

CINCIA LEX, was proposed by M. Cincius, a tribune of the people, A.U.C. 549. It enacted, that no one should take money or a present for pleading a cause. (Liv., 34, 4.-Tac., Ann., 11, 5.)

CINCINNATUS, L. Quintius, a Roman patrician, whose name belongs to the earlier history of the republic, and has a well-known and spirit-stirring legend connected with it. His son, Kæso Quintius, had been banished on account of his violent language towards the tribunes, and the father had retired to his own patrimony, aloof from popular tumults. The successes of the qui and Volsci, however, rendered the appointment of a dictator necessary, and Cincinnatus was chosen to that high office. The delegates who were sent to announce this unto him, found the Roman noble ploughing his own fields; and from the plough he was transferred to the highest magistracy of his native state. The dictator laid aside his rural habiliments, assumed the ensigns of absolute power, levied a new army, marched all night to bring the necessary succour to the consul Minucius, who was surrounded by the enemy and blockaded in his camp, and before morning surrounded the enemy's army, and reduced it to a condition exactly similar to that in which the Romans had been placed. The baffled Equi were glad to submit to the victor's terms; and Cincinnatus, thereupon returning in triumph to Rome, laid down his dictatorial power, after having held it only fourteen days, and returned to his farm. At an advanced age he was again appointed dictator, to restrain the power of Spurius Melius (vid. Melius), and again proved himself the deliverer of his country. (Val. Max., 4, 4, 7.—Liv., 3, 26.)

CINEAS, a Thessalian, a minister and friend of Pyrrhus, and employed by the latter on many embassies. He had been a pupil of Demosthenes, and possessed considerable talents as an orator. Having been sent by Pyrrhus to Rome with proposals of peace, he compared the senate, on his return, to an assembly of kings, and a war with the Romans to a contest with another Lernæan hydra. (Plut., Vit. Pyrrh.)

CINGULUM, a town of Picenum, southwest of Ancona. It surrendered to Cæsar, though Labienus, then a great partisan of Pompey, had raised and constructed its fortifications at his own expense. The modern name is Cingolo. (Cæs., Bell. Civ., 1, 15.-Cic., Ep. ad Att., 7, 11.-Sil. Ital., 10, 34.)

CINNA, L. Cornelius, an adherent of Marius, who played a conspicuous part in the civil war between that leader and Sylla. Having attained to the consulship, after the proscription of Marius by his opponent, he began to exert himself for the recall of the former, and accused Sylla, who was just going as proconsul to Asia, of maladministration. That commander, however, took no notice of the complaint. After the departure of Sylla, he brought forward once more the law of Sulpicius, which admitted the Italians into all the thirty-five tribes without distinction. A violent riot ensued, numbers were slain, and Cinna, with his chief partisans, was driven from the city by his colleague Octavius. The Italian towns, regarding the cause of Cinna as their own, received him with the utmost cordiality. He collected thirty legions, called the proscribed to his support, and with Marius, Sertorius, and Carbo, marched upon and took possession of Rome. A scene of bloodshed and lawless rapine now ensued, which has perhaps no parallel in


Greek xivúpa, and also kivupito, "to mourn" or "la
ment." (Keightley's Mythology, p. 143.)

