Obrazy na stronie

of Petronius, found, according to him, in the library at St. Gall. (Repertoire de Litter. Anc., vol. 1, p. 239.)-A poem in 295 verses, on the fall of the Roman republic, forms a fine episode to the Satyricon of Petronius. The Satyricon itself, it may be remarked, in concluding, is admirable for the truth with which the author delineates the characters of his personages. It contains many pleasing pictures, full of irony; and it is characterized by great spirit and gayety of manner; but it is to be regretted that the author has employed his abilities on a subject so truly immoral and disgusting. The style is rich, picturesque, and energetic; but often obscure and difficult, either from the unusual words which we meet with in it, or by reason of the corrupt state of the text. The best edition is that of Burman, 4to, Ultraj., 1709; to which may be added that of Reinesius, 1731, 8vo, and that of C. G. Anton, Lips., 1781, 8vo. (Schöll, Hist. Lit. Rom., vol. 2, p. 416, seqq.-Bähr, Gesch. Röm. Lit., vol. 1, p. 577, seqq.)

| suade one of his friends, Alcibiades or Crito, to redeem him. From that time Phædon applied himself diligently to the study of moral philosophy under Socrates; and to the last adhered to his master with the most affectionate attachment. He instituted a school at Elis after the Socratic model, which was continued by Plistanus, an Elian, and afterward by Menedemus of Eretria. One of the dialogues of Plato is named after Phædon, namely, the celebrated one respecting the immortality of the soul. (Diog. Laert., 2, 106.— Aul. Gell., 2, 18.)

PHEDRA, a daughter of Minos and Pasiphaë, who married Theseus, by whom she became mother of Acamas and Demophöon. (Vid. Hippolytus I.)

PHEDRUS (or PHÆDER, for the genitive Phædri admits of either of these forms being the nominative), a Latin fabulist. All that we know respecting him is obtained from his own productions, for no ancient writer down to the time of Avienus has made mention of him, except, perhaps, on one occasion, Martial. AviPEUCE, a name applied to the land insulated by the enus speaks of him in the preface to his own Fables, two principal arms of the Danube at its mouth. The and his authority can only be combated by the erroancient appellation still partly remains in that of Pic-neous assertion, that the Fables of this latter writer zina. It was called Peuce from πɛúкη, а pine-tree, with which species of tree it abounded. From this island the Peucini, who dwelt in and adjacent to it, derived their name. We find them reappearing in the Lower Empire, under the names of Pieziniges and Patzinacites. (Lucan, 3, 202.-Plin., 4, 12.)

