Obrazy na stronie


that the Simoïs, according to Homer, had its source m Mount Ida (I., 4, 475; 12, 22); and though, in the latter passage, the same thing is affirmed of the Scamander, it will be seen elsewhere that the sources of that river are so plainly described as situated close to the city of Troy, that they never could be said to rise in the main chain, unless Troy itself was placed there likewise. When speaking of the pursuit of Hector by Achilles beneath its walls (Il, 22, 143), he mentions certain marks, which point out the double sources of the Scamander, in so peculiar and striking a manner, that the discovery of them would, it seems, be decisive of the question, not only as far as regards the Trojan rivers, but also, in all probability, as to the situation of Troy itself, which, according to the poet, must have stood in the immediate vicinity of the sources. It is in tracing this remarkable and most distinguishing feature of the Homeric description, that modern research and industry have been particularly conspicuous, and have enabled us to solve a question which the ancients, from the want of similar information, could never understand. It is to Monsieur Choiseul Gouffier that the merit of first discovering the springs of the Scamander undoubtedly belongs; and though the phenomena of heat and cold, described by Homer, have not been so convincingly observed by subsequent travellers as by himself, yet, by taking the positive testimony of the natives themselves, who repeatedly corroborated the statement made by the poet, as well as the several experiments made by Choiseul Gouffier, and subsequently by Dubois (Voy. Pitt, 267-8.-Leake's Asia Minor, p. 283), we cannot re

nor, p. 273.) The next great feature to be examined in the Homeric chorography is the poet's account of the rivers which flowed in the vicinity of Troy, and discharged their waters into the Hellespont. These are the Xanthus or Scamander, and the Simoïs, whose junction is especially alluded to. (Il., 5, 774.) And again (6, 2), where it is said that the conflict between the Greeks and Trojans took place in the plain between the two rivers. One of the first questions, then, to be considered, in reconciling the topography of ancient Troy with the existing state of the country, is this: Are there two streams answering to Homer's description, which unite in a plain at a short distance from the sea, and fall into it between the Rhotean and Sigean promontories? To this question it certainly appears, from recent observations, that we must reply in the negative. There are two streams which water the plain, supposed to be that of Troy, but they do not meet, except in some marshes formed principally by the Mendere, the larger of the two, which seems to have no exit into the Hellespont, while the smaller river partly flows into these stagnant pools, and partly into the sea near the Sigean cape. (Choiseul Gouffier.) It appears, however, from Strabo, or, rather, from Demetrius, whom he quotes, that when he wrote the junction did take place; for he says, The Scamander and Simoïs advance, the one towards Sigeum, the other towards Rhoteum, and, after uniting their streams a little above New Ilium, fall into the sea near Sigeum, where they form what is called the Stomalimne" (597.-Compare 595). Pliny, also, when he speaks of the Palescamander, evidently leads to the notion that the channel of that river had under-fuse to acknowledge, at least, that there is very suffigone a material alteration (5, 32). The observations of travellers afford likewise evidences of great changes having taken place in regard to the course of these streams; and it is said that the ancient common channel is yet to be traced, under the name of Mendere, near the point of Kum-Kale. The ancients themselves were aware of considerable alteration having taken place along the whole line of coast; for Histiæa of Alexandrea Troas, a lady who had written much on the Iliad, affirmed that the whole distance between New Ilium and the sea, which Strabo estimates at twelve stadia, had been formed by alluvial deposite (598); and recent researches prove that their distance is now nearly double. (Leake's Asia Minor, p. 295.) The great question, however, after all, respecting the two rivers alluded to, and on which the whole inquiry may be said to turn, is, Which is the Scamander. and which the Simois of Homer? If we refer for the solution of this question to Demetrius of Scepsis, who, from his knowledge of the Trojan district, appears to have been best qualified to decide upon it, we shall find that he looked upon the river now called Mendere as corresponding with the Scamander of Homer, a supposition which certainly derives support from the similarity of names; while he considered the Simoïs to be the stream now called Giumbrek-sou, which unites with the Mendere near the site of Paleo Aktshi, supposed to represent the Pagus Iliensium, and which Demetrius himself identified with ancient Troy. But it has been rightly observed by those modern writers who have bestowed their attention on the subject, that the similarity of names is not a convincing reason in itself, since they have often been known to vary; and that, after all, we must refer to the original account, where we find the characteristics of the two rivers described in a manner which must eventually settle the whole question as far as regards their identity. A reference to the Iliad itself is the more necessary as Demetrius does not appear to have satisfactorily explained, even to himself, certain doubts and difficulties which naturally arose from comparing his system of topography with that suggested by the perusal of the poet. Now it appears from more than one passage

