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who succeeded in defeating, and finally expelling these of Thessalonica was Halia, and quotes a passage from oppressors of their country; and, by the important a work written by Lucillus of Tarrha on this place, to services thus rendered to the Thessalians, secured account for the reason which induced Philip to call his their lasting attachment to his interests, and finally ob- daughter Thessalonica. Cassander is said to have tained the presidency of the Amphictyonic council. collected together the inhabitants of several neighbour(Polyb., Exc., 9, 28.) Under his skilful management, ing towns for the aggrandizement of the new city, the troops of Thessaly became a most important addi- which thus became one of the most important and tion to the resources he already possessed; and to this flourishing ports of northern Greece. It surrendered powerful re-enforcement may probably be attributed to the Romans after the battle of Pydna (Liv., 44, 10), the success which attended his campaign against the and was made the capital of the second region of MaceBoeotians and Athenians. On the death of Philip, the donia. (Id., 45, 29.) Situated on the great Egnatian states of Thessaly, in order to testify their veneration Way, 227 miles from Dyrrhachium, and possessed of for his memory, issued a decree, by which they con- an excellent harbour, well placed for commercial interfirmed to his son Alexander the supreme station which course with the Hellespont and Asia Minor, it could he had held in their councils; and also signified their not fail of becoming a very populous and flourishing intention of supporting his claims to the title of com- city. The Christian will dwell with peculiar interest mander-in-chief of the whole Grecian confederacy. on the circumstances that connect the name of St. The long absence of that enterprising prince, while Paul with the history of this place. It will be seen, engaged in distant conquests, subsequently afforded from the epistles which he addressed to his converts his enemies an opportunity of detaching the Thessa- here, how successful his exertions had been, notwithlians from his interests; and the Lamiac war, which standing the opposition and enmity he had to encounwas chiefly sustained by that people against his gener-ter from his misguided countrymen.-Pliny (4, 10) als Antipater and Craterus, had nearly proved fatal to decribes Thessalonica as a free city; and Lucian as the Macedonian influence, not only in Thessaly, but the largest of the Macedonian towns. (Asin., 46.— over the whole continent of Greece. By the conduct Compare Ptol., p. 84.-Hierocl., p. 638.) Later hisand ability of Antipater, however, the contest was torians name it as the residence of the prefect, and the brought to a successful issue, and Thessaly was pre- capital of Illyricum. (Theodoret, Hist. Eccles., 5, served to the Macedonian crown (Polyb., 4, 76) un- 17-Socrat., Hist. Eccles., c. 11.) For an account til the reign of Philip, son of Demetrius, from whom of the dreadful massacre that once took place here, it was wrested by the Romans after the victory of consult the article Theodosius II.-The modern name Cynoscephalæ. All Thessaly was then declared free of the place is Saloniki. (Cramer's Anc. Greece, by a decree of the senate and people (Liv., 33, 32), but vol. 1, p. 236, seqq.-Compare Clarke's Travels, vol. from that time it may be fairly considered as having 7, p. 443, seqq.)-II. A daughter of Philip, married passed under the dominion of Rome, though its pos-to Cassander, and from whom the city of Thessalonica session was still disputed by Antiochus (Liv., 36, 9, is said to have received its name. (Vid. preceding arseqq.), and again by Perseus, the son of Philip. Thes- ticle.) saly was already a Roman province, when the fate of the empire of the world was decided in the plains of Pharsalia. With the exception, perhaps, of Boeotia, this seems to have been the most fertile and productive part of Greece, in wine, oil, and corn, but more especially the latter, of which it exported a considerable quantity to foreign countries. (Xen., Hist. Gr., 6, 1, 4.-Theophr., Hist. Plant., 8, 7, et 10.) Hence, as might be expected, the Thessalians were the wealthiest people of Greece; nor were they exempt from those vices which riches and luxury generally bring in their train. (Athen., 12, 5, p. 624.—Theopomp., ap. eund., 6, 17, p. 260.—Plat., Crit., p. 50.)-Like the Lacedæmonians, they employed slaves, who were named Penestæ; these probably were a remnant of the first tribes that inhabited the country, and that had been reduced to a state of servitude by their invaders. The Penesta formed no inconsiderable part of the population, and not unfrequently endeavoured to free themselves from the state of oppression under which they groaned. (Xen., Hist. Gr., 6, 1, 4.-Aristot., de Repub., 2, 9.-Cramer's Anc. Greece, vol. 1, p. 343, seqq.)