himself are the productions of more modern times. (Christ. Prolus, de Phædro, p. 8.-Compare, on the opposite side of the question, the Nachträge zu Sulzer, p. 36, seqq.) Martial also alludes to a Phædrus in one of his epigrams (3, 10), where some very erroneously refer the name to an Epicurean philosopher, PEUCETIA, a region of Apulia, on the coast, below one of Cicero's early instructers (Christ. Prolus., p. Daunia. The Peucetii, according to Dionysius of 6), and others to a certain writer of mimes. (Farnab. Halicarnassus, derived their name from Peucetius, son ad Martial., l. c.--Hulsemann, de Cod. Fab. Avian., of Lycaon, king of Arcadia, who, with his brother Eno- Gött., 1807.) The whole question turns on the true trus, migrated to Italy seventeen generations before force of the epithet "improbus," as applied by Martial the siege of Troy. But modern critics have felt little to Phædrus, and this has been well discussed by Adry, disposed to give credit to a story, the improbability of who decides in favour of the Fabulist. (Dissertation which is so very apparent, whether we look to the sur les quatre MSS. de Phèdre, p. 195.-Phædrus, country whence these pretended settlers are said to ed. Lemaire, vol. 1.) Phædrus is generally supposed have come, or the state of navigation at so remote a to have been a Thracian by birth; and two passages period. (Freret, Mem. de l'Acad., &c., vol. 18, p. in his writings (Prol., lib. 3, 17, and 54) would seem 87.) Had the Peucetii and the Enotri really been of to indicate this. Some of the later editors make him Grecian origin, Dionysius might have adduced better a Macedonian, but he can only be called so as far as evidence of the fact than the genealogies of the Arca- the term Macedonian comprises that of Thracian also. dian chiefs, cited from Pherecydes. The most re-(Schwabe, Vit. Phædr.) The year of his birth is unspectable authority he could have brought forward on known: it is not ascertained either whether he was this point would unquestionably have been that of An- born in slavery, or whether some event deprived him tiochus the Syracusan; but this historian is only quo- of his freedom. The year that Cicero was proconsul ted by him in proof of the antiquity of the Enotri, not in Asia, C. Octavius, the father of Augustus, and proof their Grecian descent. (Dion. Hal., 1, 2.—Strabo, prætor in Macedonia, gained a victory over some Thra283.-Plin., 3, 11.) The Peucetii are always spoken cian clans. It has been conjectured that Phædrus, of in history, even by the Greeks themselves, as bar- still an infant, was among the captives taken on this barians, who differed in no essential respect from occasion; but, if this be true, then Phædrus will have the Daunii, Iapyges, and other neighbouring nations. written a portion of his fables at the age of more than (Cramer's Anc. Italy, vol. 2, p. 296.) seventy years; which appears contrary to a passage in his work (lib. 4, epil. 8), in which he prays one of his patrons not to put off his favours to a period when, having reached an advanced age, he would be no longer able to enjoy them. However this may be, Phædrus was brought to Rome at a very early age, where he learned the Latin tongue, which became as familPHEACIA, the Homeric name for the island of Cor- iar to him as his native language. Augustus gave cyra. (Vid. Corcyra.) When visited by Ulysses, Al-him his freedom, and the means of living comfortably cinous was its king, and his gardens are beautifully without the necessity of exertion. Under the reign of described by the poet. The Phæacians are represent- Tiberius he was persecuted by Sejanus, who became ed as an easy-tempered and luxurious race, but remark- his accuser and effected his condemnation. The cause able for their skill in navigation. They were fabled of Sejanus's hatred, and the pretext for the accusation, to have derived their name from Phæax, a son of Nep- are equally unknown. Some commentators, and, in tune. (Hom, Od., 6, 1, seqq.-Id. ib., 7, 1, seqq. particular, Brotier, think they have discovered the moVölcker, Homerische Geographie, p. 66.) tive for this persecution in the sixth fable of the first PHEDON, a native of Elis, and the founder of the book, on the marriage of the sun. They have supEliac school. He was descended from an illustrious posed that by the sun Phædrus meant to designate Sefamily; but had the misfortune early in life to be de- janus, who aspired to the hand of Livilla, widow of the prived of his patrimony, and sold as a slave at Athens. son of Tiberius; but in this fable the allusion is to a It happened that Socrates, as he passed by the house marriage, not to a project of marriage. It is more where Phadon lived, remarked in his countenance tra- probable that, in order to render the poet suspected by es of an ingenuous mind, which induced him to per-Tiberius, some one had persuaded the tyrant, who,

PEUCINI. Vid. Peuce.

PHACUSA, a town of Egypt, on the Pelusiac arm of the Nile. The ruins are found near the modern Tell Phakus (hill of Phacusa). (Steph. Byz., s. v.)

PHACUSSA, one of the Sporades, now Gaiphonisi. (Plin., 4, 12.-Steph. Byz., s. v. Þákovσσα.)