ancient or modern times, and has deservedly procured for those who were the actors in it the unmitigated abCIRCEI, I. a promontory of Latium, below Antium, horrence of all posterity. Cinna and Marius, by their own authority, now declared themselves consuls for now Monte Circello. It was the fabled residence of the ensuing year; but Marius dying, after having only Circe; the adjacent country being very low, and givheld that office for seventeen days, Cinna remained in ing this promontory at a distance the appearance of effect the absolute master of Rome. During the an island. It would seem, that Hesiod's making the space of three years after this victory of his, he con- kings of the Tyrrheni to have been descended from tinued to hold possession of the government at home, Circe and Ulysses, led to the opinion that the island a period during which, as Cicero remarks (De Clar. of that goddess was to be found on the Italian coast. Orat., 62), the republic was without laws and without An accidental resemblance in name also may have dignity. At length, however, Sylla, after terminating induced many to select this promontory as the place the war with Mithradates, prepared to march home of her abode. Homer's account, however, of the isle with his army and punish his opponents. Cinna, with of Circe does not at all suit this spot. The island his colleague Carbo, resolved thereupon to cross the was a low one, whereas this is a lofty promontory. Adriatic, and anticipate Sylla by attacking him in The adjacent sea also is represented by the poet as Greece; but a mutiny of their troops ensued, in which boundless to the view, which is not the case as regards Cinna was slain, B.C. 77. Haughty, violent, always Circeii. (Mannert, Geogr., vol. 9, pt. 1, p. 621.) eager for vengeance, addicted to debauchery, precipi- But, in truth, it requires too great a stretch of the tate in his plans, but always displaying courage in their imagination to believe that Homer, and the other poets execution, Cinna attained to a power little less absolute who have sung of the charms of Circe, were descrithan that afterward held by Sylla or Cæsar: and it is bing places which had an actual existence. It is more somewhat remarkable, that his usurpation should have than probable, that the fiction relative to the abode of been so little noticed by posterity, and that he himself Circe, received its application to the Italian coast subshould be so little known, that scarcely a single per- sequently to the period in which Homer wrote, when, sonal anecdote of him is to be found on record. (Ap- from the celebrity of his poems, it became a matter of belief. (Cluver., Ital. Ant., vol. 2, p. 1000.-Crapian, Bell. Civ., 1, 64.-Vell. Paterc., 2, 43, seqq.mer's Anc. Italy, vol. 2, p. 91.) Niebuhr, however, Appian, B. C., 1, 74, seqq.--Plut., Vit. Syll., 22.Liv., Epit., 83, &c.)-II. One of the conspirators makes the fable indigenous in 'the neighbourhood of against Cæsar (Plut., Vit. Cæs.)-III. C. Helvius, a the mountain. (Rom. Hist., vol. 1, p. 66, 2d ed., Roman poet, intimate with Cæsar, and tribune of the Cambridge transl.) -The promontory of Circeii was commons at the time when the latter was assassinated. famed for its oysters in the time of both Horace and According to Plutarch, he went to attend the obsequies Juvenal. (Horat., Sat., 2, 4, 33.—Juv, 4, 140. )—II. of Cæsar, but, being mistaken by the populace for Cinna A town of Latium, standing rather inland from the the conspirator, was torn in pieces by them. (Plut., promontory just mentioned, probably on the site of the Vit. Cæs.) Helvius composed a poem entitled Smyr-village of San Felice, where some ruins are said to be na (or Zmyrna), on which he was employed nine or visible. (Corradini, Vet. Lat., 1, 9, p. 98.—Pratilli, It Via Appia, 1, 16, p. 113.) We first hear of this place Four fragments of it have reached us. appears to have been characterized by considerable in the reign of Tarquinius Superbus; Dionysius inobscurity of meaning until the grammarian Crassitius forms us that it was colonized by his soldiers, as being (Sueton., Illustr. an important place from its situation near the Pometiwrote an able commentary upon it. Gram., 18.) Some other fragments have also reached nus Campus and the sea. (4, 63.--Compare Livy, 1, us of other productions of this poet. (Weichert, de C. 56.) It is uncertain. however, whether the town exHelv. Cinn. poet. Comment.-Bähr, Gesch. Röm. Lit., isted before this period. Circeii appears to have been still extant in Cicero's time, for he mentions that Circe vol. 1, p. 164.) was worshipped there. (N. D., 3, 19.) It was assigned to Lepidus as the place of his exile by Augustus. (Suet., Aug., 16.)

ten years.

CINNIANA, a town of Lusitania, in the northern or northwestern section of the country. Its precise situation has given rise to much dispute. According to some, it corresponds to Sitania, a deserted spot, six leagues east of Braga. Others, however, make it the same with certain ruins, called at the present day Chalcedonia, and lying near Caldas de Gerez, on the northern confines of Portugal. (Val. Max., 6, 4, ext. 1.--Link, Reisen durch Portugall, vol. 2, p. 3, seqq. -Ukert, Geogr., vol. 2, p. 399.)

