Obrazy na stronie

part, and envious of the fame and successes of his leader, he conspired against him, along with others of his officers. Sertorius was assassinated by the conspirators at a banquet, and Perpenna took the command of the forces; but he soon showed his utter incapacity, and was defeated by Pompey and put to death. (Plut., Vit. Sertor.)

city more to the north. The sculptures of Persepolis, though of no value as works of art, serve to elucidate some passages in Greek and Roman writers which relate to Persian affairs. (Compare the remarks of Hirt, Geschichte der Baukunst, vol. 1, p. 168.)

also concurs. The city was not destroyed by fire or this occasion, as some suppose. The palace was the only building that suffered, Alexander having repented of the rash act almost the very instant after the work of destruction had commenced. That the city was not laid in ruins on this occasion is proved by the circumstance of Peucestes, the satrap of Persis, havPERRILÆBIA, a district of Thessaly. Strabo, in his ing given in Persepolis. only a few years after, a splencritical examination of the Homeric geography of did entertainment to the whole army. (Diod., 19, 22.) Thessaly, affirms, that the lower valley of the Peneus, Alexander, moreover, found the city still standing on as far as the sea, had been first occupied by the Per- his return from India. (Arrian, 7, 1.) Persepolis rhæbi, an ancient tribe, apparently of Pelasgic origin. is mentioned also by subsequent writers, and even (Simonid. ap. Strab., 441.) On the northern bank of under the sway of Mohammedan princes, this city, the great Thessalian river, they had peopled also the with its name changed to Istakhar, was their usual mountainous tract bordering on the Macedonian dis- place of residence. Its destruction was owing to the tricts of Elimiotis and Pieria, while to the south they fanatic Arabs. (Langlé, Voyages, &c., vol. 3, p. 199.) stretched along the base of Mount Ossa, as far as the Oriental historians say that the Persian name for Pershores of Lake Bobeïs. These possessions were, sepolis was likewise Istakhar or Estekhar. (D'Herhowever, in course of time, wrested from them by the belot, Biblioth. Oriental.) The fullest account of the Lapithe, another Pelasgic nation, whose original abode ruins of Persepolis is to be found in the Travels of Sir seems to have been in the vales of Ossa and the Mag- Robert Ker Porter. The most remarkable part of nesian district. Yielding to these more powerful in these ruins is the Shehel-Minar, or Forty Columns. vaders, the greater part of the Perrhæbi retired, as The general impression produced by this part of the Strabo informs us, towards Dolopia and the ridge of ruins is said to be the strong resemblance which they Pindus; but some still occupied the valleys of Olym- bear to the architectural taste of Egypt. It is somepus, while those who remained in the plains became what doubtful, however, whether the ruins called Sheincorporated with the Lapithæ, under the common hel-Minar are in reality those of Persepolis, and whethname of Pelasgiotæ. (Strab., 439.) The Perrhæbier we are not to look for the remains of the ancient are noticed in the catalogue of Homer among the Thessalian clans who fought at the siege of Troy. (I., 2, 794.) Their antiquity is also attested by the fact of their being enrolled among the Amphictyonic states. As their territory lay on the borders of Macedonia, and comprised all the defiles by which it was possible for PERSES, a son of Perseus and Andromeda. From an army to enter Thessaly from that province, or re-him the Persians, who were originally called Cephenes, turn from thence into Macedonia, it became a frequent are fabled to have received their name. (Herod, 7, 61.) thoroughfare for the troops of different nations. The PERSEUS, I. son of Jupiter and Danaë the daughter country occupied by them seems to have been situa- of Acrisius. A sketch of his fabulous history has alted chiefly in the valley of the river Titaresius, now ready been given under a previous article (vid. Danaë); Saranta Poros. (Cramer's Anc. Greece, vol. 1, p. 363, and it remains here but to relate the particulars of his segg.) enterprise against the Gorgons.-When Perseus had made his rash promise to Polydectes, by which he bound himself to bring the latter the Gorgon's head, full of grief, he retired to the extremity of the island of Scyros, where Mercury came to him, promising that he and Minerva would be his guides. Mercury brought him first to the Graia (vid. Phorcydes), whose eye and tooth he stole, and would not restore these until they had furnished him with directions to the abode of the Nymphs, who were possessed of the winged shoes, the magic wallet, and the helmet of Pluto which made the wearer invisible. Having obtained from the Grain the requisite information, he came unto the Nymphs, who gave him their precious possessions: he then flung the wallet over his shoulder, placed the helmet on his head, and fitted the shoes to his feet. Thus equipped, and grasping the short curved sword (harpe) which Mercury gave him, he mounted into the air, accompanied by the gods, and flew to the ocean, where he found the three Gorgons asleep. (Vid. Gorgones.) Fearing to gaze on their faces, which changed the beholder to stone, he looked on the head of Medusa as it was reflected on his shield, and Minerva guiding his hand, he severed it from her body. The blood gushed forth, and with it the winged steed Pegasus, and Chrysaor the father of Geryon, for Medusa was at that time pregnant by Neptune. Perseus took up the head, put it into his wallet, and set out on his return. The two sisters awoke, and pursued the fugitive; but, protected by the helmet of Pluto, he eluded their vision, and they were obliged to give over the bootless chase. Perseus pursued his aerial route, and after having, in the course of his journey, punished the inhospitality of Atlas by changing him into a rocky mountain (vid. Atlas), he came to the country of the Ethiopians. Here he lib