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since his retirement to the island of Capreæ, was be- itate; and the discovery that was made, at the begin come an object of general contempt, that Phædrus ning of the 18th century, of the manuscripts of the meant him, in the second fable of the first book, by fables of Perotti, cleared up at once the whole mysthe log given to the frogs as their king. But, if Phæ- tery. One of the titles of this MS. is as follows: drus has indeed represented Tiberius under the alle- Nicolai Perotti Epitome Fabularum Esopi, Avieni, gory of a log, the hydra, which takes its place, will in- et Phædri," &c.; and to this are subjoined some dicate the successor of the monarch, unless we sup- verses, in which Perotti openly declares that the fables pose Sejanus to be intended by the reptile: this inter-are not his, but taken from Æsop, Avienus, and Phæpretation, however, appears extremely forced. Titze drus. The fables taken from Phædrus in this collecthinks that Phædrus may have been at first a favourite tion are the 6th, 7th, and 8th of the first book, toof Sejanus, and afterward involved in his disgrace; gether with the epilogue; a large number of the secand that Eutychus, in the reign of Caligula, had given ond book; from the 19th to the 24th of the fourth him hopes of a restoration to imperial patronage. This book, and the first five of the 5th book. Perotti, theretheory, however, is contradicted by the prologue to the fore, is by no means the plagiarist some suppose him third book of the fables (v. 41.-Titze, Introduct. in to be, since he names the authors from whom he borPhædr.-Id., de Phaedri vita, scriptis, et usu). rows. Two other arguments may also be adduced in Phædrus composed five books of fables, containing, in favour of the opinion which makes the fables of Phæall, ninety fables, written in Iambic verse. He has the drus much earlier than Perotti's time: one is afforded merit of having first made the Romans acquainted with by a monumental inscription, found at Apulum, in Dathe fables of Esop; not that all his own fables are cia, and consisting of a verse of one of the fables of merely translations of those of the latter, but because Phædrus (3, 17.—Mannert, Res Trajani ad Danub., the two thirds of them that appear original, or, at least, etc., p. 78); the other argument is deduced from the with the originals of which we are unacquainted, are age of the MSS., which is much earlier than the era written in the manner of Esop. Phædrus deserves of the Bishop of Manfredonia, and falls in the ninth the praise of invention for the way in which he has ar- or tenth century. It has been conjectured, and with ranged them; and he is quite as original a poet as great appearance of probability, that the fables of Fontaine, who, like him, has taken from other sources Phædrus were frequently taken by the writers of the besides the fables of sop the materials for a large twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth centuries, and conportion of his own. He is distinguished for a precis- verted into prose, and in this way we are to account ion, a gracefulness, and a naïveté of style and manner for the great destruction of MSS.-There is, however, that have never been surpassed. The air of simplicity another question connected with this subject. The which characterizes his pieces is the surest guarantee manuscript of Perotti, to which we have just alluded as of their authenticity, which some critics have contest- having been discovered near the beginning of the eighted. His diction is at the same time remarkable for eenth century, had, by some fatality or other, been its elegance, though this occasionally is pushed rather again lost, and remained so until 1808, when it was too far into the regions of refinement. The manu- rediscovered at Naples, and in 1809 a supplement of scripts of Phædrus are extremely rare. The one from 32 new fables of Phædrus (as they were styled) was which Pithou (Pithoeus) published, in 1596, the editio published by Casitto and Jannelli. A literary warfare princeps of the fables, passed eventually, by marriage, immediately arose respecting the authenticity of these into the hands of the Lepelletier family; and is now productions, in which several eminent scholars took in the library of M. Lepelletier de Rosanbo (De Xi- part; and the opinion is now very generally entervrey, ad. Phædr., p. 23, seqq.—Id. ib., p. 40, seqq.). tained, that they are not, as was at first supposed, the A second manuscript, which Rigalt used in his edition composition of Perotti, but of some writer antecedent of 1617, was destroyed by fire at Rheims in 1774; to his time, though by no means from the pen of Phæbut we have remaining of this a very accurate colla- drus himself. (Consult Adry, Examen des nouvelles tion. A third one, or, rather, the remains of one, is fables de Phedre, Paris, 1812.-Phædrus, ed. Lenow in the Vatican library, and is said to contain from maire, vol. 1, p. 197, seqq.)-It remains but to add the first to the twenty-first fable of the first book. a few words in relation to the time when Phædrus (Notit. Literar. de Codd. MSS., Phædri, No. 3, de published his fables. The main difficulty here arises Cod. Danielis.) This rarity of manuscripts is one from the words of Seneca, already quoted, and which cause of the doubts that have been entertained by some expressly state that the Romans had never attempted respecting the authenticity of the fables ascribed to to compose after the manner of the Æsopic fables. him, and even the very existence of the poet. Some Brotier thinks that Seneca makes no mention of Phæother circumstances lend weight to these doubts: the drus, because the latter was a barbarian, not Romansilence, namely, of the ancient writers concerning Pha- born. This reason, although given also by Fabricius drus, and the positive declaration of Seneca, who re- and Vossius, is very unsatisfactory. What would we marks (Consol. ad Polyb., c. 27) that the Romans had say of a writer who, having to speak of the Latin never attempted to compose after the manner of the comic poets, should omit all mention of Terence beÆsopic fables. ("Non audeo te usque eo producere, ut cause he was a native of Africa? Vavasseur thinks, fabellas quoque et Æsopeos logos, intentatum Romanis that, as Phaedrus expresses himself with great freeingeniis opus, solita tibi venustate connectas.") An- dom, his fables were suppressed under Tiberius, Caother argument on this same side of the question is as ligula, Claudius, and Nero, so that Seneca had never follows: Nicolas Perotti, who, about the middle of heard of them. "Perhaps," he adds, "it was an act the 15th century, was archbishop of Manfredonia, and of pure forgetfulness on his part ;" and he seems alone of the patrons of Greek literature in Italy, cites most induced to believe, that Seneca, through jealousy in his Cornu Copie a fable which he says he took in towards an author who had written with so much simplihis early days from the fables of Avienus. ("Allusit city, and so unlike his own affected manner, has purposead fabulam, quam nos ex Avieno in fabellas nostras ly passed him over in silence. Desbillons, dissatisfied adolescentes Iambico carmine transtulimus.” Cornu with both these reasons, believes that Phædrus, who Cop, p. 963, 34, seqq., ed. Basil, 1532, fol.) The survived Sejanus, lived to the third year of the reign fable, however, is not in the collection of Avienus, but of Claudius, a period when Seneca, writing his work on forms the 17th of the 3d book of Phædrus; and from Consolation," might easily say, that the Romans this inaccuracy of citation, which was regarded as a had not as yet any fabulist, since the productions of falsehood, some concluded that Perotti was a plagia- Phædrus might not yet have been published. This rist, while others regarded Phædrus as a supposititious explanation is not devoid of probability.-The best author. Both these opinions were a little too precip- | editions of Phædrus are, that of Burmann, Amst., 1698