THESTOR, a son of Idmon and Laothoë, father to Calchas. From him Calchas is often called Thestorides. (Ovid, Met., 12, 19.-Stat., Ach, 1, 497.)

THETIS, one of the sea-deities, daughter of Nereus and Doris. To reward the virtue of Peleus (vid. Peleus), the king of the gods resolved to give him a god dess in marriage. The spouse selected for him was Thetis, who had been wooed by Jupiter himself and his brother Neptune; but Themis having declared that the child of Thetis would be greater than his sire, the gods withdrew. (Pind., Isthm., 8, 58, seqq.) According to another account, she was courted by Jupiter alone till he was informed by Prometheus that her son would dethrone him. (Apollod., 3, 13, 1.-Schol. ad I., 1, 519.) Others, again, maintain that Thetis, who was reared by Juno, would not listen to the suit of Jupiter, and that the god, in his anger, condemned her to espouse a mortal (Apollod., l. c.), or that Juno herself selected Peleus for her spouse. (Il., 24, 59.-Apoll Rhod., 4, 793, seq.) Chiron, being made aware of the will of the gods, advised Peleus to aspire to the hand of the nymph of the sea, and instructed him how to win her. Peleus therefore lay in wait, and held her fast, though she changed herself into every variety of form, becoming fire, water, a serpent, and a lion. The wedding was solemnized on Mount Pelion: all THESSALONICA, I. a city of Macedonia, at the north- the gods, except Discord (vid. Discordia), were invited, eastern extremity of the Sinus Thermaicus. It was and they all, with this single exception, honoured it at first an inconsiderable place, under the name of with their presence (Il., 24, 62), and bestowed armour Therme, by which it was known in the times of Herod- on the bridegroom. (I, 17, 195.-Ib., 18, 84.) otus, Thucydides, Eschines (Fals. Legat., 29), and Chiron gave him an ashen spear, and Neptune the imScylax. The latter speaks also of the Thermaan mortal Harpy-born steeds Balius and Xanthus. The Gulf. Therme was occupied by the Athenians prior muses sang, the Nereides danced, to celebrate the to the Peloponnesian war, but was restored by them wedding, and Ganymedes poured out nectar for the to Perdiccas shortly after. (Thucyd., 1, 51-Id., 2, guests. (Eurip, Iph. in Aul., 1036, seqq.-Catul29.) We are informed by Strabo that Cassander lus, Nuptia Pel. et Thet.) The offspring of this changed the name of Therme to Thessalonica, in hon-union was the celebrated Achilles. When the goddess our of his wife, who was daughter of Philip. (Epit., wished to make this her child immortal, the indiscreet 7, p. 330.- Scymn., Ch., v. 625.-Zonar., 12, 26.) curiosity of Peleus frustrated her design, and, leaving Stephanus of Byzantium asserts that the former name her babe, she abandoned for ever the mansion of her

THESSALIOTIS, a part of Thessaly lying below the Peneus, and to the west of Magnesia and Phthiotis. (Vid. Thessalia, near the beginning of the article.)

THIRMIDA, a town in the interior of Numidia, where Hiempsal was slain by the soldiers of Jugurtha. (Sall., Jug., c. 12, 41.) The site is unknown. (Mannert, Geogr., vol. 10, pt. 2, p. 372.)

