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There were, however, other claimants for this honour. The Mantineans asserted that one of their citizens, by name Macharion, gave the fatal blow. The Athenians, on the other hand, make Epaminondas to have fallen by the hand of Gryllus, son of Xenophon. (Compare Pausan., 8, 11.-Id., 9, 15; and Wesseling, ad Diod. Sic., 15, 87.)

ANTICYRA, I. a town of Thessaly, at the mouth of the Sperchius. (Herodot, 7, 198.—Strabo, 428.) It was said to produce the genuine hellebore, so much recommended by ancient physicians as a cure for insanity. (Steph. Byz., s. v. 'AvTikvрa.)—II. A town

phebolion; and, 3. The Anthesteria or Lenæa, in the | from taxes to his posterity. (Plut., Vit. Ages., c. 35.) month Anthesterion. These last were celebrated within a large enclosure called Lenæum, and in a quarter of the city termed Limnæ, or "the pools." Meursius had before distinguished the Lenaa from the Anthesteria (Græc. Fer., vol. 3, Op. col., 917 and 918) Böckh also regards the Lenea as a distinct festival from the Anthesteria. (Vom Unterscheide der Altischen Lenæen, &c., Jahrg., 1816, 1817, p. 47, seqq.) Both the latter opinions, however, are incorrect. (Compare Creuzer, Symbolik, vol 3, p. 319, seqq.) ANTHEUS, I. a son of Antenor.-II. One of the companions of Encas. (Virg., En., 1, 514.)—III. A statuary mentioned by Pliny (34, 8) as having flour-of Phocis, on the isthmus of a small peninsula in the *ished in Olymp. 155, and as approved among the ar- Sinus Corinthiacus. It was celebrated, in common tists of his own time. In some editions of Pliny the with the one already mentioned, for its hellebore name is written Antæus. (Sillig, Dict. Art., s. v.) (Scylaz, p. 14.-Theophr., 9, 10.-Strabo, 418.) ANTHIUM, a town of Thrace, afterward called Apol- Pausanias affirms (10, 36) that the inhabitants of Anlonia. The name was subsequently changed to Sozop- ticyra were driven from their town by Philip, the son olis, and is now pronounced Sizeboli. (Plin., 4, 11.) of Amyntas, on the termination of the Sacred War. ANTHORES, a companion of Hercules, who followed At a later period it was besieged and taken by LæviEvander, and settled in Italy. He was killed in the nus, the Roman prætor, who delivered it up to the war of Turnus against Æneas. (Virg., Æn., 10, 778.) Etolians. (Liv., 26, 26.) And subsequently, in the ANTHROPOPHAGI, a people of Scythia that fed on hu- Macedonian war, it was occupied by Titus Q. Flamman flesh. Herodotus (4, 106) calls them the An- ininus, on account of the facilities which its harbour drophagi, and states that they lived in a more savage presented for the operations of the Roman fleet in the manner than any other nation, having no public distri- Corinthian Gulf. (Liv., 32, 18.-Pausan, 10, 36.— bution of justice nor established laws. He informs Polyb., 18, 28.—Id., 27, 14.) The site of Anticyra us also that they applied themselves to the breeding corresponds, as is generally believed, with that of Asof cattle, clothed themselves like the Scythians, and propiti, in a bay of some extent, parallel to that of Saspoke a peculiar language. Rennell thinks that they lona. Here is a good port," says Sir W. Gell (Itın., must have occupied Polish Russia, and both banks of p. 174), " and some remains of antiquity." Chandthe river Prypetz, the western head of the Borysthe-ler remarks, that "the site is now called Asprospitia, nes. (Rennell, Geogr. of Herod, p. 86, 4to ed.)

ANTHYLLA, a city of Egypt about west from the Canopic branch of the Nile, and northwest from Naucratis. It is supposed by Larcher to have been the same with Gynacopolis. (Compare Mannert, Geogr., vol. 10, p. 596) According to Herodotus, it furnished sandals to the wife of the Persian satrap, who was viceroy, for the time being, over Egypt. This was in imitation of the royal custom at home, in the case of the queens of Persia. (Herod., 2, 98.-Consult Bähr, ad loc.) Athenæus says it supplied girdles (1, p. 33. -Compare Bähr, ad Ctes., p. 209 )

ANTIA LEX, was made for the suppression of luxury at Rome. Its particulars are not known, but it could not be enforced. The enactor was Antius Resto, who afterward never supped abroad for fear of being himself a witness of the profusion and extravagance which his law meant to destroy, but without effect. (Macrob., 3, 17.)

ANTIAS, a name given to the goddess Fortune, from her splendid temple at Antium, where she was particularly worshipped. (Vid. Antium.)