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Lugd. Bad., 1727, 4to, and 1745, 8vo; that of Bent- | nent scholar, in the course of his well-known controley, at the end of his Terence, Cantab., 1726, 4to, and Amst., 1727, 4to; that of Brotier, Paris, 1783, 12mo; that of Schwabe, Brunsv., 1806, 2 vols. 8vo; that of Gail, in Lemaire's collection, Paris, 1826, 2 vols. 8vo; and that of Orelli, Turici, 1831, 8vo. (Schöll, Hist. Lit. Rom., vol. 2, p. 343, seqq.—Bahr, Gesch. Röm. Lit., vol. 1, p. 308, seqq.)

PHAETHON (Þaέ0wv), son of Helios and the Oceannymph Clymene. His claims to a celestial origin being disputed by Epaphus, son of Jupiter, Phaethon journeyed to the palace of his sire, the sun-god, from whom he extracted an unwary oath that he would grant him whatever he asked. The ambitious youth instantly demanded permission to guide the solar chariot for one day, to prove himself thereby the undoubted progeny of the sun. Helios, aware of the consequences, remonstrated, but to no purpose. The youth persisted, and the god, bound by his oath, reluctantly committed the reins to his hands, warning him of the dangers of the road, and instructing him how to avoid them. Phaethon grasped the reins, the flame-breathing steeds sprang forward, but, soon aware that they were not directed by the well-known hand, they ran out of the course; the world was set on fire, and a total conflagration would have ensued, had not Jupiter, at the prayer of Earth, launched his thunder, and hurled the terrified driver from his seat. He fell into the river Eridanus. His sisters, the Heliades, as they lamented his fate, were turned into poplar-trees on its banks, and their tears, which still continued to flow, became amber as they dropped into the stream. Cycnus, the friend of the ill-fated Phaethon, also abandoned himself to mourning, and at length was changed into a swan (Kúкvoç). (Ovid, Met, 1, 750, seqq.-Hygin., fab., 152, 154.-Nonnus, Dionys., 38, 105, 439.. Apoll. Rhod., 4, 597, seqq.-Virg, En., 10, 190.Id., Eclog., 6, 62.) This story was dramatized by Eschylus, in the Heliades, and by Euripides in his Phaethon. Some fragments of both plays have been preserved. Ovid appears to have followed closely the former drama. The legend of Phaethon is regarded by the expounders of mythology at the present day as a physical myth, devised to account for the origin of the electron, or amber, which seems to have been brought from the Baltic to Greece in the very earliest times. The term EKтроv, as Welcker observes, resembles 2кTwp, an epithet of the sun. In the opinion of this last-mentioned writer, the story of Phaethon is only the Greek version of a German legend on the subject. The tradition of the people of the country was said to be (Apoll. Rhod., 4, 611), that the amber was produced from the tears of the sungod. The Greeks made this sun-god the same with their Apollo, and added that he shed these tears when he came to the land of the Hyperboreans, an exile from heaven on account of his avenging upon the Cyclops the fate of his son Esculapius. But, as this did not accord with the Hellenic conception of either Helios or Apollo, the Heliades were devised to remove the inconsistency. The foundation of the fable lay in the circumstance of amber being regarded as a species of resin, which drops from the trees that yield it. That part of the legend which relates to the Eridanus, confounds the Po with the true Eridanus in the north of Europe. (Welcker, Esch. Trilogie, p. 566, seq. Keightley's Mythology, p. 57, seq.)

PHAETHONTIADES OF PHAETHONTIDES, the sisters of Phaethon, changed into poplars. (Vid. Heliades, and Phaethon.)

PHALANTHUS, a Lacedæmonian, one of the Parthenie, and the leader of the colony to Tarentum. (Vid. Partheniæ.)