husband, and returned to her sister Nereïdes. (Vid. | inconceivable that, in the later historic times, when Achilles, where a full account is given.) the Thracians were contemned as a barbarian race, a notion should have sprung up that the first civilization of Greece was due to them; consequently we cannot doubt that this was a tradition handed down from a very early period. Now if we are to underTHISBE, I. a beautiful female of Babylon, between stand it to mean that Eumolpus, Orpheus, Museus, whom and a youth named Pyramus, a native of the and Thamyris were the fellow-countrymen of those same place, a strong attachment subsisted. Their pa- Edonians, Odrysians, and Odomantians who, in the rents, however, being averse to their union, they adopt-historical ages, occupied the Thracian territory, and ed the expedient of receiving each other's addresses through the chink of a wall which separated their dwellings. In the sequel, they arranged a meeting at the tomb of Ninus, under a white mulberry-tree. Thisbe, enveloped in a veil, arrived first at the appointed place; but, terrified at the appearance of a lioness, she fled precipitately, and in her flight dropped her veil, which, lying in the animal's path, was rent by it, and smeared with the blood that stained the jaws of the lioness from the recent destruction of some cattle. Pyramus, coming soon after to the appointed place, beheld the torn and bloody veil, and, concluding that Thisbe had been destroyed by some savage beast, slew himself in despair. Thisbe, returning after a short interval to the spot where she had encountered the lioness, beheld the bleeding form of Pyramus, and threw herself upon the fatal sword, still warm, as it was, with the blood of her lover. According to the poets, the mulberry that overhung the fatal scene changed the hue of its fruit from snow-white to a blood-red colour. (Ovid, Met., 4, 55, seqq.)-II. A town of Boeotia, northwest of Ascra, and near the confines of Phocis. It was famed for its abounding in wild pigeons. (Hom., Il., 2, 502.-Strabo, 411.) Xenophon writes the name in the plural, Thisbæ. (Hist. Gr., 6, 4, 3.) The modern Kakosia marks its site. Sir W. Gell remarks, that the place is remarkable for the immense number of rock-pigeons still found here. This circumstance, he observes, is the more striking, as neither the birds, nor rocks so full of perforations, in which they build their nests, are found in any other part of the country. (Itin., p. 115.)

THOAS, I. a king of the Tauric Chersonese when Orestes and Pylades, in concert with Iphigenia, carried off from that country the statue of the Tauric Diana. (Vid. Orestes and Iphigenia.)-II. King of Lemnos, and father of Hypsipyle. (Vid. Hypsipyle.) THORAX, I. a mountain near Magnesia ad Maandrum, in Lydia, on which the poet Daphidas was crucified for having written some satirical lines against Attalus, king of Pergamus. Hence the proverb, ovλÁTTоν TÒν vúρаka, "Take care of Thorax." (Strab., 647.-Cic., de Fat., c. 3.-Erasmus, Chil. 2, cent. 4, n. 52.)

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THORNAX, a mountain of Laconia, north of Sparta, and forming part of the range called Menelaium. It 18 now Thornika. On this mountain was a temple of Apollo, with a statue of the god, to which a quantity of gold was presented by Croesus (Herod., 1, 69); but the Lacedæmonians made use of it afterward to adorn the more revered image of the Amyclean Apollo. (Pausan., 3, 10.- Cramer's Ancient Greece, vol. 3, p. 219.)

THоTH, an Egyptian deity, corresponding in some degree to the Grecian Hermes and the Latin Mercurius. (Vid. remarks under the article Mercurius.) THRACES, the inhabitants of Thrace. (Vid. Thracia.)

THRACIA, I. a name of frequent occurrence in the earliest history of Greek civilization, and designating, in all probability, not the country called Thracia in a later age, but the district subsequently known by the appellation of Pieria.-By far the most remarkable circumstance in the accounts that have come down to us respecting the earliest minstrels of Greece is, that several of them are called Thracians. It is utterly

who spoke a barbarian language, that is, one unintelligible to the Greeks, we must despair of being able to comprehend these accounts of the ancient Thracian minstrels, and of assigning them a place in the history of Grecian civilization; since it is manifest that at this early period, when there was scarcely any intercourse between different nations, or knowledge of foreign tongues, poets who sang in an unintelligible language could not have had more influence on the mental development of the people than the twittering of birds. Nothing but the dumb language of mimicry and dancing, and musical strains independent of articulate speech, can at such a period pass from nation to nation, as, for example, the Phrygian music passed over to Greece; whereas the Thracian minstrels are constantly represented as the fathers of poetry, which, of course, is necessarily combined with language. When we come to trace more precisely the country of these Thracian bards, we find that the traditions refer to Pieria, the district to the east of the Olympus range, to the north of Thessaly, and the south of Emathia or Macedonia. In Pieria, likewise, was Libethra, where the Muses are said to have sung the lament over the tomb of Orpheus: the ancient poets, moreover, always make Pieria, not Thrace, the native place of the Muses, which last Homer clearly distinguishes from Pieria. (I., 14, 226.) It was not until the Pierians were pressed in their own territory by the early Macedonian princes, that some of them crossed the Strymon into Thrace proper, where Herodotus mentions the castles of the Pierians in the expedition of Xerxes (7, 112). It is, however, quite conceivable that, in early times, either on account of their close vicinity or because all the north was comprehended under one name, the Pierians might, in southern Greece, have been called Thracians. These Pierians, from the intellectual relations which they maintained with the Greeks, appear to have been a Grecian race; which supposition is also confirmed by the Greek names of their places, rivers, fountains, &c., although it is probable that, situated on the limits of the Greek nation, they may have borrowed largely from neighbouring tribes. (Müller's Dorians, vol. 1, p. 472, 488, 501.) A branch of the Phrygian nation, so devoted to an enthusiastic worship, once dwelt close to Pieria, at the foot of Mount Bermius, where King Midas was said to have taken the drunken Silenus in his rose-gardens. In the whole of this region a wild and enthusiastic worship of Bacchus was diffused among both men and women. It may be easily conceived, that the excitement which the mind thus received contributed to prepare it for poetic enthusiasm. These same Thracians or Pierians lived, up to the time of the Doric and Æolic migrations, in certain districts of Boeotia and Phocis. That they had dwelt about the Baotian mountain of Helicon, in the district of Thespia and Acra, was evident to the ancient historians, as well from the traditions of the cities as from the agreement of many names of places in the country near Olympus (Libethrion, Pimpleis, Helicon, &c.). At the foot of Parnassus, too, in Phocis, was said to have been situate the city of Daulis, the seat of the Thracian king Tereus, who is known by his connexion with the Athenian king Pandion, and by the fable of the metamorphosis of his wife Procne into a nightingale.-From what has been said, it appears suf