PERS, the inhabitants of Persia. (Vid. Persia.) PERSEPHONE, the Greek name of Proserpina. (Vid. Proserpina.)

PERSEPOLIS, a celebrated city, situate in the royal province of Persis, about twenty stadia from the river Araxes. It is mentioned by Greek writers after the time of Alexander as the capital of Persia. The name, however, does not occur in Herodotus, Ctesias, Xenophon, or Nehemiah, who were well acquainted with the other principal cities of the Persian empire, and make frequent mention of Susa, Babylon, and Ecbatana. Their silence may be accounted for by the fact that Persepolis never appears to have been a place of residence for the Persian kings, though we must conclude, from the account of Arrian and other writers, that it was from the most ancient times regarded as the capital of the empire. The kings of Persia appear to have been buried here or at Pasargadæ. There was at Persepolis a magnificent palace, which, at the time of Alexander's conquest, was full of immense treasures, that had accumulated there since the time of Cyrus. (Diod. Sic., 17, 71.-Strab., 729.) We know scarcely any thing of the history of Persepolis. The palace of the l'ersian kings was burned by Alexander (Árrian, 3, 18. -Curt., 5, 7.—Strab., 729.—Diod. Sic., 17, 70), and Persepolis was plundered by the Macedonian soldiers in retaliation, according to Diodorus Siculus (17, 69), for the cruelties inflicted by the Persians upon the Greek prisoners that had fallen into their hands; for Alexander had met, in his approach to the city, with a body of about 800 Greek captives shamefully mutilated. Curtius, after speaking of the plundering of Persepolis, states that Alexander, while under the influence of wine, was instigated by Thaïs, the courtesan, to set fire to the royal palace, an account in which Diodorus

