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mit to this injury on the part of their more powerful assigned him a rank among epic poets after Homer, neighbours, and, having procured the assistance of Hesiod, Panyasis, and Antimachus. We have an epPhidon, tyrant of Argos, recovered Olympia, where, in igram in his praise, among those ascribed to Theocrithe eighth Olympiad, they again celebrated the festi- tus (ep. 20), and Strabo likewise mentions him among val; but the Eleans, in their turn, obtaining succour the eminent natives of Rhodes. (Strab., 655.—Id., from Sparta, defeated Phidon, and once more expelled 688.-Compare Quintilian, 10, 1, 56.) Reiske has the Pisata from Olympia. (Ephor., ap. Strab., 358. advanced the opinion, that the 24th and 25th Idyls -Pausan., 6, 22.) These, during the 34th Olym- of Theocritus are portions of the poem of Pisander. piad, being at that time under the authority of Panta- Both these Idyls, though of considerable length, are leon, who had possessed himself of the sovereign pow-imperfect. One is entitled 'Hрakλioкoç," The Young er, made another effort to regain their ancient prerog- Hercules;" the other 'Hpakλns Aɛovтogóvos," Hercu ative, and, having succeeded in vanquishing their op- les, the lion-slayer." There is also an Idyl of Mosponents, retained possession of the disputed ground chus, the 4th, entitled Mɛyápa, yvvì 'Ḥpakλéovs, for several years. The final struggle took place in the " "Megara, wife of Hercules," which Reiske assigns forty-eighth Olympiad, when the people of Pisa, as to the same source with the two other pieces just Pausanias affirms, supported by the Triphylians, and mentioned. (Consult Harles, ad Theocrit., Id., 25.— other neighbouring towns which had revolted from Heyne, Excurs., 1, ad En, 2, p. 285.)-II. A Greek Elis, made war upon that state. The Eleans, how-poet, born at Laranda, a city of Lycaonia, in Asia ever, aided by Sparta, proved victorious, and put an Minor, and who lived during the reign of Alexanend for ever to this contest by the destruction of Pisa der Severus. He composed a long poem, entitled and the other confederate towns. (Pausan., 6, 22.-'Howiкai Oɛoyauía, in which he sang of the nuptials Strabo, 355) According to the scholiast on Pindar, of gods and heroes. The 16th book of this poem is the city of Pisa was distant only six stadia from Olympia, in which case we might fix its site near that of Miracca, a little to the east of the celebrated spot now called Antilalla; but Pausanias evidently leads us to suppose it stood on the opposite bank of the river. (Cramer's Anc. Greece, vol. 3, p. 93, seqq.)

cited, and Suidas calls the whole production a history varied after the epic manner. One of the interlocutors in the Saturnalia of Macrobius (5, 2) accuses Virgil of having translated from Pisander almost all the second book of the Eneid, and particularly the story of the wooden horse. It is evident that Macrobius refers in this to Pisander of Camirus; but he is altogether wrong. We know, from the Chrestomathy of Proclus, that Virgil borrowed from Arctinus and Lesches the history of the horse; and, in fact, the later Pisander, who lived in the time of Severus, borrowed from Virgil himself. (Heyne, Excurs., 1, ad Æn., 2, p. 287.-Scholl, Hist. Lit. Gr., vol. 5, p. 381.)—III. An epigrammatic poet, supposed by Jacobs to be the same with the native of Camirus above mentioned. (Catal. Poët. Epigr., p. 939.) Heyne, however, thinks that he was identical with the younger Pisander. (Excurs., 1, ad Æn., 2, p. 288.)—IV. An Athe nian, one of the leaders of the oligarchical party, and

the Council of Four Hundred. (Plut., Vit. Alcib.)——— V. A Spartan admiral, in the time of Agesilaus, slain in a naval battle with Conon near Cnidus, B.C. 394. (Corn. Nep., Vit. Con.-Justin, 6, 3.)