PHALARIS, a tyrant of Agrigentum in Sicily, whose age is placed by Bentley in the 57th Olympiad, or about 550 B.C. This, however, is done by that emi

versy with Boyle and others, merely to give more
force to his own refutation, since it is the latest period
that history will allow, and, therefore, the most favour-
able to the pretended letters of Phalaris, which pro-
voked the discussion. (Monk's Life of Bentley, p.
62.) It is from these same letters that Boyle com-
posed a life of Phalaris; but the spurious nature of the
productions from which he drew his information, and
the absence of more authentic documents, cast an air
of suspicion on the whole biography. According to
this life of him, he was born in Astypalea, one of the
Sporades, and was banished from his native island for
allowing his ambitious views to become too apparent.
Proceeding thereupon to Sicily, he settled at Agrigen-
tum, where he eventually made himself master of the
place and established a tyranny. (Compare Polyænus,
5, 1.) He at first exercised his power with modera-
tion, and drew to his court not only poets and artists,
but many wise and learned men, whose counsels he
promised to follow. Deceived by this state of things,
the people of Himera were about to request his aid in
terminating a war which they were carrying on with
their neighbours, when Stesichorus dissuaded them
from this dangerous scheme by the well-known fable
of the horse and the stag. (Vid. Stesichorus.) The
seditions which afterward took place in Agrigentum
compelled Phalaris to adopt a severer exercise of his
authority, and hence his name has come to us as that
of a cruel tyrant. The instrument of his cruelty, also,
namely the brazen bull made by the artist Perillus, is
often alluded to by the ancient writers. (Vid. Peril-
lus.) The manner of his death is variously given.
Some make him to have been stoned to death for his
cruelty by the people of Agrigentum; others relate
that his irritated subjects put him into his own bull and
burned him to death. (Vid. Perillus.)-We have re-
maining, under the name of Phalaris, a collection of
letters, supposed to have been written by him, but
which Bentley has shown to be the mere forgeries of
some sophist, who lived at a later period. The letters
of Phalaris were first published by Bartholomæus Jus-
tinopolitanus in 1498, Venet., 4to.
This edition,
which is very rare, ought to be accompanied by a
Latin version; since Bartholomæus promises one in
his præfatory epistle to Peter Contarenus; but no
copy occurs with one. (Laire, Index Libr.-Hoff-
mann, Lex. Bibliogr., vol. 3, p. 210.) The most es
teemed among subsequent editions is that of Van
Lennep, completed by Valckenaer, Groning, 1777,
4to, republished under the editorial supervision of
Schaefer, Lips., 1823, 8vo, maj. The edition of
Boyle, which gave rise to the controversy between
the Christ-Church wits and the celebrated Bentley,
was issued from the Oxford press in 1695, 8vo, and
reprinted in 1718. It owes its only notoriety to the
lashing which Bentley inflicted upon the editor, the
Hon. Charles Boyle, brother to the Earl of Orrery,
and, at the time of the first publication, a member
of Christ-Church. In preparing this edition, Boyle
was assisted by Mr. John Freind, one of the junior
students of the college, afterward the celebrated phy-
sician, who officiated as his private tutor.
The preface
contained a remark, reflecting, though without any
just grounds whatever, on Bentley's want of courtesy
in not allowing a manuscript in the King's Library,
of which he was keeper, to be collated for Boyle's
edition. This drew from Bentley his first Disserta-
tion on the Epistles of Phalaris, in the form of Letters
to Mr. Wotton, a work which, though afterward eclipsed
by the enlarged dissertation, is no less amusing than
learned. The author is completely successful in
proving the epistles spurious. His arguments are
drawn from chronology, from the language of the let-
ters, from their matter, and, finally, from their late dis-
covery. Having overthrown the claim of Phalaris to

sea from the promontory of Leucate. (Vid. Sappho,
and Leucate.-Palaph., I. c.-.
-Ælian, l. c.—Arsen.
Violar., p. 461, ed. Walz.-Eudocia, p. 413.-Suid.,
s. v. Þáwv.)