erated Andromeda from the sea-monster, and then sion in the discus, by which the blow was given, to returned with the Gorgon's head to the island of Ser- the orb of the sun. If now we closely compare the iphus. This head he gave to Minerva, who set it in principal features of these legends with the essential the middle of her shield. The remainder of his his- symbols presented by the Mithriac bas-reliefs, we cantory, up to the death of Acrisius, is given elsewhere. not but discover, as well in the myths as in the sculp(Vid. Danaë, and Acrisius.) After the unlooked-for tures of Mycena, a wonderful accordance with these fulfilment of the oracle, in the accidental homicide of symbols. The Argive fables tell of a heifer, a heifer his grandfather, Perseus, feeling ashamed to take the lowing and distracted by pain. An allusion to the inheritance of one who had died by his means, pro- sword plunged into the bosom of the earth (representposed an exchange of dominions with Megapenthes, ed by the heifer and by the Mithriac bull) is preserved the son of Proetus, and thenceforward reigned at Ti- in the legend of the scabbard that fell to the earth, and rvns. He afterward built and fortified Mycena and gave name to the city of which it presaged the foundMidea. (Apollod., 2, 4, 2, seqq. —Schol. ad Apoll. ing. The shower of gold, the mushroom, and the Rhod., 4, 1091, 1515. — Keightley's Mythology, p. never-ending stream of water, of which this last is the 415, seqq.)-We now come to the explanation of the pledge, are emblems of the solar emanations, the signs whole legend. The Perseus of the Greeks is nothing of terrestrial fertility, and all Mithriac ideas. The more than a modification of the Persian Mithras (Creu- Gorgons have reference to the moon, regarded as a zer, Symbolik, par Guigniaut, vol. 1, p. 368, in no- dark body; and in the early language of Greece the tis), and a piece of ancient sculpture on one of the moon was called yopyóviov, in allusion to the dark gates of the citadel of Mycenae fully confirms the an- face believed to be seen in it. (Clem. Alex., Strom., alogy. (Guigniaut, l. c.- -Gell, Specimens of Ancient 5, p. 667.) They typify the natural impurity of this Sculpture, Lond, 1810.-Id., Itinerary of Greece, planet, and which the energies of the sun (Mithrasp. 35, seqq-Knight, Carm. Homeric. Prolegom, 58, Perseus, armed with his golden sword) are to rep. 31.) Perseus, however, if we consult his geneal- move, and to give purity in its stead. Here, then, ogy as transmitted to us by the mythographers, will at the very foundation of the mythus, we find ideas of appear to have still more relation to Egypt than to purification. Perseus, and Hercules who descends Asia. Descended from the ancient Inachus, the fath- from him, are purifiers in heaven and on earth. They er of Phoroneus and Io, we see his family divide itself purify the stains of evil by force and by the shedat first into two branches. From Phoroneus sprang ding of blood. They are just murderers; and the Sparton, Apis-Serapis, and the Argive Niobe. The wings given in preference to Perseus enter into this union of Io and Jupiter produced Epaphus, Belus, Da- general conception. (Olympiodor., Comment. in Alnaus, and, omitting some intermediate names, Acri- cib., 1, p. 156, seqq., ed. Creuzer.) Both, assuming sius, Danae, and the heroic Perseus. If we examine an aspect more and more moral, end with interminclosely the import of the names that form both branch-gling themselves in human history; and thus Perseus, es of this completely mythic genealogy, we shall dis- according to one tradition, put to death the sensual and cover an evident allusion to Mithriac ideas and sym- voluptuous Sardanapalus. (Mulal., Chron., 21, Oxon. bols. For example, Sparton has reference to the sow--Suid., s. v. Lapdav.-Reines., Obs. in Suid., p. 222, ing of seed; Apis, become Scrapis, is the god-bull ed. Müller.) This brings us to consider the numerous upon or under the earth; Io is the lowing heifer, wan-points of approximation, acknowledged to exist even dering over the whole earth, and at last held captive; by the ancient writers themselves, between the Greek Epaphus, another and Græcised name of Apis, is the hero Perseus and various countries of antiquity, such sacred bull, the representative of all the bulls in as Asia Minor, Colchis, Assyria, and Persia. At TarEgypt; Belus is the Sun king both in Asia and Egypt, sus in Cilicia, of which city both Perseus and Sarda&c. It is in the person, however, of Perseus that all napalus passed as the founders, the first was worshipped these scattered rays are in some degree concentrated. as a god, and very probably the second also. (HelThe name of his mother Danaë would seem to have lanic, frag., p. 92, ed. Sturz, ad loc.-Dio Chrysost., reference to the earth in a dry and arid state. Ju- Orat., 32, p. 24, seqq., ed. Reiske. — Amm. Marcell., piter, descending in a shower of gold, impregnating 14, 8.) The name of Perseus (or Perses) is found in and rendering her the mother of Perseus, is Mithras, the solar genealogies of Colchis. (Hesiod, Theog., or the golden Sun, fertilizing the earth. Perseus, tab. 5, p. 164, ed. Wolf.- Apollod., 1, 9, 1.- Diod. coming forth from the court of the king of the shades Sic., 4, 45.) Perses, the son of Perseus and Androm(Polydectes, the "all-recipient;" oλus and dexouai), eda, was, according to Hellanicus, the author of civilproceeds under the protection of the goddess Minerva, ization in the district of Persia called Artæa. (Fragm., holding in his hand the harpé (upяn), symbol of fertil- p. 94.) Herodotus also was acquainted with the tra ity, to combat in the West the impure and steril Gor-ditions which, emanating originally from Persia itself, gons: after this, returning to the East, he delivers Andromeda from the sea-monster, and becomes the parent of a hero of light, another Perses, a son resembling his sire. Having returned victorious to Argolis, he builds, by the aid of the Cyclopes subterranean workmen whom he leads in his train, a new city; Mycenæ, the name of which, according to different traditions, had reference either to the lowings of Io, or to the Gorgons mourning for the fate of their sister (uúkn, " Ιουσing :” μυκάομαι, ῶμαι, “ to low. Mukiva). Others, again, derive the appellation from the scabbard (μúкns) of the hero's sword, which fell upon the spot; and others, again, from a mushroom (μúkns) torn up by Perseus when suffering from thirst, and which yielded a refreshing supply of water in the place it had occupied. (Pausan., 2, 16.-Plut., de flum., 18, p. 1034, ed. Wytt.) In all these there is more or less of mystic meaning, the leading idea being still that of the earth; just as in the legend which makes Perseus to have killed Acrisius (the "confused," "dark," or "gloomy one," ȧ and xpívw), there is an evident allu