PISA (or Pisa, as it is sometimes written), a city of Etruria, on the river Arnus or Arno, about a league from its mouth. We learn from Strabo (222), that formerly it stood at the junction of the Ausar (Serchio) and Arnus, but now they both flow into the sea by separate channels. The origin of Pisa is lost amid the fables to which the Trojan war gave rise, and which are common to so many Italian cities. If we are to believe a tradition recorded by Strabo (l. c.), it owed its foundation to some of the followers of Nestor, in their wanderings after the fall of Troy. The poets have not failed to adopt this idea. (Virg., Æn., 10, 179.-Rutil., Itin., 1, 565.) Lycophron says it was taken by Tyrrhenus from the Ligurians (v. 1241). Ser-instrumental in bringing about the establishment of vius reports, that Cato had not been able to discover who occupied Pisa before the Tyrrheni under Tarcho, with the exception of the Teutones, from which account it might be inferred that the most ancient possessors of Pisa were of northern origin. (Serv. ad. En., 10, 179.) Dionysius of Halicarnassus names it among the towns occupied by the Pelasgi in the territory of the Siculi. The earliest mention we have of this city in Roman history is in Polybius (2, 16, and 27), from whom we collect, as well as from Livy (21, 39), that its harbour was much frequented by the Romans, in their communication with Sardinia, Gaul, and Spain. It was here that Scipio landed his army when returning from the mouths of the Rhone to oppose Hannibal in Italy. It became a colony 572 A.U.C. (Liv., 41, 43.) Strabo speaks of it as having been formerly an important naval station: in his day it was still a very flourishing commercial town, from the supplies of timber which it furnished to the fleets, and the costly marbles which the neighbouring quarries afforded for the splendid palaces and villas of Rome. (Consult Plin., 3, 5.-Ptol., p. 64.) Its territory produced wine, and the species of wheat called siligo. (Plin., 14, 3.-Id., 18, 9.) The Portus Pisanus was at the mouth of the river, and is described by Rutilius. (Itin., 1, 531.—Cramer, Anc. It., vol. 1, p. 173.) The modern Pisa occupies the site of the ancient city.

PISANDER, I. an early Greek poet, born at Camirus, in the island of Rhodes, and supposed to have flourished about 650 B.C., although some made him earlier than Hesiod, and contemporary with Eumolpus. He wrote a poem, entitled " Heraclea," on the labours and exploits of Hercules, of which frequent mention is made by the grammarians. The Alexandrean critics

PISAURUM, a city of Umbria, on the seacoast, below Ariminum, and near the river Pisaurus. Its origin is uncertain. It became a Roman colony A.U.C. 568 (Liv., 39, 44), but whether it was colonized again by Julius Cæsar or Augustus is uncertain. Inscriptions, however, give it the title of Col. Julia. The climate of Pisaurum seems to have been in bad repute, according to the opinion of Catullus (81, 3). The modern name of the place is Pesaro. (Cramer's Anc. Italy, vol. 1, p. 256.)

PISAURUS, a river of Umbria, running into the Adriatic near Pisaurum. Lucan (2, 406) writes the name Isaurus. (Consult Corte, ad loc.) The modern appellation is la Foglia.

PISIDIA, a country of Asia Minor, bounded on the west and north by Phrygia, on the east by Isauria, and on the south by Pamphylia. It was a mountainous country, inhabited by a race of the same origin probably as the rude inhabitants of Cicilia Trachea. They seldom paid obedience to the Persian kings; and Alexander the Great found them divided into a number of small independent republics. After the time of Alexander, this country was frequently the lurking-place of the inferior party. In the time of the Seleucida, several Pisidian dynasties arose on the frontiers of Phrygia: they enlarged their territories by conquest, so that several of the towns founded by the kings of Syria came to be called Pisidian cities, such as Antiochia, Laodicea, &c. In the time of the Romans, the number of these states of freebooters seems to have

scription, he classes so many places belonging to it as to prove that it has a great extent in point of breadth; for Selge appears to have been at a great distance to the south of the main ridge, and Antiochia of Pisidia is from thirty to thirty-five miles to the north of it." (Rennell's Geography of Western Asia, vol. 2, p. 71, seqq.)