cient foundation for the poetical picture formed of the spot by Homer. M. Choiseul describes the hot source "as one abundant stream, which gushes out from different chinks and apertures formed in an ancient structure of stonework. About 400 yards higher up are to be seen some more springs, which fall together into a square stone basin, supported by some long blocks of granite. These limpid rills, after traversing a charming little wood, unite with the first sources, and together form the Scamander." (Voy. Pitt., 228.) The latter, which are the cold springs of Homer, are called Kirk Guezler, or the Forty Fountains, by the Turks. (Ibid., 268.) If we, besides, look to the general features which ought to belong to the Scamander and the Simoïs of Homer, we shall find that the former agrees remarkably with the beautiful little river of Bounarbachi, which is formed by the sources above men tioned, while the rapid Simoïs finds a fit representative in the impetuous Menderc-sou, which descends from the summits of Gargara, and fills its bed with trees torn from their roots, and huge fragments of rock. The former is described as a copious, rapid, and clear stream, whose banks are spread with flowers and shaded with various sorts of trees. (Il., 21, 1.—Ib., 124; 2, 467; 21, 350.) According to Mr. Chevalier, the river of Bounarbachi "is never subject to any increase or diminution; its waters are as pure and pellucid as crystal; its borders are covered with flowers; the same sort of trees and plants which grew near it when it was attacked by Vulcan, grow there still; willows, lote-trees, ash-trees, and reeds are yet to be seen on its banks, and eels are still caught in it." (Descr. of Plain of Troy, p. 83. - Compare Voy. Pitt., 2, p. 228.) It was doubtless on account of the beauty and copiousness of its stream that divine honours were paid to the Scamander by the Trojans. (Il., 5, 77.-Compare Esch, Epist., 10, p. 680.) The Simoïs, on the contrary, bears all the marks of a mighty torrent rushing down from the mountains with furious haste and resistless force. This is evident from the address of the Scamander to his brother god, invoking his aid against Achilles (Il., 21, 308); and all modern travellers and topographers concur in allowing that this is precisely

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222, seqq. II. A small town, or rather village, in Egypt, to the east of, and near Memphis. The name probably owed its origin to a corruption, on the part of the Greeks, of some Egyptian appellation. The Greeks, however, had a fabulous tradition that it was founded by some Trojan captives, settled here by Menelaus. (Strabo, 808.) In its vicinity was the Mons Troïcus, where were quarries whence the stones for the Pyramids were obtained.