CIRCE, sister of Eetes king of Colchis, and daughter of the Sun and Perse, one of the ocean-nymphs. (Homer gives the mother's name as Perse, but Hesiod, Apollodorus, and others, Perseïs.) Circe is celebrated for her skill in magic arts, and for her knowlAccording to Homer (Od., edge of subtile poisons. 10, 135, seqq.), she dwelt in an island, attended by CINYPS and CINYPHUS (Kivvy, Herod.-Kivvoos, four nymphs, and all persons who approached her Ptol., Strab.-Kivuotos, Suid.), a small river of Africa, dwelling were first feasted, and then, on tasting the below Tripolis, falling into the sea southwest of the contents of her magic cup, converted into swine. promontory of Cephala. Herodotus (4, 198) speaks When Ulysses had been thrown on her shores, he of the land around this river as being remarkably fer- deputed some of his companions to explore the coun tile, and equal to any other land in the production of try; these, incautiously partaking of the banquet set corn. The water of this stream was conveyed by an before them, were, by the effect of the enchanted poaqueduct to the city of Leptis Magna. Bochart de- tion, transformed as above. When Ulysses himself, rives the name of the Cinyps or Cinyphus from the on hearing of their misfortune from Eurylochus, set Phoenician Kinphod, "porcupine's river," the porcu-out to release them or share their fate, he was met by pine being found, according to Herodotus (4, 192), in Hermes, who gave him a plant named Moly (Môλv), (Bochart, potent against her magic, and directed him how to parts of the country watered by this stream. Accordingly, when she reached him the mediGeogr. Sacr., 1, 24, col. 486.) The modern name of act. the Cinyps is Wadi Quaham, and travellers describe cated cup, he drank of it freely, and Circe, thinking it the soil in its neighbourhood as being still remarkable had produced its usual effect, striking him with her for its fertility. (Ritter, Erdkunde, vol. 1, p. 927.- wand, bade him go join his comrades in their sty. But Ulysses, drawing his sword, threatened to slay Beechy's Travels, p. 71.) her; and the terrified goddess bound herself by a solemn oath to do him no injury. She afterward, at his desire, restored his companions to their pristine form, and they all abode in her dwelling for an entre

CINYRAS, a king of Cyprus, father, by Myrrha, of Adonis. (Vid. Adonis and Myrrha.) He bears his part in the myth of the sun-god, and his name appears to come from the Phoenician Kinnor, whence the

games. The most ancient and celebrated of these structures, of which there were many in the Roman capital, was the Circus Maximus. It was built by Tarquinius Priscus, and afterward, at different times, magnificently adorned. This structure lay between the Palatine and Aventine hills. Its length was three stadia (2187) feet), and the breadth a little over one stadium, with rows of seats all around, rising one above another. The lowest of these seats were of stone, and the highest of wood, and separate places were allotted to the senators and equites. It is said to have contained at least 150,000 persons, or, according to others, above double that number; according to Pliny, 250,000; some moderns say 380,000. Its circumference was one mile. It was surrounded with a ditch or canal, called Euripus, 10 feet broad and 10 feet deep, and with porticoes 3 stories high; both the work of Cæsar. The canal served to supply it with water in naval exhibitions. For some interesting remarks on the ancient Circi in general, consult the work of Burgess (Description of the Circus on the Via Appia, near Rome, &c., Lond., 1828, 12mo).