claimed Perseus for Assyria (6, 54). Finally, in the place of Perses, it is Achæmenes (Djemschid) whom the ancient expounders of Plato make to have sprung from Perseus and Andromeda. (Olympiodor., l. c, p. 151, Coll., 157.- Schol. Plat., Alcib., 1, p. 75, ed. Ruhnken.) We have here, under the form of a Greek genealogy, the fundamental idea of the worship of Mithras: the beam of fire which the sun plunges into the bosom of the earth, produces a solar hero, who in his turn becomes the parent of one connected with agriculture. Djemschid-Perses, the chief and model of the dynasty of the Achaemenides, was the first to open the soil of Persia with the same golden sword wielded by Perseus and Mithras, and which is nothing else but an emblem of the penetrating and fertilizing rays of the luminary of day. If Perseus, however, seems, by his father or his primitive type, to have reference to Asia, on the mother's side he is connected with Egypt, the native country of Danaus and the Danaides. (Herod., 2, 91, 171.-Apollod., 2, 1, 4.) At Chemmis he had a temple and statue; and as Tarsus, where he was

PERSIA, a celebrated kingdom of Asia, comprehending, in its utmost extent, all the countries between the Indus and the Mediterranean, and from the Euxine and Caspian to the Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean. In its more limited acceptation, however, the name Persia (or rather Persis) denoted a particular province, the original seat of the conquerors of Asia, where they were inured to hardship and privation. This region was bounded on the north and northwest by Media, from which it was separated by the mountain-range known to the ancients under the name of Parachoathras (Ptol., 6, 4.- Strab., 522); on the south by the Persian Gulf; on the east by Carmania; and on the west by Susiana, from which it was separated by rugged and inaccessible mountains. (Strab., 728) The country included within these limits is, according to Chardin's estimate, as large as France. The southern part of it, near the coast, is a sandy plain, almost uninhabitable, on account of the heat and the pestilential winds that blow from the desert of Carmania. (Plin., 12, 20.-Strab., 727.) But, at some distance from the coast, the ground rises, and the interior of the country, towards the north, is intersected by numerous mountain-ranges. The soil upon these mountains is very dry and barren, and, though there are some fertile valleys among them, they are in general fit only for the residence of nomadic shepherds. In the inner part of the country, however, there are many well watered and fertile plains, in the largest of which Persepolis is sit uated. (Strab., 727.-Ptol., 6, 4.)