Thucyd., 2, 29), whose son Sitalces, at the instigation of the Athenians, with whom he was allied, undertook an expedition into Macedonia. Having raised a powerful army of Thracians and Pæonians, the sovereign of the Odrysæ penetrated into the territory of Perdiccas, who, unable to oppose in the field so formidable an antagonist, confined his resistance to the defence of the fortified towns; and by this mode of warfare he at length wearied out the Thracian prince, who was persuaded by his nephew Seuthes to abandon the expedition and return to his dominions. In return for this service, Seuthes, we are told, received in marriage Stratonice, the sister of Perdiccas. (Thucyd., 2, 97, seqq.) Sitalces, some years after, having been defeated and slain in a battle with the Triballi, another considerable Thracian clan, was succeeded by Seuthes, who carried the power of the Odrysian empire to its highest pitch. (Thucyd., 4, 101.-Id., 2, 97.) The splendour of this monarchy was, however, of short duration, as on the death of Seuthes it began gradually to decline; and we learn from Xenophon that, on the arrival of the ten thousand in Thrace, the power of Medocus, or Amadocus, the reigning prince of the Odrysæ, was very inconsiderable. (Anab., 7, 2, 17.-Id. ibid., 3, 7.)- When Philip, the son of Amyntas, ascended the throne of Macedon, the Thracians were governed by Cotys, a weak prince, whose territories became an easy prey to his artful and enterprising neighbour. The whole of that part of Thrace situate between the Strymon and the Nestus was thus added to Macedonia, whence some geographical writers term it Macedonia Adjecta. Cotys having been assassinated not long after, was succeeded by his son Chersobleptes, whose possessions were limited to the Thracian Chersonese; and even of this he was eventually stripped by the Athenians (Diod Sic., 16, 34.— Demosth. in Aristocr., p. 678), while Philip seized on all the maritime towns between the Nestus and that peninsula. On Alexander's accession to the throne, the Triballi were by far the most numerous and powerful people of Thrace; and, as they bordered on the Pæonians and extended to the Danube, they were formidable neighbours on this the most accessible frontier of Macedonia. Alexander commenced his reign by an invasion of their territory; and, having defeated them in a general engagement, pursued them across the Danube, whither they had retreated, and compell