the character of the Mendere, which takes its rise in a that portion of the city which fronts the plain from deep cave below the highest summit of Mount Ida, the Scaan gates to the sources of the Scamander and and, after a tortuous course, between steep and craggy back again. (Voy. Pitt., 2, p. 238-40.-Le Chevabanks, of nearly thirty miles, in a rugged bed, which lier's Description of Plain of Troy, p. 135.-Leake's is nearly dry in summer, finds its way into the plain Asia Minor, p. 304.) The difficulty in that case will of Bounarbachi. It is true, that when Demetrius of be satisfactorily removed, and there will then remain, Scepsis wrote, which is some years after the defeat of we conceive, no valid objection to the system which Antiochus by the Romans (Strab., p. 593), the Men- recognises the hill of Bounarbachi as the representadere certainly bore the name of Scamander, for he de- tive of the ancient city of Priam, and which has been scribes the source of that river in Mount Ida very ac- almost universally embraced by modern travellers and curately (ap. Strabo, p. 602). I should admit, also, scholars. (Cramer's Asia Minor, vol. 1, p. 89, seqq.) that the Scamander, which, according to Herodotus, The student who is desirous of investigating the was drained by the army of Xerxes (42), is the Men- Trojan question more deeply, is referred to the followdere: Hellanicus likewise was of this opinion (ap. ing works on this subject: A comparative View of the Schol. Il., 21, 242); but this objection may be fairly ancient and present State of the Troad, by Robert disposed of by supposing that the name of Scamander, Wood, subjoined to his essay on the Genius and Wriwhich is certainly much oftener mentioned in Homer, tings of Homer.-Description of the Plain of Troy, had, in process of time, been transferred to the river by M. Chevalier, Edinburgh, 4to, 1791 (Dalzell's whose course was longer, and body of water more con- translation).-The same work in German, by Heyne, siderable; whereas it is impossible, I conceive, to get with notes.-Le Chevalier, Voyage dans la Troade, over the difficulty presented by Homer's description of Paris, 8vo, 1802-Observations on the Topography the double sources of the Scamander. The question of the Plain of Troy, by James Rennell, London, 1814, may be fairly summed up in this way: either we must 4to.-Chandler's History of Ilium or Troy, London, allow that Homer drew his local descriptions from real 1802, 4to. - Voyage Pittoresque de la Grece, par scenes, or that he only applied historical names to fan- Choiseul Gouffier.--Gell's Topography of Troy, fol., ciful and ideal localities; in the latter case, all our in- London, 1804.-Clarke's Travels, vol. 3, p. 234, segq, terest in the comparative topography of Troy ceases, ed. London.-Leake's Geography of Asia Minor, ch. and it is a fruitless task to look for an application of 6.--Hobhouse's Journey, vol. 2, p. 128, seqq.-Edinthe imagery traced by the poet to the actual face of burgh Review, vol. 6, p. 257, seqq. Quarterly Rethings. But if a striking resemblance does present it- view, vol. 9, p. 170, seqq. Maclaren's Dissertation self, we are bound, in justice to the poet, to take our on the Topography of the Plain of Troy, London, stand on that ground, and, without regarding any hy-1822, 8vo-Turner's Tour to the Levant, vol. 3, p. pothesis or system which may have been advanced or framed in ancient times, to seek for an application of the remaining local features traced in the Iliad in the immediate vicinity of the sources of Bounarbachi. Here, then, travellers have observed, a little above these springs and the village of the same name, a hill rising from the plain, generally well calculated for the site of a large town, and, in particular, satisfying many of the local requisites which the Homeric Troy must have possessed; such as a sufficient distance from the sea, and an elevated and commanding situation. This is evident from the epithets veμóɛoσa, aiñeivý, and oopvóɛora, which are so constantly applied to it. If we, besides, have a rock behind the town answering the purpose of such a citadel as the Pergamus of Troy is described to have been, "Пépуauoç akpn," rising precipitously above the city, and presenting a situation of great strength, we shall have all that the nature of the poem, even in its historical character, ought to lead us to expect. (Compare Voy. Pitt., 2, 238, and the plan there given.) With respect to minor objects alluded to by Homer in the course of his poem, such as the tombs or mounds of Ilus, Esyetes, and Myrina, the Scopie and Erineus, or grove of wild fig-trees, it is, perhaps, too much to seek to identify, as the French topographers have somewhat fancifully done, with present appearances. It is certain that such indications cannot be relied upon, since the inhabitants of New Ilium, who also pretended that their town stood on the site of ancient Troy, boasted that they could show, close to their walls, these dubious vestiges of antiquity. (Strabo, 599.) With respect to the objection which may be brought against the situation here assigned to apcient Troy, that it would not have been possible for the flight of Hector to have taken place round the walls, as the poet has represented it, since the heights of Bounarbachi are skirted to the northeast by the deep and narrow gorge of the Mendere, which leaves no room even for a narrow footpath along its banks, the opinion is undoubtedly correct of those commentators and critics who think that we ought not to take the words of the poet in the sense which has commonly been assigned to them, but that it is better suppose that Hector and Achilles ran only round

TROILUS, a son of Priam and Hecuba, slain by Achilles during the Trojan war. According to another legend, he was the son of Apollo and Hecuba. (Tzetz. ad Lycophr., 307.- Eudocia, p. 404, in the latter of whom adós must be supplied, and the arrangement of the text altered.) Troilus was remarkable for youthful beauty. The manner of his death is differently related by ancient writers. (Consult Dict. Cret., 4, 9. -Anna Fabr., ad loc.-Virg., Æn., 1, 478.)