also worshipped, received its name from the impress | eldest son Philip, came out of the temple where he had made by the fertilizing foot of Pegasus or Bellerophon, taken refuge and surrendered to the Romans. He who followed in the track of the high deeds achieved was treated at first by Emilius with considerable inby Perseus in Lower Asia, so the Chemmites pretend- dulgence, but was obliged to parade the streets of ed that Egypt was indebted for its fertility to the gi- Rome with his children, to grace the triumph of his gantic sandal left by the demi-god upon earth at the conqueror. He was afterward confined, by order of periods of his frequent visitations. (Herod., 2, 91.) the senate, at Alba Fucentia, near the lake Fucinus, They alone of the Egyptians celebrated games in hon- where he died in a few years. His son Philip also our of this warlike hero of the Sun, this conqueror in died at Alba. Another and younger son is said to his celestial career, this worthy precursor of Hercules, have become a scribe or writer to the municipality of his grandson.-If we connect what has been here said the same place. (Liv., 44, 42.—Plut., Vit. P. Æmil. with the traces of Mithriac worship in Ethiopia and -Encycl. Us. Knowl., vol. 17, p. 466. — -Cramer's Egypt, as well as in Persia and Greece, we will be Anc. Greece, vol. 1, p. 191.) tempted to conjecture, that these two branches of a very early religion, the fundamental idea in which was the contest incessantly carried on by the pure and fertilizing principle of light against darkness and sterility, unite in one parent trunk at the very centre of the East. (Creuzer, Symbolik, par Guigniaut, vol. 3, p. 156, seqq.)-II. Son of Philip V., king of Macedonia, began at an early age to serve in his father's army, and distinguished himself by some successes against the barbarous nations which bordered on Macedonia. His younger brother Demetrius was carried away as hostage by the consul Flamininus, at the time of the peace between Rome and Philip, and, after remaining several years at Rome, where he won the favour of the senate, was sent back to Macedonia. After a time, be was again sent by his father to Rome, on a mission, in consequence of fresh disagreements which had sprung up between the two states. Demetrius succeeded in maintaining peace, but, after his return to Macedonia, he was accused of ambitious designs, of aspiring to the crown, and of being in secret correspondence with Rome. Perseus, who was jealous of him, supported the charges, and Philip doomed his younger son to death; but, not daring to have him openly executed, through fear of the Romans, he caused him to be poisoned. It is said that, having discovered his innocence, his remorse and his indignation against Perseus hastened his death. Perseus ascended the throne B.C. 179. This monarch had been brought up by his father with sentiments of hatred against the Romans, for the humiliation which they had inflicted on Macedonia. He dissembled his feelings, however, at the beginning of his reign, and confirmed the treaty existing between Persia is called, in the Old Testament, Paras. Anhis father and the senate. Meanwhile he endeavoured, other name employed by the sacred writers is Elam. by a prudent and diligent administration, to strengthen Moses first uses this appellation in Genesis (10, 22). his power, and retrieve the losses which his kingdom but a great error is committed by many who regard had sustained during the previous reign. But the Ro- the ancient Elamites as the forefathers and progenitors mans, who viewed with suspicion these indications of ri- of the whole nation of the Persians. The term Elam, sing opposition, sought an early opportunity of crushing strictly speaking, belongs only to one particular provtheir foe, before his plans could be brought to maturity.ince of the Persian empire, called by the Grecian wriPretexts were not long wanting for such a purpose, and war was declared, notwithstanding every offer of concession on the part of Perseus. After a campaign of no decisive result in Thessaly, the war was transferred to the plains of Pieria in Macedonia, where Perseus encamped in a strong position on the banks of the river Enipeus. But the consul Paulus Æmilius having despatched a chosen body of troops across the mountains to attack him in the rear, he was compelled to retire to Pydna, where a battle took place, which terminated in his entire defeat, 20,000 Macedonians having fallen on the field. This single battle decided the fate of the ancient and powerful kingdom of Macedonia, after a duration of 530 years. Perseus fled almost alone, without waiting for the end of the conflict. He went first to Pella, the ancient seat of the Mace-place it in Babylonia. If we adopt, in preference to donian kings, then to Amphipolis, and thence to the island of Samothrace, whose asylum was considered inviolable. From this quarter he attempted to escape by sea to Thrace; but a Cretan master of a vessel, after having shipped part of his treasure, sailed away, and left the king on the shore. The attendants having also forsaken him except one, Perseus, with his

1. Names of Persia.

ters Elymaïs, and forming part of the modern Chousistan. The geographical notions of the ancient Hebrews were extremely limited and as they first became acquainted with the inhabitants of the province of Elymaïs, before they knew anything respecting the rest of the Persians, they applied the term Elam to the whole of Persia.-Some modern writers have also regarded the name Chouta (Cuthaa), in the Scriptures, as designating Persia; and, in forming this opinion, they have been guided by the passage in the 2d book of Kings, 17, 24, where a Chouta is mentioned, which Josephus (Ant. Jud., 9, 14, 3) places in Persia. Michaelis, however (Spicileg., Geogr. Hebr. Ext., pt. 1, p. 104, seqq.), seeks to prove that Chouta was in Phoenicia, not in Persia; while Hyde and Reland

the two last-mentioned writers, the testimony of Jo-
sephus, we may, with great probability, conclude that
Chouta, like Elam, only denoted in fact a part, but,
like it, was used to designate a whole. Among the
Greek and Roman writers Persia occasionally bears
the name of Achæmenia, and the Persians themselves
that of Achamenii ('Axaιevíoi)
Hence Hesychius

[ocr errors]