ficiently clear that these Pierians or Thracians, dwelling about Helicon and Parnassus, in the vicinity of Attica, are chiefly signified when a Thracian origin is ascribed to the mythic bards of Attica. (Müller, Hist. Gr. Lit., p. 26, seqq )-II. A large tract of country between the Strymon and the Euxine from west to east, and between the chain of Mount Hamus and the shores of the Ægean and Propontis from north to south. Such, at least, are the limits assigned to it by Herodotus and Thucydides, though great changes took place in ages posterior to these historians. That the Thracians, however, were at one period much more widely disseminated than the confines here assigned them would lead us to infer, is evident from the facts recorded in the earliest annals of Grecian history relative to their migrations to the southern provinces of that country. We have the authority of Thucydides for their establishment in Phocis (2, 49). Strabo (p. 401, 410) certifies their occupation of Boeotia. And numerous writers attest their settlement in Eleusis of Attica, under Eumolpus, whose early wars with Erechtheus are related by Thucydides (2, 15), Pausanias 1. 38), and others. But these, in all probability, are the Thracians alluded to under No. I. Nor were their colonies confined to the European continent alone; for, allured by the richness and beauty of the Asiatic soil and clime, they crossed in numerous bodies the narrow strait which parted them from Asia Minor, and occupied the shores of Bithynia, and the fertile plains of Mysia and Phrygia. (Herod., 7, 73.Strabo, 303.) On the other hand, a great revolution seems to have been subsequently effected in Thrace by a vast migration of the Teucri and Mysi, who, as Herodotus asserts, conquered the whole of Thrace, and penetrated as far as the Adriatic to the west, and to the river Peneus towards the south, before the Trojan war- -Whence and at what period the name of Thracians was first applied to the numerous hordes which inhabited this portion of the European continent, is left open to conjecture. Bochart and others have supposed that it was derived from Tiraz, the son of Japheth; certain it is, we find the name already existing in the time of Homer, who represents the Thracians as joining the forces of Priam in the siege of Troy, under the conduct of Rhesus, their chief (I., 10, 435), said to be the son of the river Strymon. (Eurip, Rhes. Arg.)-Herodotus affirms that the Thracians were, next to the Indians, the most numerous and pow-ed them to sue for peace. After his death, Thrace erful people in the world; and that, if all the tribes had fell to the portion of Lysimachus, one of his generals, been united under one monarch or under the same gov- by whom it was erected into a monarchy. On his deernment, they would have been invincible; but from cease, however, it revolted to Macedonia, and remaintheir subdivision into petty clans, distinct from each ed under the dominion of its sovereigns until the conother, they were rendered insignificant. (Herod., 5, quest of that country by the Romans. The divisions 3.) They are said by the same historian to have of Thrace under the Roman sway were as follows: 1. been first subjugated by Sesostris (2, 103), and, after Thracia, a name applied, in a limited sense, to the the lapse of many centuries, they were reduced under country around the Hebrus in the earlier part of its the subjection of the Persian monarchy, by Megaba- course: the capital was Fhilippopolis.-2. Hæmimonzus, general of Darius. (Herod., 5, 2.) But, on the tus or mimontus, including the country along the failure of the several expeditions undertaken by that Hebrus in the eastern part of its course, and extendsovereign and his son Xerxes against the Greeks, the ing northward to Hamus; it stretched off also to the Thracians apparently recovered their independence, northeast until it struck the coast: the capital was Haand a new empire was formed in that extensive coun- drianopolis.-3. Europa, the coast along the Propon try, under the dominion of Sitalces, king of the Odry-tis and Hellespont, including the Thracian Chersosæ, one of the most numerous and warlike of their tribes. Thucydides, who has entered into considerable detail on this subject, observes, that of all the empires situated between the Ionian Gulf and the Euxthis was the most considerable both in revenue and opulence: its military force was, however, very inferior to that of Scythia, both in strength and numbers. The empire of Sitalces extended along the coast, from Abdera to the mouths of the Danube, a distance of four days' and nights' sail; and in the interior, from the sources of the Strymon to Byzantium, a journey of thirteen days. The founder of this empire appears to have been Teres (Herod., 7, 137.


nese: the capital was Perinthus.-4. Rhodopa, the southern coast from the Sinus Melas to the mouth of the Nestus.-5. Masia Secunda, north of Hamus.-6. Scythia, below the Danube, near its mouth. (Cramer's Anc. Greece, vol. 1, p. 284.-Mannert, Geogr., vol. 7, p. 69.)

THRASEAS, Pætus, a Roman senator in the reign of Nero, distinguished for his integrity and patriotism. He was a native of Patavium, educated in stoical tenets, and a great admirer of Cato of Utica, whose life he wrote. His contempt of the base adulation of the senate, and his open and manly animadversions on the enormities of the emperor, were the occasion of his