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or the white houses; and some traces of the buildings,
from which it was so named, remain. The port is
land-locked, and frequented by vessels for corn."
(Travels, vol. 2, p. 301.)-The ancients had a prov-
erb, Naviget Anticyram, applied to a person that was
regarded as insane, and alluding to the hellebore pro-
duced at either Anticyra. (Compare Erasmus, Chil.,
1, cent. 8, 52-Naviget Anticyras, II2evσelev eiç
'Avrikupac.) Horace has been supposed by some to
allude to three places of this name, but this is a mis-
take; the poet merely speaks of a head so insane as
not to be cured by the produce of three Anticyras, if
there even were three, and not merely two. (Ep., ad
Pis., 300.)

ANTIDOTUS, a Greek painter, a pupil of Euphranor. He flourished about 364 B.C. His colouring was severe, and his productions were remarkable for their careful execution rather than their number. His principal pieces were a Wrestler and a Flute-player. He was the instructer of Nicias of Athens. (Plin., H. N.. 35, 11.-Biogr. Univ., vol. 2, p. 249.)

ANTIGENES, one of Alexander's generals, publicly ANTICLEA, a daughter of Autolycus and Amphithea. rewarded for his valour. (Quint. Curt.. 5, 14.) She was the mother of Ulysses, but not, it is said, by ANTIGENIDAS, a famous musician of Thebes, disciLaertes. This individual was only the reputed fa-ple to Philoxenus. He introduced certain innovather of the chieftain of Ithaca, and the actual paternitytions in the construction of the flute, and in the art of belonged to Sisyphus. It is said that Anticlea killed playing upon it. (Cir., Brut., 97.) herself when she heard a false report of her son's death. (Homer, Od., 11, 19.-Hygin., fub., 201, 243. -Pausan., 10, 29.)

ANTICLIDES, a Greek historian, a native of Athens, whose works are lost. (Consult Athenæus, ed. Schw. -Ind. Auct., s. v., vol. 9)

ANTIGONE, a daughter of Edipus, king of Thebes, by his mother Jocasta. After the death of Edipus and his sons Etcocles and Polynices, Antigone repaired to Thebes, in order to effect the sepulture of her brother Polynices. Creon, monarch of Thebes, her maternal uncle, had forbidden the interment of the young prince under the penalty of death, on account of the war which the latter had waged against his own country. Antigone, however, disregarding all personal considerations, succeeded in sprinkling dust three times on her brother's remains, which was equivalent to sepulture, but was sebsequently seized by the ANTICRATES, a Spartan, who, according to Plutarch, guards who had been placed to watch the corpse and stabbed Epaminondas, the Theban general, at the bat-prevent its interment. For this she was immured tle of Mantinea. Great honours and rewards were alive in a tomb, where she hung herself. Harmon, decreed to him by the Spartans, and an exemption the son of Creon, to whom she had been betrothed

ANTICRAGUS, a detached chain of the ridge of Mount Cragus in Lycia, running in a northeast direction along the coast of the Sinus Glaucus. It is now called Soumbourlou. Captain Beaufort estimates the height at not less than 6000 feet. (Cramer's Asia Minor, vol. 2, p. 245.)