years Circe is said to have had by Ulysses a son named | long-circular building, erected for exhibiting shows and Telegonus, who afterward unwittingly slew his own father. Hesiod, in his Theogony (1011), says Agrius and Latinus (not the king of Latium), "who, afar in the recess of the holy isles, ruled over all the renowned Tyrsenians." Later writers took great liberties with the narratives of Homer and Hesiod. Thus, for example, Dionysius, the cyclographer, makes Circe the daughter of Eetes by Hecate, the daughter of his brother Perses. He goes on to say, that she was married to the king of the Sarmatians, whom she poisoned, and seized his kingdom; but, governing tyrannically, she was expelled, and then fled to a desert isle of the ocean, or, as some said, to the headland named from her in Italy. (Vid. Circeii.) The Latin poets thence took occasion to connect Circe with their own scanty mythology. It was fabled, for example, that she had been married to King Picus, whom, by her magic art, she changed into a bird. (Diod. Sic., 4, 45.-Eudocia, 261.-Schol. ad Apoll. Rh., 3, 200.-Ovid, Met, 14, 320, seqq.) Another legend made her the mother of Faunus, by the god of the sea. (Nonnus, 13, 328.) The herb Moly is said, by these late writers, to have sprung from the blood CIRRHA, a town of Phocis, at the head of the Crisof a giant slain by the Sun, in aid of his daughter in sean Gulf. It served as the harbour of Delphi, and her island. Its name, we are told, comes from the was situated close to the mouth of the river Pleistus, fight (uwλoc). Its flower is white, as the warrior was which descends from Parnassus. Pausanias (10, 37) the Sun. (Ptol., Hephast. ap. Phot, Cod., 190, vol. 1, reckoned sixty stadia from the city of Delphi to Cirrha. p. 149, ed. Bekker.-Keightley's Mythology, p. 267.) This writer, however, seems to have confounded the Among other supernatural acts ascribed to Circe, was town of which we are here speaking with Crissa, a city her converting Scylla into a hideous sea-monster. that had ceased to exist in his time, but which former(Vid. Scylla.)-Various theories have been started ly stood more inland, between Cirrha and Delphi. for explaining the fable of Circe and her transforma- Strabo (418), who clearly distinguishes them, informs tion of men into swine. Heyne (Excurs. 1, ad Virg., us that Cirrha was situate on the sea, and opposite to En., 7, p. 103) thinks, that Homer merely gave an Sicyon; and that the distance thence to Delphi was historical aspect, as it were, to an allegory invented eighty stadia. The Cirrbean plain and port, says Esby some earlier poet, and in which the latter wished chines (in Ctes., p. 69.-Compare Pausan., 10, 38), to show the brutalizing influence of sensual indulgen- which are now accursed, were formerly inhabited by ces. (Compare Wachsmuth, ad Athen., 2, 2, p. 218.) the Cirrhæi and Acragallidæ, a nefarious race, who Creuzer (Symbolik, vol. 4, p. 22) sees in the name violated the sanctity of the temple of Delphi, and ranCirce (Kipkn) an allusion to some magic ring, since sacked its treasures. The oracle, on being consulted KipKoç is the Doric form for xpikoç, "a ring." (Greg. by the Amphictyons, declared that a war of exterCorinth., 165.-Koen, ad loc.) J. C. Wolf (Mul. mination was to be carried on against these offenders, Græc, &c., fragm. 312) is in favour of another ex- and that their land was never thereafter to be placed planation, in support of which he cites Bochart (Geogr. in a state of cultivation. This decree was executed in Sacr., 1, 33) and Fabricius (Bibl. Græc., vol. 13, p. the time of Solon, who took an active part in the ex120). The historians from whom Diodorus Siculus pedition. The port of Cirrha was then demolished, (2, 106) derived his information, represent the knowl- and its territory declared accursed, according to the edge of Circe and Medea as purely natural, and relating form prescribed by the oracle; but this edict was afparticularly to the efficacy of poisons and remedies. terward violated by the Amphissians, who tilled the Hence, also, drugs which produced mental stupefac- land and repaired the port. It is evident that Cirrha tion, without impairing the physical powers, are thought still existed in the time of Pausanias, as he mentions by some to have given rise, in this and other cases, to the temples of Apollo, Diana, and Latona, as well as the accounts of men being transformed into brutes. several statues worthy of notice. The ruins of Cirrha (Salverte, des Sciences Occultes, &c.-Foreign Quar- are pointed out by Sir William Gell, near the village terly Review, No. 12, p. 427 and 444.) Porphyry of Xeno Pegadia, on a very gentle eminence on the thought the meaning of the fable relative to Circe was coast, close to the many beds of the Pleistus. (Crathis, that impure souls passed after death into the bod-mer's Ancient Greece, vol. 2, p. 153, seqq.) ies of brutes, a doctrine taught by the school of Pythagoras. (Compare Heeren, ad Stob. Ecl. Phys. et Eth., 1, 52, vol. 1, p. 1047.)