TROPHONIUS, according to the common account, a celebrated architect, son of Erginus, king of Orchomenus in Boeotia. The legend relating to him is as follows: When Erginus had been overcome by Hercules, his affairs fell into so reduced a state, that, in order to retrieve them, he abstained from matrimony. As he grew rich and old, he wished to have a family; and, going to Delphi, he consulted the god, who gave him, in oracular phrase, the prudent advice to marry a young wife. (Pausan, 9, 37, 3.) Erginus accordingly, following the counsel of the Pythia, married and had two sons, Trophonius and Agamedes, though some said Apollo was the father of the former. They became distinguished architects, and built the temple of Apollo at Delphi, and a treasury for King Hyrieus. (Hom., H. in Apollo, 118.) In the wall of this last they placed a stone in such a manner that it could be taken out; and they, by this means, from time to time purloined the treasure. This amazed Hyrieus: for his locks and seals were untouched, and yet his wealth continually diminished. At length he set a trap for the thief, and Agamedes was caught. Trophonius, unable to extricate him, and fearing that, when found, he would be compelled by torture to discover his accom. plice, cut off his head and carried it off. Trophonius himself is said to have been shortly afterward swai

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Orchom., p. 198, 150, seqq., 242.-Strabo, 421. — Liv., 45, 27.)-The same trick related above in the case of Hyrieus, is said to have been played off on Augeas, king of Elis, by Trophonius, the stepson of Agamedes, the Arcadian architect. (Charax, ap. Schol. ad Aristoph., Nub., 509) It also formed an episode in the Telegonia; and there is likewise a very strong similarity between it and the legend related by Herodotus of the Egyptian king Rhampsinitus (2, 121). Valckenaer thinks that the story was of Egyptian origin, and that some Greek transferred it from the pages of Herodotus to Trophonius and Agamedes. (Valck ad Herod., l. c.) Ilgen adopts the same opinion (ad Hom., Hymn., p. 304). Bahr also comcides in this view of the subject, and refers the legend at once to early agriculture. (Bähr, Excurs., 7, ad Herod., l. c., vol. 1, p. 912.) On the other hand, Müller (Orchom., p. 97) considers the fable as of Grecian origin, and makes it to have been borrowed by the priests of Egypt at a later day. (Compare Buttmann, Die Minya der altesten Zeit.— Mytholog., vol. 2, p. 208, seqq.) The opinion of Valckenaer, however, is undoubtedly the true one.



TROS, Son of Erichthonius and grandson of DardaHe married Callirhoë, daughter of the Scamander, by whom he had Ilus, Assaracus, and Ganymedes. He gave the name of Troja to the adjacent coun(Apollod., 3, 12, 2.-Vid. Troja.) TROSSULUM, a town of Etruria, to the west of Ferentinum, some remains of which have been discovered at a place which bears the name of Trosso. Pliny tells us that this town, having been taken by cavalry alone, the Roman horse or equites, obtained, from that circumstance, the name of Trossuli. (Plin., 33, 2.— Compare Festus, s. v. Trossuli.)