effected an entrance and killed himself by her corpse, | metrius, and usurped the kingdom. He was called and his mother Eurydice likewise put an end to her Doson (dwowv. "about to give," i. e., always promisexistence. This sad story forms the basis of one of ing), from his promising inuch and giving nothing. the tragedies of Sophocles. (Vid. Sophocles.) He conquered Cleomenes, king of Sparta, and obliANTIGONEA, I a city of Epirus, southwest of Apol-ged him to retire into Egypt, because he favoured the lonia. (Plin., 4, 1.)-II. One of Macedonia, in the Etolians against the Greeks. He died B.C. 222, district of Mygdonia, founded by Antigonus, son of after a reign of 11 years, leaving his crown to the Gonatas. (Id., 4, 10.)-III. One in Syria, on the lawful possessor, Philip, who became conspicuous by borders of the Orontes, built by Antigonus, and in his cruelties and the war he made against the Romans. tended as the residence of the governors of Egypt (Justin, 28 et 29.-Plut., Vit. Cleom )—IV. Son of and Syria, but destroyed by him when Seleucia was Echecrates, and nephew of Philip, the father of Perbuilt, and the inhabitants removed to the latter city.- seus. He was the only one of the Macedonian noIV. Another in Asia Minor. (Vid. Alexandrea, IX.) bles who remained faithful when Perseus conspired ANTIGONUS, I. a general of Alexander's, and one of against his parents; and to him, moreover, Philip those who played the most important part after the owed the discovery of the plot. Charmed with his death of that monarch. In the division of the provin- virtuous and upright character, the monarch intended ces after the king's death, he received Pamphylia, Ly-to inake him his successor, but the death of Philip precia, and Phrygia. Two years after the decease of Al-vented this being done. Perseus succeeded his father, exander, he united with Antipater and Ptolemy against and, a few days after, put Antigonus to death, B.C. Perdiccas, who aimed at the supremacy. Perdiccas 179. (Liv, 40, 54, &c.)-V. Son of Aristobulus II, having died this same year (B.C. 322), and Antipater king of Judæ, was conducted to Rome along with being placed at the head of the government, Antigonus his father, after the capture of Jerusalem by Pompey. was named commander of all the forces of the empire, When Cæsar became dictator, Antigonus endeavoured, and marched against Eumenes. After various con- but in vain, to get himself re-established in his heredflicts, during a war of three years, he succeeded in itary dominious, and at last was compelled to apply getting Eumenes into his power by treachery, and to Pacorus, king of the Parthians. Pacorus, on the starved him to death. Become now all powerful by promise of 1000 talents, marched into Judæa at the the death of this formidable rival, he ruled as king, but head of a large army, and replaced Antigonus on the without assuming the title, over all Asia Minor and throne; but Marc Antony, at the solicitation of Herod, Syria; but his conduct eventually excited against him sent Gabinius against him, who took Jerusalem, and a formidable league, in which Seleucus, Ptolemy, Ly-put Antigonus to an ignominious death. He reigned simachus, and Cassander arrayed themselves against 3 years and 3 months. (Justin, 20, 29, &c.)—VI. Antigonus, and the celebrated Demetrius, his son. Carystius, an historian in the age of Ptolemy PhilaAfter varied success, the confederates made a treaty delphus, who wrote the lives of some of the ancient with him, and surrendered to him the possession of philosophers: also a heroic poen, entitled Antithe whole of Asia, upon condition that the Grecian pater," mentioned by Athenæus; and other works. cities should remain free. This treaty was soon The only remains we have of them are his "Collecbroken, and Ptolemy made a descent into Lesser Asia tions of wonderful Stories" concerning animals and and on some of the Greek isles, which was at first suc- other natural bodies. This work was first published cessful, but he was defeated in a seafight by Deme- at Basle, 1568, and was afterward reprinted at Leytrius, the son of Antigonus, who took the island of Cy-den by Meursius, 1619, in 4to. It forms a part also prus, made 16,000 prisoners, and sunk 200 of his ships. After this famous naval battle, which happened 26 years after Alexander's death, Antigonus and his son assumed the title of kings, and their example was followed by all the rest of Alexander's generals. From this period, B C. 306, his own reign in Asia, that of Ptolemy in Egypt, and those of the other captains of Alexander in their respective territories, properly commence. Antigonus now formed the design of driving Ptolemy from Egypt, but failed. His power soon became so formidable that a new confederacy was formed against him by Cassander, Lysimachus, Seleucus, and Ptolemy. The contending parties met in the plain of Ipsus in Phrygia, B.C. 301. Antigonus was defeated, and died of his wounds; and his son Demetrius fled from the field. Antigonus was 84 years old when he died. (Vid. Demetrius. - Pausan., 1, 6, &c.Justin, 13, 14, et 15-C. Nep., Vit. Eumen.-Plut, Vit. Demetr.-Eumen. ci Arat.)-II. Gonatas, so called from Gonni in Thessaly, the place of his birth, was the son of Demetrius, and grandson of Antigonus. He made himself master of Macedonia B.C. 277, and assumed the title of king. In the course of his reign, he defeated, with great slaughter, the Gauls, who had made an irruption into his kingdom. Having refused succours to Pyrrhus of Epirus, he was driven from his throne by that warlike monarch. He afterward recovered a great part of Macedonia, and followed Pyrrhus to the neighbourhood of Argos. In a conflict that ensued there, Pyrrhus was slain. After the death of Pyrrhus, he recovered the remainder of Macedonia, and died after a reign of 34 years, leaving his son, Demetrius the Second, to succeed, B.C. 243. (Justin, 21 et 25.)—III. The guardian of his nephew, Philip, the son of Demetrius, who married the widow of De

of the volume entitled Historiarum Mirabilium Auctores Græci, printed at Leyden in 1622, in 4to.

ANTILIBANUS, a ridge of mountains in Syria, east of, and running parallel with, the ridge of Libanus. (Vid. Libanus. Plin., 5, 20.)