increased, while in the interior the old republics, such as Termessus, Selge, and others, mere mountain-fortresses, still remained unrepressed, so that it was very seldom any of the towns paid tribute to the mistress of the world. It is true that Augustus did subject the whole of Pisidia to the Roman empire, but it was only in name. Even the Goths could do nothing against it. History, therefore, does not recognise it PISISTRATIDE, a patronymic appellation given to as the province of any great kingdom.-The bound- Hippias and Hipparchus, the sons of Pisistratus. ary-line between Pisidia and Pamphylia is a matter PISISTRATUS, a celebrated Athenian, who obtained not very clearly ascertained. The following remarks the tyranny at Athens. His family traced their deof Rennell are worthy of a place here. "The an- scent from Peleus; and Codrus, the last king of Athcients seem to have been agreed in the opinion that ens, belonged to the same house. (Larcher, ad HePamphylia occupied the seacoast from Phaselis to rod., 1, 59.) Herodotus relates, that Hippocrates, the Coracesium; but the boundary between it and Pisidia father of Pisistratus, being present on one occasion at appears not to have been decided. For instance, Ter- the Olympic games, met with a remarkable prodigy. messus is said to be in Pamphylia by Livy (38, 15), According to the historian, he had just offered a sacand also by Ptolemy; but Strabo places it in Pisidia, rifice, and the caldrons were standing near the altar, and Arrian calls it a colony of Pisidia. Livy and filled with pieces of the flesh of the victim and with Ptolemy arrange Pamphylia and Pisidia as one coun- water, when, on a sudden, these bubbled up without try, under the name of Pamphylia. The former, who the agency of fire, and began to run over. Chilo, the describes in detail the history of the Roman wars there, Lacedæmonian, who happened to be present, and was and who may be supposed to have studied its geogra- a witness of what had taken place, advised Hippocphy, includes Pisidia, if not Isauria, in Pamphylia. rates not to marry, or, if he had already a wife, to reFor he says that part of Pamphylia lay on one side, pudiate her. His counsel, however, was disregarded, and part on the other side of Taurus (38, 39). Now and Pisistratus was born to Hippocrates. (Herod., 1, Pisidia is said by Strabo to occupy the summits of 59.)-Not long after the legislation of Solon had been Taurus, between Sagalassus and Homonada, togeth- established at Athens, and while the lawgiver himself er with a number of cities, which he specifies, on both was away in foreign lands, the state became again dissides of Taurus, including even Antiochia of Pisidia. tracted by contentions between the old parties of the Livy, then, actually includes in Pamphylia the prov- Plain, the Coast, and the Highlands. The first of ince described by Strabo as Pisidia, and appears to these was headed by Lycurgus; the second by Megainclude Isauria also. At the same time, he admitted cles, a grandson of the archon who brought the memthe existence of a province under the name of Pisidia; orable stain and curse upon his house by the massacre for he repeatedly mentions it, and says that the people of the adherents of Cylon; and the third by Pisistratus. of Sagalassus are Pisidians. On the whole, therefore, Sclon, therefore, on his return to Athens, found that one cannot doubt but that he regarded Pisidia as a faction had been actively labouring to pervert and undo province of Pamphylia. Ptolemy, as we have observ- his work. He had early detected the secret designs of ed, arranged Pamphylia and Pisidia together as one Pisistratus, and is said to have observed of him, that country; or, rather, makes Pisidia a province of Pam- nothing but his ambition prevented him from displaying phylia, and subdivides it into Pisidia proper and Pi- the highest qualities of a man and a citizen. But it sidia of Phrygia. He has also a province of Pam- was in vain that he endeavoured to avert the danger, phylia. In the distribution of the parts of Pamphylia which he saw threatened by the struggle of the factions, at large, Ptolemy assigns to the province of that name and in vain did he use all his influence to reconcile their the tract towards the sea, which includes Olbia, At- chiefs. This was the more difficult, because the views talea, and Side, on the coast; Termessus, Selge, As- of all were perhaps equally selfish, and none was so pendus, Perge, &c., more inland. And Pisidia con- conscious of his own integrity as to rely on the protained the inland parts, extending beyond Taurus fessions of the others. Pisistratus is said to have lisnorthward, and containing the cities of Baris, Ambla- tened respectfully to Solon's remonstrances; but he da, Lysinoë, Cormasa, &c. Moreover, his Pisidia ex-waited only for an opportunity of executing his project. tended to the neighbourhood of Celænæ and Apamea When his scheme appeared to be ripe for action, he Cibotus. Pliny is much too brief on the subject. It was one day drawn in a chariot into the public place, is only to be collected from him (5, 27), that the cap- his own person and his mules disfigured with recent ital of Pisidia was Antiochia; and that the other prin- wounds, inflicted, as the sequel proved, by his own cipal cities were Sagalassus and Oroanda. That it hand, which he showed to the multitude, while he told was shut in by Lycaonia, and had for neighbours the them that on his way into the country he had narrowly people of Philomelium, Thymbrium, Peltæ, &c. And, escaped a band of assassins, who had been employed finally, that the state of Homonada, formed of close to murder the friend of the people. While the indigand deep valleys, within Taurus, had the mountains nation of the crowd was fresh, and from all sides asof Pisidia lying above it. From all this we may col-surances were heard that they would defend him from lect, that the Pisidia of Pliny extended along the north of. Pamphylia and of Taurus, from the district of Sagalassus westward, to that of Homonada eastward; the latter being on the common frontiers of Lycaonia, Cilicia Trachea, and Pisidia. The Pisidia of Pliny, therefore, agrees with that of Ptolemy, and will be found to agree also with that of Strabo. Strabo (667) clearly distinguishes Pisidia and Pamphylia as two distinct countries: that is, Pamphylia as a maritime country, extending from Lycia to Cilicia Trachea, in length along the coast 640 stadia; and Pisidia (p. 569, seqq.) occupying the summits of Taurus, or, rather, the whole base of that region, from Sagalassus and Termessus to Homonada; and that it occupied certain tracts of land below Taurus on both sides. And besides the general extent given it by this de