lowed up by the earth. (Pausan., l. c.) According to Pindar, when they had finished the temple of Delphi, they asked a reward of the god. He promised to give it on the seventh day, desiring them, meanwhile, to live cheerful and happy. On the seventh day they died in their sleep. (Pind., ap. Plut., de Cons.-Op., vol. 7, p. 335, ed. Hutten.) There was a celebrated oracle of Trophonius at Lebadea in Boeotia. During a great drought, the Boeotians were, it is said, directed by the god at Delphi to seek aid of Trophonius in Lebadea. They came thither, but could find no oracle; one of them, however, happening to see a swarm of bees, they followed them to a chasm in the earth, which proved to be the place sought. (Pausan., 9, 40.) The writer just quoted gives a detailed account of the mode of consulting this oracle, from his own personal observation (9, 39). After going through certain ceremonies, the individual who sought to inquire into futurity was conducted to a chasm in the earth resembling an oven, and a ladder was furnished him by which to descend. After reaching the bottom of the chasm, he lay down on the ground in a certain posture, and was immediately drawn within a cavern, as if hurried away by the vortex of a most rapid river. Then he obtained the knowledge of which he was in quest. In some cases this was given to the applicants through the medium of the sight; at others through the hearing; but all returned through the same opening, and walked backward as they returned. It is a common notion, which we meet with in many modern works, that a visiter to the cave of Trophonius never smiled after his return. The language of Pausanias, however, expressly disproves this; for he observes that afterward the person recovers the use of his reason, and laughs just the same as before (vσrepov μévтoi tá TE ἄλλα οὐδέν τι φρονήσει μεῖον ἢ πρότερον, καὶ γέλως TRYPHIODORUS, a Greek poet supposed to have knúveloív oi). It is probable that the gloom, the me- flourished about the fifth century of our era. He was phitic vapours, and perhaps some violence from the a native of Egypt, but of his history nothing is known. priests, which the applicant encountered in his descent, Tryphiodorus wrote a poem under the title of Maramight seriously affect his constitution, and render thoniaca (Mapa@wviaká), another styled kа' 'Iññodáhim melancholy; and thus Aristophanes strongly ex-μetav; a Lipogrammatic Odyssey; and a poem on presses terror by an observation in the Clouds (v. 507), the destruction of Troy, styled 'Iniov ühwols. The which became proverbial, os dédoir' ¿yù "Elow kaт- last is the only one of his productions which has abaivwv worεp ès Tpopwviov. One man, indeed, is reached us. It is in 681 verses, and appears rather noticed by Athenæus (14, p. 614, a), who did not re- to be the argument of some larger poem, which the cover his power of smiling until assisted by another poet had perhaps intended at one time to write. Tho oracle. Parmeniscus of Metapontum, finding himself Lipogrammatic Odyssey had this name given to it thus wofully dispirited, went to Delphi for a remedy, from a peculiar piece of affectation by which it was and Apollo answered that he would find a cure if he marked. The poet, according to some, interdicted resorted to his (Apollo's) mother. The hypochondriac himself, in each of his twenty-four books, the use of interpreted this response as relating to his own native a particular letter of the alphabet. Eustathius, howcountry; but, on being disappointed in his hope there, ever, states that the letter was banished from the he sought relief in travelling. Touching by accident at entire poem. The best edition of the poem on the Delos, he entered a temple of Latona; and, unexpected- destruction of Troy is perhaps that of Wernicke, ly casting his eyes upon a statue of that goddess Lips., 1819, 8vo. The edition of Northmore is also (Apollo's mother) most grotesquely sculptured, he burst a good one, Cantab., 1791, 8vo, and Lond., 1804, 8vo. into an involuntary fit of laughter.-Of other recorded (Schöll, Hist. Lit. Gr., vol. 6, p. 112) descents into the cave of Trophonius, that of Timarchus, described by Plutarch (De Socratis Genio.Op., vol. 8, p. 332, ed. Reiske), is dismissed by the writer himself as a mere fable (ó μév Tiuúpxov μoloç OUTOS). That of Apollonius of Tyana (Philostrat, Vit. Apollon., 4, 8) was an irruption, not a legitimate visit. The impostor appears to have bullied the priests, and to have done exactly according to his pleasure both above and below ground. (Encycl. Metropol., pt. 35, p. 664.)-Trophonius was named Zeus-Trophonius, that is, the Nourishing or Sustaining Zeus or Jupiter (from τρέφω, "to nourish"). He is probably a deity of the Pelasgian times, a giver of food from the bosom of the earth, and hence worshipped in a cavern. Ag-him after he had conquered the king of Macedonia. amedes (the Thoughtful or Provident) is, perhaps, only another title of the same being; and as corn was preserved in under-ground treasuries or granaries, the brothers may in one sense have been the builders, in another the plunderers of these receptacles. (Muller,

TRYPHO, a graminarian of Alexandrea in the age of Augustus. We have some works of his remaining, one entitled Hún gewv, and another Hɛpi Tpónov. The best edition of these two is given in the Muscu Criticum (vol. 1, p. 32, seqq.).

TUBERO, Q. ELIUS, a Roman consul, son-in-law of Paulus, the conqueror of Perseus. He is celebrated for his integrity. Sixteen of the Tuberos, with their wives and children, lived in a small house, and maintained themselves with the produce of a little field, which they cultivated with their own hands. The first piece of silver plate that entered the house of Tubero was a small cup which his father-in-law presented to

TUBURBO, two towns of Africa, called Major and Minor. The first was situate directly to the south of Tunis, and appears to be now Tubernok; the latter was southwest of Carthage, on the Bagradas, and is said to retain the ancient name. (Plin., 5, 4.)

when a dungeon, was through the arched roof; now, however, there is a door in the side wall. "Notwithstanding the change," observes Eustace, "it has still a most appalling appearance." (Class. Tour, vol. 1, p. 365, Lond. ed.)

TUCCA, PLAUTIUS, a friend of Horace and Virgil. | posed to have been confined there. Its only entrance, He and Varius were ordered by Augustus to revise the Eneid after Virgil's death. (Vid. Virgilius.) TUDER, a town of Umbria, northwest of Spoletium, and near the Tiber. It was originally one of the most important cities of Umbria, and famous for its worship of Mars. Its situation on a lofty hill rendered it a place of great strength. It is now Todi. (Sil. Ital., 4, 222.-Id., 464. - Cramer's Anc. Italy, vol. 1, p. 273.)