ANTILOCHUS, I. the eldest son of Nester by Eurydice. He went to the Trojan war with his father, and was killed by Memnon, the son of Aurora, according to Homer (Od., 4, 187), who is followed by Pindar |(Pyih., 6, 28), and by Hyginus (fab., 113). Ovid, on the contrary, makes him to have been slain by Hector (Her., 1, 15). We must therefore alter the text of the latter, and for Antilochum read either Anchialum with Muncker (from Hom., I., 18, 185), or Amphimachum with Scoppa (from Dares Phrygius, c. 20).-II. A poet, who wrote some verses in praise of Lysander, and received a cap full of silver in return. (Plut., Vit. Lysandr., c. 18.)


ANTIMACHUS, I. a poet of Colophon, and pupil of Panyasis. He was the contemporary of Cherilus, and flourished between 460 and 431 B.C. Antimachus would have commenced a new era in the history of epic verse, if that department of poetry had been capable of resuming its former lustre. In common with Charilus, he perceived that the period of the Homeric epic had irrevocably passed; but in place of substituting the historic epic, as the former did, he returned to mythological subjects; merely treating them, however, in a manner more in accordance with the taste of the day. The success which he obtained, and the admiration which was subsequently testified for his productions by the Alexandrean school, prove that he was not mistaken in the judgment he had formed of the spirit of the age, and that he augured well respecting the opinion of posterity. The Alexandrean

critics (according to Quintilian, 10, 1) cited his The- |
baïs as a work worthy of being compared with the
poems of Homer, and of terminating the list of epic
poems of the first class. They extolled the grandeur
of his ideas and the energy of his style, but they con-
fessed, at the same time, that he was deficient in ele-
gance and grace. Antimachus was also the author
of an elegy entitled Lyde, which the ancients regarded
as a chef d'œuvre. It is now entirely lost. The An-
thology has preserved for us one of his epigrams
The fragments of Antimachus have been collected and
published by Schellenberg, under the title "Antimachi
Colophonii fragmenta, nunc primum conquisita," &c.,
Hala, 1786, 8vo. (Schöll, Hist. Lit. Gr, vol. 1, p.
245, and 2, p. 126.)-II. A Trojan, whom Paris bribed
to oppose the restoring of Helen to Menelaus and
Ulysses, who had come as ambassadors to recover her.
He recommended to put them to death. His sons,
Hippolochus and Pisander, were killed by Agamemnon.
(I., 11, 122, seqq.)

ANTINOEIA, annual sacrifices and quinquennial games in honour of Antinous, instituted by the Emperor Hadrian at Mantinea, where Antinous was worshipped as a divinity. They were celebrated also at Argos. (Potter, Gr. Antiq., vol. 1, p. 424.)

ANTINOOPOLIS OF ANTINOE, a town of Egypt, built in honour of Antinous, opposite Hermopolis Magna, on the eastern bank of the Nile. It was previously an obscure place called Besa, but became a magnificent city. (Vid. Antinous.) It is now called Ensené, and a revered sepulchre has also caused it to receive the name of Shek-Abadé. (Ammian. Marcellin., 19, 12.-Dio Cass., 69, 11.-Spartian., Vit Hadr., 14. -Description de l'Egypte, vol. 4, p. 197, segg.)

Antakia, and has suffered severely by a late earth-
quake. At the distance of four or five miles below
was a celebrated grove, called Daphne; whence, for
the sake of distinction, it has been called Antiochia
near Daphne, or Antiochia Epidaphnes ('Avrióxɛla ǹ
pòç Aúovny. Hicrocl. Synecdem, p. 711.-Plin., 5,
21.-Antiochia Epidaphnes, vid. Daphne.)-H. A city
of Lycaonia, near the northern confines of Pisidia,
sometimes called Antiochia of Pisidia ('AvTtóɣelɑ
IIioidias). According to Strabo, it was founded by
a colony from Magnesia on the Mæander. This prob
ably took place under the auspices of Antiochus, from
whom the place derived its name. It became, under
the Romans, the chief city of their province of Pisidia,
which extended farther to the north than Pisidia proper.
(Hierocles, p. 672.)-III. A city of Cilicia Trachea,
situate on a rocky projection of the coast termed Cra-
gus, whence the place, for distinction' sake, was
called 'Avrióyeia ènì Kpúyw. (Strabo, 669.) The
Byzantine writers call it the Isaurian Antiochia. Hi-
erocles makes mention of it (Synecdem, p. 708), as
also the writers on the Crusades, under the name of
Antioceta. (Sanuli, secreta fidelium, l. 2, p. 4, c. 26.
Mannert, vol. 6, pt. 2, p. 84.)-IV. A city at the
foot of Mount Taurus, in Comagene, a province of
Syria. (Mannert, vol. 6, pt. 1, p. 497.)-V. A city
of Caria, on the river Maander, where that stream was
joined by the Orsinus or Massinus. (Plin., 5, 29.)
Steph. Byz. states, that it was founded by Antiochus,
son of Seleucus, in honour of his mother. It had been
previously called Pythopolis. The environs abounded
in fruit of every kind, but especially in the fig called
"triphylla." The ancient site corresponds with Jeni-
sher. (Cramer's Asia Minor, vol. 2, p. 209 )—VI. A
city of Cilicia Trachea, in the district of Lamotis
(Ptol., p. 129.)