CIRTHA and CIRTA, a city of Numidia, about 48 miles from the sea, on a branch of the river Ampsagas. It was intended as the royal residence, and being, in fact, the only city originally in the country and erected by Carthaginian workmen, it hence took the Punic name of Cartha, or "the city." It was the residence of Syphax, Masinissa, and the other rulers of the land. When Cæsar had landed in Africa, and was in great danger of being overpowered by Scipio and Juba, a certain Sittius, who had fled from Rome into Africa, and was roaming along the latter country with a predatory band, having made a sudden attack upon Cirta, took it, and compelled Juba to return and defend his kingdom. Cæsar being thus relieved, when the war was over, gave Cirta as a reward to Sittius, with a part of the adjacent country. The city now changed its name to Sittianorum Colonia. In the time of the EmCIRCUS, a name given at Rome to a species of ob-peror Constantine, having suffered much on account of

CIRCIUS, a violent wind blowing in the southern parts of Gaul, along the coast of the Mediterranean. Its fury was so great, that it carried off the roofs of dwellings, overthrew armed men, riders, and even loaded wagons. (Cato, Orig., lib. 3, ap. Aul. Gell., 2, 22.) It blew from the northwest. Its Gallic name was Kirk, i. e., "the impetuous" or "destructive." In Armoric, kirk means impetuosity, and also a hurricane. (Compare Adelung, Mithradates, vol. 2, p. 53.-Camden's Britannia, p. 19) In Gaelic, Ciurrach means that which strikes or destroys. (Armstrong's Galic Dict., s. v.-Thierry, Histoire des Gaulois, vol. 2, p. 6. Compare Favorin. Gallus, ap. Gell., 2, 22.-Seneca, Quæst. Nat., 5, 17.-Plin., 2, 47.)



its fidelity to t' at prince, he repaired and re-embellished
it, giving it the name of Constantina. This name re-
mains, with a slight variation, to the present day, and
the small city built upon the ruins of the ancient cap-
ital is still called Cosantina. (Appian, Bell. Pun., 7.
--Id., Bell. Numid., 111.-Id., Bell. Civ., 2, 96.-
Strabo, 831-Mela, 1, 7.-Plin., 5, 3.-Mannert,
Georgr., vol. 10, pt. 2, p. 310, seqq.)
CISSA. Vid. Susiana.
CISSEIS, a patronymic given to Hecuba as daughter
of Cisseus.

Vid. Gallia.

Vid. Gallia.

CISSEUS, I. a king of Thrace, father to Hecuba. (Virg., En., 7, 320.)-II. A son of Melampus, killed by Eneas. (Id., 10, 317.)

CISSIA, a country of Asia, having Media to the north, Babylonia to the west, the Persian Gulf to the south, and Persia to the southeast. Its capital was Susa. In Cissia was Ardericca, where Darius settled those of the Eretrians whom his naval commanders had brought to him as prisoners in obedience to his command. (Vid. Ardericca and Eretria.) Susiana is frequently confounded with Cissia. The former was merely a part of the latter, and was properly the territory adjacent to the city of Susa. (Larcher, Hist. d'Herod.-Table Géographique, vol. 8, p. 133.)

CISSUS, a town of Macedonia, in the vicinity of Thessalonica, which contributed, as Strabo asserts (Epit. 7, p. 330), to the aggrandizement of that city. The modern name is said to be Cismé. (French Strabo, vol. 3, p. 126.) Xenophon also speaks of a Mount Cissus, which was probably in this direction. (Cyneg., c. 11, 1.)

CITHERON, I. a king of Platea in Boeotia, remarkable for his wisdom. By his advice, Jupiter pretended to be contracting a second marriage, when Juno had quarrelled with and left him. The scheme succeeded, and the goddess became reconciled to her spouse. (Pausan., 9, 3) This monarch is said to have given name to the well-known mountain-range in Boeotia. 'Pausan., 9, 1.)-II. An elevated ridge of mountains, dividing Boeotia first from Megaris, and afterward from Attica, and finally uniting with Mount Parnes and other summits which belong to the northeastern side of that province. (Strabo, 405.) It was dedicated, as Pausanias affirms (9, 2), to Jupiter Citharonius, and was celebrated in antiquity as having been the scene of many events recorded by poets and other writers. Such were the metamorphosis of Acteon, the death of Pentheus, and the exposure of Edipus. Here also Bacchus was said to hold his revels and celebrate his mystic orgies, accompanied by his usual train of satyrs and frantic Bacchantes. (Eurip., Bacche, 1381Soph., Ed. Tyr., 1451.-Id. ibid., 1391.-Eurip., Phan., 809.) We know from Thucydides (2, 75), that this mountain was once supplied with forest timber, as the Peloponnesians are said to have derived from thence the supply they required for carrying on the siege of Platea. But Dodwell says, "it is now shrouded by deep gloom and dreary desolation," and elsewhere he remarks, "it is barren, or covered only with dark stunted shrubs; towards the summit, however, it is crowned with forests of fir, from which it derives its modern name of Elatea, the modern Greek term for the fir-tree being, like the ancient, 2árn." (Travels, vol. 1, p. 281.--Cramer's Ancient Greece, vol. 2, p. 218, seqq.)