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TULINGI, a people of Gaul, reckoned among the Helvetii by some, but more correctly their neighbours, and of Germanic origin. (Cæs., B. G., 1, 5.) The modern Stuhlingen is thought to preserve traces of their name. (Oberlin. ad Cæs., l. c.)

TULLUS HOSTILIUS, the third king of Rome, and successor of Numa. An interregnum followed the death of the last-mentioned monarch. At length Tullus Hostilius, a man of Latin extraction, was chosen by the curia; and his election having been sanctioned by the auspices, he, like his predecessor, submitted to the comitia curiata the laws which conferred upon him full regal power. The new king was more desirous of military renown than of the less dazzling fame TULLIA, I. a daughter of Servius Tullius, king of which may be gained by cultivating the arts of peace. Rome. She married Tarquin the Proud after she had An opportunity was soon offered for indulging his warmade away with her first husband, Aruns Tarquinius. like disposition. Plundering incursions had been made (Vid. Servius Tullius.)-II. A daughter of Cicero by into each other's territories by the borderers of the Terentia. She was three times married. Her first two states of Rome and Alba. Both nations sent husband, Caius Piso, died a short time before Cicero's ambassadors at the same time to demand redress. return from exile. At the end of about a year, she The Roman ambassadors had private orders from Tulwas married to a second husband, Furius Crassipes, lus to be peremptory in their demands, and to limit who appears to have been a patrician of rank and dig their stay within the stated period of thirty days. nity. She was afterward divorced from this second They did so, and, receiving no immediate satisfaction, husband, and united to P. Cornelius Dolabella. The returned to Rome. In the mean time, Tullus amused life and character, however, of this last-mentioned in- the Alban embassy by shows and banquets, till, when dividual proved so contrary to the manners and tem- they opened their commission, he had it in his power per both of Cicero and his daughter, that a divorce to answer that they had already in vain sought redress ensued in this case also. Cicero entertained the deep-from Alba, and that now they must prepare for the est affection for this his favourite child, and her death, events of a war, the blame of originating which was at the age of 32, proved to him a source of the bitter-chargeable upon them. Under the command of Cluest sorrow. (Vid. remarks under the article Cicero, ilius, the Albans sent a powerful army against Rome, page 345, column 2.)-Cœlius Rhodiginus tells us, and encamped about five miles from the city. There that in the time of Sixtus IV. there was found near Cluilius died, and the Albans elected Mettius Fufetius Rome, on the Appian Way, over against the tomb of in his stead. Tullus Hostilius, at the head of the RoCicero, the body of a woman whose hair was dressed mans, now drew near the Albans. But, when the two up in network of gold, and which, from the inscrip- armies were ready for a general engagement, Mettius, tion, was thought to be the body of Tullia. It was the Alban general, proposed to save the effusion of quite entire, and so well preserved by spices as to blood by committing the fortune of the war to the have suffered no injury from time; yet, when it was valour of certain champions selected from either side. removed into the city, it mouldered away in three days. To this proposition Tullus agreed; and the affair of But this was only the hasty conjecture of some learn- the Horatii and Curiatii took place. (Vid. Horatius ed men of the time, which, for want of authority to II.) After the termination of this memorable combat, support it, soon vanished of itself; for no inscription notwithstanding the agreement which had been enterwas ever produced to confirm it, nor has it been men-ed into between the Romans and Albans, the latter tioned by any other author that there was any sepulchre of Cicero on the Appian Way. (Cal. Rhod., Lect. Antiq., 3, 24.-Middleton's Life of Cicero, vol. 2, p. 149, in not.)

TULLIA LEX, I. de Senatu, by M. Tullius Cicero, A.U.C. 690, enacted that those who had a libera legatio granted them by the senate should hold it no more than one year. Such senators as had a libera legatio travelled through the provinces without any expense, as if they were employed in the affairs of the state.-II. Another, de Ambitu, by the same, the same year. It forbade any person, two years before he canvassed for an office, to exhibit a show of gladiators, unless that task had devolved upon him by will. Senators guilty of the crime of Ambitus were punished with the aqua et ignis interdictio for ten years, and the penalty inflicted on the commons was more severe than that of the Calpurnian law. (Dio Cass., 37, 29. -Cic., pro Mur., 32, seqq.)