his enemies, an assembly was called by his partisans, in which one of them, named Aristo, came forward with a motion, that a guard of fifty citizens, armed with clubs, should be decreed to protect the person of Pisistratus. Solon, the only man who ventured to oppose this proposition, warned the assembly of its pernicious consequences, but in vain. The body-guard was decreed; and the people, who eagerly passed the decree, not keeping a jealous eye on the manner of its execution, Pisistratus took advantage of this to raise a force and make himself master of the citadel. Perhaps his partisans represented this as a necessary precaution, to guard it against the enemies of the people. Megacles and the Alemæonidæ left the city. Solon, after an ineffectual attempt to rouse his countrymen against the growing power which was making

Ench rapid strides towards tyranny, is said to have | have been different if they had all seen through the taken down his arms, and laid them in the street be- artifice. Pisistratus, restored to power, nominally fore his door, as a sign that he had made his last ef- performed his part of the compact by marrying the fort in the cause of liberty and the laws. Lycurgus daughter of Megacles; but it was soon discovered that and his party seem to have submitted quietly for a he had no intention of really uniting his blood with a time to the authority of Pisistratus, waiting, as the family which was commonly thought to be struck with event showed, for a more favourable opportunity of an everlasting curse, and that he treated his young overthrowing him. The usurper was satisfied with wife as one only in name. The Alemæonidæ were the substance of power, and endeavoured as much as indignant at the affront, and at the breach of faith, and possible to prevent his dominion from being seen and once more determined to make common cause with felt. He made no visible changes in the constitution, the party of Lycurgus. Once more the balance inbut suffered the ordinary magistrates to be appointed clined against Pisistratus, and, unable to resist the in the usual manner, the tribunals to retain their au- combined force of his adversaries, he retired into exile thority, and the laws to hold their course. In his own to Eretria in Euboea. Here he deliberated with his person he affected the demeanour of a private citizen, sons Hippias, Hipparchus, and Thessalus, the offspring and displayed his submission to the laws by appearing of a previous marriage, whether he should not abanbefore the Areopagus to answer a charge of murder, don all thoughts of returning to Attica. They appear which, however, the accuser did not think fit to pros- to have been divided in their wishes or opinions; but ecute. He continued to show honour to Solon, to Hippias, the eldest, prevailed on his father again to court his friendship, and ask his advice, which Solon make head against his enemies. He possessed lands did not think himself bound to withhold where it might on the river Strymon in Thrace, which yielded a large be useful to his country, lest he should appear to sanc- revenue, and his interest was strong in several Greck tion the usurpation which he had denounced. He cities, especially at Thebes and Argos. He now exprobably looked upon the government of Pisistratus, erted it to the utmost to gather contributions towards though at variance with the principles of his constitu- his projected enterprise, and by the end of ten years tion, as a less evil than would have ensued from the he had completed his preparations; a body of mercesuccess of either of the other parties; and even as naries was brought to him from Argos, the Thebans good, so far as it prevented them from acquiring a distinguished themselves by the liberality of their subsimilar preponderance. Solon died the year following sidies, and Lygdamis, one of the most powerful men that in which the revolution took place (B.C. 559), and in the island of Naxos, came to his aid with all the Pisistratus soon after lost the power which he had troops and money he could raise. In the eleventh or usurped, the rival factions of Lycurgus and Megacles twelfth year after his last expulsion, he set sail from having united to overthrow him. But no sooner had Eretria, and landed on the plain of Marathon, to rethese two parties accomplished their object, than they cover his sovereignty by open force. The governquarrelled among themselves, and, at the end of five ment of his opponents was not popular, and Pisistrayears, Megacles, finding himself the weaker, made tus had many friends in the country and in Athens, overtures of reconciliation to Pisistratus, and offered who, on his arrival, flocked to his camp. The result to bestow on him the hand of his daughter, and to as proved a fortunate one. The leaders of the hostile sist him in recovering the station he had lost. The factions found themselves deserted eventually by all contract being concluded, the two leaders concerted but their most zealous adherents, who, with them, a plan for executing the main condition, the restoration abandoned the city, and left Pisistratus undisputed of Pisistratus. For this purpose Herodotus supposes master of Athens. What he had so hardly won, he them to have devised an artifice, which excites his as-prepared to hold henceforth with a firmer grasp. He tonishment at the simplicity of the people on whom it no longer relied on the affections of the common peowas practised, and which appears to him to degrade ple, but took a body of foreign mercenaries into conthe national character of the Greeks, who, he observes, stant pay; and seizing the children of some of the had of old been distinguished from the barbarians by principal citizens, who had not made their escape, their superior sagacity. Yet, in itself, the incident and whom he suspected of being ill-disposed towards seems neither very extraordinary, nor a proof, that the him, he sent them to Naxos, which he had reduced contrivers reckoned on an enormous measure of credu- under the power of his friend Lygdamis, to be kept as lity in their countrymen. In one of the Attic villages hostages. Pisistratus appears to have maintained a they found a woman, Phya by name, of unusually high considerable naval force, and to have extended the stature, and comely form and features. Having ar- Athenian power abroad; while at home he still prerayed her in a complete suit of armour, and instructed served the forms of Solon's institutions, and courted her to maintain a carriage becoming the part she was popularity by munificent largesses, and by throwing to assume, they placed her in a chariot, and sent her- open his gardens to the poorer citizens. (Athenæus, alds before her to the city, who proclaimed that Mi-12, p. 532.) At the same time he tightened the reins nerva herself was bringing back Pisistratus to her own of government, and he appears to have made use of citadel, and exhorted the Athenians to receive the fa- the authority of the Areopagus to maintain a rigorous vourite of the goddess. Pisistratus rode by the wom-police. He enforced Solon's law, which required evan's side. When they reached the city, the Atheni-ery citizen to give an account of his means of gaining ans, according to Herodotus, believing that they saw a subsistence, and punished idleness; and hence by the goddess in person, adored her and received Pisis- some he was supposed to have been the author of it. tratus. This story would indeed be singular if we It afforded him a pretext for removing from the city a consider the expedient in the light of a stratagem, on great number of the poorer sort, who had no regular which the confederates relied for overcoming the re-employment, and for compelling them to engage in sistance which they might otherwise have expected rural occupations, in which, however, he assisted the from their adversaries. But it seems quite as proba- indigent with his purse. The same policy prompted ble that the pageant was only designed to add extra-him, no less, perhaps, than his love for the arts, to adorn ordinary solemnity to the entrance of Pisistratus, and Athens with many useful or magnificent works. to suggest the reflection that it was by the especial Among the latter was a temple of Apollo, and one favour of Heaven he had been so unexpectedly re- dedicated to the Olympian Jove, of which he only lived stored. The new coalition must have rendered all re-to complete the substructions, and which remained sistance hopeless. As the procession passed, the populace no doubt gazed, some in awe, all in wonder; but there is no reason to think that the result would

unfinished for 700 years, exciting the wonder, and sometimes the despair, of posterity by the vastness of the design, in which it surpassed every other that the