CITIUM, one of the most ancient cities of Cyprus, on the southern shores of the island, northeast of Amathus. Josephus says it was built by Chittim, the son of Javan. (Ant. Jud., 1, 7.-Compare Epiphan., Hær., 1, 30.-Hieron. in Jes., 5, 23.) It was the birthplace of the celebrated Zeno; and Diogenes Laertius, in his life of that philosopher, reports, that this town had been colonized by the Phoenicians, a circum

stance which is confirmed by Cicero (de Fin., 4, 20)
and Suidas (s. v. Zývov). Citium was besieged, at
the close of the Persian war, by the Athenian forces
under the command of Cimon. (Thucyd., 1, 112.)
According to Diodorus Siculus (12, 3), the place sur-
rendered; but it was the last exploit of that distinguish-
ed general, for he was soon after taken ill, and died
on board his ship in the harbour. (Plut. et Corn Nep,
rit. Cim.) Citium was a bishopric under the Byzan-
tine empire. The place still retains the name of Chi-
ti. (Cramer's Asia Minor, vol. 2, p. 379, seq.)

Cius, I. a river of Thrace, rising in the northwest-
ern part of the chain of Mount Rhodope, and falling
into the Ister. It is now the Esker. D'Anville calls
the river Ceseus.-II. A river and town of Bithynia.
The town was destroyed by Philip, father of Perses,
and rebuilt by Prusias, who called it, after his own
name, Prusias. (Vid. Prusias.)

CIVILIS, a powerful Batavian, who raised a sedition against the Roman power during the controversy for empire between Vitellius and Vespasian. Tacitus has furnished us with interesting and copious details of this long-protracted conflict. (Tacit., Hist., 4, 13.— Id. ib., 5, 14, &c.)

CLANIS, a river of Etruria, now la Chiana, rising near Arretium, and falling into the Tiber northeast of Vulsinii. It may be seen from Tacitus that a project was once agitated for causing its waters, which formed large marshes near Clusium, to discharge themselves into the Arnus. (Tacit., Ann., 1, 79.)—II. (or Clanius), a river of Campania, falling into the sea near Liternum. It rises in the Apennines near Nola, and flows at no great distance from Acerræ. The modern name is Lagno. By some writers the ancient name is given as Liternus. (Strabo, 243.-Liv., 32, 29.) This stream is apt to stagnate near its entrance into the sea, and to The appellation Clanius is eviform marshes, anciently known as the Palus Literna, now Lago di Patria. dently derived from the Etrurian Clanis. (Müller, Etrusker, vol. 1, p. 146, in not.) Pliny names them both Glanis. (Plin., 3, 9.)

CLAROS, a city of Ionia, northeast of Colophon and southeast of Lebedus. It was famous for its temple, grove, and oracle of Apollo. This celebrated seat of divination is supposed to have been discovered soon after the siege of Troy, and the poets relate many tales with regard to a contention in prophetic skill which took place here between Calchas and Mopsus, and which ended in the defeat and death of the former. (Vid. Calchas.) Tacitus gives an account of the visit paid by Germanicus to this oracle. (Ann., 2, 54.) The priesthood was confined to certain families, principally of Miletus. The number and names of those who came to consult the oracle were announced to the seer, who, having descended into the cave and drunk of the spring, revealed in verse to each his most secret thoughts. On this occasion it is said that a speedy death was announced to Germanicus. oracle continued to flourish in the time of Pliny (5, 29), and as late as the reign of Constantine. Considerable vestiges are still to be seen at Zille, which occupies the site of the ancient Claros. (Cramer's Asia Minor, vol. 1, p. 359, seq.)