remarks, 'Axautvns, ITépons. Ammianus Marcellinus (19, 2), in the common text of his history, gives Achæmenium as equivalent, in the Persian tongue, to "Rex regibus imperans ;" but Valois (Valesius) corrects the common reading by the substitution of Saansaan, which closely resembles the modern title of royalty in Persia, Schaahinschaah.-The name Achæmenia comes in reality from that of Achamenes, the founder of the royal line of Persia. In the word Achæmenes, the last two syllables (-enes) are a mere Greek appendage, owing their existence to the well-known custom, on the part of the Greeks, of altering foreign, and particularly Oriental names, in such a way as to adapt them to their own finer organs of hearing. (Compare Josephus, Ant. Jud., 1, 6.-Plin., Ep., 8, 4) We have, then, Achaem ('Axa) remaining. The initial letter is merely the Oriental alif pronounced as a soft breathing, and the root of the word is Chaem (Xay). On comparing this with the Oriental name Djemschid (in which the final syllable, schid, is a mere addition of a later age), we cannot fail to be struck by the resemblance. And this resemblance will become still more marked if we consider that Djem (Djoëmo in the ZendAvesta) begins properly with a species of sibilant G, which, being pronounced more roughly in some dialects than in others, approximates very closely to the sound of Ch. Besides, all that the Greeks tell us of Achæmenes corresponds very exactly with what the East relates of its Djemschid. Achæmenes was the founder of the royal line of Persia, and to him Cyrus, Darius, and Xerxes were proud of tracing their origin. With the Persians of the present day, the name of Djemschid is held in the highest veneration as that of the founder of Persepolis, and a great and glorious monarch.-Herodotus (7, 61) states that the Persians were anciently (rúhai) called by the Greeks Cephenes (Knoйver), but by themselves and their neighbours Artai ('Apraiol). As regards the name Cephenes, there is an evident mistake on the part of the historian, and the appellation beyond a doubt belongs only to certain tribes of the ancient Northern Chaldæa, who actually bore this name. With respect to the term Artei it may be remarked, that it merely designates a brave and warrior-people, being derived from the Persian art or ard, "strong," "brave." (Consult remarks at the end of the article Artaxerxes.)—One of the earliest names of Persia and the Persian empire, and the one most usual with the Persians themselves up to the present day, is Iran, while all the country beyond the Oxus was denominated Turan. The former of these appellations is identical with the Eeriene of the ZendAvesta, and will be alluded to again in the course of the present article.--The name Persia would seem to have come from that of the province of Faarsi-stan or Paarsi-stan, called also Faars or Paars, and the same with the Persis (IIépots) of the Greeks. (Compare the Scripture Paras already mentioned.) In this province we find the genuine race of Iranians; and it was here that the magnificent city of Istakhar, which the Greeks have made known to Europe by the name of Persepolis, was built by the monarchs of Iran. The origin of the term Faars or Paars has been much disputed by philologists (Wahl, Vorder und Mittel-Asien, p. 225, seqq.); the root is evidently to be sought for in the term Aria or Eeriene, and this would bring Iran and Persia, as names of the same country, in close approximation. (Vid. Aria.) One explanation of the name "Persian" will be given farther on.

2. Origin and Early History of the Persians. The first historical and religious epochs of Persia are enveloped in such obscurity, and so many have erred in relation to the character, far more mythic than historical, of the early Oriental traditions, that we need not wonder at the earnest enthusiasm with which such men as Sir W. Jones and J. von Müller have adopted

the fictions of Dabistan. These fictions have far more connexion with the Brahminical traditions than with those of the Zend-Avesta, though they are found, in fact, ingrafted on the latter. The fourteen Abads; the institution of the four castes by the great Abad; in a word, that ideal empire, as unlimited in geographical extent as in the immensity of the periods (sidereal in appearance, but at bottom purely artificial and arbitrary), that are connected with it; all this is evidently borrowed from India: and yet all this, when joined to the name of Mahabali, supposed to be identical with Baal or Belus, was thought to furnish a wonderful confirmation of the favourite hypothesis of a great ante. diluvian monarchy, which had embraced India, Persia, and Assyria in a common bond of language, religion, and national institutions. In this way it was believed that a solution could be given of all the difficult problems presented by the earliest portion of the history of the world. These traditions, however, have an air of philosophic abstraction, or, to speak more candidly, of premeditated invention, which ill agrees with the native simplicity that marks the legends of the ZendAvesta. It is from the Zend-Avesta, carefully compared with the more genuine portion of the Schab-Nameh, and with the scanty information which the Hebrews and Greeks have transmitted to us on this subject, that we must seek for some true information relative to the first periods of Persian history. At first view, indeed, there seems to be the widest possible difference between the narratives of the Jews and Greeks, and the national recollections of the people of Iran; and critics have heaped hypothesis upon hypothesis, in order to reconcile this discrepance: some have even regarded the thing as altogether impossible. Before the discovery of the Zend books, it was easy to suppose that the Oriental writers, coming as they did at so late a period upon the stage, had confounded together the Assyrians, Medes, and Persians as one and the same people, or else that they had designedly, and from feelings of national vanity, connected their own history with that of the powerful communities which had preceded them in the sovereignty of Western Asia. (Consult Anquetil du Perron, Mem. de l'Acad. des Inscript., vols. 40 and 42.-Görres, Mythengesch., vol. 1, p. 213, seqq., &c.) At the present day, however, this opinion is accompanied with great difficulties; for the same names, and, in general, the same ancient facts, are found, with some slight shades of difference, in the Zend-Avesta and in Ferdousi or his copyists. Everything, therefore, depends upon the period to be assigned for the composition of the Zend books. Most writers distinguish between the Medes and Persians from their very origin; and to the former of these two nations they refer Zoroaster, his laws, the books that bear his name-in a word, the whole system of the Magian worship, and the civiliza tion of the Persians themselves. This theory makes the Medes to have formed originally a part of a great Bactrian nation, a Bactro-Median empire, and to have received from the Bactrians the elements of their own civilization. (Compare Heeren, Ideen, vol. 1, p. 427, seqq.) The writer just mentioned even inclines to the opinion that the Medes and Bactrians formed, for a long time, two distinct states, of which the lat ter was much earlier in its origin than the former (Handbuch der Gesch., p. 29); and this will serve to explain the two dynasties, so different from each other and so very unequal in number, that are given by Herodotus and Ctesias, while it at the same time re-establishes in their rights the communities on the banks of the Oxus, whom Aristotle and Clearchus regarded as having enjoyed, at so remote a period, the blessings of civilization. (Diog. Laert., proœm. vi.)—As regards the origin of the Medes, Persians, and other ancient nations of the remote East, as well as their early history, all remains uncertain and obscure. It