TULLIANUM, a name given to part of the public prison at Rome. The prison was originally built by Ancus Marcius, and was afterward enlarged by Servius Tullius, whence that part of it which was under ground, and built by him, received the name of TulTianum. The full expression is Tullianum robur, from its walls having been originally of oak; afterward, however, they were built of stone. (Sall., Cat., 55.) This dungeon now serves as a subterranean chapel to a small church built on the spot, called San Pietro in Carcere, in commemoration of St. Peter, who is sup

were unwilling to forfeit their national independence
without an additional struggle. This, however, they
were desirous to avoid provoking single-handed. They
accordingly encouraged the people of Fidena to re-
volt, by giving them secret promises of assistance.
Tullus Hostilius immediately levied a Roman army,
and summoned the Albans to his aid. A battle en-
sued, in which Mettius Fufetius endeavoured to act a
treacherous part, but wanted courage and decision to
fulfil his own perfidious pledge, and, on the morrow,
was put to a cruel death by the Roman king. (Vid.
Mettius Fufetius.) After the punishment of Mettius,
it was decreed that Alba should be razed to the ground,
and the whole Alban people removed to Rome, to pre-
vent the possibility of future strife. Not only the
walls of Alba, but every human habitation, was totally
demolished, and the temples of the gods alone left
standing in solitary majesty amid the ruins.
though Tullus had thus put an end to the separate
existence of Alba, he did not reduce its inhabitants to
slavery. He assigned them habitations on the Calian
Hill, which had formerly, so said the legend, been
possessed by the followers of Cæles Vibenna. Soon
after these events, Tullus made war upon the Sabines,
and in a bloody, and for some time doubtful encoun-
ter, again obtained the victory. Another war arose
with the confederate towns of Latium, who began to
dread the growing power of Rome after the destruc-
tion of Alba. The Latin war terminated without any
decided reverses sustained by either party; and an


the ancient writers was considered the most favoured
spot on the whole earth. Here, too, Strabo places the
Elysian fields of Homer. This district, besides being
very productive, was enabled to carry on an extensive
and lucrative commerce with the nations of the inte
rior, by means of the Bætis, which traversed it
(Polyb., 34, 9.—Liv., 21, 6.—Id., 24, 42.)

TURDULI, a people of Bætica in Spain, situate to the north and northeast of the Turdetani. (Mela, 3, 1.—Plin., 3, 1.—Id. ibid., 4, 20.)

TURIAS, a river of Spain, in the territory of the Edetani, near Valentia; now the Guadaiaviar. (Mela, 2, 16.-Plin., 3, 3.)

TURNUS, king of the Rutuli, son of Daunus, king of Apulia, and Venilia, a nymph who was sister to Amata, the wife of Latinus. Lavinia, the daughter of Latinus, was betrothed to him, but the arrival of Æneas deprived him of his intended bride, and in the war which took place between the Latins and the Trojans Turnus was slain by Æneas. (Virg., En., 7, 56, seqq.)

alliance was formed between the Romans and the Latins. Tullus had now leisure to direct his attention to the arts of peace, in which, however, he did not equally excel. The only public works ascribed to him were the enclosing of a space for the Comitia, or assembly of the people, and the building of a Curia, or senate-house. Towards the end of his reign his mind was disturbed by prodigies, indicating the wrath of the gods for religion neglected and temples left desolate. A shower of stones fell from heaven on the Alban Mount, and the awful accents of a supernatural voice were heard to issue from the consecrated suminit of the hill. A plague swept away numbers of the Roman people. The king himself sickened; and, from having been neglectful of religion, became the slave of superstitious terrors. In vain did he supplicate the gods. He had disregarded them in the days of his prosperity, and in his adversity no deity regarded his prayers or sent relief. In his despair he presumed to use the divinations of Numa, by the rites of Jupiter Elicius (vid. Elicius); but the only answer returned was the lightning of the offended gods, by TURONES, I. a people in the interior of Gallia Lugwhich Tullus himself and his whole household were dunensis, whose territory answers to the modern Tousmitten and consumed. Another account, however, raine. (Amm. Marc., 15, 11. — Tac., Ann., 3, 41.) ascribed his death to an act of treachery and assassi-II. A German tribe, settled in what is now the nation on the part of Ancus Marcius, who could not southern part of Hesse, according to Mannert. brook that he, a descendant of Numa, should be kept from the throne by a man of private origin. Such is the legend of Tullus Hostilius. This monarch is said to have reigned two-and-thirty years. (Lin.. 1, 22, seqq.-Dion. Hal., 3, 1, seqq.-Hetherington's History of Rome, p. 13, seqq.)-As the reigns of Romulus and Numa represent the establishment of two of the tribes or constituent elements of the Roman people, so the reign of Tullus Hostilius seems to comprehend the development of the third tribe, or Luceres. To him, as to Romulus and Numa, is ascribed a division of lands, by which portions were assigned to the needy citizens, who, as yet, possessed no property in the soil. It has been conjectured that the Luceres had hitherto held their lands, not in absolute property, and not as common proprietors of the public domain, but as vassals or tenants of the state, which would De represented in the person of the king. That the distribution of Tullus Hostilius effected the third tribe is rendered probable by its being connected with the assignment of ground for building on the Clian Mount, and the enclosure of that part of the city within one line of fortification with the older town, if there is any weight in the arguments that are adduced to show that the town on the Calian was the settlement of the Luceres. From the circumstance that Hostilius himself dwelt there, and that he derived his origin from the Latin town Medullia (Dion. Hal., 3, 1), it may be conjectured that he himself was considered to belong to the Luceres, as Romulus to the Ramnes, and Numa to the Titienses. (Malden's History of Rome, p. 127, seq.)