CLASTIDIUM, a town of Liguria, northeast of Der. tona, now Chiasteggio. It was celebrated as the spot where Claudius Marcellus gained the spolia opima, by vanquishing and slaying Viridomarus, king of the Gasatæ. (Polybius, 2, 34.-Plut., Vit. Marcell-Val. Max., 1, 1.) Clastidium was betrayed to Hannibal after the battle of Ticinum, with considerable magazines which the Romans had laid up there, and it formed the chief depôt of the Carthaginian army while encamped on the Trebia. (Polyb., 3, 69.—Liv., 21, 48. -Cic., Tusc. Disp., 4, 22.) It was afterward burned by the Romans in a war with the Ligurians. (Liv., 32, 29, and 31.)


CLAUDIA GENS, a celebrated patrician house at is supposed to be the same with what was called the Rome, from which came many distinguished men in Senatus-consultum Macedonianum, enforced by Vesthe days of the republic. According to Suetonius pasian. (Tacit., Ann., 11, 13.)-IV. Another, passed (Vit. Tib., 1), this family could boast of 28 consuls, 5 A.U.C. 535, and forbidding any senator or father of dictators, 7 censors, 7 triumphs, and 2 ovations. The a senator to have a vessel above a certain burden emperors Tiberius and Claudius were of this same line. (300 amphora). The object it had in view was to The Claudian family claimed descent from Appius prevent their engaging in commercial operations. A Claudius. There was also a plebeian branch of the clause is supposed to have been added to this law, proClaudii, named the Claudii Marcelli. (Consult Glan-hibiting the quæstors' clerks from trading. (Liv., 21, dorp, Onomast, p. 222, seqq.) 63. Compare Crusius, ad Sueton., Vit. Dom., c. 9.) CLAUDIE AQUÆ, the first water brought to Rome by means of an aqueduct. This was one of 11 miles, erected by the censor Appius Claudius, A.U.C. 441. The supply was obtained from the river Anio. (Eutrop., 2, 4.-Liv., 9, 29.)