ANTIOCHIS, I. the name of the mother of Antiochus, the son of Seleucus.-II. A tribe of Athens.

ANTIOCHUS, I. surnamed Soter, was the eldest son of Seleucus, the first king of Syria and Babylonia. He succeeded his father B.C 280 When still young, he fell into a lingering disease, which none of his father's physicians could cure for some time, till it was discovered that his pulse was more irregular than usual when Stratonice, his stepmother, entered his room, and that love for her was the cause of his illness. This was told to the father, who willingly gave Stratonice to save a son on whom he founded all his hopes. When Antiochus came to the throne, he displayed, at the head of his forces, talents worthy of his sire, and gained inany battles over the Bithynians, Macedonians, and Galatians. He attacked also Ptolemy Philadel

ANTINOUS, I. a youth of Bithynia, of whom the Emperor Hadrian was so extremely fond, that at his death he erected temples to him, established a priesthood for the new divinity, built a city in honour of him (vid. Antinoopolis), and caused a constellation in the heavens to be called by his name. According to one account, Antinous was drowned in the Nile, while another and more correct statement gives the occasion of his death as follows: Hadrian, consulting an oracle at Besa, was informed that he was threatened with great danger, unless a person that was dear to him was immolated for his preservation. Upon hearing this, Antinous threw himself from a rock into the Nile, as an offering for the safety of the emperor, who built Antinoopolis on the spot. Nor was this all. The artists of the empire were ordered to immortalize by their skill the grief of the monarch and the memory of his favourite. Painters and statuaries vied with each other, and some of the master-pieces of the lat-phus, king of Egypt, at the instigation of Magas, who ter have descended to our own times. The absurd and disgusting conduct of Hadrian needs no comment. -II. A native of Ithaca. son of Eupeithes, and one of Penelope's suiters. He was brutal and cruel in his manners, and was the first of the suiters that was slain by Ulysses on his return. (Od., 22, 8, &c.)

had revolted against this prince, but without success. He failed also in an expedition which he undertook after the death of Phileterus, king of Pergamus, with a view of seizing on his kingdom, and he was vanquished near Sardis by Eumenes, the successor of that prince. He returned after this to Antioch, and ANTIOCHIA, I. a city of Syria, once the third city died not long subsequently, having occupied the throne of the world for beauty, greatness, and population. for nineteen years. He was called Soter (EwrŃp) or It was built by Seleucus Nicator, in memory of his "Preserver," for having preserved his subjects from father Antiochus, on the river Orontes, about 20 miles an irruption of the Galatians or Gauls, whom he defrom its mouth, and was equidistant from Constanti-feated in battle. His successor was Antiochus Theos. nople and Alexandrea, being about 700 miles from (Justin, 17, 2, &c.)-II. Son of Antiochus Soter, and each. Here the disciples of our Saviour were first surnamed Theos (Ocóç), “God," by the Milesians, called Christians, and the chief patriarch of Asia re- because he put to death their tyrant Timarchus. He sided. It was afterward known by the name of Te- succeeded his father B.C. 261, and at the instigation of trapolis, being divided, as it were, into four cities, his sister Apamea, the widow of Magas, renewed the each having its separate wall, besides a common one war with Ptolemy Philadelphus, king of Egypt enclosing all. The first was built by Seleucus Nica- was as unsuccessful, however, as his father had been tor, the second by those who repaired thither on its and, being compelled to sue for peace, only obtained being made the capital of the Syro-Macedonian empire, it on condition of repudiating his wife Laodice, and the third by Seleucus Callinicus, and the fourth by espousing Berenice the sister of Ptolemy. The male Antiochus Epiphanes. (Strabo, 750-Compare Man-issue, moreover, of this latter marriage were to inherit nert, vol. 6, part 1, p. 468, seqq.) It is now called the crown. It was during this war that he lost all his