ancient world ever raised in honour of the father of the gods. Among the monuments in which splendour and usefulness were equally combined, were the Lyceum, a garden at a short distance from Athens, sacred to the Lycian Apollo, where stately buildings, destined for the exercises of the Athenian youth, rose amid shady groves, which became one of the most celebrated haunts of philosophy; and the fountain of Callirrhoë, which, from the new channels in which Pisistratus dis-wise and valiant commander, he distinguished himself tributed its waters, was afterward called the fountain of the Nine Springs ('Evveúkpovvos). To defray the expense of these and his other undertakings, he laid a tithe on the produce of the land: an impost which seems to have excited great discontent in the class affected by it, and, so far as it was applied to the public buildings, was, in fact, a tax on the rich for the employment of the poor; but which, if we might trust a late and obscure writer, was only revived by Pisistratus after the example of the ancient kings of Attica. (Diog. Laert., 1, 53.) He is also believed to have been the author of a wise and beneficent law, which Solon, however, is said to have suggested, for supporting citizens disabled in war at the public expense. According to a tradition once very generally received, posterity has been indebted to him for a benefit greater than any which he conferred on his contemporaries, in the preservation of the Homeric poems, which till now had been scattered in unconnected rhapsodies. After every abatement that can be required in this story for misunderstanding and exaggeration, we can not doubt that Pisistratus at least made a collection of the poet's works, superior in extent and accuracy to all that had preceded it, and thus certainly diffused the knowledge of them more widely among his countrymen, perhaps preserved something that might have been lost to future generations. In either case he might claim the same merit as a lover of literature: and this was not a taste which derived any part of its gratification from the vanity of exclusive possession. He is said to have been the first person in Greece who collected a library, and to have earned a still higher praise by the genuine liberality with which he imparted its contents to the public. On the whole, though we cannot approve of the steps by which he mounted to power, we must own that he made a princely use of it; and may believe that, though under his dynasty Athens could never have risen to the greatness she afterward attained, she was indebted to his rule for a season of repose, during which she gained much of that strength which she finally unfolded. Pisistratus retained his sovereignty to the end of his life, and died at an advanced age, thirty-three years after his first usurpation, B.C. 527. He was succeeded by his sons, Hippias, Hipparchus, and Thessalus. (Thirlwall's Greece, vol. 2, p. 55, seqq.)

Piso, the name of a celebrated family at Rome, a branch of the Calpurnian gens, which house claimed descent from Calpus, the son of Numa Pompilius. The family of the Pisones had both a patrician and plebeian side. The principal individuals of the name were: I. C. Calpurnius Piso, city prætor in 212 B.C., and who had the command of the Capitol and citadel when Hannibal marched out against Rome. He was afterward sent into Etruria as commander of the Roman forces, and at a subsequent period had charge of Capua in Campania, after which his command in Etruria was renewed. (Liv., 25, 41.-Id., 26, 10, 15, et 28.—Id., 27, 6, &c.)—II. C. Calpurnius Piso, was prætor B.C. 187. He obtained Farther Spain for his province, where he signalized his valour, and, in conjunction with L. Quintius Crispinus, prætor of Hither Spain, gained a decisive victory over the revolted Spaniards. More than thirty thousand of the enemy fell in the battle. On his return to Rome he obtained a triumph. He subsequently attained to the consulship (B.C. 180), in which office he died, having been poisoned, as was