is generally conceded, however, that the Bactrians, | with Artea and Ari or Eeri (a root found in various Medes, and Persians bore at first the common name Zendic terms, such as Ariema, Eeriene, Eeriemeno, of Arii, which recalls to mind that of Iran; but with Eeriene-Veedjo, &c.), re-appear in the Aryas and Ariarespect to the primitive country of these Arii there is Verta of the Sanscrit books, "the illustrious," and little unanimity of opinion. Some make them to have "the land of the illustrious," or " of heroes." (Comcome from Caucasus; others seek for their earliest pare the Greek "Hpwes, a word of the same origin.) settlement among the mountains to the northeast of All these analogies, joined to the striking resemblance India, and, it must be confessed, with great proba- between the Zend, the Parsi, and the Sanscrit, point to bility. Görres persists in his hypothesis of making a primitive race of one and the same origin, speaking the Assyrians, Medes, and Persians to have descend- at first one and the same language, but subsequently ed from the chain of Caucasus, speaking the same lan- divided into various nations and dialects. The tribes guage, and forming one and the same race; and to in Bactriana and the neighbouring country, continuing this race, thus combined, he assigns a great monarchy to dwell in the neighbourhood of the parent source, reof Iran, extending from Caucasus to the Himmalayan mained more faithful than others to the ancient name Mountains. He brings together and compares with and language. Other tribes moved off in a southeast each other the names Iran, Aria, Aturia, Assyria, direction, and towards the region of Caucasus, whither Assur, &c., and appears to identify Shem with Djem they transported with them the names of both Albordj or Djemschid, the first mythic chief of this early em- and Ariema (Armenia). Hence we have both Eastpire. (Mythengesch., vol. 1, p. 213, seqq.-Compare ern and Western Arii, and these last became in time Schah. Nameh, Einleit., p. vi., seqq.) Another sys- a separate nation, the Medes, known to the Hindus tem has been more recently started by Rhode, and has under the name of Pahlavas (Pehlavan is “a hero" been developed with great ability. According to this in Firdousi), which recalls to mind the Pehlvi, their writer, the Bactrians, Medes, and Persians composed language, the fruit of their intermixture with people the common and primitive Iran, speaking the Zend of another race. Finally, the Persians, the antiquity language or its different dialects, and coming origin- of whose name (Parsi, "the clear," "the pure," "the ally from Eeriene Veedjo, and from Mount Albordj, brilliant," ," "the inhabitants of the country of light"), which he finds near the sources of the Oxus and the as well as their idiom, worship, and traditions, would mountains to the north of India, the names of which seem to indicate a close and long-continued counexion were transferred in a later age to Caucasus and Ar- with the first branch, established themselves, we know menia. The arguments adduced by this writer in not at what epoch, in the country of Pares or Pars, support of his hypothesis are drawn from the Zend which became, in the time of Cyrus, the centre of an books, and in particular from the Vendidad, at the empire, that recalled to mind in some degree the fabcommencement of which latter work an account is ulous sway of his great progenitor Djemschid. (Rhode, given of the creation, or, as Rhode expresses it, of Heilige Sage, p. 60, seyq. - Id., über Alter., &c., p. the successive inhabitings of various countries, and in 18, seqq. · Von Hammer, Heidelb. Jahrb., 1823, p. the number of which we find, after Eeriene Veedjo, 84, seqq.-Ousely's Travels, vol. 2, p. 305, seqq.Soghdo (Sogdiana), Moore (Merou), Bakhdi (probably F. Von Schlegel, Wien. Jahrb., vol. 8, p. 458, seqq. Balk), Neva (Nysa), Haroiou (Herat), &c. Rhode D'Anquetil, Zend-Avesta, vol. 1, p. 2, 263, seqq.; sees in this enumeration an ancient tradition respect- vol. 2, p. 408. — Creuzer, Symbolik, par Guigniaut, ing the migrations of a race, for a long period of no- vol. 2, p. 677, seqq.)