provinces, and he had also to pay a yearly tribute of 2000 talents. His revenues being insufficient for this heavy demand, he attempted to plunder the treasures of the temple of Belus in Susiana; but the inhabitants of the country were so irritated at this sacrilege, that they slew him, together with his escort, B.C. 187. He had reigned thirty-six years. In his character of king, Antiochus was humane and liberal, the patron of learning, and the friend of merit. He had three sons, Seleucus Philopater, Antiochus Epiphanes, and Demetrius. The first succeeded him, and the two others were kept as hostages by the Romans. (Justin, 31 et 32.-Liv., 34, 59-Flor., 2, 1—Appian, Bell. Syr.) V. Surnamed Epiphanes, or Illustrious, was king of Syria after the death of his brother Seleucus Philopater, having ascended the throne 175 B.C. He was the fourth of the name, and was surnamed Epiphanes ('Exigavis), "the Illustrious," and reigned eleven years. Taking advantage of the infancy of Ptolemy Philometor, he seized upon Cœlosyria, and even penetrated into Egypt, where he took Memphis, and obtained possession of the person of the young king, whom he kept prisoner for many years. The guardi ans of the young Ptolemy, however, having applied for aid to the Romans, the senate sent Popilius Lænas unto Epiphanes, who compelled him to renounce his conquests and set the Egyptian monarch at liberty. The Jews having revolted during the reign of Epiphanes, he marched against Jerusalem, deposed the highpriest Onias, profaned the temple by sacrifices to Jupiter Olympius, plundered all the sacred vessels, and slaughtered, it is said, 80,000 inhabitants of this illfated city. After this he proceeded into Persia, and, while traversing Elymais, wished to plunder the temples that were there but the inhabitants having revolted, he was compelled to retreat to Babylon. There he learned that the Jews, commanded by Matathias and Judas Maccabeus, had gained several victories over the generals whom he had left in Judæa. Transported with fury at the intelligence, he assembled a new army, and swore to destroy Jerusalem; but, at the moment of his departure, he fell from his chariot, was subsequently seized with a disgusting malady, and died in the most agonizing sufferings. The Persians attributed the manner of his death to his impious enterprise against the temple of Elymais; the Jews saw

provinces beyond the Euphrates by a revolt of the Parthians and Bactrians. Ptolemy dying two years after this, Antiochus repudiated Berenice and restored Laodice. The latter, resolving to secure the succession to her son, poisoned Antiochus and suborned Artemon, whose features were similar to his, to represent him as king. Artemon, subservient to her will, pretended to be indisposed, and, as king, recommended to them Seleucus, surnamed Callinicus, son of Laodice, as his successor. After this ridiculous imposture, it was made public that the king had died a natural death, and Laodice placed her son on the throne, and despatched Berenice and her son, B.C. 246. (Justin, 27, 1-Appian.)-III. Surnamed Hierax ('Iépa§), “bird of prey," son of Antiochus Theos and Laodice, was the brother of Seleucus Callinicus.. From his early years this prince was devoured by ambition. In order to attain to power, no crime or evil act deterred him; his thirst for rule, as well as his wicked and turbulent spirit, obtained for him the appellation, so characteristic of his movements, which we have mentioned above. Under pretext of aiding his brother against Ptolemy Euergetes, he attempted to dethrone him.. Seleucus having marched against him for the purpose of counteracting his ambitious designs, Hierax defeated him near Ancyra. He could not, however, derive any advantage from this victory, since the Gauls, who formed the principal part of his army, revolted and declared themselves independent; and it was only by paying a large sum of money that Hicrax could save his life. Eumenes, king of Pergamus, took advantage of this circumstance to rid himself of an unquiet and troublesome neighbour. He attacked Hierax, defeated him, and compelled him to take refuge with his brother-inlaw Ariarathes, king of Cappadocia. Ariarathes soon became tired of him, and formed the design of putting him to death; but Hierax, informed of his design, fled into Egypt. He was thrown into prison by Ptolemy, and perished a few years after in attempting to make his escape.-IV. The Greal, as he was surnamed, was the third of the name that actually reigned, and the son of Seleucus Ceraunus, and succeeded his father 223 B.C. He passed the first years of his reign in regulating the affairs of his kingdom, and in bringing back to their duty several of his officers who had made themselves independent. Desirous after this of regaining Syria, which had been wrested from Seleucus Callini-in it the anger of Heaven, for his having profaned the cus by Ptolemy Euergetes of Egypt, he was met at temple of Jerusalem. He died B C. 164. Epiphanes Raphia and defeated by Ptolemy Philopater, 218 B.C., was not without some good qualities. He was genand was compelled to surrender the whole of his conerous, loved the arts, and displayed considerable abil quests in Syria which he had thus far made He was ity in the wars in which he was engaged; but his more successful, however, in Upper Asia, where he re- vices and follies tarnished his character. (Justin, 34, covered possession of Media, and made treaties with the 5.-Macchab., 1, 1, &c.)-VI. Eupator, son of the kings of Parthia and Bactria, who agreed to aid him in preceding (from ev and Tarhp, “born of an illustrious regaining other of his former provinces, if their respect- sire"), succeeded to the throne at the age of nine years. ive kingdoms were secured to them. He crossed over The generals of this prince continued the war against also into India, and renewed his alliance with the king the Jews, and Jerusalem was on the point of becoming, of that country. After the death of Philopater, he re- for the second time, the prey of the Syrians, when sumed his plans of conquest, and Ptolemy Epiphanes Demetrius Soter, the cousin german of Eupator, by a being yet quite young, he seized upon the whole of sudden invasion, seized upon the capital of Syria. Syria. He granted, however, peace to Ptolemy, and The generals of Eupator made peace with the Jews, even gave him his daughter Cleopatra in marriage, and marched against Demetrius; but the soldiers, with Syria for her dowry. Antiochus then turned his ashamed of serving a mere child, went over to the inarmis against the cities of Asia Minor and Greece; but vader, who put Eupator to death after a reign of about these cities having implored the aid of Rome, the sen- eighteen months VII. (the sixth of the name) Son ato sent to Antiochus to summon him to surrender of Alexander Bala, took the surname of Theos (“God”), his conquests. Excited, however, by Hannibal, to claiming descent, like his father, from Antiochus Theos whom he had given an asylum, he took no notice of already mentioned. To this surname he afterward this order, and a war ensued. The plan, however, added that of Epiphanes ("the illustrious"). Demewhich Hannibal traced out for him, was not followed. trius Nicator having disbanded his army, and being Defeated at Thermopyle by Glabrio, he fled into Asia, entirely without apprehension of any foc, Tryphon took where a second and more complete defeat, by Scipio advantage of this, and having brought Antiochus from Asiaticus, at Magnesia, compelled him to sue for Arabia, still young in years, caused him to be propeace, which he obtained only on the hardest condi- claimed king, about 144 B.C. The attempt succeedtions. He was obliged to retire beyond Mount Taurus. ed. Demetrius was defeated, and Antiochus ascendAll his territories on this side of Taurus became Romaned the throne. He reigned, however, only in name.