believed, by his wife Hostilia. (Liv., 39, 6.—Id., 39, 8 et 21.-Id., 39, 30, seq.—Id., 40, 35.—Id., 40, 37.) — III. L. Calpurnius Piso, surnamed Frugi, was tribune of the commons B.C. 149, and afterward twice consul (135 and 133 B.C.). Piso was one of the most remarkable men of the Roman state, from the union of talents and virtues that marked his character. An able speaker, a learned lawyer, a sound statesman, and a still more by his purity of morals, and by a frugality and old-Roman plainness of life which obtained for him the surname of Frugi. He quieted the troubles to which the revolt of the slaves had given rise in Sicily, and signalized his valour against the insurgents. Piso wrote memoirs or annals of his time, which, according to Cicero (Brut., 27), were composed in a very dry and lifeless manner, although Aulus Gellius (11, 14) speaks of their "simplicissima suavitas." (Cic., de Orat., 2, 29.- Id., pro Font., 24. — Id., in Verr., 5, 69.-Val. Max., 2, 7.—Id., 4, 3.- Le Clerc, Journaur chez les Romains, p. 26, 150.)-IV. L. Calpurnius Piso, son of the preceding, inherited, if not the talents, at least the virtues, of his father. He was sent prætor into Spain, where he died soon after. (Cic., in Verr., 1, 35.-Id. ib., 3, 85, &c.)-V. C. Calpurnius Piso, was consul with Acilius Glabrio, 67 B.C., and signalized his magistracy by warmly defending the prerogatives of the consular office against the attacks of the commons and their tribunes. He was also the author of a law against bribery at elections. (Cic., pro Flacc., 75.-Val. Max., 3, 8.)-VI. A young Roman, whom indigence (the result of profligate habits) and a turbulent disposition induced to take part in the conspiracy of Catiline. The leading men at Rome, anxious to get rid of a troublesome and dangerous individual, caused him to be sent as quæstor, with prætorian powers, into Hither Spain. He was not long after assassinated in his province, (Sall., Cat., 18, seq.)— VII. C. Calpurnius Frugi, a descendant of the individual mentioned above (No. III.), and son-in-law of Cicero. He was the first husband of Tullia, and is highly praised by Cicero for his virtues and his oratorical abilities. Piso exerted himself strenuously for the recall of his father-in-law, but died a short time before this took place. (Cic., ad Q. post red., 3.-Id., Ep. ad Fam., 14, 1.-Id., Brut., 78, &c.)-VIII. L. Calpurnius Piso, father-in-law of Cæsar, and consul B.C. 58. Before attaining to this office he had been accused of extortion, and only escaped condemnation through the influence of his son-in-law. Cicero was allied to Piso by marriage, and the latter had given him many marks of friendship and confidence; but Clodius eventually gained Piso over to his views, by promising to obtain for him the province of Macedonia, and he accordingly joined the demagogue in his efforts to procure the banishment of Cicero, which event took place in Piso's consulship. Having obtained the reward of his perfidy, he set out for his province; but his whole conduct there was marked by debauchery, rapine, and cruelty. The senate recalled him, chiefly through the exertions of Cicero, who in this way avenged himself on Piso for his previous conduct. On Piso's return, he had the hardihood to attack Cicero in open senate, and complain of the treatment he had received at his hands. He reproached him also with the disgrace of exile, with excessive vanity, and other weaknesses. Cicero replied, on the spot, in an invective speech, the severest, perhaps, that ever fell from the lips of any man, in which the whole life and conduct of Piso are portrayed in the darkest colours, and which must hand him down as a detestable character to all posterity. Notwithstanding this, however, Piso was afterward censor along with Appius Claudius (A.U.C. 702); and we find him, at a subsequent period, appointed one of the three commissioners who were sent by the senate to treat with An

