Notice to Members, 1915 I.-On O.E. a, a, and œ in the Rimes of Barbour's Brus and in Modern Scotch Dialects. By O. T. Williams, M.A. II.—The Friesic Element in English; and Some Etymologies. By the Rev. Professor W. W. Skeat, Litt.D. . III.-Proper Terms. II. "Tearmes of a Keruer." By John Hodgkin, V. Some Celtic River Names. By E. C. Quiggin. VI.-The Literary Remains of Early Russian. By Leonard A. Magnus VIII. Further Rough Notes on Neglected Languages. By Leonard C. IX.-The Irish MSS. in the British Museum. By R. Flower, B.A. 118 7 805 P56t ACC PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY. NOTICE TO MEMBERS, 1915 PRESIDENT'S LETTER, 1912 I.-On O.E. a, a, and a in the Rimes of Barbour's Brus II.-The Friesic Element in English; and Some Etymologies. III.-Proper Terms. II. "Tearmes of a Keruer." IV. Further Notes on Chyliński and the Lord's Prayer. By LEONARD C. WHARTON V.-Some Celtic River Names. By E. C. QUIGGIN VI.-The Literary Remains of Early Russian. VII.-Rough Notes on some generally Neglected Languages. VIII. Further Rough Notes on Neglected Languages. By IX. The Irish MSS. in the British Museum. By R. LIST OF MEMBERS, ETC., 1914 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRÜBNER, & CO., Ltd., London. 85 81-9 |