The actual monarch was Tryphon, who had him put to | Heyne, de Fontibus Hist. Diod.-vol. 1, p. lxxxv., death at the end of about two years, and caused him- ed. Bip.)-II. A rhetorician and sophist of Ægæa, self to be proclaimed in his stead. (Justin, 36, 1.)—the pupil of Dionysius of Miletus. Dio Cassius (77, VIII. Surnamed Sidetes (Zidnτns), the hunter," son p. 878) relates, that, in order to rouse the spirits of the Roman army, who were worn out with fatiguing marches, he assumed the character of a cynic, and rolled about in the snow. This conduct gained for him the favour of Septimius Severus and Caracalla. He afterward went over to Tiridates, king of the Parthians, whence Suidas styles him Avróμokoç, or “the deserter."-III. A native of Ascalon, the last preceptor of the Platonic school in Greece. He was the disciple of Philo, and one of the philosophers whose lectures Varro, Cicero, and Brutus attended, for he taught, at different times, at Athens, Alexandrea, and Rome. He attempted to reconcile the tenets of the different sects, and maintained that the doctrines of the Stoics were to be found in the writings of Plato. Cicero greatly admired his eloquence and the politeness of his manners, and Lucullus took him as his companion into Asia. He resigned the academic chair in the 175th Olympiad. After his time the professors of the Academic philosophy were dispersed by the tumults of war, and the school itself was transferred to Rome. (Schöll, Hist. Lit. Gr., vol. 5, p. 199, segg.-Enfield's History of Philosophy, vol. 1, p. 258, seqq.)