PISTORIA, a town of Etruria, northeast of Luca, and at the foot of the Apennines. Pliny calls it Pistorium (3, 5), but Ptolemy (p. 64) and others give it the appellation of Pistoria. The modern name is Pistoia. This town is memorable in the history of Rome as having witnessed in its vicinity the close of Catiline's desperate but short career. (Sall., Cat., 62.) The spot on which the action was fought is too imperfectly marked by the concise narrative of Sallust to be now recognised. We may conjecture that it was to the north of Pistoia, and near the modern road from that place to Modena. (Cramer's Anc. Greece, vol. 1, p. 177.)

makes mention of it, and Strabo gives it two harbours. (Scylax, Peripl., p. 37.—Strab., 614.) The small river Evenus flowed near its walls. Herodotus names this place among the eleven cities of Æolis. (Mannert, Geogr., vol. 6, pt. 3, p. 398.)

PITHECUSA. Vid. Enaria.

PITHOLEON, a foolish poet, the author of some silly epigrams, in which Greek and Latin expressions were intermingled together. (Schol. ad Hor., Sat., 1, 10, 22.) Bentley thinks that the individual to whom Horace refers was the same of whom Suetonius (Vit. Jul., 75) makes mention, under the name of Pitholaus, as having been the author of some defamatory verses against Julius Cæsar, and that Horace styles him Pi tholeon, because Pitholaus would have been unman ageable in hexameter verse. (Bentl. ad Horat, l. c.)