CLAUDIA, I. a vestal Virgin, suspected of having violated her vow. She proved her innocence by drawing off from a shoal in the Tiber, with the aid of her girdle merely, a vessel which had been stranded there, and on board of which was the statue of Cybele, that had been brought to Italy from Asia Minor. (Ovid, Fast., CLAUDIANUS, CLAUDIUS, a Latin poet, born at Alex4,305, seqq.-Sueton., Vit. Tib., c. 2.-Liv., 29, 14.) andrea in Egypt, probably about 365 A.D., in the first -II. A sister of Claudius Pulcher, fined by the people year of the reign of Valentinian I. His name indion account of an offensive remark made by her. It cates that his family was originally from Rome; but seems, that, as her vehicle (carpentum) was retarded in at Alexandrea Greek was the language of every-day its progress through the streets of Rome by the press-intercourse, and it was in this tongue that Claudian ure of the crowd, she exclaimed, in a moment of composed his first works. He received a distinguished haughty irritation, strikingly characteristic of the Clau- literary education. It has been supposed, from some dian race, "I wish my brother Pulcher were alive passages in his works, that in his youth he bore arms, again, and would lose another fleet, that there might and that he assisted, A.D. 394, in the battle between be less crowding and confusion at Rome!" (Sueton., Theodosius and Eugenius. Gesner, however, has Vit. Tib., c. 2.)-III. A vestal virgin, daughter of Ap- shown that these passages are susceptible of another pius Claudius Audax. When the tribunes of the com- interpretation. It is more certain, that, after having mons endeavoured to pull her father from his chariot, passed some time at Rome, he followed, A.D. 395, in the midst of a triumph (A.U.C. 610), she ascended Stilicho, the minister and guardian of Honorius, to the triumphal car, took her place by her father's side, Mediolanum, which was, at this period, the residence and rode with him to the Capitol, thus securing him by of the Emperor of the West. The minister, a Vandal her sacred character from any farther molestation. by nation, and his spouse, the Princess Serena, became (Val. Max., 5, 4, 6.-Cic., pro. Coel., 14.) In Sue- the patrons of the young poet; and the latter expressed tonius (Vit. Tib., c. 2), Appius is called her brother his gratitude in verses, which were recompensed by (fratrem), but this is evidently an error of the copyists honours of the most exaggerated character. Not only for patrem. (Pigh, Ann., vol. 2, p. 473.)-IV. Au- was Claudian raised to stations of which his talents no gusta, a daughter of Nero and Poppaa. Her birth ex- doubt rendered him worthy, but, on the request of the cited great joy in her profligate father, but she died senate, the two emperors of the East and West united at the end of four months. Divine honours were de- in having a bronze statue raised to him in the forum, creed unto the royal infant, and a temple and priestess. the pedestal of which, bearing an inscription in hon(Tacit., Ann., 15, 23.-Sueton., Vit. Ner, c. 35.)-V. our of the poet, was discovered at Rome in the 15th (Via) a Roman road, which branched off from the Via century. The authenticity of this monument is doubtFlaminia, at the Pons Mulvius, near Rome, and, pro-ed by some, but without sufficient reason, since Clauceeding through the more inland parts of Etruria, joined dian himself makes mention of the statue in one of his the Via Aurelia at Lucca. It appears to have fallen poems (25, 7.-Compare Schöll, Hist. Lit. Rom, into disuse, when the central parts of Etruria, which it vol. 3, p. 82, in notis). About A.D. 398, Claudian crossed, became unfrequented. (Cramer's Anc. Italy, returned to Egypt, armed with a letter from his provol. 1, p. 215.)-VI. Antonia, a daughter of the Em-tector, demanding for the bard the hand of a rich heirperor Claudius, married Cn. Pompey, whom Messalina ess in this province. The marriage was celebrated at caused to be put to death. Her second husband, Syl- Alexandrea, and Claudian conducted his young bride la Faustus, by whom she had a son, was killed by to the imperial court. After having enjoyed, for the Nero, and she shared his fate when she refused to space of more than ten years, the favour of his powermarry his murderer. (Sueton., Vit. Claud., c. 27. ful protectors, our poet was involved in one of those Id., Vit. Ner., 35.) catastrophes so common at courts. Accused, probably CLAUDIA LEX, I. proposed by Claudius the consul, without any reason, of a design to raise his own son to at the request of the allies, A.U.C. 573, that the allies the imperial throne, Stilicho was delivered over to and those of the Latin name should leave Rome, and punishment in 408. Though we know not how far return to their own cities. According to this law, Claudian was involved in the disgrace of his protectors, the consul made an edict; and a decree of the senate still we cannot doubt that he lost his official stations, was added, that, for the future, no person should and also a part of his fortune. The period of his death be manumitted, unless both master and slave swore is unknown.-The question is sometimes put, whether that the latter was not manumitted for the sake of Claudian was a Christian or not. There is nothing in changing his city. For the allies used to give their his works to indicate that he was; for some Christian children as slaves to any Roman citizen, on condition epigrams that are found among his poems are eviof their being manumitted. (Liv, 41, 8, seq-Cic., dently spurious. It is not a little surprising, indeed, pro Balb, 23.)-II. Another by the consul Marcellus, that one who lived in a court which possessed a great A.U C. 703, that no one should be allowed to stand zeal for Christianity, should have remained faithful to candidate for an office while absent; thus taking from the religion of his fathers: the regrets, however, of St. Cæsar the privilege granted by the Pompeian law; Augustine and of Orosius, who state that Claudian was also, that the freedom of the city should be taken from a pagan, are too positive in their character to admit of the colony of Novumcomum, which Cesar had planted. any doubt on this point. (Augustin, de Civ. Dei, 5, Sueton., Vit. Jul., 28.-Cic., Ep. ad Fam., 13, 35)—26-Oros., ade. Pagan. Hist., 7, 35.)—Claudian has III. Another, de usura, by the Emperor Claudius, left poems of various kinds: epic, panegyric, satirical, which forbade people to lend money to minors on condi- and also idyls and epigrams. The panegyrics in verse, tion of payment after the decease of their parents. It composed by him, are the earliest with which we are

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