being condemned to death. He died A.D. 66, in the | Greece, noticed by Homer as being near the river 13th year of Nero's reign. Tacitus says that Nero Boagrius. (Il., 2, 533.) It was thirty stadia from endeavoured to extirpate virtue itself by the destruc- Scarphea, and at some distance from the coast, as aption of Patus and Soranus. (Juv., 5, 36.—Martial, pears from Strabo (426). Thronium was taken by the 1, 19.-Tac., Ann., 15, 16.) Athenians during the Peloponnesian war (Thucyd, 2, THRASYBULUS, an Athenian general, one of the 26), and several years after it fell into the hands of commanders in the naval battle of Arginusæ. He Onomarchus, the Phocian general, who enslaved the subsequently headed the party from Phyla which inhabitants. (Diod. Sic., 12, 44.-Esch., de Fals. overthrew the government of the thirty tyrants. Thras- Legat., p. 46.-Liv, 32, 36.-Polyb., 17, 9, 3.) Dr. ybulus was afterward sent with an Athenian fleet to Clarke conjectured that Thronium was situated at the coast of Asia, where he gained some considerable Bodonitza, a small town on the chain of Mount Eta; advantages. Having, after this, proceeded to the col- but Sir W. Gell is of opinion that this point is too far lection of tribute from the towns, and having, in the distant from the sea, and that it accords rather with an course of this, come to the city of Aspendus, the in- ancient ruin above Longachi (Itin., p. 235); and this habitants of this place were so exasperated by some is in unison also with the statement of Meletias the irregularity of his soldiers, that they attacked his camp Greek geographer, who cites an inscription discovered at night, and he was killed in his tent. Thrasybulus there, in which the name of Thronium occurs (vol. 2, was a man of tried honesty and patriotism, and had p. 323.-Cramer's Anc. Greece, vol. 2, p. 114).—II. shown uncommon ability in some very trying situa- A town of Illyricum, at some distance from the coast tions. The only cloud that rests upon his memory is above Oricum, and near another place called Amantia. an appearance of having concurred with Theramenes Both these places are said to have been founded here in the accusation of their six colleagues at Arginusæ, by the Abantes, in conjunction with the Locrians, they if not actively, at least by withholding the testimony having been driven hither by adverse winds on their that might have saved them: but the evidence which return from Troy. (Cramer's Anc. Greece, vol. 1, p. we have is not sufficient to warrant us in decidedly fixing so dark a stain on a character otherwise so pure. (Corn. Nep., Vit. Thrasyb.-Diod. Sic., 13, 98. -Id., 13, 101.--Id., 14, 33; 94, 99.)

THRASYLLUS, one of the Athenian commanders at the battle of Arginusæ, condemned to death with his colleagues for omitting to collect and bury the dead after the action. (Vid. Arginusæ.)

THRASYMENUS LACUS. Vid. Trasymenus Lacus. THRIAMBUS, one of the surnames of Bacchus. THRINAKIA, an island mentioned in the Odyssey, on which the flocks and herds of the Sun-god fed, under the care of his daughters Phaëthusa and Lampetia, and to which Ulysses came immediately after escaping Sylla and Charybdis. On reaching this sacred island, his companions, in defiance of the warning of Ulysses, slaughtered some of the oxen while he slept. The hero, on awaking, was filled with horror and despair at what they had done; and the displeasure of the gods was manifested by prodigies; for the hides crept along the ground, and the flesh lowed on the spits. They fed for six days on the sacred cattle; on the seventh the storm which had driven them to Thrinakia fell, and they left the island: but, as soon as they had lost sight of land, a terrible west wind, accompanied by thunder, lightning, and pitchy darkness, came on. Jupiter struck the ship with a thunderbolt: it went to pieces, and all the sacrilegious crew were drowned.-The resemblance between Thrinakia and Trinacria, a name of Sicily, has induced both ancients and moderns to acquiesce in the opinion of the two islands being identical. Against this opinion it has been observed, that Thrinakia was a desert isle (vñσoç éphμn.—Od., 12, 351), that is, an uninhabited isle; and that, during the whole time that Ulysses and his men were in it, they did not meet with any one, and could procure no food but birds and fish; that it is called "the excellent isle of the God" (Odyss., 12, 261), whose peculiar property it therefore must have been; that, according to the anal ogy of the Odyssey, it must have been a small island, for such were Eæa, Ogygia, and all we meet; not one of which circumstances agrees with Sicily. It seems, therefore, the more probable supposition, that he poet regarded Thrinakia as an islet, about the same size as those of Circe and Calypso, belonging to the Sun-god, and tenanted only by his flocks and herds, and his two daughters their keepers. He must also have conceived it to lie much more to the west than Sicily, for it could not have been more than the third day after leaving ea that Ulysses arrived at it. (Keightley's Mythology, p. 273, seq.)