a place among royal or noble authors, Bentley exam- PHAON, a mariner of Lesbos, accustomed to ferry ines certain other reputed pieces of antiquity, such as passengers across from the island to the main land the Letters of Themistocles, of Socrates, and of Eu- | (ñор0μòç ηv dúhaooa.-Palaph., de Incred., 49). Luripides; all which he shows not to be the productions cian calls him a native of Chios. (Dial. Mort., 9, 2.) of the individuals whose names they bear, but forgeries According to one legend, he was beloved by Venus, of some sophists many centuries later. The publica- who concealed him amid lettuce. (Elian, V. H., 12, tion of this work excited a sensation in the literary 18.) Another version of the fable stated, that Venus and academical circles that was without example. came to him on one occasion under the form of an The society of Christ-Church was thrown into a per- aged female, and, having requested a passage, was ferfect ferment, and the task of inflicting a full measure ried across to the main land by him, free from charge, of literary chastisement upon the audacious offender such being his wont towards those who were in indiwas assigned to the ablest scholars and wits of the gent circumstances. The goddess, out of gratitude, college. The leaders of the confederacy were Atter- presented him with an alabaster box, containing a pebury and Smalridge, but the principal share in the at- culiar kind of ointment, and, when he had rubbed himtack fell to the lot of the former. In point of classi- self with this, he became the most beautiful of men. cal learning, however, the joint stock of the coaliton Among others, Sappho became enamoured of him, but, bore no proportion to that of Bentley: their acquaint-finding her passion unrequited, threw herself into the ance with several of the books on which they comment appears only to have been begun upon this occasion; and sometimes they are indebted for their knowledge of them to the very individual whom they attack, and compared with whose boundless erudition their learning was that of schoolboys, and not always sufficient to preserve them from distressing mistakes. But profound literature was at that period confined to few; while wit and raillery found numerous and eager readers. The consequence was, that when the reply of the Christ-Church men appeared, this motley production of theirs, which is generally known by the name of "Boyle against Bentley," it met with a reception so uncommonly favourable as to form a kind of paradox in literary history. But the triumph of his opponents was short-lived. Bentley replied in his enlarged Dissertation, a work which, while it effectually silenced his antagonists, and held them up to ridicule as mere sciolists and blunderers, established on the firmest basis his own claims to the character of a consummate philologist. (Monk's Life of Bentley, p. 49, seqq.)

PHALERON, the most ancient of the Athenian ports; but which, after the erection of the docks in the Piræus, ceased to be of any importance in a maritime point of view. It was, however, enclosed within the fortifications of Themistocles, and gave its name to the southernmost of the long walls, by means of which it was connected with Athens. Phaleron supplied the Athenian market with abundance of the little fish named Aphyæ, so often mentioned by the comic writers. (Aristoph., Acharn., 901.-Id., Av., 96.Athen., 7, 8.-Aristot., Hist. An., 6, 15.) The lands around it were marshy, and produced very fine cabbages. (Hesych., s. v. Þahnpikal.-Xen., Econ., c. 19.) The modern name of Phaleron is Porto Fanari. Phalerum," says Hobhouse (vol. 1, p. 301, Am. ed.), "is of an elliptical form, smaller than Munychia; and the remains of the piers on each side of the narrow mouth are still to be seen. The line of its length is from east to west, that of its breadth from north to south. On the northeast side of the port, the land is high and rocky until you come to the fine sweep of the bay of Phalerum, perhaps two miles in length, and terminated on the northeast by a low promontory, once that of Colias. The clay from this neighbourhood was preferred to any other for the use of the potteries."

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PHANE, a harbour of the island of Chios, with a temple of Apollo and a palm-grove in its vicinity. Near it also was a promontory of the same name. (Strabo, 645.-Liv., 36, 43.-Id., 44, 28.) Phana was in the southern part of the island, and the neighbourhood was remarkable for its excellent wine. (Virg., Georg, 2, 98.) The promontory is called at the present day Cape Mastico. (Mannert., Geogr., vol. 6, pt. 3, p. 326)

PHANOTE, a town of Chaonia in Epirus, corresponding to the modern Gardiki, a fortress once belonging to the Suliots. (Cramer's Greece, vol. 1, p. 99.)

PHARE, I. a borough of Tanagra in Boeotia. (Strabo, 405.)-II. One of the twelve cities of Achaia, situate on the river Pirus, about 70 stadia from the sea, and 120 from Patræ. (Pausan., 7, 22.) It was annexed by Augustus to the colony of Patræ. The ruins were observed by Dodwell on the left bank of the Camenitza (vol. 2, p. 310).-III. A town of Crete. (Steph. Byz., s. v. Papai.)—IV. A town of Messenia, on the Sinus Messeniacus, northwest of Cardamyla. Among other divinities worshipped here were Nicomachus and Gorgazus, sons of Machaon. They had both governed this city after the death of their father, to whom, as well as themselves, was attributed the art of healing maladies. (Steph. Byz., s. v.)

PHARMACUSE, I. two islets a short distance from the Attic shore, in the Sinus Saronicus, east of Salamis. In the larger of these Circe was said to have been interred. (Strabo, 395.-Steph. Byz., s. v. PapuaKovoσa.) They are now called Kyra. (Chandler's Travels, vol. 3, p. 220.)-II. An island of the Ægean Sea, southwest from Miletus, and about 120 stadia distant from that place. It is known as the place where Julius Cæsar was taken by the pirates. (Plut., Vit. Cas.)