TURRIS, I. HANNIBALIS, a small place on the coast of Africa, below Thapsus. From this Hannibal took his departure for Asia, when he was banished by his factious and ungrateful countrymen from Carthage. It is now Mahdia.-II. Stratonis, the previous name of Cæsarea, on the coast of Palestine. (Vid. Cæsarea.)

Tusci, the inhabitants of Etruria. (Vid. Hetruria.) TUSCULANUM, the name of Cicero's villa near Tusculum, and where the scene of his Tusculan Disputations is laid. (Vid. Cicero, p. 347, col. 2.)

TUSCULUM, a town of Latium, on the summit of the ridge of hills which forms the continuation of the Alban Mount, and above the modern town of Frascati. The numerous remains of the ancient place still bear the name of il Tosculo. According to Dionysius (10, 20) and Josephus (Bell. Jud., 18, 8), it was distant about one hundred stadia from Rome, or twelve miles and a half. The foundation of Tusculum is ascribed to Telegonus, the son of Circe and Ulysses. (Ovid, Fast., 3, 91.-Id., 4, 91.-Propert., 2, 35.—Sil. Ital., 7, 691.) It must have been one of the most considerable of the Latin cities in the time of the second Tarquin, since that prince is said to have sought the alliance of Octavius Manlius, chief of Tusculum, and to have given him his daughter in marriage. (Liv., 1, 49.) By this measure, Tarquin secured the cooperation of almost all the Latin cities in his subsequent attempts to recover the throne he had lost.In the second Punic war Tusculum successfully resisted the attack of Hannibal.-This place could boast of having given birth to M. Porcius Cato, several of TUNES (TUvns, Toc), a city of Africa, southwest of the Fabii, &c. Its proximity to Rome, the beauty of and near to Carthage, being, according to Polybius its situation, as well as the salubrity of its climate (14, 10), only 120 stadia from the latter place. The made it a favourite summer residence with the wealthy Peutinger table, however, gives the distance more Romans. Strabo, who has given us a very accurate correctly at ten miles. It first rose into consequence description of its position, says that, on the side to after the fall of Carthage. It is now Tunis. Diodo-wards Rome, the hills of Tusculum were covered with rus Siculus calls it "White Tunis," perhaps from the chalky cliffs that lie around it when viewed from the sea. (Mannert, Geogr., vol. 10, pt. 2, p. 262.)

TUNGRI, a German tribe, probably the same with the Aduatici of Cæsar, and the first that crossed the Rhine. They became subsequently a powerful people in Germania Inferior. (Tac., Germ., 2.-Amm. Marc., 15, 11)

TURDETANI, a people of Bætica in Spain, in the southeastern part. They extended along the coast, from the Anas to the Bastuli Poni, and their territory was famed for its beauty and fertility, and by some of

plantations and palaces, the effect of which was most striking. (Strab., 239.) Of these villas none can be more interesting to us than that of Cicero. (Vid. Tusculanum.) Lucullus also had a celebrated villa and gardens at this place. Horace likewise alludes to a villa of Mecenas here. (Cramer's Anc. Italy, vol. 2, p. 47.)

TUSCUM MARE, a part of the Mediterranean, on the coast of Etruria, called also Tyrrhenum Mare and Mare Inferum.

TYANA, a city of Cappadocia, strongly fortified by nature and art, lying on the main road to Cilicia and

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