THRONIUM, I. a town of the Locri Epicnemidii, in


THUCYDIDES, I. a celebrated Greek historian, born in Attica, in the village of Halinusia, and in the tribe of Leontium, B.C. 471. His father's name was Olorus, or, as some write the name, Orolus, and on the mother's side he was descended from Cimon, son of Miltiades. Of the boyhood and education of the historian we have little information. The first remarkable circumstance of his early youth is one which the biographers of Thucydides never fail to relate. It is stated, on the authority of Lucian (de conscrib. Hist., c. 16), Suidas, and Photius, that Thucydides, when a youth of fifteen, stood with his father near Herodotus when the latter was reciting his history at the Olympic festival; and was so much interested with the work, and affected at the applause with which it was received, that he shed tears. On observing which, Herodotus exclaimed to his father, 'Opyà ʼn øvσis toù vioù cov Tрòç тù μanuara, "Your son burns with ardour for learning." This recitation is proved by Dodwell to have taken place at the 81st Olympiad, B.C. 456. Now, if what is said by Pamphila, a female author of the age of Nero, be true, the age of Thucydides at the period of this recitation was fifteen. The grounds on which the whole account rests have been carefully examined by Poppo, Dahlmann, Gôller, and other German critics, and the story has been pronounced fabulous. (Compare remarks under the article Herodotus )---Marcellinus informs us that the preceptor of Thucydides, in oratory and rhetoric in general, was Antipho, on whom the historian has passed a short but significant encomium in a part of his work (8, 68). In philosophy, and the art of thinking and reasoning, he was instructed by Anaxagoras. Of the manner in which he spent his early manhood we have no certain information. That he served the usual time in the Epirohoi, or militia, we cannot doubt. How he spent the period from his militia-service to that of his appointment to command the fleet in Thrace we have no way of ascertaining. An ancient anonymous biographer of the historian says that he had participated in the Atheni an colony sent to Thurium. But if he had by inheritance any considerable property in Thrace, which is highly probable, no reason can be imagined why he should have taken part in this colony. If, however, that statement be correct, Dodwell seems to have proved the circumstance must have taken place in his twenty-seventh year. Why he went, or how long he stayed, we are not informed. If he went at all, ne probably did not remain very long; and there is no doubt that he had returned to his country long be fore the commencement of the Peloponnesian war,