PHARNACES, I. grandfather of Mithradates the Great, and son and successor of Mithradates IV. of Pontus. He conquered Sinope and Tium (Strab., 545.—Diod. Sic., Frag.), and was engaged in a war with Eumenes, king of Pergamus, which lasted for some years, and was put an end to chiefly through the interference of Rome. (Polyb., Exc., 24, 4, seqq.) Polybius records of Pharnaces that he was more wicked than all the kings who had preceded him. (Polyb., 27, 15.)— II. Son of Mithradates the Great, proved treacherous to his father when the latter was forming his bold design of advancing towards Italy from Asia, and crossing the Alps as Hannibal had done before him. Although the favourite son of that celebrated monarch, he incited the army to open rebellion, disconcerted all his father's plans, and brought him to the grave. As a reward of his perfidy, Pharnaces was proclaimed King of Bosporus, and styled the ally and friend of the Roman nation. (Appian, Bell. Mithrad., c. 103, seqq.) During the civil war waged by Cæsar and Pompey, Pharnaces made an attempt to recover his hereditary dominions, and succeeded in taking Sinope, Amisus, and some other towns of Pontus. But Julius Cæsar, after the defeat and death of Pompey, marched into Pontus, and, encountering the army of Pharnaces near the city of Zela, gained a complete victory; the facility with which it was gained being expressed by the victor in those celebrated words, " Veni, Vidi, Vici.” (Hirt., Bell. Alex., c. 72.—Plut., Vit. Cas.

-Sueton, Vit. Cæs., 37.-Dio Cass., 42, 47.) After his defeat, Pharnaces retired to the Bosporus,

to have erected the tower and built the causeway (Amm. Marcell., 22, 16.-Tzetz.- Cedren.), and some critics suppose that the tower must have been destroyed by Cæsar in the Alexandrine war, and rebuilt by the Egyptian queen. This, however, can hardly have been the case, since Cæsar merely speaks of his having ordered the private dwellings to be pulled down, but refers to the Pharos apparently as still standing. (Bell. Alex, 19.) As to the causeway itself, it is possible that Cleopatra may have continued it to the main land, after the bridge at that end had been destroyed. (Voss., ad Mcl., 1. c.) The Nubian geographer, in a later age, gives the elevation of the Pharos as 300 cubits, from which it would appear that the tower must have lost a portion of its original height. (Falconer, ad Strab., l. c.) The name Pharos itself would seem to have been given to the tower first, and after that to the island, if the Greek etymology be the true one, according to which the term comes from the Greek páo, "to shine" or "be bright" (púw, púoc, paɛpóc, púpos). Jablonski, however, makes the word of Egyptian origin, and deduces it from pharez, “a watch-tower" or "look-out place." (Voc. Egypt., s.

where he was slain by some of his own followers. | sius, ad Mel., 2, 7, p. 761.) Strabo, however, and (Appian, Bell. Mithrad., c. 120.-Dio Cass., l. c.) Josephus call the mound or causeway Tαorádiov PHARNACIA, a city of Pontus, on the seacoast, and xua, or one of seven stadia, referring probably to the in the territory of the Mosynceci. It is erroneously work itself, exclusive of the bridges. (Strabo, l. c.confounded with Cerasus by Arrian (Peripl., p. 17), Joseph., Ant. Jud, 12, 2, 12.) Ammianus Marcelliwhile the anonymous geographer, though in this in-nus, and some other writers after him, make Cleopatra stance he copies that writer, yet afterward places Cerasus 530 stadia farther to the east (p. 13). It should be observed, also, that Strabo says that Cotyorum, and not Cerasus, had contributed to the foundation of Pharnacia (Strabo, 548); and he afterward names Cerasus as a small place distinct from that town and nearer Trapezus. Pliny, morcover, distinguishes Pharnacia and Cerasus, and he besides informs us that the former was 100 miles from Trapezus (6, 4). Xenophon and the Greeks were three days on their march from Trapezus to Cerasus, a space of time too short to accomplish a route of 100 miles over a difficult country. (Anab., 5, 3, 5.) It is apparent, therefore, that the Cerasus of Xenophon is not to be identified with Pharmacia, though it might be thought so in Arrian's time; and it is remarkable that this erroneous opinion should have prevailed so strongly as to leave the name of Keresoun to the site occupied by the ancient Pharnacia. With respect to this latter place, it appears to have been founded by Pharnaces, grandfather of Mithradates the Great, though we have no positive authority for the fact. We know only that it existed in the time of the last-mentioned monarch, since it is spoken of in Plutarch's Life of Lucullus. Man-r.-Opusc., vol. 1, p. 378, ed. Te Water.) The cenert is inclined to think, that Pharnacia was founded on the site of a Greck settlement named Charades, which Scylax places in this vicinity (p. 33). It is also noticed by Stephanus of Byzantium as a town of the Mosynæci, on the authority of Hecateus (s. v. Xotpúdes.-Mannert, Geogr., vol. 6, pt. 2, p. 386.-Cramer's Asia Minor, vol. 1, p. 281).