-According to the Pehlvi tradimadic habits, who kept moving on gradually towards tions, the first dynasty in Iran was that of the Pischthe south, under the conduct of Djemschid, as far as dadians. Keioumaratz, say the same legends, was Ver or Var, a delightful country, where they finally the first who governed in the world. He lived a thouestablished themselves, and where Djemschid built a sand years, and reigned thirty. Covered with the skin city and palace, Var-Djemsgherd, which Rhode, after of a tiger, he descended from the mountains and taught Herder, takes for Persia proper (Persis) or Pars, men the use of vestments and more nutritive food. with its capital Persepolis, identifying at the same Ahriman, the genius of evil, sent a demon to attack time Achæmenes with Djemschid. M. Von Hammer him. Siamek, the son of Keioumaratz, was slain in adopts, in general, this opinion of Rhode in regard to the conflict. Houcheng avenged the death of his fathe geography of the Vendidad, with the exception of ther. He came to the throne at the age of forty years. the last point. He thinks that Ver and Var-Djems- He reigned with justice, taught men the art of cultichid cannot be Pars or Fars and Persepolis, but the vating and sowing the fields, and made them acquaintcountry more to the north, where are at the presented with the use of grain. Meeting, on one occasion, day Damaghan and Kaswin, and where stood in for- a monster in a forest, he seized an enormous stone to mer days Hecatompylos, the true city of Djemschid. attack him; the stone, striking against a rock, flew The celebrated traveller and Orientalist, Sir W. Ouse- into a thousand pieces, and fire was discovered. With ly, without identifying Var and Pars as Rhode does, the aid of this element he invented the art of working inclines, nevertheless, to the belief that it is to Persep-metals: he thus formed the pincers, the saw, and the olis, its edifices, and the plain in which it is situated, hammer. He directed also the courses of rivers, and that the Zend-Avesta refers under the names already constructed canals. He taught his subjects, morementioned, as well as under that of Djemkand. With over, the art of raising cattle and of substituting woolout presuming to offer any opinion on this disputed len stuffs for the skins of animals. Theioumouratz, son point, we may take the liberty of remarking, that the of Houcheng, succeeded. He was the first that purGreeks themselves speak of the Arii as a large family sued the chase with the onca and the falcon, and of nations, to which the Magi, and, in general, all the taught music to men. An angel, sent from heaven, Median tribes or castes were considered as belonging. presented him with a lance and horse, to combat and (Mayoi de Kai πãν тò 'Apeɩov yévos.- Damasc., ap. subdue the evil spirits. He gave them battle at the Wolf, Anecd. Græc., 3, p. 259.-Compare Herod., 7, head of the Iranians, completely defeated them, and 62, and 1, 101.) The Persians called their ancient took a great number prisoners. These begged for life, heroes 'Apraio (Herod., 7, 61.-Id., 6, 98.-Hellan- and, in return for the boon, taught him writing and ic., ap. Steph. Byz., s. v. 'Apraia), and Artaxerxes is said the elements of knowledge. Theioumouratz, the conto signify, as an appellation, "a great warrior," and to queror of these demons, reigned thirty years. He was be compounded of Art or Ard, "strong," and the succeeded by his son Djemschid. The birds, and the Zendic Khshetra, a warrior," which is almost iden-peris or good spirits, obeyed him. He invented the tical in form with the Sanscrit Arta-Kchatryia. More-cuirass, precious stuffs, and the art of embroidery. over, the terms Arii and Aria or Ariana, together He built the city of Var Djemschid, divided his sub

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