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of Demetrius Soter, ascended the throne 139 B.C. He drove from Syria the usurper Tryphon, made war on the Jews, besieged Jerusalem, and compelled it to pay a tribute. He then marched against Phraates, king of Parthia, who menaced his kingdom, gained three victories over him, and obtained possession of Babylon. The following year he was vanquished in turn by the Parthian king, and lost his life in the conflict. He was a prince of many virtues, but he tarnished all by his habits of intemperance.-IX. The eighth of the name, surnamed Grypus (Tрuñóc) from his aquiline nose, was son of Demetrius Nicator and Cleopatra. He was raised to the throne B.C. 123, to the prejudice of his brothers, by the intrigues of his mother, who hoped to reign in his name. When he was declared king, the throne of Syria was occupied by Alexander Zebinas. He marched against this impostor, defeated, and put him to death. He then married Tryphena, daughter of Ptolemy Euergetes II., which ensured peaceable relations between Syria and Egypt. After having for some time yielded to the authority of his mother, he resolved at last to reign in his own name, a step which nearly cost him his life. His mother prepared a poisoned draught for her son, but, being suspected by him, was compelled to drink it herself. A bloody war soon after broke out between this prince and Antiochus the Cyzicenian, his brother, in which the latter compelled Grypus to cede to him Colosyria. They thus reigned conjointly for some time. Grypus was at last assassinated by one of his subjects, B.C. 96. (Justin, 39, 1.-Joseph., Ant. Jud.)-X. Surnamed Cyzicenus, from his having been brought up in the city of Cyzicus, was the ninth of the name. He was son of Antiochus Sidetes, and succeeded his brother Grypus, after having reigned over Colosyria, which he had previously compelled his brother to yield to him. He was a dissolute and indolent prince, and possessed of considerable mechanical talent. His nephew Seleucus, son of Grypus, dethroned him, B.C. 95.—XI. The tenth of the name, ironically surnamed Pius, because he married Selena, the wife of his father and of his uncle. He was the son of Antiochus IX., and he expelled Seleucus, the son of Grypus, from Syria; but he could not prevent two other sons of Grypus, namely, Philip and Demetrius, from seizing on a part of Syria. He perished soon after by their hands. (Appian.-Joseph., Ant. Jud., 13, 21.)-After his death, the kingdom of Syria was torn to pieces by the factions of the royal family or usurpers, who, under a good or false title, under the name of Antiochus or his relations, established themselves for a little time either as sovereigns of Syria, or Damascus, or other dependant provinces. At last Antiochus, surnamed Asiaticus, the son of Antiochus the ninth, was restored to his paternal throne by the influence of Lucullus, the Roman general, on the expulsion of Tigranes, king of Armenia, from the Syrian dominions; but four years after, Pompey deposed him, and observed that he who hid himself while a usurper sat upon his throne, ought not to be a king. From ANTIPAROS, a small island in the Egean, ranked that time, B.C. 65, Syria became a Roman province, by Artemidorus among the Cyclades, but excluded and the race of Antiochus was extinguished.-There from them by Strabo (10, p. 484, ed. Casaub.). It were also other individuals of the same name, among lay opposite to Paros, and was separated from this lat whom the most deserving of mention are the following: ter island, according to Heraclides of Pontus (Steph. I. A native of Syracuse, descended from an ancient Byz., s. v. 'Nλíapoc), by a strait eighteen stadia wide. monarch of the Sicani. He wrote a history of Sicily, The same writer affirms (Plin., H. N., 4, 12), that it which was brought down to the 98th Olympiad, and had been colonized by Sidonians. Its more ancient which Diodorus Siculus cites among the sources name was Oliarus. It is now Antiparo. This island whence he derived aid for his compilation. He com- is famed for its grotto, which is of great depth, and posed also what appears to have been a very curious was believed by the ancient Greeks to communicate, history of Italy, some fragments of which are pre- beneath the waters, with some of the neighbouring served by Dionysius of Halicarnassus. (Compare | islands.

ANTIOPE, I. daughter of Nycteus, who was a son of Neptune and king of Thebes, received the addresses of Jupiter, the god having appeared to her under the form of a satyr. Terrified at the threats of her father, on the consequences of her fault becoming apparent, Antiope fled to Sicyon, where she married Epopeus. Nycteus, out of grief, put an end to himself, having previously charged his brother Lycus to punish Epopeus and Antiope. Lycus accordingly marched an army against Sicyon, took it, slew Epopeus, and led away Antiope captive. On the way to Thebes, she brought forth twins at Eleuthera. The unhappy babes were exposed on a mountain; but a shepherd having found them, reared them both, calling the one Zethus, the other Amphion. The former devoted himself to the care of cattle, while Amphion passed his time in the cultivation of music, having been presented with a lyre by Mercury. Meanwhile, Lycus had put Antiope in bonds, and she was treated with the utmost cruelty by him and his wife Dirce. But her chains became loosed of themselves, and she fled to the dwelling of her sons in search of shelter and protection. Having recognised her, they resolved to avenge her wrongs. Accordingly, they attacked and slew Lycus, and tying Dirce by the hair to a wild bull, let the animal drag her until she was dead. (Vid. Dirce, Amphion, Zethus. Apollod., 3, 5.-Keightley's Mythology, p. 299.)—II. A queen of the Amazons. According to one account, Hercules, having taken her prisoner, gave her to Theseus as a reward of his valour. The more common tradition, however, made her to have been taken captive and carried off by Theseus himself, when he made an expedition with his own fleet against the Amazonian race. She is also called Hippolyta. Justin says that Hercules gave Hippolyta to Theseus, and kept Antiope for himself. (Plut., Vit. Thes., 27 -Justin, 2, 4.)

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