tony. Piso, in his outward deportment, if we believe | after raised the siege. (Orid, Fast., 6, 377, seqq.— the picture drawn of him by Cicero, affected the mien Lactant., 1, 20.) and garb of a philosopher; but this garb of rigid virtue covered a most lewd and vicious mind. (Cic. in Pis.-Middleton's Life of Cicero )-IX. L. Calpurnius Piso, son of the preceding, inherited many of the viccs of his father, but redeemed them, in some degree, by his talents. He was at first one of the warmest opponents of the party of Cæsar, and took an active part in the war in Africa. (Hirt., Bell. Af) After the death of Cæsar, he followed the fortunes of Brutus and Cassius, until the overthrow of the republican forces. Being at length restored to his country, he refused all public offices, until Augustus prevailed upon him to accept the consulship. This was in A.U.C. 731, Augustus himself being his colleague. He was PITANE, a town of Eolis, in Asia Minor, to the afterward named governor of Pamphylia, and conduct-northwest of the mouth of the river Caïcus. Scylax ed himself with great ability in his province. Having subsequently received orders to pass into Europe, in order to oppose the Bessi, a Thracian tribe, he gained a complete victory over them. He was appointed, after this, prefect of the city by Tiberius, whose favour he is said to have gained by drinking with him for two days and two nights in succession. (Plin., 14, 28.) Piso appears to have been a man of pleasure, who passed his evenings at table, and slept till noon; but he possessed such capacity for business, that the remainder of the day sufficed for the despatch of those important affairs with which he was successively intrusted by Augustus and Tiberius. It was to this individual and his two sons that the epistle of Horace, commonly called the "Art of Poetry," was addressed. (Sueton., Vit. Tib., 42.-Senec., Ep., 83.-Vell. Palerc., 2, 92.)-X. Cn. Calpurnius Piso, son of the pre- PITTICUS, a native of Mytilene in Lesbos, and one ceding, was a man of violent passions, impatient of of the so-called wise men of Greece, was born about control, and possessing much of the haughty spirit of 650 B.C. Having obtained popularity among his his sire. To the pride derived from such a father he countrymen by successfully opposing the tyrant Meunited the insolence of wealth, acquired by his mar- lanchrus, he was intrusted with the command of a riage with Plancina, who, besides her high descent, fleet, in a war with the Athenians concerning some possessed immoderate riches. Tiberius appointed him territory which they had seized in the island. In the governor of Syria, and was said to have given him se- course of this war, the Athenian commander Phryno, cret instructions to thwart the movements of Germani- a man of uncommon size and strength, challenged cus. Plancina, in like manner, had her lesson from him to single combat. Providing himself with a net, Livia, with full instructions to mortify, in every possi- which he concealed under his buckler, he took the first ble way, the pride of Agrippina. These machinations opportunity to throw it over the head of his antagoproved but too successful. Germanicus was cut off, nist, and by this means gained an easy victory. (Diog. and Piso, accused of having poisoned him by both Lacrt., Vit. Pit.—Polyan., 1, 25) According to his widow Agrippina and the public voice, and finding Strabo's account, Pittacus came into the field armed himself deserted by all, even by the emperor, put an with a casting-net, a trident, and a dagger (Strab., end to his existence, A.D. 20. (Tacit.. Ann., 2, 43.- 599), and it is said that from this stratagem of the MytId. 2, 55.-Id., 2, 69, seqq.)—XI. C. Calpurnius Piso, ilenean was borrowed the mode of fighting practised leader of the celebrated conspiracy against Nero. His by the Roman gladiators called Retiarii. (Polyan, eloquence and his amiable qualities had conciliated to 1. c.-Festus, s. v. Retiarius.) From this time Pitsuch a degree the public esteem, that the majority of tacus was held in high esteem among the Mytileneans, the conspirators intended him as the successor of the and was intrusted with the supreme power in the state. emperor. The plot was discovered on the very morn-(Aristot., Polit., 3, 15.-Diog. Laert., in Vit.) Among ing of the day intended for its execution, and Piso, instead of at once adopting energetic measures, and attempting to seize upon the throne by open force, as his friends advised him to do, shut himself up in his mansion and opened his veins. (Tacit., Ann.,15, 48, seqq -XII. C. Piso Licinianus, adopted son of the Emperor Galba, made himself universally esteemed by his integrity, his disinterestedness, and by an austerity of manners that recalled the earlier days of Rome. He was put to death, by order of Otho, after the fall of Galba, at the age of 31 years. (Tacit., Hist., 1, 14. -Id. ib., 3, 68.-Id. ib., 4, 11, 40.)

PISTOR (Baker), a surname given to Jupiter by the Romans, because, when their city was taken by the Gauls, the god was believed to have inspired them with the idea of throwing down loaves from the Tarpeian Hill where they were besieged, that the enemy might suppose that they were not in want of provisions, though, in reality, they were near surrendering through famine. This deceived the Gauls, and they soon

other valuable presents, his countrymen offered him as much of the lands which had been recovered from the Athenians as he chose; but he only accepted of so much as he could measure by a single cast of a javelin: and one half of this small portion he afterward dedicated to Apollo, saying, concerning the remainder, that the half was better than the whole. (Plut., de Herod. Malign., p. 857.- Op., ed. Reiske, vol. 9, p. 265.Hes., Op. et. D., 40.) Cornelius Nepos says, that the Mytileneans offered him many thousand acres, but that he took only a hundred. (Vit. Thrasyb., 4, 11.) Pittacus displayed great moderation in his treatment of his enemies, among whom one of the most violent was the poet Alcæus, who frequently made him the object of his satire. Finding it necessary to lay severe restrictions upon drunkenness, to which the Lesbians were particularly addicted, Pittacus passed a law which subjected offenders of this class to double punishment for any crime committed in a state of intoxication. When he had established such regulations

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