otherwise it would make his marriage with the Thra- and Pisistratus show no sort of affinity), relates that cian lady of Scaptesyle (by which he obtained rich Thucydides was assassinated immediately on his reproperty in mines, &c.) an improbably late one. turn. And Zopyrus, referred to by Marcellinus, reWhether he was employed in military service in the lates that such an event took place, but some years affirst seven years of the war is uncertain; it is prob-terward. Had, however, that really been the case, it able, however, that he was. In the eighth year of the would have been perfectly known, and could scarcely war and the forty-seventh of his age, B.C. 434, he was but have been alluded to by Cicero, or some other appointed to the command of the Athenian fleet off the great writer of antiquity. Poppo, indeed, maintains coast of Thrace, which included the direction of affairs that he lived many years after his return; but his reain the various Athenian colonies there. He occupied son (namely, that after his return he digested his hiswith his fleet a station at Thasus, and, being suddenly tory into order) is not convincing. For it surely would summoned to the defence of Amphipolis, he hastened not require many years to do that, especially as the thither; but, owing to unavoidable circumstances, was last book was, after all, left in a rough and undigested too late by only half a day. He, however, succeeded state. Besides, the probability is rather that a man of in saving Eion, though, had he not arrived at the time sixty-seven should not live many years. The strongest he did, the place would have been occupied by Brasi-proof adduced is, that the historian (3, 116) makes das the very next morning. It is plain, that to save mention of the third eruption of Etna, which is said to Amphipolis was a physical impossibility, and great ac- have taken place B.C. 395. But this argument detivity was used in saving Eion. He therefore merit-pends upon the interpretation of the words of that pased praise rather than censure. And yet the Athenian sage, which probably gave a countenance to the above people, out of humour with the turn which things were opinion. It seems, therefore, to be uncertain how taking in Thrace, condemned him to banishment; many years he lived after his recall from banishment. though, with a magnanimity scarcely paralleled, he The manner in which he speaks of the conclusion of makes no mention of it in his history of that period, the war, and his having lived throughout the whole and only touches upon it incidentally afterward, in or- of it in the full enjoyment of his faculties, strongly der to show his advantages for arriving at the truth, confirms the statement of Pamphila, from which it foland then without a word of complaint. Discharged lows that he was sixty-seven years old at its conclufrom all duties, and freed from all public avocations, sion. And as it seems probable that he would not arhe was left without any attachments but to simple range the work before the conclusion of the war, so the truth, and proceeded to qualify himself for commemo-moulding of the whole into its present form might conrating exploits in which he could have no share. On sume some years of the life of an aged man. Yet its his banishment he retired to Scaptesyle, the property being at last left incomplete is unfavourable to the opinof his wife, and thus dedicated his leisure to the for-ion of Dodwell, that Thucydides lived beyond his mation of his great work, and (as Marcellinus, the an-eightieth year. (Bloomfield's Thucydides, vol. 1, p. cient biographer, says) employed his wealth liberally in procuring the best information of the events of the war, both from Athens and Lacedæmon. How he passed the period of his exile may, then, be very well imagined; nor is it necessary to fill up that space, as Dodwell does, with such events as "the death of Perdiccas, king of Macedon; the accession of Archelaus, his successor; the end of the nikia σтратεvoiuos of Thucydides;" for his military life had virtually been defunct eighteen years before. As to the period of his exile, it was, as he himself tells us (5, 26), twenty years; and his return is, by some, fixed at 403 B.C., at the time when an amnesty was passed for all offences against the state; by others, to the year before, when Athens was taken by Lysander, and the exiles mostly returned. The former opinion has been shown by Krueger to be alone the correct one; "for," argues he, "since Thucydides says that he was banished for twenty years in the eighth year of the war, which also, he affirms, lasted twenty-one years, it follows that his recall must have been in the year after Athens was taken." To which it may be added, that the high-minded historian would have disdained to avail himself of such an unauthorized way of returning to his country as that eagerly snatched at by the bulk of the exiles, but would wait until the public amnesty should give him a full right to do so. Perhaps, however, the real truth of the matter is what Pausanias relates, who mentions among the antiquities a statue to the memory of one Enobius, for being the mover of a separate decree of the assembly for the recall of Thucydides (1, 23). It is probable that, besides the general amnesty by which the former exiles were permitted to return, a particular decree was made for Thucydides; and, considering the gross injustice of his banishment, this was no more than he had a right to expect. It is not necessary to notice all those many improbable, and sometimes contradictory accounts concerning the life of Thucydides which are found in some of the later Greek writers; as, for instance, Pausanias, who, besides making Thucydides descended from Pisistratus (which is inconsistent with plain facts, for the genealogies of Miltiades

16, seqq.)-The title of the work is as follows: Evyγραφὴ περὶ τοῦ πολέμου τῶν Πελοποννησίων καὶ ̓Αθηvaiwv ("History of the war between the Peloponnesians and Athenians"). It is in eight books, and extends to near the close of the twenty-first year of the war; but the eighth book is not so finished as the rest, and, indeed, there is a gradual decline of vigour and finished execution after the first five books. This falling off and abrupt termination of his history may best be explained by a gradual deprivation of health, terminating in a sudden death. With respect to the temper and disposition of Thucydides, it was grave, cool, and candid. "He seems," Smith observes, "to have been all judgment and no passion." He evidently had nothing choleric or resentful in his constitution. His notions in philosophy and religion being above the conception of the vulgar, procured him, as in the case of Anaxagoras, Socrates, Pericles, and others, the name of an atheist, "which," says Hobbes, "they bestowed upon all men that thought not as they did of their ridiculous religion."-As regards the merits of Thucydides as an historian, we may copy the words of the same writer. "For the faith of this history I shall have the less to say, in respect that no man hath ever yet called it into question. Nor, indeed, could any man justly doubt of the truth of that writer, in whom they had nothing at all to suspect of those things that could have caused him either voluntarily to lie or ignorantly to deliver an untruth. He overtasked not his strength by undertaking a history of things long before his time, and of which he was not able to inform himself. He was a man that had as much means, in regard both of his dignity and his wealth, to find the truth of what he relateth, as was needful for a man to have. He used as much diligence in search of the truth (noting everything while it was fresh in his memory, and laying out his wealth upon intelligence) as was possible for a man to use. -He affected, least of any man, the acclamations of popular authorities, and wrote not his history to win applause, as was the use of that age, but for a monument to instruct the ages to come, which he professeth himself, and entitleth his book

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