PHAROS, I. a small island in the bay of Alexandrea, at the entrance of the greater harbour, upon which was built, in the reign of Ptolemy Philadelphus, a celebrated tower, to serve as a lighthouse. The architect was Sostratus, son of Dexiphanes. This tower, which was also called Pharos, and which passed for one of the seven wonders of the world, was built with white marble, and could be seen at a very great distance. It had several stories raised one above another, adorned with columns, balustrades, and galleries, of the finest marble and workmanship. On the top, fires were kept lighted in the night season, to direct sailors in the bay, which was dangerous and difficult of access. The building of this tower cost the Egyptian monarch 800 talents, about 850,000 dollars. According to Strabo, there was on the tower the following inscription, cut into the marble, ΣΩΣΤΡΑΤΟΣ ΚΝΙΔΙΟΣ ΔΕΞΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ ΘΕΟΙΣ ΣΩΤΗΡΣΙΝ ΥΠΕΡ ΤΩΝ HAQIZOMENON ("Sostratus the Cnidian, son of Dexiphanes, to the gods the preservers, for the benefit of mariners"). Pliny also speaks of the magnanimity of Ptolemy, in allowing the name of Sostratus, and not his own, to be inscribed upon the tower. (Strab., 791. -Plin., 36, 12.) Lucian, however, tells a different story. According to that writer, Sostratus, wishing to enjoy in after ages all the glory of the work, cut the above inscription on the stones, and then, covering them over with cement, wrote upon the latter another inscription, which assigned the honour of having erected this structure to the author of the work, King Ptolemy. The cement, however, having decayed through time, Ptolemy's inscription disappeared, and the other became visible. (Lucian, Quomodo hist. conscrib. | sit, 62.) Where Lucian obtained this story is not known; it is certainly a most incredible narrative, and very probably an invention of his own. (Du Soul, ad Lucian, l. c.)-The island of Pharos was eight stadia from the main land, and connected with it by a causeway, which had two bridges, one at either end. (Vos

lebrity of the Egyptian Pharos made this a common appellation among the ancients for any edifice that was raised to direct the course of mariners either by means of lights or signals. The Emperor Claudius ordered one to be erected at Ostia, and there was another at Ravenna. (Voss., ad Plin., 36, 12.)—Instead of the ancient Pharos at Alexandrea, there is now only a kind of irregular castle, without ditches or outworks of any strength, the whole being accommodated to the inequality of the ground on which it stands. Out of the midst of this clumsy building rises a tower, which serves for a lighthouse, but which has nothing of the beauty and grandeur of the old one.- - II. An island off the coast of Illyricum, to the east of Issa, and answering to the modern Lessina. It was settled by a colony from Paros (Scylax, p. 8-Scymn., Ch., v. 425), and was the birthplace of Demetrius the Pharian, whose name often occurs in the writings of Polybius. (Polyb., 2, 10, 8.-Id., 2, 65, 4, &c.)

PHARSALIA, I. the region around the city of Pharsalus in Thessaly, celebrated for the battle fought in its plains between the armies of Cæsar and Pompey. (Vid. Pharsalus.)-II. The title of Lucan's epic poem. (Vid. Lucanus.)

PHARSALUS, a city of Thessaly, situate in that part of the province which Strabo designates by the name of Thessaliotis. It lay southwest of Larissa, on the river Enipeus, which falls into the Apidanus, one of the tributaries of the Peneus. Although a city of considerable size and importance, we find no mention of it prior to the Persian invasion. Thucydides reports that it was besieged by the Athenian general Myronides after his success in Bootia, but without avail (1, 111). The same historian speaks of the services rendered to the Athenian people by Thucydides the Pharsalian, who performed the duties of proxenos to his countrymen at Athens (8, 92); and he also states that the Pharsalians generally favoured that republic during the Peloponnesian war. At a later period, the plains in the vicinity of this city became celebrated for the battle fought in them between the armies of Cæsar and Pompey. (Vid. Pharsalia I.)—Livy seems to make a distinction between the old and new town, as he speaks of Paleo-Pharsalus (441.Compare Strabo, 431). Dr. Clarke (Travels, vol. 7, p. 328, Lond. ed.) observes, that there are few anti

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